My response is: “I don’t give a damn about what you believe or don’t believe until that affects my own life or world”. UNIVERSITY DELUSIONS have produced threats that will become extinction. HUMAN WANTS, have produced threats that will end the foundations of what keeps this world alive. Which means: I no longer have an opportunity to stand aside and let you die/ because your decisions will take this entire planet of life with your failures. That is the difference between us: you gamble with the world of life believing the universities are god. I demand: NOTHING ABOUT THAT BELIEF IS TRUE! And the end result of it is extinction, for us all.

When reality does not matter, any fool can be right; because its all just an imagination without meaning. Truth does not rely upon imagination or theory; it is literally what it is/ and bares no resemblance to what you want. Only the evidence decides, and that evidence must be sure, or it becomes a path: to the eternal dimensions of a search for life.

MY RESPONSE IS: GO TO COURT AND PROVE THE COST OF BEING WRONG IS NOT EXTINCTION; AS ANY SANE PERSON WOULD DO. Because the evidence is insurmountable, and the reality is: we cannot go back in time/ therefore life or death for this entire world of life: exists as the cost; they are WRONG.

The critical evidence of time concludes: the universities have no basis or reality in fact to associate a billion years with life/ they have discarded reality in terms of identifying the age of the universe itself: as the big bang OBVIOUSLY had a central point, where the explosion began. If our earth, or its life as is claimed; is a billion years old: then the sun had to burn a billion years. The sun burns fuel, as is recognized in radiation and heat. That means the sun had to be “greatly bigger”/ and with much more heat and radiation than is known. While all dating methods rely upon perfection in the elements/ perfection is not known to exist, in this world: imperfection is. Which denies the reliability of assertions identifying age. What we do know by the evidence is: those who claim to be smart; throughout millennia have declared “they know”; about everything/ and yet were proven wrong; about nearly all. Again and again and again to this very day.

The greatest gamble the universities are taking is: “WE WILL BRING THE SAME ENERGY SOURCE HERE UPON THIS EARTH/ AS IS ON THE SUN”. Claiming, “the fire will just extinguish itself/ because there is not enough gravity here on earth to sustain it: their imaginary element isn’t here”. WRONG IS OUR EARTH BURNS LIKE THE SUN; CHANGING OUR ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM, before it is through.     START HERE!

NO GOING BACK: therefore do we not deserve a complete understanding, of their evidence/ their claim “it will be safe”?

No truth is more critical to this earth than: if you won’t fight for your world, life, or child/ then you chose to let those die. I won’t participate in that; and will then just coast, until the day of reckoning comes. Make a better decision, and I will help.

And the people say: you can’t be right, “the universities are god”. And the leaders say: you can’t be right, “the universities know better, than to believe in fantasies”. And the universities say: we can’t be wrong/ and even if we are; we will just do it again; even though reality proves that impossible, once ignition is achieved. LIFE OR DEATH! So the chant begins: “we want what we want/ to hell with reality or truth”.   Media shouts: you are wrong; you are nothing; the universities are “our god”.  But alas; No going back in time: how is that not true?

My demand, for the sake of life and world, is TRIAL: LET US ALL, “SEE THE EVIDENCE”, AND MAKE OUR OWN DECISION.  As is the true purpose of every democracy!  a need, to recognize “this is no game”:  Because gambling everything:  earth, life, and even nature itself, is no game. PAST, the point of no return; is death!

LOVE, is an environment that builds within hope, to identify and create the substance called value. Value is at its core, a distinction that elevates life into new and elemental treasuries; giving life its desire to continue even into eternity. Because the blessing of a shared validity to the essence of our discovery; that is recognized through caring results in “family: we walk” through this universe as one. Or more distinctly there is now a purpose to our existence, as is displayed by the choice: “you are more important to me, than life”. The essence being, even if “I can touch the stars/ or wander throughout this universe at a whim”; all of it cannot compare with loving you. Therefore time ends, and love illuminates the value of life, by the living we share as one. In the courage required to accept; the body of nature will end. It is love that assembles a trust so significant; our truth remains. Truth is at its core, eternal; because truth can never be changed/ even if it can be covered up with repentance. What is eternal, can be found. Hope is the essence of that search, the core principle that rises above death, to ascend into happiness. Whereas happiness is the meaning of life itself; as we change from moments into creation, beyond time. We then shape ourselves, by our own truth. We distribute ourselves within creation confronted, by trust. We become alive: by acceptance of the values in love, that design our existence. We achieve the core resolution of life itself, by accepting the boundaries of energy; as reality proves it must be. Male and female prove: we are more when two are combined as one/ dissolving loneliness, to attain “our home”. But only when truth and honesty, direct our hearts to achieve the value of soul (love cherished, without flaw).

NOTICE to all: for over forty years, I have been like the child, running to the townsfolk; yelling the dike is about to break. Because you all know the cost of being wrong: when igniting the same energy source here as is on the sun. You have no excuse/ BUT you refused all forms of evidence. Throughout those decades: either fear and running away/ our GOD will not let that happen (religion)/ or arrogance and belief in “our university gods” cannot be wrong; is your only response. We now stand at the gate to HELL (to be incinerated); because the machines which will ignite that energy here, have been built, and are prepared to destroy your world; a game no more. Look one last time at your sun: and ask yourselves, can a ten million degree nuclear fire, which burns atoms for fuel: be controlled”? What happens if it cannot? I did my work/ the rest is entirely up to you. Every claim of university understanding has been defeated: even you, can know their fantasies: if you simply look! Religion discards “free will, for whatever it wants to believe; even though reality proves threats surround us all”. Fear will not save you, there is no place to hide from a nuclear fire, or biological chaos, or even resource losses. Even the universities know: “they are just men and women; and nothing more”. Life knows: we cannot turn back the clock/ which means, there are no second chances; if nature cannot repair what you have done.  STAND UP FOR YOUR WORLD/ DO THE WORK/ SIGN YOUR NAME, AND BE IDENTIFIED; as “life and world; shall NOT be gambled away”. WE HAVE LEGAL RIGHTS!

There is not love without truth/ only the seed of it, can exist. There is no growth without honesty; the desire to search for what love can become. There is no purpose until value is known and accepted. Which means: if only want is visible, it hides a lie. That lie being, a demand to own what they did not earn. Love cannot be bought, but it can be stolen. Therefore the essence of human existence, the reality of human male and female behavior; is to discover, the disciplines of truth/ the order of reality/ and the balance that becomes our relationship aligned with life.

It is again necessary to remind all, only the law is a weapon here; not for violence/ but for justice. If the law, and democracy cannot fix us/ then all that will be left is war. Those who do not own a democracy, will learn how; as the world itself turns to life comes first. If they refuse, or claim the price is too high: they will claim their reward/ YOU, choose better; and life will claim you, instead of death! There are no leaders here; only truth, by the evidence of our reality/ NOT belief. Because only truth survives time and eternity. Let your soul learn to think.

And the world says, “we are safe/ doing just fine”! But reality disagrees; as this earth is ravaged, raped, and ruined by nearly all, human decisions. 8 billion people is more than one person per agricultural acre; the oceans have already been devastated, and will soon die. Humanity is growing at 3%: that adds roughly one quarter of a billion more mouths to feed over deaths per year. Liars state population rise is only .5% or one more per 200 people per year: look around you/ and recognize war will come soon. Then add in all the rest, that proves: ransacking the future, and destroying the very possibilities of survival itself/ does have a price, “its called extinction”!

Eternity offers, the experience and expressions of love/ OR, hate as it descends into terrors beyond the grave. The unfortunate truth of what is in between these two elements of time; will dissipate and vanish unless mercy provides a home. So the quest is: to attain enough purity of life, by its essence formed through love, to become true to the values which sustain our desire to remain alive. Those who achieve it, find “an opening door”. Those who war against it, find the chaos they chose.

Reality states: that a wide variety of people, have made a very good living from pretending they can bring the same energy source here as is on the sun, and control it. Building machines/ buying politics/ supporting universities, and many more. Every single one of them loses their job/ pride/ power/ and must surrender their wants; if the machine fails. Because they bet their entire process, and all their claims: on the decision, “with this machine” we can force the fire. They will hide truth/ they will try to escape intervention/ they will lie, and attempt to make the machine work in secret: and so will the other machines around this world. Because of money! After all, “its just life or death of our world”; and they can’t be wrong (brain freeze): because they have a book too. Prove it, before we are stopped, and the courts; are proven cult worshipers too; so they will avoid truth and reality. You are told!

It is pride that hates me; because you want what you want “for free”/ and that is impossible to achieve. While it is true, each one can in fact travel the same path as did I; to accept whatever truth will teach to you/ very few do. Life is not a game; pride hates that most of all; because they cannot win/ nor can they resolve to obtain revenge and prove you will lose too.

Your demand is “we believe, our university gods”. The value of which is proven wrong, by the evidence. Like every religion in the world: just because you believe/ does not make it true!  Just like politics, the universities take a vote; and believe whosoever gets them the most money; not gods/ men. Are you willing to give any president: life or death, by horror created: over this world?

Power hates me as well; because the relationship of life with truth, does not allow for power to rule/ only what is true. The element of love is not within the desire of power to achieve/ therefore, denial is constant.

But hey: it is a choice, instead of humanity changing. Perhaps its more merciful to be incinerated as the planet itself is lost/ than to endure the pandemics/ collapse of nature/ resource wars/ ocean dead/ oxygen depletion/ planet warming, to kill all life slowly/no water to drink/ atmosphere detaching, wind accelerating/ over population/ loss of all food supplies/ every chain of life broken; and all the rest you don’t want to change. Because the universities are god, and obviously since they have been in charge: “they know everything”, and can’t be wrong. Now isn’t that so? After all, you don’t have to think/ you, “can just want”, so they can tempt you; what could go wrong?

The cost of university is; “without an answer” you lose/ as is the constant to all religion. So they makeup an answer “to save themselves, the embarrassment of not “being gods”. Hate arises, and that becomes: “I will prove (in their own mind), I can be god”/ by doing something only “a god” can do. They hate me too; because reality accepts no god other than our Creator/ as is proven by the miracles of life, so far beyond ourselves; that it is impossible not to accept THE ESSENCE OF, GOD IS TRUE .

The final word is then this: you can love me or hate me, or utterly don’t care/ because it matters to no one. What you cannot do, is to continue to use me as your excuse: because you do know enough, to remove all doubt. I am not the issue: your reality is! Prove THREATS; true or false; because being wrong is not an option you will NOT survive, not even as an entire world: all will die (extinction is the price).

As to the religious: GOD , is not going to save you/ because every true threat we face but one, is entirely caused by humans. Which would mean: GOD would need to remove your “free will”/ to save you; and you would only rebel.

Belief is not enough, as it is constantly proven true; “you can literally believe anything you want”. Belief becomes a prison when you seal off the world, so that is cannot change your mind. Faith is equal too: truth by the evidence of our reality, as is “life is a miracle expression of thought, and energy combined.”

As to all the rest: “life is not free”/ and neither is this world, it lives or dies by truth and consequences; just like you. I did my job: everything else is YOU did/ YOU did not/ or YOU, just didn’t care enough; and the world itself, then did die! YOUR CHOICE.  No matter who you are, “just like me”/ you can do something!

