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Behind closed doors: NOT EVEN the reality of a sun which does NOT produce any notable helium/ proves the university theory of fusion is a lie. And yet: the universities, and governments they control; continue trying to ignite atoms on fire/ for the power, the money, and the pride of “playing god”. ASK YOURSELVES: HOW MUCH MORE, of what you were taught; is nothing more than a story! BECAUSE BEING WRONG; means ignition is the end of our world. 

THE REALITY, of our democratic army called WE THE PEOPLE, IS: that weapons can only be used to enforce the law. That US constitutional law of democracy is: by our own first amendment redress (the legal right, to hold our officials accountable) & by our tenth amendment right of change, as we desire. WE SHALL ENFORCE OUR AUTHORITY: “TO BE THE OWNERS HERE”. Not by destruction, but by LAW. Organizing into a clear force that then demands: WE SHALL, KNOW WHAT IS TRUE. Regarding covid/ regarding all threats that could be extinction/ regarding our money, and our realities/ regarding what is true of university evolution, sun theories, genetic mutilation; and all that has declared themselves to be “gods or kings or queens” over our lives and nation. Simple as that: IS THE COURTROOM DEMAND. No pleading the fifth, no denying the evidence, no escape from the realities which endanger our lives, no theories, no purposes other than truth.

You believe in universities; because they indoctrinated you, into their religious cult, from a very early age. Demanding worship: as is: NOBODY questions the book “we the universities wrote”. MEMORIZE AND MIMIC what you are told; or be condemned to rejection and dismay. How pathetic is: “evolution: chaos built life, one piece at a time/ without a tool, without a brain UNTIL according to universities: monkey became god”. And yet you believe, “your classmate; hidden beneath the cover of university”; can play god with life; and no consequences will exist! As is BLIND, FAILURE, FOOL!

You cannot survive by being afraid; that fear will make you die/ because there is literally no place to run or hide, from a world that is being attacked by those who want to claim: “yes we can play god”. The difference between this moment and the entire human history of men in charge is: today, the have the tools to play god/ and soon this world will know, they did play god. To make it so: the universities have distracted you with “covid 19”; DEMANDING FEAR/ so you will panic and not “think for yourselves”. As history proves: the foundation of male domination is war. Today that war is against all life, all nature, all earth, and every child; and it even now includes the solar system itself as they deliberately try to ignite the same fire here as is on the sun. To your shame, as a world; for allowing that fact, to be so.

News of the day: one child got covid and spread it to parents/ in a nation of 333 million people: SHOUT FEAR. Is that not what; the marketers of media proving “university knows all” do. GO AHEAD; after all a worse depression that 1929 can’t be all that bad: right.

I am going to give you some advise, again: curing a pandemic that does not exist/ “is easy, and your gods of university; will soon declare it is so”. Your play gods of politics will describe themselves as hero’s/ even though they made it possible to destroy everything the middle class has been working for. The consequence of that is civil war, and a breakdown of all discipline and order; because you didn’t care for their lives; more than for your own fears. So, my advise to you is: as a democracy enforcing its own first amendment “redress of grievances/ and its own ten amendment to the US constitution”. A reality of law: that does not allow anyone to take over and play the role of kings. TAKE YOUR LEADERS TO COURT, and that includes the universities expert, that demanded to play god with your lives. REDRESS IS: for an accounting from those who led, to where we are now. THE TENTH amendment is: WE HAVE THE LEGAL RIGHT, to make our own chances in this democracy. As is consistent with that democracy, and that constitution: a 75% YES as we the people: WE AGREE; by our vote, does establish that constitutional change.  ADDED ON FOR CLARITY.

A pandemic is ONLY PROVEN BY AN INCREASE IN DEATHS; over the expected normal losses. You cannot go by claimed deaths; because they own the reporting service; and can claim anything they want; to enforce their decisions on you. YOUR ONLY DEFENSE, is to prove the numbers [look down the page for a graph: right click in that graph for age range death]“above normal deaths” are true/ or false.  THEN consider the truth, that if we lined up 100,000 people (which is the gauge used most on these graphs): that would be a line of people standing 3 feet apart:  FOR 56.8 MILES LONG. So what are your real chances of dying: how old are you? 0-24 years old: 15 die per week:  cut off 45 feet from those 56.8 miles; FOR YOUR age group!  ARE YOU SCARED? REALLY! Unless of course as with most deaths, “covid related”: you are over 85 years old. 

Enforce it shall be so! shrink

THE US REVOLUTIONARY WAR: IDENTIFIED, truths, rights, freedoms, liberties, values, the construction of democracy, the foundations of conflict, the purpose of their demands, and ultimately accepting the fear: because their desire to participate in a state of government, that was beyond “simply selfish”; was true. Nothing, or very little; in this America; can compare. THEY WOULD, be ashamed of you! Throwing away the nation, just to prove how damn proud you are. WAKE UP, or you will get what you deserve. even the world  world gdp

The living heart; beats for life/ and accepts nothing less than truth.  

Worshiping those who led you to destroy the future for every child/ worshiping those who led you to consume or destroy every resource/ worshiping those who have destroyed your currency with hidden inflation, while shouting; we will never pay a debt/ worshiping those who mutilate life just to play god/ worshiping those who lead  as “university knows”, and propagate FEAR as media do, shouting BELIEVE never doubt: labor 2

Fear breeds ridicule (to make you less, and them more), and ridicule (you are affecting my life in ways I do not like) breeds hate (I believe whatever I want to believe; because truth does not matter to me). Hate is the religious experience, I am; whatever I believe I am. Therefrom judgments are made, and realities of violence and revenge are taken without true cause. Herds of people enlarge themselves by becoming a mob/ and a mob plays god, so they can establish hate. INSTEAD OF LAW! To defuse civil unrest: the demand is, COME HERE AND CHANGE THE LAW. No more stampede: BE HUMAN. And the people say: I WANT, to be feared! war

EVEN WHEN, the very worst possible thing they could do/ they are in fact doing. As is trying to ignite sun fire here on earth/ where everything is fuel, and their chosen defense is: the fire will just extinguish itself. Alas a nuclear fire will not; and that ends your lives too, even changing the solar system to prove “yes they can be SATAN”conflict   civil war is no joke/ nor is it an answer.

Very soon, you will have no choice; it will simply be TOO LATE! Not a cry, nor a scream, or the reality of terrors; will be heard; as fire consumes this world. And that makes you: “devil worshipers”/ how is that not true? But don’t worry; how could your gods of university ever be wrong? Find your brain; stop being sheep led to slaughter by fools. Protect your child, and keep this earth alive; by proving what is, and what is not TRUE. I have done everything I could realistically do for you: but you are the problem, and you are the solution/ and only you, can change you. covid by age

And the people say: WE CAN’T ALL BE WRONG! But the herd as is seen in nature: simply follows the ass, of the one in front of them/ because fear does not allow for thought. When the leader is wrong: they are all wrong! Because the entire group, is only using one brain: they believe, rather than think for themselves. trend

 Reality proves: protest is worthless/ it merely divides; THEN COMES CIVIL WAR. By declaring an enemy “for war (we will, learn to hate you)”. MAKING THE LAW, which then controls our lives as we the people, inherits democracy/ or intentionally destroys “our lives too/ so we refuse to help you”: go ahead and DIE. By proving what we can, or will not do for ourselves, together by vote. As would be: “a bill of rights” for both citizen and police. Or more distinctly: as a society we must find the solutions for ourselves/ BY LAW, not the curse of a mob.  Women of course, having been portrayed as “true fighting machines” by media;  have now lost their non-combatant status; and will be easily shot too! Hurrah, equals; right?  growth

