Deliberate things

TAKE ME TO COURT        value and grace                love poem                the glass coffin

With all that, you would think the religious entities/ variety of people/ governments and policing/ even the universities themselves;  could be interested, but they are not. Media is merely the propaganda arm of university. Because the cult of university belief is so overwhelming to them, that they cannot bring themselves to question EVEN REALITIES OF EVIDENCE, that prove the end of this world;  as is the most egregious:  ignition of nuclear (atoms) on fire. All say NO, because a cult worshiper cannot question their leader; it’s not allowed. The religious have the most outrageous answer of them all:  “GOD  won’t let nothing happen to us/ so we DON’T have to do ANYTHING”:  PERIOD. Unfortunately for them, reality does not agree! The threats we face with almost complete truth is:  entirely generated by human beings who fail the simple truth:  LIFE MUST COME FIRST, for this planet, and its future! “It’s our job”. Since we are the threat/ since it is what human beings are doing that threatens all life on earth: THEN IT IS OUR JOB TO STOP THAT THREAT from extending itself into our OWN EXTINCTION. Or truth says: you chose to abandon this CREATION, and pretend the university is god/ because if you didn’t believe that:  YOU WOULD stop them. Proving it is not GOD that has abandoned you with these threats/ but humanity abandoning  GOD, that brings you the horrors to come. BY YOUR OWN CHOICES. Since religions claim to be the single largest organizational entity of all humanity: they lead the way, to life or death for us all.

. Christianity says:  “our fate is sealed/ its all predetermined, goodbye & good-riddance; cause WE get to “go to heaven”. Well let’s review:  YOU chose to let all of   GOD’S   CREATION on earth be exterminated/ mutilated/ ravaged/ murdered/ and raped. With HELL NO, we won’t do anything! And then “heaven is ALL FREE”; WE JUST go and become lazy slobs without a brain or a purpose, cause that is what we want! End of the story, forever. Or more simply, you believe anything you wanted on earth/ but could not have; will suddenly be yours, “with treasure for nothing, to be found everywhere”. Simpleton;  would this not turn heaven into hell?  Making the place  GOD  resides just like this earth today and worse? NOT GOING TO BE SO, how can you doubt: this is in fact true. 

There are in fact two endings in Revelation: one destroys life because men lead. The other which starts at chapter 12 suggests:  women will lead, and it ends with “a whole new world experience; a place of peace, life, and eternity”.

the elements of men         change or die           to grow a soul

constructing solutions video 7G. 2hr         the march of humanity

the theories:  Read this the theories which lead to your own crucifixion.

THE EVIDENCE    against university theory! MORE, is on separate websites.

The constant reality of university physicist science is very simple:  the ignition of a nuclear fire means/ this earth and all its life will die shortly thereafter. IF THE FIRE does not extinguish itself/ because we cannot extinguish a ten million degree flame. Simple as that. so are you willing to pay for their gamble with all life on earth forever/ if they lose their bet?  NO GOING BACK, this is all or nothing!

               The university geneticists mutilate nature, again and again and again:  hoping it will crash/ so they can “pick through the rubble”; and find a way to be god.  ARMAGEDDON MEANS:  NATURE IN CHAOS!   Gee, won’t that be swell?  Answer the damn question:  are you willing to pay, when nature itself falls apart from their deliberate actions to destroy genetic structure and stability.

Again;  everything, I provide on my websites or videos up to and including this date/ are absolutely free and without restrictions of any kind.  Because our entire planet is threatened with extinction;  what greater cause could there be?      Insanity    a great leader   extreme catastrophe  

the elemental path       war games        examining reality  

        The fundamental of what can or cannot be done, for our entire planet; is determined by human participation in reality, truth, examination of the evidence, thought, love, and the values of life through respectful living. None of which the common man or woman wants anything to do with:  they all want what they want/ and don’t want what they don’t want; and MAKE ME RICH! End of humanity, don’t care! They all want to play, they all want everything they can get:  regardless of the future, or any life or  child. That is the fact of our existence, particularly in America where I live. The university provides endless fantasy and delusions, making up stories/ discarding life completely for pride, power, greed, and selfishness. That translates into endless traitors, terrorists, liars, thieves, cheats, fools, failures, and the disease called arrogance which is so prevalent:  this world is going extinct/ and still  nobody truly cares enough to consider changing what must be changed. These are all HUMAN DECISIONS, and they have horrific and hellish consequences for our world.  Nonetheless, I cannot make you into adults. I cannot change your ways, because you are entitled to freedom. I cannot educate you, because you only want to play. I cannot direct you away from your chosen cult, as is “university knows”/ even though they are clearly your proven executioner. So, I leave you to your ways; reminding anyone who listens:  “no second chances past the point of no return”. Not your savior/ but by the evidence of horror coming, the disgrace of destroying your own world yourselves:  “this is a message from GOD” saying change or die!  NOT because I deliver it (you can deliver it too)/ but because the end of this world is in sight; and it is fair to accept “something for us would be done”. That something is a gathering of evidence or knowledge;  so as to give the few who belong to GOD, their chance to make a difference. Instead of just being surprised, “when the guillotine falls”; and life ends for a world. Is that not fair to say? Regardless, you do have your chance to make a difference:  because you know “being WRONG” IS NOT an option. How is that not true?