As to universities: I simply remind you, that you cannot survive the cost of being WRONG, either! Is your pride worth facing the reality of your own extinction? What you call, Fusion: is literally, like standing in a sea of gasoline, to light a match/ and then expect the fire will just extinguish itself! So, then what are the odds; this will turn out well?    If the process makes helium: THEN WHERE, is the helium? Mutilating nature, as is DNA; risking all life, to promise another day for a tiny few? Destroying every foundation we depend upon to survive? Teaching the children nothing but “go to college”/ while life itself, the need to understand work, and respect the living; all of it, just cast aside. To demand the children only need to learn: “obey the universities and worship them; or die a slave”. Really what have the public schools taught beside “university is god”? Answer: almost nothing. But they have manipulated, propagated, controlled, tempted, and changed everything they could touch: to be “gods”, over us all; “cause they are the superior ones (nobility)”/ by their estimate. All of it: by destroying the currency, resources, economy, and future of us all; and playing games. No reality needed; just a bribe, with political, judicial, and media coercion .

We now, come to the end of the line: which is, that life itself on this planet earth shall not survive, without true human change in all manner of truth by reality standards. The universities cannot sustain you; as they have proven to be: the worst enemy (threats of extinction surround us) that life on earth ever had. That means: you must make a decision. The choice is: LIFE, and EARTH; MUST COME FIRST; IN ALL THE CHOICES YOU MAKE. What can be reversed, must be reversed. What is nature and planet must be protected. What is respect throughout this earth, must be found/ without want. Instead truth must lead; “as best we can”.

Fear will not save you from yourselves; nor will pride: nearly every threat we face is caused by humanity. Which does mean: “you” are both the problem, and the solution! Face your truth/ accept your cost to survive is truth/ respect the truth about consequences for being wrong/ and understand: what is true survives, either for good/ or for bad. Because that, is the choice you made. paper petition form MUST include a description that identifies correctly; why, and what, this person signed for!  Our world has changed: 8 billion people wrap the earth on the equator 182 times; standing 3 feet apart/ growing in population @ about one billion more per five years. A contract implies a penalty will be added if you fail to meet your claim of service, or your duty to the pact we have made. Because a value has been removed from one or the other of our lives. The constitution for instance is a contract between the nation and its employees. A demand to achieve the purpose we have declared! We do, face extinction; no greater failure exists: until that point of no return.

If you do not: we all become extinct. That is not a belief/ rather it is a reality of the evidence that cannot be pushed aside. Therefore, I have asked you to establish a trial: to prove what is true/ to prove what is the cost of being wrong/ to prove, the future can survive/ to prove what has value, from what does not.

there is a point of no return, when it will be impossible to turn back what humanity has done.

I cannot save you, from yourselves: only you can do that. Because you are the threat; by the choices you have made. There is NO: “we know what GOD will or will not do”! It is a lie. We do know what the evidence can prove, that is a truth. Make your decision; because time has run out: past the point of no return, you will have NO decision to make/ as you chose extinction. And must then pay the price, as is reality without mercy; because that was your own decision/ or you worked for life instead. This is no game: the evidence will prove that. You cannot hide from a nuclear fire, the sun proves that. You cannot repair what has been destroyed forever/ and the universities are trying hard to destroy life, by playing god. Therefore time to do that very thing, has run out.

THE ELECTRONIC PETITION FOR CLASS ACTION LEGAL STATUS, to participate in determining if WE THE PEOPLE, will allow extreme experimentation with our world: CLASS ACTION REDRESS     The legal pursuit to court, details. extreme experimentation details pdf

THE ELECTRONIC PETITION, sign-up:  for class action legal status. TO PARTICIPATE AND DETERMINE BY DEMOCRATIC AUTHORITY:  the critical decision to provide for ourselves, WORLD LAW, AND WORLD POLICING TO GOVERN OUR LEADERS, by laws we create, to govern them.  Which we justify as our own decision for world peace, and for the future of our world. FOR LIFE, FOR CHILD, FOR PLANET. legal descriptions for world :the right to proceed; law petition. The fundamental here is: to create the petition in front of the trial/ so as to remove the power of the court to say no. AS does become, democracy enforced. This is “by our own vote”/ NOT, a vote for someone to vote for me! That, is the essence of democracy itself. 

Law is the power of society, by government. What we choose, and how we unite determines our justice, as a nation or world. WHOSOEVER makes the law, then determines what our governments will be.  SHOULD WE THE PEOPLE, NOT make that law? Money is the power of individuals,:  a reality of mass destruction to this whole  world/ is a fact, that should NEVER be. To the arrogant it is a game, because they want the power to believe, they can play god. To the fool, “it is savior”/ because nobody would dare; and yet people have chosen to ignite sun fire (one of now many) here on earth: a radiation alone; so intense, it will kill everything within a thousand miles of ignition; in an instant. Reality is simple: there is no going back, beyond the point of no return.     CHOOSE!

 In contrast: THIS petition for class action lawsuit IS, “yes we can, change this world”; by the constitutional contract that is true American government (not an employee)/ what defines us. Yes it is “intended to lead the world”: INTO LAW, rules us all. In that law of our own making:  we then rule the leaders of this world, by our vote/ by our court/ by our own policing made, and enforced; from all nations on earth.

This is the legal pursuit, to identify and create, that cause. BEGINNING WITH;  NO RIGHT EXISTS, by the creation of OUR OWN laws, TO DESTROY this WORLD. AS HUMANITY ITSELF DECIDES; to govern this world, by NOT threatening our own extinction.  To remove the right for WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION TO EXIST; limiting the military and its weapons. This class action intent of democracy demands the authority to change: what we don’t accept. as a world!  Beginning here.     We, are the military/ we are the workers/ we are the owners/ we are so many people now: that we can enforce our decision. Nobody stands defenseless, “against 8 billion people”. We can choose/ we can create & enforce OUR OWN LAW. If, we can unite, TO PROVE what WE KNOW to be just!  “NO threat of extinction allowed”.        PETITION WORLD

US SUPREME COURT CASES: 08-1339 & 11-100 both proved the judiciary has no defense against redress/ other than as were these, to throw these docketed cases out of court by the secretary; a fact, that is illegal. And would prove both cases are in fact still: docketed by law, and to be decided immediately. Because a secretary has no such authority without a judicial signature; and when docketed, it requires a legal cause to remove it!

the agricultural petition                agricultural conservation          Conceptions

The values of life form around our ability to survive/ without that opportunity, nothing else matters, because life itself will die. The unfortunate reality of human behavior is; as all animals are: unable to comprehend, this planet, all the chains of existence, the resources that keeps us all alive; is not a guarantee. Because today the rise in human population threatens everything on earth/ even the earth itself/ and through university religion; nature, water, oceans, food, and even the solar system itself; because they do believe they are gods; and can do anything they want without real consequences for them. They are wrong, as anything 8 billion people do, matters. As anything that mutilates nature itself/ threatens life, which is DNA as a body: is a terrorist act against this entire world. Alas animals do not understand/ which means your attachment to being ALIVE, has been degraded to tragic levels; by your worship of university is god.

You think of life, “as the bits and pieces of what you want/ or don’t want: end of story is death, and grave”. I accept life as the foundation we built upon, defined by the truth we allow to lead us, in the future we create, by our choices: beyond time, is an eternity to be discovered. As is the elemental conception of life itself, by energy and thought. What we bind together, as trust; by the terms of truth; then elevates into love. OR, without order, discipline, or balance; governed with truth: there will be chaos, and disintegration instead. An animal wants/ a human being alive in the value of life itself, will turn to love; as nothing else can lift time into eternity.

You measure and judge (more or less, for me), you believe (I want) and assume (they pay): I choose to search for truth, and respect the miracle of life is ultimately the grace and trust of freedom, proven by love. Love cannot be trusted as truth; because it is the critical construction of your own elemental heart (this keeps me alive). A reality that can be changed. Love ascends, into the treasury of soul; where it then becomes true, as the spiritual proof of your own chosen identity. A value, to this entire universe.

The endless truth is this: that although humanity owns a brain (not an animal), it prefers the competition of want (right now is all that matters), and the realities of fantasy (take it, risk it, don’t care). So as to prove superiority, rather than to seek the values of life itself. The cost of a brain is: that truth must lead, by the evidence proven with “universal laws”. The failure to accept wisdom, and apply yourselves to eternal conceptions; is an ending to that value. Want says NO, I don’t want that; but your reality of assumption without consequence; refuses to change, and want is the basis of every lie. Which makes fear (stay away); then demanding superiority, pride (If I win, I earn the right to measure and judge and take) produces hate (if I lose, I earn the right to revenge, violence, and crime): from which nearly all tragedy does arise. The critical question is truth. The critical answer is: if you fail to accept only truth can lead (as best we can)/ your choice is; this world shall die. Because 8 billion people DO produce consequences/ and the universities even more. Truth is not a theory, want, or demand: it is the assembly of value; where respect governs, and life (miracles exist) protects hope (the dimensions of our inner world).

While all the people say, to me: “you can’t prove this world is going to die/ or GOD won’t intervene/ so, WE don’t have to do NOTHING”. Even though the evidence is plain, and the consequence is extinction. its like”; you believe you can cut off your leg or arm/ and then go back in time, to demand “I didn’t do it”. Ain’t going to happen! “its like a religious zealot”: I believe, so what I want must be true/ because I believed. TRUTH says NO. You cannot even let someone throw away all your resources/ water/ oxygen/ oceans/ life or earth: not even money, biological weapon, medicine, “oops”; or say to the bullet you just released; or the weapons of mass destruction I didn’t mean it”; because sorry will not help! EITHER you make a decision that protects life and planet/ OR, you threw it away.

You cannot kill your children either; by destroying their world; and claim “you care”. Truth demands: you chose, to make them pay, to “make them HELL”!

The reality is: if I were love, you would shun me; for having or being more than you/ if I were hope, you would sell me; to take all you could get/ if I were courage, you would force me into battle to die, or to fight alone/ if I were true happiness, you would hate me; because that is more than you can have. As did happen to JESUS! Or more simply, the human animal cannot seek eternity; because it lives beneath these things. The difference is: unless you think for yourselves, no opportunity exists to rise above “a human”. That is a spiritual destination, a dimension born in heart and soul.

It is the people pushing you forward/ NOT the people pushing you back; that present murder and mayhem: because they want to win, and they use you to do that/ making they rest, pay the price of their failures. As is seen in all military battles. Where truth rules, and reality consists of a value to be implemented by wisdom; no construction of a competition exists. Instead truth decides, by the development of wisdom, through knowledge and understanding. “the infant child of university”; who knows nothing of consequences, and is as destructive as it is allowed to be: does not know wisdom, and has very little understanding. But today, their ability to destroy has no wisdom aligned: only disgrace. Your potential to survive their failures/ their fantasies; when they attack the very foundations of what keeps this entire world alive or at peace: ends life itself/ and soon, because of that; you will be extinct. OR YOU will find your brain, and stop worshiping in the sewer of fools.  After all: who could have predicted pandemic’s/ just because people have been mutilating/ crucifying/ chemically attacking/ and intentionally destroying the boundaries between all biological species. “but hey, don’t worry”; cause media is certain, this university is god behavior, “is going to save you”. There are no consequences “for gods/ or their cult worshipers”; now ain’t that right?