And millions say: WE ARE OUTRAGED, that the damned and dead in government/ STOLE OUR LIVES, by proclaiming covid is a pandemic. WHEN NOTHING BUT THE ENDLESS RANT OF MEDIA,  exists, which cannot prove that true. THAT IS WHY, anger is expressed! But reality says: you want civil war/ and you will get civil war; with rivers of blood, and fires beyond your ability to control or save any city. Because INSANITY “has no brain/ it only wants, or hates”. Then comes starvation and cannibalism, and terrors in the night.    recession 2

Oh wait; silly me, I forgot they stole your face too, and your economy, removing friends and family and coworker and even housing. They made you “their fools”; all hail the universities: right? Cause you know, “they gave you fear instead”; what a great bargain/ after all, what could be wrong “with sticking your heads in the sand”. Oh wait: it leaves your ass sticking up; ready to violate. Well good thing: the human beings who work at university are perfect, and would never take advantage of the fact they now control your nation; and are fighting to take control over your world: by demanding BELIEVE the fear. Not to worry: the universities can now make you endless diseases; after all you don’t need a face, or a brain, or a life.    UNFORTUNATELY THIS IS NO GAME;  EXTINCTION LOOMS. recession

Stand up and be counted:  as is WE ARE/ I AM demanding, you cannot wreck our lives/ our nature/ our world/ our future/ or our nation. YOU MUST PROVE THE EVIDENCE/ AND WE MUST ACCEPT YOUR CONCLUSIONS.  OR you have no legal right to impose your propaganda of FEAR;  or assume, any authority outside the true disciplines of constitutional democracy. As is consistent with WE THE PEOPLE OWN THIS NATION/ not our employees.  2018 world death count. covid claims

Noted: is the truth, that intellectuals remove the masses from their conversations, their control over courts, media, politics, education, and everything else they can: BY CREATING NEW WORDS, to humiliate and ridicule you. “grade/ high/ college children games; multiplied” with sewage. YOUR ONLY CHOICE is to create “amendment or biblical ten commandment” like SHORT STATEMENTS, to be considered for law. So that YOU can control the language, and nobody can then ridicule or change what you did in fact decide by vote; to say.  demise

Even though, there are five thousand known viruses/ thousands of diseases/ food poisoning/ accidental death/ radiation/ war, and more: “no, you cannot have your face back/ YOU MUST fear”; because, less than complete obedience, would mean you get to think for yourselves. Can’t have that; ask any cult.       cdc death count 2

Don’t you worry, with viruses to invade/ and machines to alter DNA night and day/ and CRISPR/ and millions of people around this world participating with your “research money”. A true “thermo-nuclear biological bomb” is coming to end nature forever. WON’T BE LONG NOW: thereby proving evolution will then be god, “so they say”. cdc death count

I remind you again: take back your nation/ take back your world; DO IT WITH THE LAW, AND DEMOCRACY. Assumed authority, lurks of treason. A government called the constitution: when mocked with insolence, has the authority to purge those who attack it from within. In this democracy; all power is vested in the people, and derived only from them; through their constitution. The failure to obey your sworn oath: is treason/ and there are NO EXCUSES; for disassembling the foundations of society or our democracy. ANY DECISION beyond our the inalienable rights of our liberty and freedoms: by the tenth amendment, SHALL BE MADE ONLY BY THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES! Such is the law of this USA.  While there may be a slight increase in deaths per week/ that does NOT include population growth to offset the numbers with reality. one million more per year is over 19,000 per week; and that does not include undocumented people/ but it does include their deaths.population

For pennies and pride; you let your world burn down; afraid of your own shadows. Letting fools remove you from your lives and the fight to save your homes. Your answer: “we have guns”/ is to your shame. Help for fire containment was provided. Unfortunately for you “millions have eyes & ears/ but only one in a million has a brain”. The reality of “endless people” to help firefighters; removed: because only the disease called an expert is allowed. “failure all around”; all hail the universities “your gods” who taught you all you know. Which is: cry and whine; demanding someone else has to do the work, If I ain’t the hero.  inspect the numbers carefully. wildfire

If someone does not belong to this specific “herd group”; they are forced out, because they don’t act or react exactly the same; endangering all the rest. A panic stampede from fear; does not have mercy. Oh but wait: you don’t have to worry, “the universities are your gods”; and they would never make a mistake, or choose greed, or let pride decide; cause “they’re gods”. Unfortunately, even if they believe: things like asbestos, or roundup, or talcum powder and more [are used thirty years, before problems erupt]. And all this generation says: WELL GREAT, not in my lifetime then! labor

The basis of every mob: as is, the only important life here is ME or US”; EVERYTHING else is trash, interference, or a thief: therefore, worthless or an enemy; so I can, do with them as I please.. NOW, you have been judged, and as the righteous they KNOW; you have no value.  Add in population growth, because this chart does not.covid vaccine

And then: “boy scouts would never harm/ Catholic priests would never abuse/ weapons of mass destruction will never be used”; think again. TO BE HUMAN, means to think for yourself/ and that is impossible without investigating the evidence for yourselves. NO THEORY/ NO OPINIONS/ NO MEDIA TELLING YOU WHAT TO THINK: “just the facts; assembled by our best effort, as we the people” to understand, by the evidence, not want: and then we will decide what is true.  extinction

OR, you can continue to wait, to believe “the universities are god”. While the universities complete their true desire to remove you, from your job; and your money; so their robots, and their banks can take over. Not to worry by making you beggars; they just prove they are gods over you. Prostitutes and thieves however are expendable; “You didn’t say please”. Don’t worry, the groups least able to defend themselves; can be killed/ as history clearly proves. After all, life is only fun: when you win [someone has to lose];  go ahead, “ask the majority”! That’s ok though: we can all look forward too the day, when surrounded by lasers and radiation from cars and all other things; trying to replace human beings. Eye trouble, and all sorts of, “biological complications” will occur. BUT who cares, right!  unemployment

If you do not stop being sheep/ and fail to establish an investigation to prove what is true: to decide for yourselves as is consistent with thought. RATHER than believing what you are told; by LIARS. Then you will enter the slaughter house door/ never to be seen again: as is the ending universities have prepared. FIGHT FOR YOUR WORLD/ OR LOSE IT FOREVER: simple as that. Get up, get organized: GO TO COURT, AND DO NOT accept anything less than truth.     CHOOSE YOUR DESTINY/ don’t just fall into the abyss. Want is dead/ but life is more than want.   the most recent graph  covid graph

Accept the truth: that every death subtracts from 333,000,000 people in this USA/ which adds 10,000 new births over deaths; every day. In a world that adds 400,000 new births over deaths; everyday. What you want has failed/ reality must now choose: your games, are over. Because this earth, is now a very limited resource to or for us all: or extinction will be true.