THE LAW IS:   that every life shall die/ there are no except ions. Eternity then comes, to be whatever it shall be. So the question is:  what is life/ what is death/ and what can that eternity be?’

There is nothing more foolish, than believing in fantasies! The worst of the worst, is believing the universities can ignite sun fire here; and it will just “extinguish itself”. There is nothing more foolish to humanity, than believing nature was formed by chaos; which literally means to destroy anything complex. There is nothing more foolish in men, than believing weapons of mass destruction are “your saviors”/ because it only takes one, to initiate HELL! Each is a reality, that will NOT be returned; as life on earth; valued by each one. N. Korea can be reduced to “no more of this”/ by simply making it clear:  “welcome to our horror”. The place where, male decisions refused world law; to establish:  ALL of CREATION DESTROYED. Not a life left, not even to cry.  Your leader has made his wish come true: you are now “first on the list” for nuclear holocaust:  “should your nation not rejoice”? And there are more threats so horrendous, extinction in the very near future;  is inevitable without true change.

THE RULES: : IF, YOU won’t think for yourselves/ THEN you won’t survive, and neither will this world. There is nothing so elemental, than respect for the life you received/ the value of our reality among all living creation.  The absolute lie,  that is evolution detracts from truth: for the singular purpose of avoiding responsibility.  World law, simple and plain;  created by we the people, governing our leaders; is an answer. 8 billion people CAN tell a few hundred people what they will or will NOT do! It is that simple: when we, the vast majority, all agree.

SEARCHING FOR LIFE:  To search for anything, the foundation which begins the effort is:  to identify, and define,  what it is that you seek!

My open statement to you, and to all is:  EVERY LIFE deserves an opportunity to know, WHAT THE PRICE OF BEING WRONG CAN BE. How is that not true/ when “the priests of university”;  gamble with this entire world, and every living thing, forever.  I offer:  even if I am wrong/ your world still lives.  In contrast:  IF THE UNIVERSITIES are even a tiny bit wrong/ OUR WHOLE WORLD, becomes a sun forever!  IF THE UNIVERSITIES are even a tiny bit wrong/ the bodies of life, that are called nature; will cease to exist as they are.  Every single one!

Searching for peace:  Searching for peace;  what is the essence, “of a human being without, judging by sight or sound”?

Searching for happiness:    a reality that does not come with sex, trophies, winner, marriage, religion, or any other consequence of life/

Searching for you:       the foundation of humanity, within us all/ unless hate owns your soul.

Searching for love:     the quest that is eternal.

Searching for fair:   An election, or a society that has merit:  IS STRICTLY DEVOTED TO THE REALITIES of what we need to know/ need to do/ need to understand/ and must protect to defend ourselves and our futures, because this is real!  Everything else is a distinct purpose to remove value from democracy; so that the tragedy of fools in charge can come true. tyranny is treason.

Even without a courtroom, YOU CAN BROADCAST OR TRANSMIT the reality of this threat to our world. And gain the power to demand a courtroom for life! Use the internet/ use your money/ use your life/ use any legal method you can find, including buying the time from current media; and protect your world.

What you cannot do with media is create a moratorium, and stop the experiments. NEITHER can you force them to stop threatening our world:  you need the law, because a gun is not enough!  Every single day, an experiment is being done in this world that can end in our extinction.  Which means deliberately:  you have no time to play left. DO IT NOW!

Is your world not worth the trouble? Then dig your grave, you don’t deserve to be buried by someone else.

THE PRIMARY SOLUTIONS, for our human world.