Alas; you are believers in your cult worship of university is god/ and as with all true believers, nothing matters but what you want to hide or protect. The evidence is worthless, and truth is little more than bile. To fight with you is pointless: in a sea of fools so blind, deaf, and dumb, that they throw away the true miracle of life: for the valueless wasteland of its just chaos (violence is the answer), and accidents (knowledge [discipline], understanding [order], and wisdom [balance]; are useless); as is the university religion of evolution”. Behind the wall [my prison; all trust is dead, which leaves the herd] of “we cannot be wrong/ WE BELIEVE: there is only want [greed], pride [without wisdom], and power [the search for more]”. The value of truth/ nor the cost, to be wrong/ the reality of consequences, to this life or world; fails the dimension of your reality. Even losing your own eternity is exchanged for [leave us alone; this tiny vessel is enough]. The curse: you knew better;  is no match for your pride, greed, want, or lust to play god! This world will be lost, or you will change; because nothing less than truth survives.

The decision is: to accept only truth itself, can be trusted; while everything else cannot. That lives or dies, with your decision to accept the responsibility required: to make your own choice, based upon a foundation proven by reality. The herd does not know, beyond want; as that, is all it lives for.

Only when want turns into desire, does a lie (time is not life/ only body) become the presence of a spiritual door. That beginning, identifies your choice to search for truth. Without distinct purity, every truth becomes a trap; because it will provide the opportunity to reshape that path with options that are not consistent with truth. So the critical element in becoming spiritual is: that only truth itself, can decide/ or you will be lost. Mercy allows for being wrong/ but it does not allow for lies: if you fail to search for truth, you will be abandoned or taught “this is wrong”. We all fail to be pure to our search for love. We all fail to be perfect in our understanding of what truth is. We all need mercy to survive, as is the essence of why creation exists: to accomplish love, through values recognized. Your choice is: to identify what is true in you; because only truth will survive beyond time/ nothing less is functionally alive.

The universities have proven: “we just want [the basis of every lie], to be gods”. Their lying, cheating, stealing, and utter betrayal of both nation and world; have made the cost of truth high/ the realities of change, “breathtaking”: and all the people said, “Its too much, we can’t”. So the cost is: our world will soon be dead/ and every child shall soon be extinct. But alas; the elders are only concerned with money/ and this world dies a little more each day: because everything free/ did have a consequence. Just like igniting a nuclear fire: the universities, and their propaganda teams of media; all promise FREE/ but the reality is extinction.

In America the fundamental and fantasies of “university knows” have been directly responsible for endless coming catastrophes: their leadership has been to destroy infrastructure [let’s steal from the children]/ discard resources [let’s make the children beg]/ deny reality [with fantasies, we get to play god]/ displace all business and industry [we cannot be superior, unless they beg] / sell the nation to foreigners [hate, comes in all forms] / defile education [those who know nothing of value, make very easy targets to control, tempt, or manipulate]/ dismantle democracy [the powerful hate little more, than those who have rights, and know it]/ corrupt the courtroom [nobody gets to be equal, or fair]/ pour sewage into politics [let the curse of failure lead]/ inflate currency tremendously [kill the heart of every worker] and hide it with full knowledge of media [let them pretend to be rich, because we want power] and those hired to protect [let them war with each other]. Pollution without any consideration for the future [we won’t care], death to every child [let them die, we will be gods]. Debts beyond measure [let the world be damned; let hate rule]. Selling the nation to foreign nations: just like Israel bought, Palestine; in secret [keep them stupid/ make them believers, so truth and reality won’t matter]. And ten thousand more tragedies without end [we will kill this world/ even this whole planet to prove; we are their gods]. All because you let the universities play god [fantasies make fools]; to your eternal shame. Alas, the public is described too; as you are still too damn smart: “to even question your gods”/ because you are a cult. After all, you memorized everything they said, and believed whatever media trumpeted. BUT as they lead; “don’t worry be happy: its just, the slaughter house door, is ahead”. So says the evidence!

Humanity dumps trillions of gallons of poison onto the ground/ under, around, and into the water supplies. So says your evidence.

Humanity dumps trillions of tons of pollution everywhere on earth; without regard for any living thing, cause or purpose. So says your evidence.

The foundation of democratic authority is very simple: WE THE PEOPLE contracted with our employees, to do the work we assigned them to do. That job outline was given to those employees who then swore they would do their best to accomplish these things; as is the preamble/ notable facts in the articles/ and amendments as we see fit. WE the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the USA.

Redress of grievances, a first amendment law proving legal rights exist to challenge our employees: to determine for ourselves if they kept their oath; and have chosen correctly for our nation and world. That begins with providing a class action lawsuit is appropriate to prove: what is, or is not true, by the evidence; and whether we the people should intervene on our own behalf as the true and literal OWNERS here!

For balance: LOVE, lifts hope into destiny, by displaying the essence of joy; in each heart that sings, “I am ALIVE”. It does not measure, but applauds the value and intensity of freedom shaped by discipline, but ordered by truth. Nothing else in the universe itself can compare; because love makes life worth living. Those who fail, by choosing time or hate; will be sorry.

Humanity threatens the entire ocean living systems, and all its life; in every conceivable way/ and believes it need not care. So says your evidence.

Humanity releases quadrillion BTU’S of heat and consequences into the atmosphere; and refuses to care; “they want what they want”/ let someone else pay the price of global warming. Because they won’t care, until forced. So says your evidence.

Say anything you want about me, I will even help you, “with a grain of sand”; if you insist. But remember this, TRUTH DECIDES: your want is irrelevant, and so is your belief. Because only truth survives. You had, or have; your last chance, to change! The constant: “make us happy/ give us whatever we want”. The reality Bible Luke 12: 49-59

It takes a world of humanity, to change a world governed by only a tiny few. It takes a value of life accepted as respect for what can be lost; to assemble the trials necessary to protect life and planet. It takes caring enough, to share the responsibility that is: we cannot let these few be catastrophically WRONG; and take both life or planet away. Love is the distinction: that your own decision, responds by building a relationship with value. That value cannot be less than: our world needs us now: there is no apathy, there is no fear, there is no opportunity to turn away; because life or death has become the only true choice we get. YOUR DECISION; is only the beginning of that choice. Because the greatest curse (you knew better), this earth has ever faced is “human”. Life now comes first, by letting what is true decide; to prove what we cannot afford to lose/ is what we cannot let these others gamble with. Not a choice; life or extinction. Prove the evidence is wrong; go to court, find your own brain/ not a leader! Which means literally, recognize: what you are willing to lose, because you either did/ or didn’t care enough to save this world.

Humanity over populates this earth; even though they know it is finite in size and the ability to sustain life: and created weapons of mass destruction to resolve the problems. So says your evidence.

Humanity discarded reality and the future, by creating hidden counterfeiting through government: so they could raid the children, ransack their world, and destroy every potential needed by the future/ assassinating every child: so they could pretend “we are rich”. So says your evidence.

It takes more than an idea to save this world from human induced tragedies/ it takes a true commitment, to define justice/ create peace/ assemble what truth will allow/ and remove the blatant arrogance (we play god) of “yes we can”: even when the consequences will be grim or death to a world. 8 billion people, all wanting everything they can take; without the slightest regard for consequences to life: will bring HELL. Science means: yes you did this: even if it was wrong. Power means: yes we will/ even if it destroyed the future of life on earth. Pride says; life is a game, “which means no real consequences”/ but that is not true. I can do little more than inform; because you are the solution or the tragedy/ and our situation is as simple as that. Your courts protect only power/ by discarding law: when the door is closed, to public view.

The demand is: that WE THE PEOPLE do have legal rights; to intervene and protect ourselves from those who have taken our securities in nature, resources, environment, energy, planet, food, water, oxygen to breathe, and a future we can survive. By taking risks with all these things in order to play god for themselves: by establishing a level of tragedy, that can entirely cause our own extinction by what they chose to do. BY THE LAW: this petition demands WE THE PEOPLE DO, have a legal right: to know exactly what the cost of BEING WRONG SHALL BE; to us, our world, our future as all life on earth. By the evidence, by all methods that will to the best of our ability: identify, define, and prove what is true, with regard to these individual threats as will be assembled to describe: WE THE PEOPLE DO HAVE A RIGHT TO PROTECT OURSELVES, from those who have no legal right to threaten life, child, or world. NO CLAIM to superiority exists for universities, military or others: they shall give testimony in plain and clear language, for all to understand. NO math or language or other methods shall be used to hide the truth. NO theory, or assumption that cannot be proven true shall be used: until such time, it is absolutely clear THE PUBLIC UNDERSTANDS the cost of being WRONG. The most blatant risk being: those who are trying to ignite the same fire here, as is on the SUN. The worst offender; but far from the only one is:

Humanity is the cause of massive extinction; that will soon accelerate beyond all hope of sustaining life/ because every chain as its weakest link; and losing that link, destroys the whole. So says your evidence.

INFORMATION regarding this petition; the realities and cost of being wrong: and this demand for class action lawsuit to not only identify the risk; but give legal rights to intervene and stop said risks as a people. Will be found on

There is NO, “we will wait and see”; as is the constant of animals who do not want change! To wait and see means: IT IS NOW TOO LATE TO CHANGE ANYTHING; and this world shall become EXTINCT. These are now, the most powerful words ever written (not the most important; eternity is more)/ because they lead you to understand: “we have legal options to defend ourselves/ to change our world/ to acknowledge, fear won’t save a single one/ to stop the religious worship of university/ and to save our world from extinction. NO you don’t get whatever you want: but you may assemble a future based upon truth and respect/ or face the extinction you have chosen, by university knows.” I leave you to your fate, or if you begin to think, and therefrom save yourselves; from those endangering you with their “playing god”; then the work of unity, to change this world. I did my job; the rest is up to you. Either way, I am not responsible for your fate: “you did that”.

Humanity has created religion, but uses the claim of knowledge to hide their truth: WE DON’T want nothing to do with GOD . Because we own this/ we claim this, for ourselves, and ain’t going to give nothing back. To HELL with the future, because we die/ so we don’t care, about you. So says your evidence.

GET A BRAIN AND UNDERSTAND: the universities built you DEATH OF A PLANET! So says the evidence. YOUR only choice is: to learn what is or is not TRUE/ and then accept TRUTH MUST DECIDE/ not want. As want literally is; the basis and foundation, of every lie.

A NUCLEAR FIRE:  more means ( );suddenly, “a one inch tall x .75 wide candle flame becomes 63.13 miles high by 47 miles wide.” BY THEIR CALCULATIONS! (JUST LIKE THE SUN, here on earth) Universities across this world say”: WE WILL ignite that fire (burning atoms), and control it/ and have spent more than a trillion dollars trying; and continuing to try; for the last forty years! “Or they lose their job, power, etcetera”.       I, remind you again: I AM NOT, the subject matter of your decision/ the evidence of true threat is. How can you misinterpret that? Even if this particular threat is not enough for you: THERE IS MUCH more. The curse of university is; “we all just do one tiny little thing/ and call ourselves experts; on that tiny little thing”. While the real world is dependent upon trillions of tiny little things, that must all exist, to make the rest possible. “its called a chain of events/ or the chain of life”.  Kill a link, and horrible things will happen. Change the biology, and nature (the body of life) dissolves into chaos:  “even you”.

Humanity discards religion, and its prophecy; even among the oldest religions which have stood the test of time: because it wants what it wants, and that does not include any attempt to believe anything, they don’t want to believe. The prison doors are locked, and nobody is allowed in or out, unless they commit their soul; to want. So says your evidence.