The scopes “monkey trial” of 1925 establishing evolution could be taught: was almost one hundred years ago/ wherein the argument was: “we have charts (this kind of, looks like that)/ versus, the bible says”. Today, reality says: “you cannot build a body of any life, just one piece at a time/ nor can it be built without thought, or realities not in evidence upon a rock”: either with chaos or accidents. Therefore truth says: let us return to court, and resume a more dedicated evidence of truth. Just so you know: simple concepts of adaption, is NOT going to be accepted. Instead YOU have had a hundred years to gather evidence that will, or will NOT; stand up in the examination of our reality. No excuses allowed/ you have had a hundred years to refine and prove your sewage; indoctrinating children with your religion. Bring what you do have! For my part, I need only state: LIFE IS BUILT WITH THOUGHT, because that is a known truth of comprehension: without thought, there is nothing complex, or known; as that is the evidence of life itself.  heredity

And all of that, builds itself/ creates chemicals itself/ builds every body of life that exists/ and fits on the “head of a needle”.  Proving with absolute certainty, “it ain’t no accident/ and chaos tears everything complex apart, to its most simple form. Which makes the universities the place of “chaos”, as is their religion evolution/ rather than “thought or life”. And that, is literally only the beginning of how atoms, combine themselves into the working forms of a living mass, by using the freedoms called energy. It is fitting, your university religion of evolution declares “its creator”/ doesn’t even have a brain; after all, “a fool is a fool”.

 scientists estimate, we are currently losing species 1,000-10,000 times faster than that, which means that literally tens of species are vanishing from the face of the Earth every day. We could be looking at a frightening future. By this rate, almost one third to one-half of all species could become extinct by 2050.  extinction

THIS DEMOCRACY: will live or die, because you learned how to: and did use redress of grievances to defend yourselves.  YOUR first amendment legal right to “take our employees to court”; and decide for ourselves if they kept their sworn, oath of office. OR not/ which is war, an instantaneous YOU LOSE. Only the law fights for democracy: REMEMBER THAT. Anything less, is just self; and that fails society, and then society fails you. Organize/ identify/ and prove the courtroom is yours; and cannot be denied! Make it so. The tenth amendment is also specific to this cause: giving legal rights to the people themselves, both for changing the direction of governing/ and changing the direction of our employees; as the owners who cannot be denied their legal rights. side effects

YOU WILL learn this one thing, and teach it to your leaders: “that we are all just people, including each and every leader”. That means, in this democracy: YOU HAVE NO more authority/ YOU have no more rights: over life or nation, than do I, or any other: the king is dead/ THE UNIVERSITY IS NOT “MY god”. They are merely mortals, who have made enormous mistakes; and most likely released covid into our world. Anything less than the purity of democracy itself, is true evidence of treason (a criminal offense, with penalties): the deliberate intent to destroy democracy itself. TOGETHER WE DECIDE, AS A NATION: what WE THE PEOPLE NOW CHOOSE. TOGETHER WE INVESTIGATE TO PROVE THE EVIDENCE one way or the other: for ourselves and our nation, your children, and even the influence we will have on our world. Or, you will fail life and planet forever. Because this is not a game; and UNLIKE the disease of university, which is “just one little thing” is all that matters. REALITY PROVES EVERYTHING AFFECTS THE WHOLE. OUR LIFE/ OUR FUTURE/ OUR CHOICE. NOTHING LESS, the herd is disbanded! We choose for ourselves.   if you are true to life: then refuse testing for covid/ UNTIL AND UNLESS, they can prove “testing is for more than a common cold”.  They curse you, and you let them:  it ain’t no game, to destroy a democracy/ YOUR democracy.  Your scammers/ their insurgency, will shout:  “buy/ buy / the belief” as all fraud does. Don’t think/ just believe as all pyramid schemes proclaim. Don’t see the damage, just fear! BUT THE REALITY of death over the average deaths for any given week; proves we do have the time, and their claim to power by testing; has proven to be far less than reliable.   artificial life, the coming evolution devil 16

 IF YOU ARE IN SCHOOL: and the people there demand you will be tested. Remind them: that there is no law, without congress/ and no authority as a governor or president to create a rule, pretending to be law: UNLESS they declare Marshal law, with cause. LIBERTY HOWEVER, understands the concept of freedom; and freedom knows that my personal life/ my personal body is NOT yours; to dictate too. Without true and conclusive, evidence of death/ NO PANDEMIC EXISTS. Without a pandemic: and its clearly proven evidence, that does not allow for less than death to establish it. The demand for a class action lawsuit, and all the civil penalties that can impose: OPENS THE COURTROOM DOOR.  In the alternative, if you do  not yet recognize it: this is all the ingredients for the scenario in the book 1984. By replacing soon all the teachers: with an internet only version of education. ONLY A VERY TINY FEW, will control all forms of education, and communication; and the living robot army, which gets all its instructions from a TV; (phone video screen) will arise. Unable to ask a question/ they know, “it is not allowed”! With fear as its cause, and the “internet god” as its mind; humanity is erased, and the toy world of a university intellectual over life begins. Because as every cult indoctrinates the same:  when only a very tiny few do all the thinking/ the rest are limited to animal. As the universities have been declaring for centuries now.  YES, THERE ARE INSANE PEOPLE IN UNIVERSITY.  YES, YOU DID GIVE THEM THE ABILITY TO THREATEN YOU. Now don’t you worry, as the army of the damned/ reduced to animal by their uniform of a mask, to remove your individuality:  FEAR will be your only friend. Don’t worry, as a mob; to fight the threat of those “being human”;  what else could you need. cult

The outline above is modified to read

  1. The pressure is fear/ or we all die: FROM DISEASE!
  2. the university experts knows everything; they can’t be wrong: all bow down, and accept what you are told.
  3. NO, YOU MAY NOT see the evidence/ only what you are told to believe:  without question/ by the propaganda teams using FEAR/ demanding FEAR/ orchestrating FEAR.    DON’T THINK:   FEAR!
  4. If you just do as you are told; “you never have to fear death again/ WE, the universities;  are your saviors”.  We are gods: never fear us, or what we do: BELIEVE.
  5. They stole your job/ your face/ your business/ your future/ your romance/ your freedoms and your liberty/ your options/ your democracy/ your organizations/ your religions; and more; providing only “BE A DAMN BEGGAR/ or prostitute” instead.
  6. IF YOU DON’T do what we tell you to do; THEN YOU ARE VERMIN, trying to kill us all/ and “will soon, deserve to die”. As a rampant plague of hell carrying disease throughout our lives: TO KILL US ALL.Or, more deliberately, focus on just this one simple thing; and do not be concerned for anything else. YOU don’t need to think (mob)/ just believe what you are told.

Don’t you worry, because as soon as they get the masses vaccinated with their genetic mutilation (man is now god):  things for all life, will begin to go wrong/ and WHERE, are you going to turn; but a university is god? Don’t you worry, the politician is already “army of the damned (give us the money, or we drown)”/ and they will see to it; you don’t have a mind to choose, by force. So that Armageddon (nature in chaos) becomes real. Now don’t you worry:  they won’t need to use much force, NEED FOOD/ NEED WATER/ NEED ELECTRICITY OR GAS/ OR ANYTHING:  JUST GET YOUR VACCINATION, “like a good doggy”. and with facial recognition, how will they not find you? So line up now; because you are going to need your medicine, or you die. OH, did I forget to mention: as with diabetes or similar:  IF YOU REFUSE TO SUBMIT “woe is you”.  Well obviously YOUR fear is worth the price:  RIGHT? 

WHY, WOULD the university intellectual do such a thing, with such extreme arrogance; against us, when they have literally taken or been given everything and anything they could want? Answer: this is the ending of our world, AS PROVEN BY “trying to bring the same energy source here, as is on the sun”. THEY KNOW, “ITS ALL A LIE/ but too DAMN proud to stop it”. So they have nothing left to live for; but a game.