  1. 8 billion people CAN tell a few thousand people what they can or cannot do. We accomplish that by creating the plain and simple laws, we demand WILL be enforced. On them as well as ourselves.
  2. We create that law, in the same way our constitutional contract: which establishes democracy is created. By assembling the words, which are understood.  Examples are “constitutional amendments/ biblical ten commandments”.  SHORT, SIMPLE, AND PLAIN!
  3. Leaders who swear to obey our law, make an oath to obey the constitutional contract that allow them to be employed as our leaders/ are then reviewed for truth. As provided under redress of grievances, a first amendment constitutional LAW.  We decide if you did or did not keep your oath, according to that document.
  4. Of the laws to be produced for the purposes of life, are these:
    1. NO ONE shall threaten our world, our nature, our environment, or our future; beyond what we accept by our own “informed” vote as necessary.
    2. NO ONE shall risk the reality of war: because there shall be world law instead of weapons called mass destruction.
    3. NO ONE is allowed to “play god” in any form whatsoever. That includes NO genetic mutilation/ NO extreme experiments with energy of any kind/ NO machines which can cause catastrophe/ NO illusions of fantasy or deceit in government.
    4. NO ONE shall avoid reality; NO ONE shall push their debt onto the future child; NO ONE shall destroy the environment we need to survive.
    5. NO ONE shall destroy nature itself, by changing the natural structures, disciplines, balance, and order of EVERYTHING THAT GAVE US LIFE. Man is not god/ and knows nothing, other than destruction.
  5. Every life is free to make their own decisions, and produce their own destiny or fate/ by accepting an individual path or walking with all the rest: in whatever way they see fit. Because it is their own eternity that is being chosen. Which means you have no right to interfere/ BUT BY LAW, that governs us all!
  6. Every life has an inherent right to work; thereby the foundation of society is:  we as one life shared, will in fact find a way, to respect each other. Even though the real trouble is:  people want more than they are entitled to have/ so they take, what should belong to the rest.
  7. There are no chemicals to be made, that are not as “life friendly as possible”. There are no chemicals to be made, that are not deemed to be absolutely necessary:  if they do not meet strict and true SAFE FOR LIFE standards.
  8. The foundation of our future is: IF WE DON’T stay within the limits and boundaries of what this earth, this environment, and this nature can provide/ then we all die. So the reality of law is:  WE THE WORLD, SHALL in fact protect ourselves, by RESPECTING THIS WORLD, as best we can.
  9. The reality of our lives is: WE ENFORCE OUR LAWS, by grading the judge, police, lawyer, courtroom, and trial for ourselves. Which means a completely open courtroom, with absolutely no “back room negotiations”. All lights on, and microphones everywhere; so the world itself can see.  If ANYONE fails to meet the grade that is constitutional law and intent/ THEY WILL be removed from office, as society sees fit to enforce by their own vote.
  10. “limited capitalism” means: WE THE PEOPLE control the reality of money and its influence, by determining for ourselves:  just how rich or poor ANYONE is allowed to be. That means we vote to determine the minimum salary of any “40 hour” worker/ and we vote to determine the maximum yearly salary; or property holdings, that anyone is allowed to have. On a periodic basis. In that way, nobody gets to “Play god” with our lives.
  11. Environmental responsibilities include: you shall realistically protect our world, as is consistent with the law we make/ or you shall lose your privilege to own property.
  12. We need NO LAWMAKERS, but only ourselves! Once we create the law we need, it takes a greater percentage of the people; than did put that law in place:  to then change the law. We need people employed by government:  to investigate, examine the facts, and reporting to this people; as they determine IF OUR LAWS are being kept.


NOBODY gets to be important, unless change is needed. The consequence of that is;  the universities by designing tragedy get power/ as does the military/ as does the politician/ the first responder/as does various forms of industry, medicine, education, business; and so on. When people are happy:  THEY DON’T want change. So the reality of our experience as society is:  the more tragedy there is, the more people want power. Power then makes its own tragedy, so as to keep the  power, and establish slaves. The prisons (a few are required) exist primarily because there is money involved:  after all, “take their lives from society, and you can steal everything that had value/ removing their competition/ and enforce slavery onto an entire family”. How is that not power? It is fear that presents the greatest power. Establish fear, and you get a willing slave/ until they realize, “even life is not worth this price”. For every prisoner, there is another job/ another debt that society can be forced to pay: in policing/ courtrooms/ everything. Which does mean:  the more prisoners you have, the more wealthy that particular industry becomes! Steal a life, by refusing balance, and fair play throughout society; and the tragedy of allowing greed to control society becomes clear: they died, to make you rich.  Or more simply;  yes it is your job to insure everybody has an opportunity/ everybody gets respect/ everybody finds happiness, as best they can in a world that gives them justice.