We face the human god “arrogance; you can’t stop me” on earth, that is your own selfishness. You want, what you want/ and care little for anything else; which means destruction and chaos will come; because truth does not lead. This planet separates those who destroy/ from those who can live/ from those who do not desire life enough “to care”. Today however time itself has changed because humanity has overtaken nature with its numbers (overburdened earth) and intellect (yes we can__); even though you must not! The cost of you did do, what must not be done is: that we do face our own extinction from this planet/ the future lost to human arrogance, failures, fantasies, and greed. This directs us all to one last question: do you care enough to save this planet from its own death? Because without true change, the end of all life on earth: comes quickly now.

Reality states: without trees the connection between this earth and its atmosphere will be lost; and the winds will accelerate in like accordance with the turning of this earth. Which moves at over one thousand miles per hour on the equator . So says your evidence. Just like other planets do. So says your evidence.

Your universities claim, that they can control: what they have described to be, “a greater energy release, than an atomic bomb”. Which originates from only little more nuclear material than “a rice cake”. They claim but hide the fact: this energy they intend to release: is 4 million times more than a fossil fuel energy release. They claim said energy release will extinguish itself/ BUT, to ignite those atoms, they must create enough plasma to use all the fuel that is going to be input: times 4 million more. Thereby creating a bomb/ and a heat release that creates and sustains its own plasma creation from that moment on: drawing in all the fuel it then needs, on its own, to be self-sustaining; “just like the sun”! Gee, what could go wrong? Particularly when every theory they depend upon is entirely fantasy based. Utterly and completely unproven/ while in fact all the proof that does exist explains: they could not be more wrong.

Reality states: the consumption of oxygen from our atmosphere is greater than its release into that atmosphere; and all factors contributing to that release are under attack. Due to the use of fire. Which means even a small decrease changes our world, and our lives; as if we climbed onto a mountain top, at sea level. So says your evidence.

The constant of human expression is: “I want what I want/ and I don’t want, what I don’t want; and anybody who tells me I can’t have what I want, or must accept what I don’t want; IS AN ENEMY”. Regardless of why or the cost of being wrong! Then comes revenge. The constant of human experience is: that all lies end in failure, and only truth survives. Even if you won’t accept that, it will be proven true. Because want is nothing less than the belief, you can get whatever you want/ or don’t want; if you lie. So the world is filled with liars, and the reality of those lies cause failure, fantasy, disrespect (no I won’t), and a long list of tears. Nonetheless, having changed the world with “university power”/ the cost of being wrong is now world extinction. Nothing is so certain or plain in the evidence of that being true: than those trying to ignite a nuclear fire; just like on the sun/ here on earth. pretending, or lying to themselves: “that the fire, born from destroying the bond, holding the nucleus in atoms together; will just extinguish itself”. {chemical fires, burn or destroy the molecular bond between elements} Wrong is this earth becomes a sun. wrong is this earth as a sun will quickly explode due to thermodynamic realities/ and this solar system will be no more. Along with the incineration of all life; that is the price of being WRONG. And there are many machines trying to do this very thing; because the university mind, believes it is a game to be won! Even so, they have also produced MANY OTHER THREATS; all of which end in extinction. Because power without true thought, along with the honesty of what really happens when people play god: is the end of life on earth. YOUR CHOICE IS: to stop lying/ start thinking instead of believing/ and search for truth; so that change will come. EVEN if you don’t want, the cost; nor the reality of what you have already done. It is too late, for any other solution; “you have believed”/ thereby abandoning truth for want. Your critical decision is then: truth could save your lives, and your children/ while all the evidence predicts; continued lies will end this earth. CHOOSE!

Reality states: there will be no resources for the future; as is proven by your garbage mountains. All of it thrown away, for a trinket, toy, or trophy. So says your evidence. Proving the children are dead, they just don’t know it yet.

Reality states: the most egregious price of your air conditioning is a planet that becomes too hot in summer for life to live; along with all your other fires/ proving there is a cost to human population, and this is only one. So says your evidence.

Within that regard: the three main realities are: science believes it can control the same fire as is on the sun/ gambling, “a one time ignition”; decides the fate of our whole world. Discarding radiation that goes with it. Discarding the fact a 4 million times, instantaneous expansion of the energy release; IS NOT going to be contained. Science believes, {just like a nuclear fire} that it can manipulate genetics and promises “we can be gods”/ an endless series of uncontrollable consequences; but primary begins: as it is with a computer, you can have the greatest computer in the world entirely built. BUT unless you have the key, as is software to make the machinery work; it is only a worthless “body of pieces”. Programming the brain is held within genetics: every possible action or reaction the body can take or make is held within the programming/ but it is not defined by DNA; and your geneticists haven’t got a clue! Which means CATASTROPHE is coming. We then examine the realities of what life needs to survive: and find our world facing extinction, in countless ways throughout. Making the future, entirely predictable without real change. Building it all, by counterfeiting government currencies (claiming asset growth/ and demanding debts don’t matter): because ONLY THE POOR have to pay. “the university elite” just add another number, and play “king or queen” with our lives. Building their armies “with a diploma”. Using media to hide “everything important” from our sight.

Humanity chooses to believe in chaos is god; so says evolution/ and the universities seek to force biology into chaos; so they can watch “life recreate itself with evolution”. The purpose being to prove “we, the religion of university knows; are right/ chaos is god”. Destroying all biological order, discipline, balance, and much more: and not a single one joins me in saying that is wrong. Because they fear the universities more; than the death of a world. Pride is a fool. So says your evidence.

There is NO greater judge to the realities of our existence, the consequences of human decisions: than the evidence of each and every threat that can and will make us all extinct/ without true change. Those who deny that fact, orchestrate the end of life on earth. This is not a game, realities prove that true.

a beginning “points of trial” to be discovered, starts here. As the right to proceed, shall be determined by our own vote/ as a world. Or the demand to stop this insanity: across the world.  the most extreme threat of this day is play god and create a nuclear fire);  is simply exercised as our right. But make no mistake: ITER  is not the only machine built, or being built.  ITER; represents the pride of all combined universities across the world, along with the money of at least 35 nations; THEIR last gasp as physicists, before being proven failures; and the trillions of dollars they have spent are removed. SO they:  having built a machine for the purpose of injecting ENOUGH FUEL, and enough energy; to make certain “something happens”.  ARE GAMBLING THIS WORLD OF LIFE, on the assumption “they can play god” with a fire that burns your skin in summer from over 91 million miles away.  DON’T believe it? Not to worry, you just have to die in planet consuming fire (just like the sun); when proven wrong. Same energy/ same result!

Humanity believes in belief; discarding truth, reality, and its consequences; disgracing life itself; for the sake of a trophy, trinket, or toy. So says your evidence.

The resultant bomb (release of 4 million times more energy than a fossil fuel fire), it will likely kill a surrounding area roughly one hundred miles in circumference instantly, with a thousand miles affected within minutes; and the ocean being sucked up to be burned as fuel; within a day.  The atmosphere being ejected instantly, and then continuing until lost. That, is just part of the consequences: this truth aligns with as evidence of why you should care!  Not to worry though, in a few months or weeks: you can blame the extermination of our planet on those other people who didn’t care enough either. “so its all good, right”? Oh wait, I know: “its not your job”/ so you won’t lift one tiny finger, not a single penny, not tell anyone “your little secret”; because after all, “you just want what you want; and you sure as hell is coming: DON’T want this. So, keep on hiding; now ain’t that right; let someone else, fight for our world/ your child/ your everything? After all, “it ain’t your job”.

Humanity believes nothing has changed since the beginning of this world/ therefore they have nothing to fear, from themselves; because they are just doing what every man or human being has been doing since the beginning. Yet they also claim to be “gods”; because they changed this world into their own image of university is now god, and seek to prove that; with such things as : trying to bring the same energy here as is on the sun. So says your evidence.

Contrary to the lies; their reaction chamber  at is already built; and can initiate experimentation at any time. Insuring not a single living thing shall survive on earth. THIS ain’t NO GAME. it is life unlikely, or death forever; for earth.; because they were wrong, and had “just one” experiment of ignition; to get it right. Their statement is: not enough gravity to sustain the fire; so it will just put itself out; gambling your world! Their second statement is: we can remove the fuel source/ but since its plasma; and a ten million degree fire will create its own plasma: that is ridiculous. PLus a known reality of radiation emitted by ignition; than can kill for a thousand miles instantly as well.
Machines built to ignite sun fire on earth, will release a radiation level so severe: it would kill us all. Because that is what the sun produces as well as heat and light. Without an atmosphere, we cannot survive that radiation even from 94 million miles away. So their intent to control that fire, has another hidden reality of threat. How are you going to survive that? Same fire/ same result. How is that not your problem too? A ten million degree fire, just like on the sun: “with million mile long flames”. WILL cause an extreme updraft, that literally ejects the entire atmosphere of this planet. An ignition of that energy release, by university estimate is: multiplying the energy of fossil fuel burning/ BY 4 MILLION TIMES. How is that not a bomb? The list of fantasies and failures by university knows nothing regarding the sun: is very long/ and our world gets only one ignition: to live or die, as the price which must be paid for this experiment. Because unless the fire extinguishes itself/ there is nothing we can do; it will burn us all alive.

The truth of consequences states: past the point of no return, life is dead/ even if there are moments, the body flinches and the mind releases horror; before the darkness closes in forever. Because you refused to care, when reality mattered. So says your evidence. The coming proof: you chose to die as a world, worshiping the universities who have destroyed you, by “playing god”: thereby taking all life with you/ even to the point of changing this solar system. Because igniting a nuclear fire, creates another sun/ and the heat of thermodynamics will cause this earth to explode; sending the solar system itself, into chaos. Water IS, made of atoms: which means the oceans will burn in a nuclear fire; leaving deep cuts in this globe.

WHAT, could possibly be; A GREATER ABOMINATION THAN THAT? The biblical prophecy of Daniel 12, begins 

The first experiment, by the first machine capable of igniting a nuclear fire: was on “April fools day” 2012. San Francisco Lawrence LIvermore Laboratories. The countdown ends in the spring of 2021: unless the new testament rules, as it begins with chapter 12. I don’t know; it all depends upon you. Even so, surprise/ surprise, the Aztec calendar was right: something truly important/ or horrendous; changed this earth, and all its future, as predicted.

 So by your own evidence you were correct: you are, the gods of SATAN. Which means: death (I give nothing back) overwhelming, a world of life (the essence of a gift, beyond true comprehension). To your eternal shame.

This is the one experiment that cannot by any means: even conceive of a tiny fraction of life on earth being able to survive all the other threats/ everything dies; even the solar system as we know it. So my legal demand for redress is: let something survive/ even if you are too damaged and dull from “cult worship of university knows”; to do anything else for yourselves.

for a more basic listing of threats for a cause as to why “Russia, is more belligerent“.  Question: how many ways does it take, “to kill a world”?

such as: The fundamental is: heat release by humanity is the cause of global warming/ led by air conditioning and a lack of real insulation. Every BTU removed is multiplied by three; given electrical and all forms of production involved; times a world catastrophe, and a demand for air conditioning growing: At the historical average population increase of 3% another quarter of a billion people arrive wanting to be fed each year/ making heat, using oxygen, demanding water. Fighting for “everything they want”. The end result is clearly predictable; and world war 3 already sits on our horizon.  Extreme, gambling with our world, and all life; experimentation exists. Stand up, and demand the change required, or we all die.