 CAN’T BE TRUE?  Well let’s review:  people who are willing to gamble this entire planet and all its life; by deliberately trying to ignite atoms on fire. To create the same nuclear fire as found on the sun/ here on this earth. KNOW their time is now limited;  so why wait:  THEY WANT, to play god, by manipulating YOU. By proving “you can’t stop us”/ NOT EVEN, from destroying your world. iter delusions

And the people say: THAT CAN’T be it/ they are our protectors, and media wouldn’t lie! But alas, media does do whatever the universities tell them to do or say: without question/ as all cult members do; or you get evicted. And the universities have collected trillions, and been given major accolades and praise for their contribution to “LET’S IGNITE A NUCLEAR FIRE”. Now to suddenly say: WE WERE WRONG/ not only takes that all away, along with the money, power, pride, and future of physics itself. SO HELL NO: let the reality fall wherever it may, we are gods/ so we can’t be all wrong; we are gods/ DAMN YOU for asking. iter

OUR 2-3 “university elite EXPERTS”; from around the world, who said it would work; and gained all kinds of rewards: CAN’T be wrong; “cause their gods, practically”. WE BELIEVED, because we want too/ because it gives everybody in the field and more:  GREAT BENEFITS AND WORK!  Just for going along, “you know, like politicians elected; in every field do”. another fusion 2

BECAUSE A BELIEVER, never questions or investigates “their god”. It is forbidden:  who are you to question “god”; as all cults enforce? After all, the universities “have a book”. And they intentionally create language you are not suppose to understand. Don’t you worry now, “what could possibly go wrong”; when their intent is to release a 4 million times more energy; than say a candle flame. Which multiplied by 4,000,000 equals a flame 62 miles high, and 25 miles wide. Not to worry: the university guarantees, “not enough gravity here”/ so it will just extinguish itself. Shucks, they are so smart; why think at all? And the politicians all  said: SURE, here is one trillion dollars/ to make that come true.  another fusion

 By the evidence; reality states: you could not be less safe, than you are as a world today. Threatened with extinction “from a thousand points of death, in all directions”/ your mask, is merely the reminder of what a fool you have been. It will save you not.  Demand for food increases every year, on a finite earth; where nearly every other life is already going extinct. cereal grains

Start collecting the names, and the organizations: of those who will be charged with treason/ as the leaders of this insurgency, dedicated to the destruction of this America. As an investigation will prove the foundation cause of this fear, propagated throughout a nation: exists only to drive the people into a herd (predators everywhere) so they can be slaughtered, by the realities of a failed life/ and a failed nation.

In terms of this economy: the stock markets are doing well, because the investors believe, “with all the small competition removed by this covid fraud”. Now they, the largest corporate entities; will own the whole market. They fail to recognize: without a job/ government bankrupt; their consumer is lost, and so is their bailout. Hidden Inflation, and out of control debts; took it all away.    stocks by age 2

And the major corporations say: without competition, we will still do very well. But alas, now that the university elite having taken over government/ by reducing your numbers to a very few; all they have to do is declare a “life safety issue”/ and you will capitulate, or they will send in “the living zombies of fear”; to make you change. Or, just change a rule; or offer subsidies to produce the competition that will displace you: because they can. Now don’t you worry, once “all of life” is pushed down into their little square hole; so you can’t get out: “what could possibly go wrong then?” after all, they will just insist you call them gods. Rather like they do now: WITH FEAR, DAMN YOU FEAR!

PROVE, BY THE RATE OF DEATH INCREASE, above normal. PROVE BY THE REALITIES of what makes a nation survive; which are those UNDER the age of 65. that your decision to USE FEAR AS A WEAPON AGAINST US ALL: is more than an insurgency, a decision: to destroy this nation/ and take control over our lives, by removing our choices.

The foundation of democracy alive is:  that we should all know the evidence, as plain and simple as it can be given/ without bias. So  that only truth prevails in our decisions/ OUR NATION/ OUR RIGHT TO DECIDE. We have not been given “the plain and simple” of covid. Which means:  like a 1040 long IRS tax form. They intentionally:  made a rat maze, to frustrate, deceive, and complicate what should be simple and plain. Tearing down society/ demanding all to fear, to protect the very old: is insane, and vile to the truth and purposes of life itself/ which are, to value the opportunities/ and accept the cost. REAL WORLD REALITIES, must govern all decisions/ not hype or delusions. gdp

Reality says: you do have about a 52% chance of choosing a redress of grievances: courtroom investigation, to assemble and create the choices you will then make. To do that, you will need about 3 months of time, to establish the belief “YES WE WILL”; including food and basic supplies so as to sustain the peace, until the other 48% take control with civil war; BECAUSE they will wait no more. To make a future happen: you will remember, that your agriculture is bankrupt; and the vast majority cannot plant a crop next spring without a loan. Which means: even in a depression, YOU MUST assist, WHEN it is necessary/ or you starve. Because too late, is just plain too late. Each decision: is entirely up to you.     inequality 2

The alternate is of course: that a large enough group organizes itself into a class action lawsuit (find a lawyer, who smells the money, or is an honest patriot)/ demanding that our rights, our liberties, our democracy, our lives, our future, our children, our nation has been attacked. We will not be forced to wear masks/ nor will we be forced to surrender our business, schools, etcetera: to those who believe anything they are told. Your expert is not our king. This lawsuit demands; WE THE PEOPLE WILL DECIDE FOR OURSELVES/ by investigating the evidence, and determining what is true as a nation. Whose purpose is, to accept: we own, the decision; that becomes our future. Our employees do not! The traitor will argue “you cannot take your government to court”. While reality demands: WE ARE NOT TAKING OUR GOVERNMENT, [which is the constitution] TO COURT! WE ARE, taking our employees to court; and demanding a redress of grievances, to assemble the critical truth: ARE THESE HIRED EMPLOYEES, doing the job of protecting our liberty, freedom, and rights: for which they swore, by oath; that they would do.  inequality 1

The essence of life, is truth. The critical element of truth is: if directed at you/ there is no escape. The functional reality of truth is: that we all participate, in this world, for good or bad/ by our own decisions. The fundamental of truth is: the law controls us, or chaos will. The foundation of human expression is belief: but belief is want/ disguised as truth. Which leaves us with this: in order to define truth without lies, we must abandon our beliefs in the order best defined with balance through discipline; to achieve without fear; “what the law must be”.        link is after vaccine

Truth survives/ lies will not. they do not remove or isolate from covid: influenza or pneumonia (very similar symptoms)/ which are then combined to make it look like, “everything covid”.  Instead of simply another disease, of similar or less intensity for the vast majority.

  after vaccine 3

Hospitalization from all contributing nations (below) or outpatient (above); return to normal, in all age groups: the week ending may 3; 2020.  hospitalizations (below) for those under the age of 18 remain very  low “bottom two lines”after vaccine 2

it is again, simple and sure: only deaths prove a pandemic/ over the expected average deaths that occur naturally underlying conditions. scroll down the page to table one in link above. Hospitalization can be claimed “for anything; just like deaths are” 1.5% of hospitalizations for one hundred thousand people: are for children under 18 years of age.  Data can become corrupted, as seen below. in the provisional count:  REVIEW ,from August 1st week BELOW; to now, that graph has been corrupted to remove the true count.

