NOTICE TO THE:  US PUBLIC/   regarding the  potential class action lawsuit (not yet filed):  that would demand a fair and honest billing to all aspects of  “healthcare”/ in its entirety.

            This is a potential lawsuit:  to design and establish WE THE PEOPLE,  take control of over those who have been creating our healthcare billing.  For the clear and singular purpose of confronting extortion, as a current criminal outcome of our:  “healthcare billing”.per citizen DOES NOT mean: per worker who pays. how sick are you?

            This particular lawsuit will focus upon the billing practice of a  “local hospital”: who has charged  $39,334.47  for an outpatient one hour operation to repair a broken “fibula, small, lower leg bone”; with two casts applied 2 weeks apart.    BILLING IS about primary administration, and investors/ not specifically, the medical staff. They are separate divisions of healthcare.clear and certain REALITY DECIDES changes must be made in healthcare; public health/ not extortion

            The critical construction in a PUBLIC/ JURY TRIAL; courtroom of law.  WILL investigate and decide IF THE BILLING IS DIRECTLY, AND LEGALLY JUSTIFIED: with regard to the real world work that has been done.

            TRIAL OUTCOME:  is then to consider and construct WHAT IS FAIR, to all parties.  WHETHER WE THE PEOPLE WILL ALLOW so called “private enterprise in medicine”/ or change it as we demand: thereby regulating our nation/ our law/ our legal right of ownership.  As is consistent with US Constitutional rights granted by the first amendment. Thereby demanding of our lazy good for nothing legislatures:  EITHER A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES TRIAL, that lets the people; themselves decide what should be done.  Or directs the legislatures to make this fair, with NO preference to the medical profession in any form or manner.


            Be it hereby known:  THAT AFTER 40+ years of fighting for you, without support/ I WILL NOT be fighting alone in this.  I, will simply pay the price of bankrupting social security through Medicare; as it already is/ and be done: choose, if you fail to fight! You have till the end of April 2022.  EITHER YOU PROVE, YOU WILL FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS/   by acknowledging the necessary signatures and work to create a class action lawsuit for this purpose;   by taking a document you create: for signatures. Gathering those signatures for legal courtroom purposes: to be mailed to the court yet assigned.  Or providing your signatures by internet services to this site   so they can sign up here.


              BE ADVISED:  IF, you sign up/ your name and address will be visible/  and if called upon at a later date:  YOU, grant: you will be choosing to act, as a class action group; in this lawsuit to regulate medical billing in all its conceptions. Likewise, you WILL be expected to provide whatever “legal fees” for the express purposes of this trial; if needed/ for this legal endeavor.     Make your decision:   DO YOU WANT CHANGE?   OR are you going to continue to quiver; screaming “how sacred you am”/ they are thieves, who want your whole world/ who want you to be their slave.

            Now or never:  make your choice.  FAIR, by our demand OR NOT, by theirs:   CHOOSE!fraud and corruption is not just a national disgraceIl debt; just the beginningstart dividing how many workers by how much debt is there/ and lets review reality with REDRESS it is the law96 trillion is 0,000.00 per each of one hundred million trillion dollars is equal to=$10,000.00 per each of one hundred million workers! = $960,000.00 (soon, 1 million each)

             For those who fear, “the doctor’s etcetera” will stop helping us:  I remind you and them, THISS ABOUT BILLING! And who charges these amounts:  reminding each, we help them too. THE BILLING: which will be deciphered to understand “fair/ or not”; is the length and breathe of the purpose for trial. NOTHING ELSE, will be explored for “dedicated value, to charge”.  As to refusals after that:  the critical construction is:  CRIMINAL EXTORTION/  does come with CRIMINAL PENALTIES;  dependent upon what the public will decide.    OUR DEMOCRACY, IS:   “OUR DEMOCRACY”. It does not belong to our employees/ nor does it function to enslave us, by a medical malady or accident; granting:  SLAVE NOW, particularly NOT,  for very little real world work.  

The full name and address are hidden until and unless 10,000 people sign up to be included in this POTENTIAL, class action lawsuit. Which will then be given to the court; and its lawyers. ONLY partial names and locations will exist until that date: [“just like mine”; first entry; having filled out everything]. IF, YOU DO: decide to challenge their billing.  methods for doing that/ actions to be taken.      to take back the power of government, and healthcare; for WE THE PEOPLE. Ten thousand people signing is only one per 33,000 citizens (you vote for your child) + immigrants.