IT TAKES, a courtroom to prove beyond doubt, what is true. IT TAKES a democracy to accept by our vote: yes we must all accept this price of our survival. IT TAKES a proof of law, that we generate ourselves, to enforce that acceptance/ that right of LEGAL power, to control our nation or influence our world: AS, WE THE PEOPLE.

A tiny few people: are gambling with every life, and every future life for this whole world! Are they really “that damn smart”; that you let them decide the fate of every living thing on earth, including YOU? SHAME ON YOU, if you don’t know that answer instantly! TAKE THEM TO COURT/ MAKE THEM STOP/ DECIDE FOR OURSELVES: how is that wrong?  Take a vote! Do it now, fear won’t save you.

For the sake of this bribe, I give you till Sept 1, 2019;  to support this work {To establish the legal “we the people” right, to be informed:  to identify true threat/ to construct the reality of not letting others be severely wrong, with our lives or world/ and to democratically protect our future, with truth and law. NOT just believe, what we are told, or let anyone play god}. To see clearly:  the difference between their fantasy, and real truth; the destiny of what we choose.  Last three other sites gone at end of month. because you just didn’t care. Because the cost is irrelevant I may leave this site working; just as a witness “I was here, for you, and for life”. You were not here for me.

I, am not going to push you, or pull you, or beg you, or plead for this world, tempt, or in any other way remove the reality of your own choice: to save this world or not. YOU must make that decision for yourself/ as I have removed myself from your excuses. It has been forty years, and you didn’t care. This is now simply: fight for your world or you will lose it/ OR, you will prove your own evidence is wrong. Simple as that. Knowledge can potentially turn your march into chaos; but only if you decide: truth is better than living as a cult. They have bribes, lies, media, stories, colored lights, and the power to rule. I have only truth, backed by evidence: to prove the future is completely dead, unless you change. No bribe, no temptation, no propaganda, no fantasies to fall into, and no power to make you investigate to prove what is true. Only realities, that cannot be denied, without a lie!

The critical test is simple: past the point of no return, there is no turning back the clock; you lose everything. Nothing is more clear and certain of that, than the ignition of “atoms on fire”. Nothing is more present of that, than a nuclear war with all weapons of mass destruction: noted both world wars previous started in small ways for Europe/ with overcrowding in Japan/ with intellectual games, and control in China previous to that. Nothing is more sacrilegious, vile, or horrendous as to playing god: than deliberately trying to inject chaos into biology; “just to see what you can get”. Nothing will be more violent, than knowing without water, you, and all you care about; are going to die in 3 days. Etcetera, and more. While you know all these things: you absolutely refuse to accept the price of staying alive; not even as a world itself. To your shame.

The reality of choice presented is: to avoid the propaganda, escape the lies; and determine for ourselves: the cost of “their toys”. The future we will face: as is, the true price of gambling with nature and planet; and everything/ the university is no longer a game, there will be/ there are, consequences. To question their truth; instead of accepting their theory or stories. To begin understanding: in America we have been bankrupted/ our infrastructure abandoned/ our world threatened; because the few wanted “to play god”. Making our future, “behind the lies”, bleak indeed. So this work asks: “let the truth, and only the truth” be known. That we may not simply fall into “the abyss”.

Or more simply in the real decisions of life: NO, I will not just believe bringing the same energy source on the sun here to this earth is safe/ I want proof; or don’t do it. NO, I won’t just believe mutilating the basis of nature won’t end in disaster/ I want proof; or don’t do it. NO, I won’t believe: I WANT PROOF the future will survive.        The only proof that can exist is the reality of true public trial: to determine the fate of this world, by investigating the facts and choosing LIFE MUST COME FIRST, for this entire planet.. That demonstration of caring, must come now! Because the reality of world war is at hand.

For every action, there is a reaction. For every decision, or lack thereof/ there is a consequence. Because both are movements which entangle force; even if the result is not immediate/ reality will come. Because both are fundamental laws! Your choice has been to play games with both life and planet: a fantasy that will make you extinct. Because what you do, is far beyond what you, or your universities can control! I have given you the opportunity to access the cost of your games, the reality of your lives in these words. Your total failure to address such truths, will end this world. Just one tiny thing: Without ice, you cannot cool your drink in summer heat. Without ice, the planet cannot cool itself in summer heat. Without ice the atmosphere heat rises higher, expanding the mass farther from gravity, and is left behind: accelerating wind on planet earth/ just like other planets (average 700 mph). Without ice to melt, the temperature of earth will rise an immediate 30 degrees hotter, and last for months longer; making it impossible for life to survive. Without ice, the very last refuge for fish in the Arctic sea, will disappear. Without ice, a base food group for the oceans will not survive. 8 billion people, are currently melting roughly 20,000 cubic miles of ice per year, from the planet. [no, I don’t remember exactly how much it is/ but it is way more than you believe even possible] . Without cold at the poles, to pull atmospheric mass toward the center axis/ limiting centrifugal force: wind effect, begins to multiply.

Time is not a given thing; rather it is a reality set inside the boundaries of what truth will provide for the expressions of life, movement, and freedom. Destiny exists, where the experience of desire shapes the foundation that will become your own purpose. Love never measures, but conceives of the joy that gives life itself hope for an eternity, to share/ not to own. Because the essence and eloquence of thought is to understand the blessing of being alive. Such is the beginning of a journey into Creation. What you believe is pointless; as only truth can survive.   a value added for environmental hope. what every environmentalist wants and needs. This mechanical invention/ this gift: is big enough, to turn them away from war; for a short time. This is big enough, to establish a trial, IF you demand it. THIS IS CHANGE, which brings us to the question: WILL you change for, life comes first?     Answer the question.’

It is: the amount of heat you release, that causes Global warming. THIS IS now a bribe site; since you are blind, deaf, and dumb: the link above represents changes in energy production, that will total into roughly a quadrillion dollars worth of work and value. The purpose is: WAKE UP/ OR YOU WILL soon be extinct! Nothing is more guilty of that than air conditioning/ followed by useless and blind transportation, without a sustainable cause. This gift is: energy producing machines without significant impact on environment/ with the potential for more. And it does represent a small decision change in me; even though I despise a bribe. “IT IS”, a billion dollar bribe; because nothing is more important than reducing the threats of extinction against our planet, future, and lives.

The reality is, you are too insanely proud and afraid; to change first; not even for our world or its life or your child. So this is the opportunity to see a different future first, and then change or die .

The critical truth here is now changed slightly, without true and severe change in human behavior you will still, soon be extinct: read this site and THINK! Understand the games are dead; or you will be. YOU WILL NOT survive igniting a nuclear fire. YOU WILL NOT survive mutilating DNA (nature itself). YOU WILL NOT survive overpopulation of humanity; or its impact on drinking water. YOU WILL NOT survive loss of resources, or the devastation you have caused/ and so much more. This gift above, extends your time MAYBE. But it by no means changes the danger you are in, from extreme threats that will make you extinct; and easily, within a decade by the evidence. YOU ARE INSANE, from letting the universities teach you to worship fools; and who led you to all this tragedy. Either wake up or die. As to biblical prophecy, it has been held back for your last chance. STOP THE DEATH MARCH, END ALL EXTREME ENERGY, and BIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTS, MAKE BETTER DECISIONS IN EVERYTHING; or the final days of earth will remain counted. INVESTIGATE FOR WHAT IS TRUE, AND ACCOUNT, AND PROVE, THE REALITIES, for which you absolutely:  CANNOT let others, be WRONG about. OR, in an instant (we can’t go back); out of many irreversible human decisions;  life on earth will be lost.

True democracy is: assemble the best of what we know to be true/ WITHOUT bias. Taking that evidence and information to build the framework of law, and then deciding for ourselves by true public vote: what and how we shall live by the law we make for ourselves. The primary foundation element of every society: is to understand, no human being is “the government”/ they are merely employees. In this USA, “OUR government” is our Constitution, and its contributing documents: Declaration of independence & Bill of Rights. That is the definition of WE THE PEOPLE decide.  BY THE LAW WE CHOOSE TO CREATE FOR OURSELVES! The reality of America is: by this CONTRACT OF RIGHTS AND DUTIES; we choose to govern ourselves. By making our employees SWEAR they understand their duties to us/ and take an OATH of office that guarantees: THEY DO understand, penalties and consequences shall exist for their failure. They then get “the job”. Under NO illusion or delusion of context: is the deliberate creation of war allowed/ other than for defense!     To THREATEN, the severity of “obliteration, with the potential for all out nuclear  world war and more”: IS TO SO DRAMATICALLY DENY THE CONSTITUTIONAL PURPOSE OF OUR CONTRACT WITH EACH OTHER. That the only resolution possible: is to remove from office that person, that president, that general, whosoever: who has betrayed us all. BECAUSE WE CANNOT “LET THEM: NOT ANYONE,  BE THAT WRONG”.

OR, START SHOUTING: WE DO HAVE LEGAL CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS/ AND LAWS; which do not allow for our employees to threaten or attack those who are not physically warranting that behavior. WE ARE THE OWNERS, AND WE DO HAVE THE RIGHT; through redress of grievances a first amendment law: TO CONTROL OUR EMPLOYEES/ AND REDIRECT OUR NATION. It is, time to impeach/ not for little things of no value: but for ultimate betrayal, as is the failure to accept foundation constitutional demands for that position. As is, YOU don’t own the military/ nor the money/ nor the legal right to impose war on us, or anyone who has not literally attacked with sufficient violence to warrant such an action or reaction. YOUR JOB, AS OUR EMPLOYEE: is set apart for all to see, in the preamble of that Constitution you swore to uphold. the words are:  WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS USA, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America.  NONE OF THAT, allows for obliterating/ or interfering, where other nations reside.  ONLY CONGRESS, HAS THE POWER TO DECLARE WAR:  ARTICLE 1, SECTION 8, #11.   Then: ONLY AFTER, congress declares war, does the president become acting “commander in chief. Until then he exists only as a political official, who has sworn to obey constitutional intent and law.  Article 2 section 2. 1  “quote; the president shall be……… when called into actual service of the United States.” 

The greatest treachery ever devised:More simply understood:  a candle flame is about one inch high.  According to university calculations: instantly becomes 4,000,000 times  MORE, once ignition is achieved {In terms of sheer scale, the energy potential of the fusion reaction is superior to all other energy sources that we know on Earth. Fusing atoms together in a controlled way releases nearly four million times more energy than a chemical reaction such as the burning of coal, oil or gas and four times more than nuclear fission. }  their words not mine.  It should be noted: that they have taken the 4 million times out of their site in response to this work: but make no mistake the difference between an atomic fire and a chemical fire is that great. As you read their words above: you should note, that in this introduction for the public: they are going to input 50 megawatts of power (enough for fifty million homes), and ONLY get a ten fold increase in the energy release! BUT for their science page “at the top of this page here”: they are going to get a 4 million times increase out of a fusion ignition.NOW WHY do you suppose there is a difference? Because obviously, they cannot both be correct!  “the greatest fusion minds in existence couldn’t be lying”?  OR, is it just fantasy?        Go ahead ask them:   WHY!     Ask them: just how big a flame would fifty million watts of electrical energy times 4,000,000 be?  Ask them, if this is the same energy source as the sun, and the sun produces 10 million degrees of heat F:   then just how big, would the “plasma ball” that released all the heat that would be produced?  Ask them, with all the fuel (which are atoms) and all the plasma; these reactions could possibly release/ EXACTLY HOW is the atomic flame they produce, going to extinguish itself?
The “university gods” you refuse to even question; give you no chance to survive!  NOT even, when they attack by promising: we will ignite a nuclear (burns atom bonds/ everything is fuel) fire.   If you do not understand, there is no running away from a nuclear fire/ no hiding from the reality of “atoms are fuel to that fire”/ no comprehension of the truth: we cannot extinguish a nuclear fire. Nor acceptance, of the truth this is a one time only event: wherein a nuclear fire “just extinguishes itself”/ as the universities claim. OR, OUR WORLD, this earth becomes another sun; just like the energy release they intend to copy from the sun, that heats our world from at least 91 million miles away. With million mile long flames! And that DOES MEAN: there is NO, “WE will wait to see what happens”. Because WRONG IS THE END OF OUR WORLD.