The constant curse is, as farmers use to do: “I stuck my hand right in those chemicals/ and I didn’t die; so its safe/ this is America, we are protected”. Later on, many of the worst offenders did die; from cancers/ because what they believed was not true.  Biological chemistry is very specific, or you die. Most have ear damage; because it is a slow progression for the vast majority. In recognition of threats, “that lead to extinction”; the constant curse is, “we didn’t die yet”/ so it cannot be true: YOU just made me fear, and I hate you for that. BUT alas, in every end of the world reality: it only comes undeniably true once, when life and planet are dead, or lost because we crossed the line; and now cannot go back to “a living world”. To recognize, that we do have a choice/ is to understand, that choice will end: because truth is truth. This reality of work, then points to the confrontation of lies/ theories/ fantasy/ delusion/ failure/ theft/ damage/ destruction/ violence/ manipulation/ terrorism/ betrayal/ and the cost of being WRONG. Ultimately, truth says: unless the people choose to care for life and planet and child; to demand “we shall not gamble, this living world”. No chance exists, “to continue surviving, as is this living world” will die.  The reality of genocide is:  “those with a better weapon, wipe out the competition”:  where is your fear? The universities, which have orchestrated nearly all extreme threats of extinction/ or other? inequality

FEAR, is the certainty of an invasion. FEAR, is the reality (not a pandemic) of a weapon you cannot avoid, without truth. The truth is: the numbers being displayed as “all covid”: are in fact included with pneumonia, and flu deaths/ as indicated on the graph title line [which is why this nation claims more covid cases; compared to the world]. Each category is a respiratory disease/ as is the common cold.  no vaccine for flu/ no vaccine for “serious pneumonia”/ no sars/…. no vaccine for covid or a common cold:  JUST TRILLIONS SPENT (an extremely dangerous gamble; discarding nature itself; as humanity tries to be god)! Unfortunately table one “slightly down the page”; on the link above has already been contaminated:  week ending august 1 (covid graph after vaccine); showed a return to normal deaths/ this graph 3 weeks later; does not show that; but extends out from a sustained rise to avoid that “normalcy”. It nonetheless indicates “normal continues”. FEAR, is the root of panic, [the rise in tests/ do not correlate with a true rise in death] . Instead of the claimed deaths/ the only reality that matters: is death over and above the expected deaths; for a given week in time. That  alone, indicates:  “something other than normal” has been added. The companion of evil, and panic gives the invader the opportunity to take control. Wherever there is fear, there is war.  The war exists, against primarily the white middle class:  because that is where most small business resides. Wherever there is war, a human intends to profit, or seek revenge. Wherever there are lies and deception; as are constant in war: the critical intent is why? The critical answer is: as foreclosures, and bankruptcy looms; and the entire middle class of America is put on notice: your lives are about to change. Proves the insurgency is real. The critical reality is: when “pennies will buy, your lifetime of work”/ every foreigner (millions) in this world where university leadership gave away trillions of American dollars “for free”. ANYONE who can: WILL BE COMING to claim your property and life. Because that is what fear did for you. OUR CHOICE as a nation must be: an immediate end to all foreign purchase of American property, etcetera.  income

America, is under attack. Simple at that, the intellectuals have you by the throat, “with their teeth: we can make you fear”. By the plague of propaganda, that is their war machine called “news”. They do not protect you: they are intending to destroy you/ because that will leave, “the people who collected all your trillions spent for covid”; in charge of everything. By ruining the realities of society, so that you cannot organize against them anymore. Leaving you completely vulnerable; to anything the “news media” will say. No thinking required/ they know it all. No opposition or complaint: they are, your gods. No life/ no society/ no peace/ no job/ no home/ no future: courtesy of “university knows”. Because you chose fear, over life.

we then ask, can humans be god? Which chromosome from each of the 23 homologous pairs of both parents is inherited is a matter of chance.  There are 8,324,608 possible combinations of 23 chromosome pairs.  As a result, two gametes virtually never have exactly the same combination of chromosomes.  Each chromosome contains dozens to thousands of different genes.  The total possible combination of alleles for those genes in humans is approximately 70,368,744,177,664.  This is trillions of times more combinations than the number of people who have ever lived.  Can they destroy the living biology of a system that automatically creates life: from realities completely beyond our comprehension?  Because reality will prove: beyond the point of no return/ life cannot go back! And scientists mutilate and then introduce to the world, anything that survives mutilation (for decades now): as if intentionally trying to create chaos.  Which is homage to their god of evolution; “or, they want chaos back” to prove their god exists! Their current decision in covid vaccine; is to remove RNA; which functions as a source of instruction to biology. Hell, what could go wrong? Answer: “if you do not know/ WHAT YOU MUST NOT DO”/  then it is just a matter of time, before one tiny action, or reaction; can destroy the entire reality; in this case, called life! “like a match, to a forest fire”! Universities,  have done millions of mutilations, with the purpose of intentionally demanding the disciplines/ balance/ and order of genetic nature must fall into chaos. “So they can then pick through the pieces”, and find out how to be gods. But alas; we will learn only: they can destroy, not build. devil 15

The power of American society, has little to do with politics/ and everything to do with the university indoctrination of every child in America: with “university knows”. Not a decision is made of size; without a university diploma guiding the way. Not a propaganda statement is made, without a university study to achieve maximum manipulation and control. Not a political campaign exists, without the currency of “university controls this”; and that includes banks, business, industry, healthcare, education, and literally everything else; including human resources which decides who does get a job at lower levels. The university professor, is a graduate of “mimic, believe, and memorize” or you will never work here. The constant of all religious (we know/ not them) organizations. The foundations of everything “American believes”; comes from “university knows”. The foundations of law, that are changing this democracy comes from “university is better/ discard this constitution”. The foundations of policing; are formed in a university. The economic terrorism that is healthcare; comes directly from a university degree. The currency manipulation, theft, tragedy, and hidden inflation of government: is the result of “university is god/ and we don’t follow no damn rules”. Or more distinctly, the realities we now face as a dying world: fall directly from the shit of their ideas, theories, and delusions falling into the university moat (nobody is allowed inside, unless they commit to the universities are god). That are constantly endangering, and threatening extinction, for our very world. They have made all the decisions for the last fifty plus years/ and most of the consequences since the atomic bomb exploded: to cause fear in every human life. Because the greatest threat against our world: has proven to be conclusively and without doubt, “a university diploma”. Including those of environment and the future: including the base food groups of ocean life. global warming

During spring, when light becomes available for photosynthesis, and throughout the summer, a large biomass of unicellular photosynthetic ice algae develops within the lowermost sections of the ice. These algae occasionally form long filaments that can extend several meters into the water column (Melosira arctica). Ice algae are a very important part of the marine food web, contributing on average 57% to the total Arctic marine primary production [4]. As grazing pressure is small within the brine channels due to limited access [5] significant quantities of organic material can accumulate within the ice crystals. Excretions of metabolic products and debris from dying cells contribute to an increasing pool of organic material. As the ice melts in summer, this material releases into the water column, where it contributes to the vertical flux of material that fuels both pelagic and benthic food webs. 