JUSTTALKING7.INFO      current news:  just like one person was basically responsible for “9/11”;  but that became the Afghanistan war/ and then one person was responsible for sending toxic poison to congress became the Iraq war: and on and on and on!  North Korea can become another tragic misstep, with consequences involving millions of lives and trillions of dollars spent. The solution is:  stop arrogance, discard pride first. THEN inform the N. Korean public (as best you can):  THEIR LEADER, THREATENS TRAGEDY/ causing USA THREATENS CATASTROPHE.  Then discard the leadership, by advising ALL the people, that they CAN JOIN S. Korea, in a far better life;   “just a few fools standing in the way”.  The simple way to begin is:  air dropping significant numbers of small radios with instructions (extra batteries).  World law is the answer: the law created by we the people to govern our leaders/ world court, to bring leaders into our justice, when they fail. WE, are 8 billion people “yes we can”.  Failure, is “this world can die”.

Last discussion, TIME is running out:   NEWS OF THE DAY 

the news:  free to all, use however you wish.  That you create & then can use for the defense of  life, nation, world, or planet!            NOT religious, simply the news  Which does include the simple statement: 

By what measure, should I congratulate or thank those whose decisions are becoming:  “the executioner to all life and planet”?  Question: protected or cult worship?

Purpose: “Some things simple for you to use; to aid life, nation, and world.”       Simple truths, to understand our reality, rather than die “without a clue”.  EVERYONE deserves a warning; {this is about your life/ our planet} is that not so? EVERYONE deserves a chance to say:  “let us legally prove the consequences of being WRONG;  and stop whatever threatens life or planet, to save our world”!  Reality decides, not want! Not a game, do what you can do.    

Problem requiring solution: examples

  1. Can you extinguish the nuclear fire, science is trying to ignite. As is so obviously the reality of energy on the sun?  What are the consequences for being wrong?  justtalking5.info  video  “death comes knocking”.
  2. Can you return genetic disciplines “to nature (nature is the genetic building of life)”/ because like a disease: does not once released, mutilations;  spell doom?  Biology experiments,  do so every day. What are the consequences for being wrong? Video fire fence 5
  3. Can the extinction of our world be predicted? Can the end of the world be predicted.
  4. WE MUST have world law, to govern our leaders/ by bringing them to world court. Video; threat diplomacy is BAD.


Science   biology    society    constitutional law   democracy    justice   policing    weapons of mass destruction    food threats    water threats   resource loss threat    global warming    environmental threat    species extinction     Bible interpretations     ocean threat     forest loss    “free press”     healthcare     population crisis    business   agriculture   industry     education     relationships     dating     mental health     values  liberty   “economy; is too general/ be more specific”. Federal reserve gov accounting.

Primary Problems:

Science is trying to ignite a nuclear fire, “it burns atoms/ making everything here fuel”. Ignition means:  this earth becomes a sun/ it cannot be controlled. Solution: stop them!

Biology is trying to make genetics (the instructions, which literally build life) fail/  they believe;  then “we can understand how this works now”. They literally want to play god; and risk every life on this planet. Solution: stop them!

Problem, the “crispr method of slicing DNA” leaves open the entire structure.
Which means ANY form of mutilation, chemical contamination or other “such as a biological terrorist”;  allows that INVASIVE method/ by any means to threaten life!   That then, DOES become the method that can literally be the means:  to end life on earth, with HORROR. By allowing ANY SPECIES to intermingle with another! THE SUBSTANCE of a genetic material, Is the same for all. Like an airborne disease, “the predator” can then be ANYWHERE! Catastrophically ending genetic life! Since it can invade all genetic structure/ IT THREATENS ALL LIFE! Media tells you nothing (except believe in the university)/ are YOU WILLING TO ACCEPT THE CONSEQUENCES?  You have been told.

Human population is growing at more than one billion per each decade now. Solution: stop ourselves.

The greatest catastrophe of common men is coming:  the complete destruction of your jobs. “the universities want robots”! ENDING in the reality called “we got guns, fire, and bombs”: world war 3. The scenario: First the traitors, to GOD and life:  come, “lets burn the world”. Then the armies, “let’s take everything”. Then the terrorists, “If I can’t have it/ destroy their world”.

