express democracy

Of values and opportunities, to express a democracy, and keep it stable: is this one SIMPLE rule. Society operates best, “when we do not trespass against each other”. OR, more distinctly: the LAWS (WHICH GOVERN EVERYONE SAME), should be coherent, fair, plain, understood by all; which means simple, justified by...


We come to passions, and the existence of time versus eternity; to conceive of compositions that are functionally beyond complexity. Or more distinctly, the question of change, and how it alters the identity of one life form into another. In the spiritual world, the area beyond death and between eternity...


A lesson to be learned is: you must train yourself, to be yourself; anything less allows others an opportunity to make you fail. Pride is the enemy, in both them and you: because for them your failure, lets them believe they are more/ while in you, it is hope that...

wearable sleeve

Forty years ago: I tried to sell the idea of “female protection”/ in the form of a defense method that allows the wearer to “drive back the attacker and mark him for later identification”. NONE were interested to any degree; as the common answer was, “I DON'T want to stop...


We now review: the possibilities of what we can do, to survive as a world! First and foremost: EVERY THREAT must be investigated to identify what is true/ EVERY SINGLE UNIVERSITY DRIVEN ANYTHING OR INDUSTRY OR ANY OTHER ASPECT OF “UNIVERSITY”; IS to be stopped entirely and without question: while...


We do, come to the crossroads of time: the place where reality meets human want/ and they do not exist as one. The foundation being truth forms reality; only truth can survive or create a future for life; only the decision to allow truth to decide, instead of want: can...


There is literally no place on earth less likely to explore or allow the constant of thought, than a university. But reality proves the universities are a religion of their own accord, and as such the constant is “fantasy, imagination, delusion, and beliefs rule the day.” Their university “gods (we...


DEMOCRACY MEANS; WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS PLACE/ THIS NATION, HAVE formed our own government, by declaring WE SHALL MAKE OUR OWN LAWS. In the alternate view: democracy means: WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS PLACE OR NATION: HAVE MADE THE LAWS BY OUR VOTE/ thereby becoming a democracy, which proves...


The fundamental of my work here, in all these words: reduced to a tiny few is, DON'T BELIEVE whatever you have been told, or read, or however it is you came to believe in something. Because belief is just another form of shouting: I WANT, WHAT I WANT! And that...


Lets suppose hate exists! Its rather like a disease, it can attack anyone who is not immune to it; if exposed. So the question of hate is: how do we become immune/ and how do people become exposed to it, even though they have no intention of inviting hate like...