The “underside” of sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic is a unique habitat, where roughly 1,000 different species of algae, which are largely unaffected by cold or lack of light, flourish. Serving as food for small crustaceans, they represent the basis of food webs in the polar seas. AWI researchers Ilka Peeken and Hauke Flores are currently exploring the connections between the ice and different life forms in detail – which will in turn help them estimate the extent to which the warming climate will change these habitats.   “so the fish die/ who cares”? sea ice

And the monkeys of university demand: “chaos built life”/ chaos, aligned these instructions which build “every body of life on earth”; were just an accident/ chaos, put all these instructions in line, and then squished them all into an area the size of a needle point/ chaos, caused the inclusion of instructions, “which run the machinery” of biology (they literally have not a single clue)/ chaos, put life which is complex; together simply, one piece at a time; without a tool, or a brain, or ANYTHING at all; ‘just an accident”; as is the essence of evolution/ the religion of universities. To your shame, you believed them. Proving humanity is led, by a horrifying stupidity;  with a failure to grasp, and a decision to disrespect:  reality itself. Again, their decision by using crispr: is to discard the process and participation of RNA; how genetic structure talks to itself. In such things as: how fast should your heart rate be/ or how hot is your body and where; and what then, is the body to do? Because that adds a level of complexity, they cannot deal with: consequently ruining everything/ by proving they don’t know.  While believers cannot be touched; because they locked themselves behind prison walls. I offer you one observation: “they cannot make blood/ bone/ skin/ organ/ brain/ or any living tissue”. BUT THEY CAN DESTROY YOU! So, believing they can be superior to nature/ and make you a vaccine (unlike, the others) by mutilating genetic life, with their own conclusions: MAKES YOU, INSANE. Step back, and decide: if your fear is worth endangering, all life itself. Because you don’t know, where or what will happen; when nature is not in charge. All the drug lawsuits are “fair warning” to you: made a mistake/ NO, going back. Or, more distinctly: our oceans are in trouble/ pollution everywhere/ overpopulation/ global warming/ resource depletion/ weapons of mass destruction/ ……people even trying to ignite plasma “atoms, on fire”. As is the reality of people in charge. A few lost, particularly among the old, to disease, for the safety of all: is fair and legitimate; even if its you or me. Do you not care, that your body with “a little respect” is beautiful/ and honestly does what you ask it to do? Humanity playing god: is absolutely certain, “that discipline/ order/ and balance, WILL NOT remain” true. Because it never does, when men are in charge. ACCEPT, only nature can decide for life; we may only intervene in small, but certain measures. Everything else is:  nature decides. Surgeries are dependent upon healing/ chemistry is dependent upon the body: EVERYTHING rises or falls based upon nature.  nature is in trouble  pig disease

Without doubt, the monkeys of university (control it all); have proven one thing, beyond a shadow of a doubt. They are the greatest liars ever born. Just one participation in that is US GDP grew from ten trillion dollars in 2000/ to 21.7 trillion dollars in 2019; and media reports: no inflation/ no resource costs/ no problem. Yet 10 trillion dollars “of business” is one hundred million workers contributing $100,000.00 of income each per year. While 21.7 equals: one hundred million workers contributing $217,000.00 per year. Inflation is hidden by declaring the assets are worth more/ thereby debt increases don’t matter Only workers pay the bills/ only .6 percentage rise in population growth; and yet “look at all the people”. even more.

HOW, can lies exist? Under the cover of one, all encompassing blanket called university; the only thing you get to see, is what media tells you to believe. Proving the purpose of university, and its media: is to control “the herd”. And all the people say, “I don’t want to know“.  plant disease

Just so its clear: no one, should ever quantify any form of life; because that allows you to play god, by your own measurement. A reality that never works for life or planet; you are not god. Instead, as is the constant in nature: when there are simply “too many” of any individual species; those who are least able to survive, are sacrificed/ in a way that is not personal: so the rest can survive, and be at peace. Every life has value, but we are so many people; no life is worth risking the whole. Just so its clear: we can quantify hate, as it is the amount of chaos allowed within the system, harmony, or peace defined by our lives. We can quantify danger, as reality describes while this is (like predator and prey) : “good for you/ it is bad for me.”  problems  life loses

The entire methodology of universities, “Like chaos” is to take apart everything complex/ to its most basic simple parts; so they can then learn to manipulate those independent parts to achieve their own ends. So, the question is: do you want people, to continue trying to create chaos in life itself? Do you want them to continue attempting: to ignite atoms on fire/ a one time only event. Because if it does not extinguish itself, our earth becomes a sun (solar gravity comes from the fire).     acidification  cursing ocean life 5

It’s often said that humans are 99.9% identical. and what makes us unique is a measly 0.1% of our genome. This may seem insignificant. But what these declarations fail to point out is that the human genome is made up of three billion base pairswhich means 0.1% is still equal to three million base pairs.at some point, the forest fire in biology, will begin”. particularly, because genetics are not a step by step process. RNA operates, to combine the different elements  of DNA, into a far more complex recognition of the parts, than are available here, in more simple steps. Or do you want them; igniting atoms on a planet made entirely of fuel: will have consequences/ GUESS. Or extinction from a “thousand” different weapons of death; will prove “no more of this”. ALL, because you refused to accept: WE NEED TO KNOW, THE CONSEQUENCES OF BEING WRONG.      cursing ocean life 4

When I ask why? The answer is always: pride produces belief, and belief has them locked inside; so the world cannot touch. Alas, that also means, you cannot step outside to see the world as it is/ or as it should be. The universities will not stop: it is their job/ pride/ power/ etcetera. They must be forced.  cursing ocean life 3

 A critical change: if you did not choose to become an American citizen, or at least start the process within 7 years of coming here. Then it is time for you to go home. Because we can work “within ourselves” to correct the trouble hat university leadership brought/ but we cannot fight an entire world, that invades with numbers that are not based in reality. Terrible tragedies are coming; and It is unlikely to be resolved with peace. Those who fight with violence rather than law/ want violence rather than law.  cursing ocean life 2

ECONOMIC DEPRESSION EXISTS: because there are not enough options, not enough resources, not enough opportunities, for massive amounts of people. All of that failed, due to the choices that were made. Not to worry though: you have the fears they gave you instead. Even though they were a fraud: “we can’t all be wrong”/ right. All hail the university gods: who else, could have turned life and society in America, into;   a prison yard, with fears .  Who else would have chosen a fantasy: to destroy so many lives/ and begin the process of displacing people into a civil war.  cursing ocean life

Believers believe, because they want what belief will give: NO, you don’t have to think for yourselves/ “just believe, what you want is true”. Thinking requires acceptance of truth, nothing less will do; for life. Society wants what it wants/ regardless of the truth; so it believes. People want what they want, regardless of the truth/ so they lie, making want the foundation of all lies. Making want, the critical failure of all things human. Stop wanting, and you will avoid nearly all: “loneliness, addiction, depression, and more”. Stop believing, and learn what is true: then you will have faith, in that proven truth. Stop worshiping “university”; and you will investigate to learn what is wrong. These are distinctions, that let you begin to think!  There will be a jump in covid related cases soon:  “suicides, murder, etc” from the damage fear did do. As life on the street, proves to be too much. poisons 6