The food supply is being mutilated, current practice cannot be sustained/ the water supply is being poisoned, threatened in countless ways/ the oxygen consumption by “all fire” is greater than this earth produces/ we are more than one person per acre of agricultural ground. Solution: change this!

The resources “more in ten years used”/ than in all of human history preceding this date. IT WILL end.

Humanity discarded/ currencies counterfeited by hidden inflation/ debts beyond all possible repayment/ people enslaved. Solution: control want/ make better choices as we the people!

Species extinction/ ocean life facing extinction/ forests being devastated/ environment destroyed/ global warming is true/ ozone loss. Solution: stop this, with law!

Weapons of mass destruction/ and a world of people who all want more than this world can provide:  demanding more, OR war.  Increases in intensity every single day! Solution: stop this with world law, enforced upon leaders! Remove all weapons of mass destruction/ all major weapons so as not to destroy cities and environment; “let them have swords” if they must.

The brave new world as promised by media; was in fact, “we can rob/ cheat/ steal/ mutilate/ threaten/ commit treason, terrorism, and corruption”: without a word entering society.  Because a media led cult; will never question the results/ they aren’t allowed, nor do they have any true voice. Reduced to yelling and violence, your nation has been lost. With a billion dollars for every election/ media has no incentive to inform or change anything. Controlled by a tiny few, by the corruption of courts and government;  they have become the enemy. because they want only to entertain. Not even the leaders have a say; because  “a university religion:  as is we know everything (you don’t understand, we won’t let you, media wont tell you)”/ has literally become your god of failure and the disease of an arrogance so strong:  it plays with death to our very world.  And the slaves (paid with counterfeiting) say nothing at all/ to their own shame, drowning in bribes!


As is consistent with nearly all human life, the endless chant is:  someone else got more than me/ I want more too. The reality of our day is, “if life itself is not enough/ then extinction will be certain”. Because with 8 billion or so people on earth, either the resources will be carefully distributed with justice and respect for all/ or there will be life ending wars, for this whole earth. Even if you survive, what you need to continue living, will be gone. Which makes, even a better (more useful) body or mind; will not be enough. Past the point of no return, no decision can be made regarding survival for life/ that reality is far closer than you think. Peace exists with trust. Harmony exists with justice. Happiness exists with love through friendship as respect defines true. Truth exists, wherever the law of life and planet;  is certain and sure. Love expands from the blessing of what we can share, to the realities established by our own care: to conceive of greater than ourselves. To become the essence of hope through family as is the gift of “time with you”. Death is the end of time, and all its trappings. Life is, a “freedom joined as one individual shared”.  Do you see the difference? To inherit eternity you must become “your part” of that equation; or the essence of life itself/ as is inside of you, will fail to keep you “alive”. ALIVE means;  “I have found my soul”; and everything in me, rejoices in that truth. Be the person you were meant to be; don’t lie, it makes you unworthy of that gift. Be true to your world as well!

As to our reality itself, while universities guided us all here/ politicians worshiped the universities, and media are zealots protecting the universities/ the foundation of corruption, collusion, and conspiracy to deny democracy and justice in the courts is what gives the university power over us all. Even so, it is not entirely there fault by any means. Reality states, while a few have made a difference to my work; it was only a tiny few; all the rest hide, or ran away, or ridiculed, or just wanted what they wanted, and refused to care regardless of insurmountable evidence; they just turned away, and even demanded “I got what I want/ and don’t you do nothing to disturb that”. Nobody*;  essentially “wants to pay”/ the price is too high, “for a world”. Reality replies, without a world as nature created it;  you, EVEN you, have no life here; that is an undeniable truth. Which means you are insane/ or if you prefer simply cult worshipers demanding “the university will save us”. They are the foundation of most threat, clearly NOT going to be your saviors/ they are the threat, among the rest. “Just touch it a little, but don’t change nothing else” won’t save a single life on earth. That is the truth! The universities have taught you fantasies (disguised lies); “that won’t keep you alive”.  You have taught yourselves ridicule and disrespect, particularly through media:  “that won’t keep you alive”. The earth has given you time and possibilities to declare what you truly want. Answer:  “you want” to play god with life and earth/ as is what the evidence does prove. But all lies end/ all want ends in hate, unless you discard it; and we do stand at the edge of chaos throughout this earth. Not only by fire and mutilation, but by lack of resource, water, food and war without end; until extinction takes over your world. Without the chains that bring other life into nature, the chemicals which keep your body alive will be gone. Without birth control there is no future, even if you suddenly removed the rest. A choice you don’t want to make/ but reality INSISTS. People turn away from my work, because they want their life to be free of all responsibilities “just like the universities”. They want what they want: regardless of what truth itself would demand. Lies aren’t free. Neither is life on earth or beyond:  duty calls/ reality, through justice and respect will decide; or you die forever.