You are: standing at the decision, to either go along with what is happening across this planet/ as is “we don’t care”! OR, You are faced with the decision: to alter the direction of life and planet, by demanding that we cannot let these others be wrong, with our whole world. It is that simple, and it is not reversible: only one direction can decide the fate of this world. EITHER we all fight for life and planet/ OR, you let it fail in ways that guarantee extinction. Plainly, a choice without the reward you want: no matter which way you choose. Because change won’t come easy: “want is dead”. While extinction will quickly become horrors, and tragedies; that none will escape. No going back, to change your mind: regardless of how much you might desire it. Life or death is your only true choice; and that choice, will decide for your children as well. The evidence of threat proves it is so. Establishing that proof, as an undeniable fact: is your first job! Communicating the reality of each threat, decides our fate or destiny, as a world! NONE ARE ASKED TO “BELIEVE”/ rather all are demanded: our world needs you to search for truth. No greater evidence of that is: the people who demand, they can play with bringing the same energy source as is on the sun/ to this planet. Without consequences: MY ONLY DEMAND OF THEM IS, PROVE IT. Because we cannot go back once that energy has been released.

I “think”, one last thing should identify or define the entirety of this work: so no one can claim it is something else. Therefore, I offer this/ and then seal the effort as done.

  The only real freedom is truth; the only real value is love; the only life you get to live, is the real desire and purpose of your heart. Cowardice steals all these things, by removing your own choice with fear! Love is a destiny you must build, the purer (more honest) it is, the greater that destiny shall be. Accepting thought as the basis of life: grants, “GOD” exists! Truth by the evidence proves, every miracle is in fact created by thought; as is the evidence of order, discipline, design, balance, conception, freedom, movement, senses, courage, love, truth, and respect.

As the university cult worshipers begin to scream: its all chaos (evolution)/ an accident with no brain”. Remind them: just one human body builds itself, out of “trillions of independent parts and pieces, all constructed, transported, communicating, growing, reproducing, identifying, and freed to your own discretion: with NO help from you”. All working in near perfect harmony as life; most of the time! You can’t do more than a very tiny part of that, with even just a tiny few participants involved. They are BLIND guides. A brain merely measures your action or reaction/ thought is more.

Your university scientists believe they can do anything without consequences all it takes to prove them wrong, is one “point of no return”. As indicated in this link: the entire purpose of “university”is to find that point of no return; in energy/ in biology/ in resource loss/ world environment/ chains of life; and everything they can touch. Because they believe, if they can find out how to break it/ then they will learn how to be god over it. Just like they do in destroying bridges, to find the weak point. The only difference is: there is no coming back from defecating on the foundations which keep us alive.

Your tiny excuses won’t save you/ nor will your greatest fears be lost, just because you hid from a nuclear fire, or the end of life as we know it; because of biological mutilation. You can’t survive without resources/ nor can your children escape that consequence of hell, you deliberately committed their lives too. The blind worship of “university” is over/ or our world shall die. What you can do is search for truth, identify realities that will not let you avoid them: and express the value of justice, truth, and love; as our only means to avoid extinction. Because we are so many people now, that nothing less can save a single one. This world has changed: and we, became “god” over it. Because the reality is: humanity has become more destructive than nature can repair. Which means: we must save ourselves, from our own destruction. Or we die! I leave you to your decision, reminding you all: there is no going back, from the point of no return. Your choice is to fight for this world/ or discard it, because you just didn’t care enough: simple as that

You can hide from yourself, in what you want, or what you believe: but you cannot hide from truth/ and it is “eternal”. I suggest you accept the cost, of being the life you honestly desire to be. It is NOT “free”/ but it is worth the price, “to feel alive”.

.Heartbeats    Insurgency  RESPECT   lies fail        Planting grain in extremely wet conditions food supply threatened.

Not to worry though, as the earth itself begins to burn, and all life knows they will soon be extinct: YOU, can say, I have an excuse/ I DIDN’T DO NOTHING!

If you only had a brain: you would see, the critical changes taking place as are “the impact of disease on the factory farms in China (human threat)/ the impact of weather on agriculture in America (food threat)/ the constant crisis growing across this world from “another quarter of a billion new human lives over deaths” that appear each year. (water threat) And the growing threats of war against all life on earth, among just some of the threats we face. While you wait for your media to tell you “what you think”/ reality closes the door; and the old testament biblical prophecy that says July 9, 2019 will be “the beginning of hell” takes shape. Ending this world on May 6, 2021 as judgment day: becomes harder to deny. Without true and significant change in humanity; July 9 represents the biblical point of no return:as (bland as I can make it).  The moment when according to the bible; nothing you will do, matters anymore.

In contrast to the prediction of Daniel 12; the new testament has a different view. However the truth of whether we have crossed the line; and cannot recover; remains as this. The cost of mutilating life is the predicted Armageddon (nature in chaos). The cost of ruining the water supplies, and over population is: an extreme war, because life needs water now; as is the predicted Apocalypse. The cost of trying to ignite the same fire as is on the sun here: is our world turns into HELL, because a nuclear fire cannot be extinguished. So the degree of “time has pasted” and we still seem fine; can in fact be an illusion. Nonetheless, I for one: have prayed, these are so horrible; let them not come, until the very end of what we can avoid.

True and significant change is; LIFE, for this planet COMES FIRST! NO, more gambling/ NO more “university cult worship”. RESPECT YOUR CREATOR!

Daniel 12 is the biblical countdown of days: it begins with the rise of the great abomination. Reality states: it is absolutely impossible to be worse than “humanity trying to ignite a nuclear fire here on earth just like on the sun”. Wrong means every life, every future life, the planet, and even the solar system will be lost forever. As the thermodynamics include this earth shall explode accordingly. The universities say : “not to worry, there is not enough gravity here on earth to sustain the fire/ so it will just extinguish itself”. WRONG means a fire that burns the bond in atoms, has been ignited on top of its own fuel supply. The first experiment (risen) that could have ignited atoms: was April 1, 2012. First death, the law cannot save us now/ second death, mercy is no longer given: July 9, 2019/ “half death” equals 666 days till judgment day May 6, 2021. End of time May 7. A biblical prophecy not mine! the new testament sees it differently in Revelation.

LEADERSHIP turns to law, and law defines itself with respect for all involved/ NEVER using life to create “an example” to the rest. Because that means you can never be trusted with justice. WORLD LAW, AND WORLD POLICING, with the removal of all weapons of mass destruction are THE ONLY ANSWER POSSIBLE; for governing leaders. Nothing less will let life on earth survive! IT IS, “a relatively small thing to do”/ by vote, among all people, and all nations: the laws which we the people then create to govern our leaders: shall be known.

IF, you do not understand the base foundation upon which everything else is dependent/ THEN NOTHING you derive as knowledge, will be correct! Every portion of the evidence will be tainted, with conclusions that do not exist as true.

   OH WAIT; I know, you are just going to get a water hose and put out their nuclear fire; after all, this is just life or death for our entire planet and all its life!  As is, the cost for being WRONG. So obviously, we can afford to wait!  The difference between you and me is: that I do the best I can, regardless of the outcome; for life, for GOD, and for me; as I cannot simply let this world die without a fight of some kind. You refuse to care/ accepting only “the university knows”. even though all they have is theory, fantasy, and expectations without any substantial facts whatsoever. “your human gods (we can control the sun) trillion dollar investment”: a nuclear (burns atoms) fire, coming for ignition soon.  my sites are free for all to use.


The amount of fusion energy a tokamak is capable of producing is a direct result of the number of fusion reactions taking place in its core. Scientists know that the larger the vessel, the larger the volume of the plasma … and therefore the greater the potential for fusion energy.

With ten times the plasma volume of the largest machine operating today, the ITER Tokamak will be a unique experimental tool, capable of longer plasmas and better confinement. The machine has been designed specifically to:

1) Produce 500 MW of fusion power
The world record for fusion power is held by the European tokamak JET. In 1997, JET produced 16 MW of fusion power from a total input heating power of 24 MW (Q=0.67). ITER is designed to produce a ten-fold return on energy (Q=10), or 500 MW of fusion power from 50 MW of input heating power. ITER will not capture the energy it produces as electricity, but—as first of all fusion experiments in history to produce net energy gain—it will prepare the way for the machine that can.

As you read their words above: you should note, that in this introduction for the public: they are going to input 50 megawatts of power (enough for fifty million homes), and ONLY get a ten fold increase in the energy release! BUT for their science page “at the top of this page here”: they are going to get a 4 million times increase out of a fusion ignition.NOW WHY do you suppose there is a difference? Because obviously, they cannot both be correct!  “the greatest fusion minds in existence couldn’t be lying”?  OR, is it just fantasy?        Go ahead ask them:  WHY!     Ask them: just how big a flame would fifty million watts of electrical energy times 4,000,000 be?  Ask them, if this is the same energy source as the sun, and the sun produces 10 million degrees of heat F:   then just how big, would the “plasma ball” that released all the heat that would be produced?  Ask them, with all the fuel (which are atoms) and all the plasma; these reactions could possibly release/ EXACTLY HOW is the atomic flame they produce, going to extinguish itself?

Don’t get chemical reactions confused with nuclear reactions. An example of a nuclear reaction is an atomic bomb, while an example of a chemical reaction is combustion.

mcloudmax_thumbnail18ccc02f4-e081-227f-dab29ac4fd3140f8large1.jpg  vs. pipelinefire1.jpg

Nuclear Energy released in nuclear fission and fusion is several 100 million times as large as an ordinary chemical reaction like the combustion process. The reason why nuclear energy released in nuclear fission and fusion is so much larger than chemical reactions is because tremendous amounts of energy is released at one time. The nuclei in a nuclear reaction undergo a chain reaction, causing the neutrons to move extremely fast and release high amounts of energy. In an ordinary chemical reaction, the atoms changing do not move nearly as fast, causing the energy too be released much more slowly.   

Of the many basic lessons, that must be achieved in order to understand nuclear realities, the most important are these.