Be a patriot; protect your democracy/ protect your economy (what’s left)/ protect your housing, and businesses; from a foreign invasion/ protect your future/ protect your child from fear that is unfounded. DON’T WEAR A MASK: PROVE THE TRUTH, IDENTIFY THE RISK TO BEING WRONG; IN ALL THREATS; in public, open door; national court. LET US HEAR THE EVIDENCE/ NOT THE PROPAGANDA. Remember the constitution; remember amendment 10: and let the people decide for themselves: by vote. THAT, IS OUR LEGAL RIGHT/ AND YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY; as our employees, to provide. IT IS THE LAW, OF OUR DEMOCRACY! You do not have a choice, it is your sworn duty; to each citizen to obey the constitution. Remember the cost of simply believing   anything you are told/ regardless of “the expert”. BECAUSE THIS IS OUR LIVES, OUR RIGHTS, OUR ABILITY TO GATHER AND BE FREE; even much more: and you ain’t god, or even king. The one thing that covid did prove is:  “yes, we can”/ are words that come with consequences; and should never be entered into, without truth and reality to guide you. Don’t forget, “yes, we can” includes: claiming death is covid related/ regardless of reality. ONLY THE TOTAL NUMBERS PROVE a pandemic or not (HOW MANY MORE THIS WEEK, than average). Not the claim “they all died of covid”; such as in IL where a motorcyclist died in a crash; and was then pronounced “died of covid related”. OR, PEOPLE over the age of say 75, who die/ die of “old age complications”; regardless of what those complications are: unless its murder. Reality is reality, and age does matter: when deciding for a nation. And people say: “wearing a mask/ doing what you are told; is not too much to ask for safety”. BUT reality says:  “they have taken away your face, your freedom, your democracy, your housing, your jobs, your education, your business, your schooling, your romance, family and friendships, invading your organizations: AND ALL THEY GAVE YOU IN RETURN WAS FEARS. How is that “not too much“?  poisons 5

A very simple question is: does a friend, or an enemy demand that you must be afraid? In my world, a friend: [covid spikes down] helps me understand what the truth is, by applying the realistic evidence, to our reality. Nothing hidden! An enemy: never lets you see the evidence, by its own reality (that is hidden in the propaganda)/ because they want you to believe, whatever they want you to believe. So that you cannot let truth itself, decide. 

Media begins to “circle the wagons”; in an effort to put extreme propaganda, and the curse of fear and their failures, to both life and society behind them. But the reality is: WE NEED TO DECIDE AS A NATION, what is the true and proper course, that life will allow in terms of a pandemic. By our own vote! NOT a vote for someone to vote for me/ my vote on the law, that then governs our lives and our society/ and the universities! A law that removes the expert from media coverage entirely: TO REPLACE THEM WITH, the value of real evidence as truth defines it/ unbiased and plain. DISCUSS IT/ DEFINE IT/ IDENTIFY WHAT IS WRONG: AND PUT IT ON THE BALLOT.  Evidence that will NOT let fear decide: plain truth! Then let the banks pay, “free of charge” for reestablishing this economy: vote on it, as we are a democracy/ and that does mean: we the people do, have the final say.    poisons 4

Examining the evidence, we find: “it was the weak, old, very sick, frail, and a tiny few who were at the wrong end of the immunity scale for this disease” that died. WHY, was that important? Because they are the “goose that lays the golden egg” to healthcare: THEY ARE WORTH, a great deal of MONEY, with only a little effort/ make the people (the nation) pay. WHY, is that important (university diploma/ healthcare) and then to media: is third in line for the trillions spent. While every politician gloom’s on to say “we care: BUT ONLY for your vote”. Caring is like those who raced to Africa and other places, with “save the children”/ creating a pandemic of population growth. WHEN REAL CARING; would have recognized, “the only way we can help them, and even hope to save nature”: is to demand real BIRTH CONTROL, comes first.

Caring is: IF truth will aid you honestly, for life and world and reality as a whole/ then I will come, IF you accept those limits, laws, and boundaries. OTHERWISE, as with too many people to survive here: all you get/ all you did: was to produce immigration or WAR. War means: on life/ habitat/ water/ seas/ world/ chains of living survival/ all levels of species extinction/ and all the means to push this whole human world: in cannibalism! We face extinction: and that is the plain truth. FEAR THAT, instead of fools. poisons 3

WE EAT, the chemistry, other living things provide. IF THEY DON’T EAT, IF THEY DON’T SURVIVE/ then neither do we. Global warming doesn’t matter to you: a base food source for the oceans, begins underneath that ice. NO ICE/ NO cooling the planet; SO PLANTS DIE/ NO FOOD for the ocean creatures, which feed ONE BILLION of us. Wake upstarving

The more tests they make; the more cases they can claim as positive; even if the test cannot distinguish between covid/ flu/ pneumonia/ or the common cold; and is proven to be unreliable. A face mask, is merely the sign of your surrender; the prelude to a vaccine that will hurl biology into Armageddon. Because that, is what you chose: they will line you up, as they do cattle in the slaughter house. The method used, in making it: bears no resemblance to vaccines in the past. Too late, is simply too late. It will save you not!  genetic RNAi ; is, a cellular mechanism that use the gene’s own DNA sequence of gene to turn it off, the ability to introduce heritable precision insertions and deletions in the eukaryotic genome. The combination of popularity and superior capabilities of CRISPR/Cas9 system raises the possibility that this technology may occupy the roles currently served by RNAi and may even make RNAi obsolete.    {a reality that destroys NATURE itself}.  Allowing universities to play literal god (the destroyer) over life.

the university monkeys and pigs, of genetic research”; do NOT know, that RNAi is dedicated and primary to the “software” that runs the biological machine. Along with an incalculable amount of other information; they simply throw in the trash. DO YOU CHOOSE NATURE OR DO YOU CHOOSE MEN:    TO RULE OVER LIFE?

 deaths in America (you need to search just a little down on these pages) on august 9, 2020 equals 161,284 divided into 333 million citizens= 1 death per every 2065 citizens/ above the average expected deaths. There is no other true sign of a disease pandemic than death. From covid related disease: which means the data includes death from pneumonia and influenza (flu) as well as covid 19.

www.cdc.gov › 2019-ncov › testing › serology-overview

Jun 30, 2020 – Provides information on antibody testing for COVID-19. … Antibodies are proteins that help fight off infections and can provide protection against getting that disease again (immunity). … family of viruses (called coronaviruses), such as the one that causes the common cold. … Daily Life & Going Outplus icon.

the critical conclusion for testing being done to detect covid 19; fails, as reality proves it is unreliable even in hospitalized patients tested for positive results.   WHY, is there such a scream for testing? “trillions spent”.

Time shapes us, hope reveals us, love defines us, but happiness opens the door, and respect walks in. these are the dimensions of a human heart. The value you place upon that heart determines your soul. Fear has no place in any of it! Think, do not simply believe whatever you are told: and choose better.

Economic survival, is the distance between having the option to make money and all that does for you/ or not having the option to do anything about your own situation, other than beg, prostitute, or steal; and turn violent, addictive, or suicidal. Your fear is NOT worth the price you are going to pay. Turn back, accept a limited risk; and demand life goes on. PROVE WHAT IS TRUE, in a public courtroom: before the world itself.  us r&d

The critical reality of our truth is: that the claim of a “covid pandemic” is not real. A pandemic by its definition is a reality of epidemic disease/ that threatens a world. Our world of humanity is NOT threatened to any degree (the population grows massively/ it does not decrease by this disease) by this additional disease; and it takes its place along with all the rest.  The statistics proving: this is primarily by 80% a disease of the elderly; with over half of those deaths over 85 years old. The reality being: if 400,000 or more infants are born each day/ THEN SOMEBODY HAS TO DIE; because it is a finite planet. Therefore the question of displacing an entire nation/ destroying an economy/ altering the future of a nation or state: is placed directly in front of us all. The propaganda of media: is consistent with what occurred some years back, “when I cared enough to investigate”. The local news reported: this building MUST be torn down, and it was/ while the reporter was showing us on TV extremely scaled paint on her knees as I recall beneath a stairwell to prove it. So, being a public building, I went to investigate: everything else, was in “excellent condition”/ so I asked a maintenance worker there: WHY this? And he said: we were told NOT to touch that spot, or we would be fired. Quickly after that: a building I was familiar with was condemned, by lies: so the powers that be, could tear it down practically for free; and “a media owner”, make it their parking lot; “get the picture”? spending