I am not your judge/ not your savior/ not your enemy;  just a human being doing the best I can do, for all life on earth. That would include yours. Not a game, our reality in time;  is grinding to a halt! Because that, is what you chose to do. Simple and plain, change or die. My work throughout the sites is written as a newspaper over 16+ years. My heart convicts me of nothing; as I have done the best I could/ even if you believe it was not enough, or whatever you believe. It is along with the rest, what I did do. Good or bad is irrelevant; I did do, what I could do; as reality allowed me to do it. Could you do more? Not about me. The threats of our extinction are NOT exaggerated, they exist. Just a taste

If you see “the whisper of   GOD  “  our Creator in this work/ establishing a chance to save HIS OWN CREATION. By giving humanity the chance to change themselves into something that will survive. Then you will grant to me, by the level of threat revealed here:  that “humanity must change or it will die” IS a message, given to me; to deliver to you.  Who among you could not have been that messenger? I simply remained determined: for the true sake of our world, and all its life; a true and honest “thank you” for mine. Simple as that; you’re belief is not required, true is true.

Reality knows:  GOD will open the door, “to let you inside of what truth reveals”/ or your chance to survive will not arise, because you simply didn’t care enough to be saved by HIM. Either way, I am just the messenger, believe it or not. YOU (humanity on earth) are the cause of every threat, which means your choice is:  TO KILL YOURSELVES/ or change your ways.

Three things I add:  world law requires the simple approach, if a leader refuses to come forth; reality states the price begins with the wealthy, as they keep all leaders in power. Initially confiscating their money will provide incentive. When the world itself is at your door, there is no selecting a target from among us. There can be no true exemptions, equal one and all.

Limited capitalism is, democracy in action: which means if you can organize a vote, and keep the military at bay/ then democracy will work; but ONLY if the law you choose to make is absolutely clear and necessary for justice to rise.

Changing society means to change want. The only method of doing that, is to accept our situation does NOT allow for anything less than truth to lead us all. Reality will present, but the consequences of being wrong for life and planet determine the outcome of our choice. No more gambling with life or planet or resource:  we must protect our future, recognizing children as well as nature itself has rights too. Nothing less will sustain you. Because our world has changed:  we are too many people, and any major war will simply exterminate all life. LAW IS, our only hope.

In this world and at this time, as it has always been;  humanity demands, “I want what I want/ don’t tell me nothing but what I want to hear; because that is what I want”. History proves the result: excess, hurrah; and then busted or broken and war. Immigration is one tragedy (no we didn’t stop ourselves)/ which leads to another (now we don’t have enough)/ which leads to genocide as those who fear decide “it’s now or never”; we need to take control. The difference in today is: you have no future, because 8 billion people cannot take all they want to take; so they ransack and rape the future, leaving it empty and without hope. Fantasies lead, failure and foolishness follow, tragedy and hell are coming; because that is what you chose as a world lead by humans, who worship the university; and their goal of defeating everything nature and environment is. Can’t pretend “god” unless you destroy what exists first; only then with every life hanging in the balance over the abyss:  is satan revealed without thought. Satan means to destroy a world, this world;  every part and every piece of evidence proves “time is short”. Because the choices made have nothing to do with a future for this world; plainly leadership, its followers, & your elders chose: “to destroy every child, and leave them nothing”! Because they don’t want to pay the price of sustaining life on earth. “They want what they want, to hell with every child; because they want what they want”; don’t tell me NOTHING else! That is the foundation reality proven to be in control over the last forty+ years. They will all change their mind in an instant; but it will be too late. Igniting nuclear fire, is the easy way out of life;  because you will instantly know, “this enemy cannot be defeated” (a pillar of fire that will quickly reach the moon/ a fact identified by solar flares reach 12 million miles long). Any other method of descent into extinction; as currently chosen, is by war, cannibalism, hate, horrifying mutilation, and more. The game is over, the horror will soon begin. Even so, remain hopeful till the end is proven; because life needs hope. Even though without change in all of humanity, an acceptance of reality and truth must decide; there is literally no hope. Fight for your world, let eternity itself know who you are;  because that is true hope for your own individual life. We are not saviors of this world, neither you or I;  simply do the best you can; that is our right.