  1. That energy: the transformation of time into its base construction: that is what does move vs what does not move. That reality of movement/ as well as the ability to remain secured: is contained within the ability to use force. What determines physical force, is then the basis of time.
  2. The foundation of all physical forces in this universe is based upon nuclear construction: which is called “a proton kinetic mass at the center”/ surrounded by a neutron containment vessel composed of dark matter-energy. With electrons surrounding it as a means of transferring small amounts of that energy into the basis of what we call time.
  3. The actual construction of an atom, which holds the energy that we know is released in an atomic bomb: is not a simple fantasy. Instead the only known method of establishing and containing that energy is to “spin the proton”. A proton is a physical mass, and as the energy equation states: mass times speed = energy. Exactly how fast the proton must spin to establish the energy released in an atomic bomb: could be calculated but it is irrelevant. We can use Einsteins speed: which was introduced as, a proton spinning at the speed of light squared. Therein we now have energy of motion. At a speed which transfers incredible amounts of force, from very tiny weights in motion.
  4. In conjunction with this force, is the necessity to balance its motion/ and contain that proton as separate from the physical world apart from electron interference: so that it retains the energy, and then participates in time, by building the necessary interactions to achieve order, discipline, and balance. Time is not chaos: order/ discipline/ and balance destroyed. Time is the measured interaction of sustainable realities.
  5. TO BALANCE, DISCIPLINE, AND ACHIEVE ORDER in the atomic world: there must be an opposite force, which can then retain and control the kinetic forces. Science calls this “dark matter-energy”. Because they cannot visually identify it apart from finding an occurrence which cannot be explained in any other way. An atom MUST have an outward force to establish energy, AND the opposing force, which controls all invading peripheral influences: so as not to lose or endanger the spin/ or the atom decays, and loses its energy to exist.
  6. Dark force or anti-matter-energy is now viewed as a “black hole”/ wherein the known kinetic energy such as light, is drawn in, never to reappear. This black hole then proves the occurrence that it does in fact appear as a greater force, than does kinetic energy. So the question is: how do they meet, and what keeps dark matter-energy from completely overcoming kinetic forces?
  7. One method of conceptualizing kinetic energy versus dark energy: is to recognize, the differences in hot and cold. Kinetic energy is “hot (pushing out)”/ while dark energy is then cold (drawn in). To achieve a stable, sustainable atomic environment, there must not be an elemental exchange between hot and cold. Not even a little, or the atom decays into “without value”. Therefore a gap between the proton and the neutron does exist. The electron portal, at each axis point (least active spot); is the only bridge between the two.
  8. What you must now comprehend is: while the electron performs all the various functions which give us time; as an intermediary between the energy that is available, and the order that is disciplined, by natural balance between the two. The human disease of interference has now begun its assault on the very basis of earth time itself. They want to discard the disciplines of order/ removing the balance that sustains our existence: and burn the atomic bond that resides between kinetic and dark energy, so that a nuclear fire can arise. And have built machines to do that very thing. They want, to bring the nuclear fire on the sun, here to this earth. A fire that cannot be extinguished, because the fuel is an atom.


  1. THEIR claim for fusion is: that they can combine two atoms of hydrogen into a helium atom/ and the resultant heat loss is enough to “fuel the sun”.
    1. It is an absolute lie: because they prove not to know how the energy of an atom exists. Ask them?
    2. It is an absolute lie: because the only physical medium for containing energy in a balanced state is by spin. Which makes the combining of protons in two atoms, to make one new atom or proton; utterly impossible/ cannot be done.
    3. When pressures and temperatures are applied at a nuclear level, the spinning protons collide and explode.
  1. THEIR CLAIM: is, that a graviton (an element that is NOT found in nature/ nor have they ever created) exists. Even though their claim is then that the graviton is fifteen times bigger than lead. Pure fantasy.
    1. There is a reason why atomic elements stop at a specified weight. The inertia of motion makes it impossible for them to be self sustainable. The physical forces are simply too great/ the neutron coating (read my book: “building time; James F. Osterbur/ at kindle books) cannot contain it.
    2. There version of an element graviton: is equivalent to comparing a standard size marble/ to a basketball. Do you see the problem?
  1. THEIR CLAIM: is, that the entire sun is engulfed by tremendous temperatures and pressures: from the inside core, out. Making the fuel which powers the sun fully engaged from its conception. Which means no fuel is left to power a supernova event (more fuel added)/ NOR is there any fuel available for continued burning as is the known reality of thousands of years that we can prove it has. Or more simply you cannot burn all the fuel/ and still keep the fire burning. Once the fuel is gone/ the fire goes out.


THE SUN, sustains itself by creating a nuclear plasma that cannot be defeated. Or more simply, that nuclear fire exists, because the atoms being consumed are rubbing against each other, to frictionally release their energy over time. ONCE THE PLASMA reaches a sustainable state, the nuclear fire cannot be extinguished. Www.ITER.ORG exists as a last ditch effort, to build enough plasma in concentration: to cause that ignition event.

  1. They have built a machine with the intent to use 50 million watts of electrical energy to create a large plasma event.
  2. They have stated (even if now removed) that their fusion event will cause an instantaneous 4 million times more release of energy than the equivalent of coal. A bomb!
  3. They have established 50 million watts of input, times 4 million more: equaling an internal to the machine release of 200 million watts of pressure and heat. Which means the vessel will be breached/ but not before the atoms involved are forced into a tiny area, which then becomes the frictional cause of a nuclear fire.
  4. Just the radiation from this event will be enough to kill all of Europe in a few hours. As is consistent with what we do know about our sun.

In addition to the attack on life, planet, and future that is “the lies and fantasies of fusion”. There is also the raging curse of genetics: wherein the reality of cost and consequences are hereby displayed by the  consequences similar to their stated reality of fusion.  “its all a theory, a fantasy, an expectation build upon lies” that will end in our own extinction/ taking life and planet with them; because you are believers.

The energy being played with, that seeks our extinction: is absolutely so simple, and so obvious when compared with the biology of life/ that it could not possibly be misinterpreted by anyone with a true concept of all these miracles. Yet those who cannot even comprehend the obvious and the simple; as is the religion “university knows”/ believe they can play god. The ending of genetic manipulation by humanity:  is the same as fusion: extinction by horror, through terrors unleashed, that will never find mercy. Because you chose to gamble with all life and planet: believing the people who say, “this whole world of life, is just all an accident; to your shame. LIFE ON THIS PLANET IS:  A reality of complexity beyond comprehension. Yet university says:  all that complexity, didn’t even need a brain, to build”: and the believers say “lead on/ we want to be god (even life is beneath us) too”. THAT, is a reality so blind, and filled with deceit; Its called LIAR/ and those who believe are called FOOL. A failure of this humanity: because truth demands discipline, and order demands law, and balance requires justice rather than want.  so your choice instead of  the tiny price you pay for living is,  “we don’t need no Creator”/ there are no consequences to our truth; we can play god. Nothing can stop us now!  Reality of the evidence says, CHANGE OR DIE:  extinction comes quickly now!         Every storm begins, “with a single drop of rain”!

All across this planet: people in universities are throwing pieces of DNA from one species into another species/ hoping something new will survive (I am god). Putting anything that survives for an instant out into all of creation itself; so as to infect the rest “with evolution”. Crucifying everything living they experiment with, by inserting the most horrific reality life can endure: the consequence of order destroyed/ balance ejected/ and disciplines changed, so that it cannot live as life by design intended [sure, put a snake DNA into human, “some spider/ plant thistle/ lobster”; who cares, let’s watch it, (LIFE) squirm]. The purpose: THE BELIEVERS of evolution insist, WE MUST HAVE CHAOS, to play god! So, chaos is what you earned.

Just so it is absolutely clear: NO VIOLENCE IN ANY FORM/ can change our direction as a humanity on earth. Our only choice is to understand the reality of our situation/ identify its cause/ and work to correct the values and choices of a human heart: with truth. No other option is available, not even if you “pray”. Truth will decide the reality of our existence. Prayer will decide mercy. 

What you need to know: is, that the people who have made their living “with fusion or genetics or other”. Are threatened by the fact that could all disappear, because they threaten our world. The consequence of that truth is: they must choose between themselves, and their current stability OR, for a world that could be lost instead. The vast majority choose for themselves; because they are willing to believe “the university is god/ and they will be correct”. But belief is just a want/ not the acceptance of reality as defined in the evidence by its own truth; as is faith. Belief or want cannot save you from truth/ truth will win. Our most consistent truth is: gambling with this entire planet/ or with the biology foundations of all that is nature in genetics or any other manner. WILL END IN ABSOLUTE CATASTROPHE. Because the university men and women who write the books and claim to be “superior” to all the rest; are in fact just plain men and women “who you went to grade/ high/ college/ or other school with. WHO among them qualified as “god: can’t be wrong/ owner of everything”!

All these threats are about humanity wanting to play god with life and planet! Every major threat we face except one; is entirely established by men, or even women. The problem is our world has literally changed; because men and women have now found ways of avoiding the disciplines, realities of order, and balance that nature provided to protect life on earth. The problem is: those who took what did not belong to them as is, “the decision to gamble with EVERYTHING”/ EVEN IF, all die! Has occurred, and nothing is more evidence of that fact: than those who are trying to bring the same energy source on the sun, here upon this earth. Where reality does in fact prove; WRONG WILL BE, this earth becomes a sun. and there will be NO stopping a nuclear fire: it burns the elemental bond in atoms/ just like a chemical fire burns the molecular bond between elements.

The more you purify your own soul, {our relationship, with the creation of life itself, as is determined by desire}/ the deeper you can see into thought, as the value of your own destiny. Life is not a trophy or a game; it is an opportunity to seek eternity.

OR MORE SIMPLY: THIS DOCUMENT HAS TO MAINTAIN WORDS, which do not make you fear/ because humanity endlessly RUNS AWAY TO HIDE. and that is the only way, I can keep you involved: even a tiny bit.

I know, “you just want what you want/ and sure as hell don’t want what you don’t want; and that is all there is to this world: period”. Regardless of the fact that earth is a finite world/ human population is out of control and headed for extinction/ biology is being mutilated and destroyed/ the global environment is changing/ chains of life are being destroyed/ the ocean life has been decimated/ and even the oxygen we breathe is being consumed faster than it can be replaced: “but you don’t care”/ because you figure “not in my lifetime”/ and you WANT what you want (leave us alone). To destroy the future for all life on earth; eternally. Very well, but if biblical prophecy “Daniel 12” is correct/ mercy ends on July 9, 2019: when HELL begins/ judgment day 667 days later. Because that countdown begins with the great abomination/ and nothing can be worse than those who are trying to ignite the same nuclear fire here, as is on the sun. That began April 1, 2012 (the starting date). The new testament sees the end differently; and divides it into two distinct parts. Either the first part is men continue to lead/ the second beginning at Revelation 12 is women lead by law.

The most critical truth of our lives, is what happens when we die; because eternity then begins. The passage between time and life, is created by thought. Thereby the essence of it is thought itself. The constant contrast of thought over time; controls our existence/ while body controls our motion, in terms of freedom here on earth. Without motion, thought (dreams and so on, give a rise to that truth) remains: if energy exists to sustain an identity. So the real question is: within the three elements of eternity itself, are thought/ identity/ and energy. How they bond, governs our hope. Energy as an environment, constructs everything as a summary of order, discipline, and balance. Identity is the binding of trust to create the essence of an individual truth, that is formed and functions within a universal law. Thought however, is a freedom that lives or dies within the conception of why, should I remain alive? The essence of thought refines that truth, by encapsulating the purpose of life is love/ and the desire to exist is truth forms a home wherein the value of life is love as well. While thought can travel beyond itself, love cannot: unless it lives inside another. Love elevates life, into the dimensional construction of what builds our soul: thereby allowing for all, to experience and express a value to each other as equals. Family begins the journey, soul finishes that purpose for those who join. The question is: who has the right to come into “our home”? The answer is: only those who respect, and hold life itself as sacred.