And the people say: I HAVE INSURANCE, why SHOULD I CARE? But reality offers: how about your child/ grandchild/ friend/ lover/ business partner/ worker/ future/ or finding yourself in a foreign country?  OR, THE RISING COST OF INSURANCE, as reality sets in?  The tragedy of people being broken by thieves who invaded their world, and stole a lifetime of work; some even lost to hate, and the result that is terrorism. What about the truth: that medicare is financially broken; as is medicaid; as is social security; as is the nation itself, as can clearly be proven by any and all financial records; “even if they are corrupting the evidence”; the reality cannot be covered up try or in the state of Il which continuously increases the debt to pay their bills (fraud, nothing paid)

Healthcare Class action lawsuit

            NOTICE TO THE:  US PUBLIC/   regarding the  potential class action lawsuit (not yet filed):  that would demand a fair and honest billing to all aspects of  “healthcare”/ in its entirety.

            This is a potential lawsuit:  to design and establish WE THE PEOPLE,  take control of over those who have been creating our healthcare billing.  For the clear and singular purpose of confronting extortion, as a current criminal outcome of our:  “healthcare billing”.

            This particular lawsuit will focus upon the billing practice of a  “local hospital”: who has charged  $39,334.47  for an outpatient one hour operation to repair a broken “fibula, small, lower leg bone”; with two casts applied 2 weeks apart.

            The critical construction in a PUBLIC/ JURY TRIAL; courtroom of law.  WILL investigate and decide IF THE BILLING IS DIRECTLY, AND LEGALLY JUSTIFIED: with regard to the real world work that has been done.

            TRIAL OUTCOME:  is then to consider and construct WHAT IS FAIR, to all parties.  WHETHER WE THE PEOPLE WILL ALLOW so called “private enterprise in medicine”/ or change it as we demand: thereby regulating our nation/ our law/ our legal right of ownership.  As is consistent with US Constitutional rights granted by the first amendment. Thereby demanding of our lazy good for nothing legislatures:  EITHER A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES TRIAL, that lets the people; themselves decide what should be done.  Or directs the legislatures to make this fair, with NO preference to the medical profession in any form or manner.


            Be it hereby known:  THAT AFTER 40+ years of fighting for you, without support/ I WILL NOT be fighting alone in this.  I, will simply pay the price of bankrupting social security through Medicare; as it already is/ and be done: choose, if you fail to fight! You have till the end of April 2022.  EITHER YOU PROVE, YOU WILL FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS/   by acknowledging the necessary signatures and work to create a class action lawsuit for this purpose;   by taking a document you create: for signatures. Gathering those signatures for legal courtroom purposes: to be mailed to the court yet assigned.  Or providing your signatures by internet services to this site   so they can sign up here.


              BE ADVISED:  IF, you sign up/ your name and address will be visible/  and if called upon at a later date:  YOU, grant: you will be choosing to act, as a class action group; in this lawsuit to regulate medical billing in all its conceptions. Likewise, you WILL be expected to provide whatever “legal fees” for the express purposes of this trial; if needed/ for this legal endeavor.     Make your decision:   DO YOU WANT CHANGE?   OR are you going to continue to quiver; screaming “how sacred you am”/ they are thieves, who want your whole world/ who want you to be their slave.

            Now or never:  make your choice.  FAIR, by our demand OR NOT, by theirs:   CHOOSE!

             For those who fear, “the doctor’s etcetera” will stop helping us:  I remind you and them, THISS ABOUT BILLING! And who charges these amounts:  reminding each, we help them too. THE BILLING: which will be deciphered to understand “fair/ or not”; is the length and breathe of the purpose for trial. NOTHING ELSE, will be explored for “dedicated value, to charge”.  As to refusals after that:  the critical construction is:  CRIMINAL EXTORTION/  does come with CRIMINAL PENALTIES;  dependent upon what the public will decide.    OUR DEMOCRACY, IS:   “OUR DEMOCRACY”. It does not belong to our employees/ nor does it function to enslave us, by a medical malady or accident; granting:  SLAVE NOW, particularly NOT,  for very little real world work.

%%your signature%%

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