When removing the covers, that hide the truth: the one thing that becomes abundantly clear is, YOU DID NOT, all decide that covid 19 was a true threat! YOU CHOSE TO BELIEVE instead, your university leaders, and their “whip masters” propagating media; that requires you to fear! Which literally makes you their cult; because fear makes you a herd; not a human. You act or react, instead of think, know, understand, and then decide; distinctly as self. To think: you must accept only truth can lead. To know requires the evidence that is our reality, not simply whatever we are told. To understand means: I have applied my knowledge of reality, to form both a reference and a foundation upon which truth begins. To decide accepts that my decision, will affect my future; and that is no game, because there will be consequences. None of that was used to form the basis of we can’t all be wrong. YOU CHOSE to discard all that, for the easy way out: which is “let the universities decide”. Unfortunately for you: they too take the easy way out, and let the expert decide. And the expert being a human driven by wants, pride, and a thirst for power; NEVER lets truth make the final decision. Which digs an abyss, for the cult to fall in. There is no easy way to a life with value, you must let truth decide. To do that, you must participate for the sake of finding that truth with knowledge, by the evidence, for the purposes that build and protect this Creation of life on earth; or you fail, and bring catastrophe instead. Not hard, but deliberate. Not simple, but the values truth will create build a future that has the purpose which allows for joy.  lawrence livermore laboratories; no longer provides information about what they are doing; only propaganda    lawrence livermore lasers

even so:

CMAP plans to exploit the capabilities of a new generation of laser, pulsed-power, and x-ray-beam facilities to explore the properties of matter at and beyond 29 terapascals (TPa), the atomic unit of pressure already achievable at NIF (1 TPa is equal to 10 million Earth atmospheres).

NIF’s 192 laser beams can create temperatures and pressures similar to those that exist in the cores of stars and planets and inside nuclear weapons. NIF research supports the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)’s Stockpile Stewardship Program to ensure the safety and reliability of the nation’s nuclear weapons without full-scale testing.

That redress courtroom: will punish liars and fraud. A critical investigation, that does NOT accept bias/ or refuse to report reality.  Reality includes: just because you have a job, and therefore feel secure in your own fear/ DOES NOT give you the right, to deny someone else their own living as well. Just because you want everything; as selfish as it can be.

Passion measures hope, and hope reveals the value of love inside your heart. The critical test of being human: is the decision, “more to life exists, than just me”. The critical test of society is: truth separates us, from lies.

In the reality of this time; it is critical that you understand the basics of what is going on in the pandemic of propaganda that is: we all must fear/ we all must believe/ we all don’t need to think or understand the evidence, because the universities think for us; and they are gods (in their mind). Follow the money, because power worships money. Demanding fear/ rather than presenting evidence of value: is power in action. Reality says: whenever a pandemic exists, the lives lost, ABOVE what would otherwise be normal; decides what is true. Those statistics have returned to normal/ therefore not a pandemic. poisons 2

It would be unwise, to remove the conception that covid 19 is not a disease; as it most certainly is likely to be. When remembering that men have been working to create biological weapons of mass destruction for over one hundred years now. When remembering that millions of people are now trained to manipulate genetic nature; and with crispr can now avoid all of natures limits and boundaries: this will be only one, of a long train of new diseases, which come directly from “university contamination” of nature itself. Which ultimately means: you cannot hide in the graveyard of fears/ or you will die from that too. Reality proves: humanity chose this path, supported, affirmed, allowed, funded, and utterly believed; rather than assess the cost of being wrong. And that means: WE MUST accept the risk, and continue to live as life needs us all to live/ not hide in fears. As best we can; hope for the best, and accept death is part of this life! When we must: tests prove nothing/ deaths state at this point, the risk has returned to normal. Or the reality of millions now in a position: to release a disease, and then sell a cure; for trillions. A request: the criminally insane have desired, and worshiped for; since the beginning of human time. To your soon to be: horrors. Either way, all you can do: is take away the tools, remove the opportunities, and threaten the people who have become predators of the worst possible kind. Nope, not your best friends; with few exceptions: your worst enemies. FAIL TO STOP THEM, AND NATURE ITSELF, WILL FALL INTO THE ABYSS, of death and destruction, that YOU CHOSE.  poisons

And the people say: these are our saviors, “we can’t stop them or we could die”! But alas: you now have at least a million people around this world who can mutilate biology into chaos/ and create diseases from which they hope to benefit. SO WHICH ONE, is the one who curses life and society, by enforcing a disease or its chaos onto life? And remember: 90% of those who choose genetics, DO SO; because they literally want to play god with life! Fail to stop the wrong one: too bad!

The cost of your wants in all ways, have been devastating to this earth: we face extinction because you value very little except your pride. Our world faces extinction, as does every living creature: because of who you are, as is little more than want. Or, “don’t care” about anything but me. A tiny example of that is: there use to be thousand of birds in the immediate area, when I was young/ today, I find not one; because the insects are gone/ destroyed by poisons. Without food life cannot stay. catastrophic 2

Media reinforces its propaganda with “more deaths”: but like here in ILLINOIS; the conspirators claim any and every death is covid related/ their authority to claim anything has been destroyed.

What matters: is how many of what age; above the average of this date and time, in this nation. Those above the age of 65 need not be averaged in: because in plain truth, the nation does not need them to survive. I am 67. The reality of schools and business and the like: should NOT be controlled, by those who are retired. That is not fair. PROVE, who is at risk: by the death rate. Forcing an entire nation into obedience and submission due to the costs of OLD AGE/ forcing them to leave their job, schooling, romance, happiness in exchange for fear, and even abandon their income for survival: is akin to having an occupational army, has invaded us. They have discarded democracy (together we decide); for the sole purpose of fatiguing we the people into compliance. We have rights, is a guarantee discarded. Constitutional law, as is the tenth amendment: “the powers not delegated………………….are reserved to the people.” OUR CHOICE, is the demand. A VOTE; Not by claims, but by proof.  catastrophic

Doctors throughout the decades, have never worn a face mask; not even when confronted with highly contagious diseases: how many died? How is fear better, than truth and knowledge? Just claiming “the keyword” pandemic is not enough; that provides no dictatorial rights: particularly when covid is NOT separated from influenza nor pneumonia. WE, are the owners here!

You don’t, and you won’t identify AIDS or HIV patients; so they go free, from one person to the next: infecting more. When reality says: “adding a tattoo; in the private area” would be enough in most cases. The claim of “life safety” falls on deaf ears. IT IS POWER, AND PRIDE AND WANT; that have invaded us/ not a pandemic. AN ARMY USING FEAR, to destroy us/ to incite civil war; as a nation from the inside. That means traitors lurk here.

What you need to know; are the three elements of human behavior: want/ pride/ and power control society. Love, survival, or hate controls people. Want is the basis of fear, and in all things the universities exist to control people and direct them into believing what the powerful want you to believe. Pride is the assertion, the true intent: that I win/ which means you must lose. What we then see as the directive; to give up your job, your home, your everything; for this plague of fear. Is little more than the desire for power; which simply means to take it all for themselves. As they will do, when bankruptcy proves “now they get it all for pennies”/ and the foreigners will evict you.    extortion

S   MORE OF THIS    https://www.justtalking7.info/propaganda/