Anguish means: your heart is asking your soul, if you have done enough? Only those who can love, know this expression. Only those who care, can answer truthfully.  I give you this one last message: it is your eternity you choose here! Not me, not time, but “who is your GOD”? Life, nature, the realities of earth and every miracle you see: OR university? Choose! The universities say “believe in us, we will find an answer”. I say: protect the life we have on earth, because it can be lost. The reality of trying to ignite sun fire here on earth is: “a one time only ignition”/ because we cannot extinguish a nuclear flame (just like the sun): if it does not extinguish itself, our planet burns. As is the constant, with all known experience or experiment. Theory can be wrong.

You need not worry about being informed when ignition occurs: by their estimate, what is a million mile long flame on the sun. Will only initially reach the moon in about a week (the oceans will boil and get sucked in); and the flame will be visible to literally half the world without even trying. The reality of atmospheric ejection: we cannot breathe/ and must go underground to survive at the most menial levels: just not take more than one month. Which means, although mercy ends soon, by biblical prediction. The reality of physical consequence “last day on earth”; should be roughly three months from the ignition. So they won’t likely ignite a nuclear fire to consume us all, on July 9/ but over a year later. “Have fun”/ or work for at least a chance to survive: how is that not realistic? If you don’t believe a few should be allowed to gamble with our entire earth, in a once is all you get experiment/ then speak up. How is that not true?

The answer to when is: time is a framework, where we build the future we do truly seek. When that time is cut short, and you have not completed your work: only mercy can establish the difference. To all others, the distance between where we are, and where we shall be in eternity: is measured by love. Love elevates truth into the creation of a law, that then cannot be destroyed: because laws rule the universe. The creation of truth is then how we become a participant within a reality, that will not be dissolved. So the question of self, is the question of your own personal truths. The question of identity, is governed by what will survive the test coming in death: that divides what is true from every single lie or failure to respect, defined as self. The question of a home beyond time, illuminates the expression: “what is light”? That answer resides in the foundations of energy itself, and cannot be revealed. But make no mistake; as is the sun to our existence on earth/ so is “light created” by and of itself, to the existence of an eternity.

is the difference between wanting (the foundation of all lies) something you cannot have/ and discarding that want for what reality will provide. Happiness, is the participation in life, with those who can and will live that life with you/ thereby NOT playing games. Insanity is the circle that demands: “I don’t want this”/ requires your decision for love, as is forgiveness and its like decisions or hate, and all that goes with it. If you are listening to voices/ you are not listening to yourself: or you would already know what you “think”. Those voices are the realities of this world, and all its chaos; that did get inside. To be stable, is to be anchored into truth: accepting the evidence/ rather than believing whatever you want, or have been told.

The human summary is: I want what I want, and I don’t want anything less, than what I want. In fact I want so much more; I cannot even imagine what that is. So we play games, to collect trophies, and identify “winner or loser”/ to insure we personally “get everything we can get”. Casting life, the future, and earth aside, because “toys are better”. Facing reality, only when forced, because growing up honestly, is hard. So we make up stories, and pretend, that courage is only “for hero’s”. To soften that reality, nearly “everybody gets to be a hero”. So say the news! To hide from our failures, the cult arises to make our decisions: saying “you can’t blame me now/ I just did, what I was told to do”. But alas, that was the decision you made: change that, or go extinct.

While it is true, “you DON’T want this”: you want to play with your hate/ you want to play with love/ you want more than you deserve, which does include slaves to do your bidding/ resources that never end/ where no consequences can touch you for the failure or fantasies of your ways. But, YOUR REALITY states, by the evidence, which can be proven true: your only other choice, without true change, is extinction. Change will mean: that time is given for life, love, freedoms within order, disciplines within behavior, friendship that has value, and the dignity that comes from being alive. It will not mean: you can continue destroying the planet, and playing games to evade truth or reality. You can accept those terms or die: change is up to you/ but remember this, once the point of no return is past on ANY reality of life or living: literally NOTHING will turn time back, so you can change your mind.

In life, we have to choose our destiny: its required of each one. The consequence of that is: what you do, or don’t do, has a distinct impact on your own reality. In reading my work, you will find a consistency against “what the university diploma” has done to this nation and this world. That is directed at those who consistently “ravage, rape, ransack, and terrorize life and nation”. Those who are involved in the opportunities to make life better/ have true and honest respect for life and nation/ do not cheat or steal as is the consequence of counterfeiting our currency, NOR proclaiming themselves “gods”. BUT search for truth, finding wisdom are in fact “very similar to me”. And I have compassion and respect for that truth, and that purpose, within the values of both love and respect. I have nothing but contempt for those others, who cause, endanger, enslave, and threaten life or earth. Simple as that, it is not a game: extinction is not “a toy”.

The only possibility life survives: REQUIRES, that we examine/ investigate/ and determine by the definitions in truth we know to exist; the realities that brings us all these threats of real life extinction for this whole planet. That literally means: questioning the specific forms of leadership, that has brought us all to these consequences of human decision. NO one is more responsible for those decisions: than those people who represent “the university elite”. Consequently, the value of this work seeks to remove the cult worship status of “the university knows everything”/ and replace it with: we MUST know the truth/ we MUST know the consequences of being WRONG/ we must think for ourselves, because nothing less will change our world into: ALL life, and planet, must come first! Instead of the current: be as selfish and greedy as you can/ make them slave.

The critical truth will decide, for your reality: search for it. True hate and love will become separated; so that love will have its own security/ and hate will receive what it deserves. Other than that, your lives will be determined by how much you are willing to share, particularly as a community; and within what boundaries are you able to care, beyond that point. That however will require some time to achieve. Life now has a price; fail and you lose. But then hey “you wanted to play god”; so you shall determine your own fate, or destiny, as a world! But make NO mistake: what you destroy, will not return. You are NOT “GOD”, and never will be. But that does not mean, you cannot or will not be happy; if you choose life as it was intended to be. Life is a decision.

Love is a disciplined hope; a destiny created by the elegant surrender into truth, as shared by two people who desire a value in the essence of what caring about life was intended to be. Love is, the discipline to understand only truth can keep love alive. Love is, the creation of an environment that belongs only within our hearts; the essence of where we search for life itself, and who we honestly desire to be.
The question of this work, the reality of all threats against us: is dictated by hate. Those who have determined: what they want, is greater than love or life. That reality of hate, is propagated throughout society; and its primary motivator is media/ greed/ and selfishness. So the real question is: can you escape, “the noose” of those trying to hang our world?

This is what a quadrillion looks like written out: 1,000,000,000,000,000.

Funds invested in derivatives alone total at minimum $544 trillion, and the high-end estimate is $1.2 quadrillion. In fact, there is more money in derivatives than in all the stock markets combined, which is a comparatively paltry $73 trillion. The U.S. accounts for the biggest slice of that global market cap pie, thanks to companies like Apple Inc. AAPL, +1.44%  , Alphabet Inc.GOOGL, -0.39% and Microsoft Corp MSFT,

Or more distinctly: we have a right to stop an experiment/ so that the validity of science can be assessed in a court of law, “to prove as best we can”. Exactly what the possibilities of being WRONG are. To decide LEGALLY; as humanity on earth: if we let them proceed. THIS IS OUR WORLD/ it is not simply there’s to play with/ gamble with/ or destroy, because they want to play god.

OUR LIVES ARE AT STAKE, even our everything. WE DESERVE OUR SAY, BY OUR OWN VOTE, as a world. Yes we will accept the consequences of their failure/ OR, NO: the price is simply too high to let this proceed. Simple as that.

Not to worry, the constant foundation of human decision is; WE WILL WAIT AND SEE! Damn you for making us fear. After all, why not wait and see: it’s just an irreversible action, that insures not only the end of our planet itself/ but that all life on earth will burn, in a completely horrendous way. Now what could be wrong with that; after all, your gods/ your cult cannot be wrong; not even a one in one million chance. Ain’t that right; not even the possibility of putting out, “a ten million degree nuclear fire”. Once it ignites; life is over. So sure “go ahead and wait”/ why not!

YOU WOULD stop them,if you were not their cult worshipers. In case you forgot: the fuel source of an nuclear bomb and a nuclear fire (same as the sun) is the same: atoms! While to create a bomb the nucleus is destroyed: that is limited by actual space  and atomic disciplines between atoms. When trying to create a nuclear fire: the atomic spin is frictionally slowed, by a state of plasma. When ignited: thereby releasing energy in a “slow and steady progression” that consumes, by attacking the environment. Instead of explodes the atom (which grants space). As it is with fire; that consumption is only limited by the fuel. In a world filled with atoms: you get “sun”. NOT one theory regarding “their sun” has been proven true; and in fact, it is ninety percent entirely fantasy; as can be proven by known reality. in Trial! Utterly refused, because they want to prove themselves by igniting atoms on fire first: to proclaim “Yes we are gods”. A reality of death, which proves “gods of HELL”.

There is NO greater judge to the realities of our existence, the consequences of human decisions: than the evidence of each and every threat that can and will make us all extinct/ without true change. Those who deny that fact, orchestrate the end of life on earth. This is not a game, realities prove that true.

There should be, an understanding to the law that is consistent with its truth. That simply is this, the burden of proof required, for any legal decision to be made is: WHAT are the consequences for being WRONG? Given that in this reality of our time, the threats being exposed here are consistent with the claim: we, and this planet, and all its life, and all its future life can easily go extinct! The value of that legal claim: to our legal RIGHT, to be informed of all the critical information that can be identified, as a reality so threatening; we literally CANNOT let these people be wrong exists! The law is clear in this fact: that none are allowed to illegally play with, gamble, or destroy the life of others! The court DOES have a legal obligation to protect LIFE ITSELF. Even if the court would risk their own lives/ they legally cannot choose to risk the others. The judiciary is not god/ they are “legally sworn” employees, given the job to apply the values, and protections; we have granted to ourselves, through constitutional law, as a democracy called this USA. The worst of human lies, are those which invade a life, and cannot be removed: because the believer does not accept, or listen too; either truth or evidence of our provable reality. The worst of a judiciary is: to believe their own opinion, or beliefs; rule the law. Or, by “fake rules”; give rise to the insurgents who remove our democracy, steal our future, and gamble with our world.

You should be aware: only massive change, across the world, will save us in all matters of life. Such as back a few years the “stock market” was bragging: they had sold and used more resource in ten years/ than in all of human history previous. HOW long do you suppose any resource can last? You moved it all into your mountain of garbage; and soon there will be no more! Without that, it may in fact be more merciful to die in “sun fire”.   To challenge a discussion,  in our reality: the demand for trial, has again been repeated.  Enforcement is up to you; as I have been repeatedly thrown out of court; just as soon as they know: where this is headed.

This is now, roughly the seventh time, I have tried to quit this work; because you are unwilling to protect life or planet. This time I have prayed to finish the work: making it entirely your decision, your job to proceed or fail. you may donate to me if you wish the other sites to be brought back. Or if it is enough, I will advertise our need to communicate: things must change now, before we go extinct. simple as that; you are “god (Fail, and life dies) over your future”. Christianity will of course continue to say: “he ain’t perfect enough (other religions the same)/ we will wait for Jesus to come”. But the bible is clear: JESUS comes only to judge/ which means life on earth is now dead. That reality is like “the rapture”: which by ignition of a nuclear fire means: “you get sucked into, what will become a million mile long flame”. The evidence is simple: either change or go extinct! I DID my job/ I DID my duty/ I now surrender any excuse you have, to “its all you now.”  MY work is finished!

THE NOTE: to IRS, social security/ President, and various other outreach or media elements.