no balance

Nothing, compares with life. Which is why, the framework of living is so elementally sacred, and respect is literally what we owe to our existence. Universities (your former classmates hiding under the disguise of a diploma) have done everything they could do: to destroy that/ defile that/ curse that/ mutilate...

laws of life

It is an elemental truth, in this crowded world; change must come immediately, or our world itself will collapse under the weight of human decisions which cannot be justified as true, to the essence and realities of both life and living. This planet has limits and boundaries which have kept...


I remind all: that when it comes to policing, you HAVE NOT, hired someone to die for you. You have hired someone to enforce fair play for all involved. The difference is: FAIR does not include suicide. What can be done, must be done; because society falls into chaos if...


In this world of fools, liars, cheats, thieves, traitors, terrorists, Satan worshipers, and failures: “the balance scale” of life and death appears in view. Love and respect; each being valued by each other; builds life and living by sustaining this natural world/ survival rests upon the balance itself/ and tipping...


In the constant of this human life, what never changes is the human demand “for what I want”/ regardless of the consequences, the cost of being wrong, or even the opportunities for choosing better. Nothing matters but want, and all want hinges on the belief, that you know what you...


If there is a conclusion to this work; it must be this. Throughout my time, I have been confronted by an endless array of decisions to be made; some dedicated to truth, some life, some work, some trying to instill chaos, and so on. Having survived each one, my advise...


LIFE, Is not a participant of the brain/ rather, THE BRAIN IS THE KEY STRUCTURE: tHAT translates life, BY TYING OUR BRAIN, TO THE BODY OF TIME.. The value, of that understanding is: you cannot fix your life, with your brain/ you can only measure and calculate the values of...


JUSTICE IS, a complex construction of values that shape our world, into the truths we adhere to most. That makes justice the assembly of what specific portions of humanity want to believe. From war, to believing anything you want, to people doing horrendous things in all ways, shapes, and forms;...


Reality demands: that we assemble and create, “what ownership means”; the consequence of “mine/ mine/ mine”; and the foundation of truth. We begin in the critical construction of America, over these last 60 some years of which I have been a witness. The slow destruction of the nation itself, has...


I, live in this USA; “a place drowning in the cost of “university is god”/ a reality of traitors, liars, thieves, failures, fools, and terrorists in charge of conspiring to bring down the nation and this world: by producing the army of a cult, and the collusion of media, and...