
It is, functional, fundamental, and true; that to be a better world, we must address the basic issues of reality which deny that peace and security to us all. The elemental cause of our disgrace as a world is: “want, pride, and power”/ which leads to anger, violence, and hate....


In the real world of life and death time decides, “the message of your heart”. It is through an understanding of the environment, which has been shaped by those who preceded us; by choosing for us; what they did do for themselves. Every message is a search. Every search is...


It is unfortunate but true; that parents teach their children how to want first/ as their efforts to keep life and communication simple: then turns into a lifetime “of simple first”. Complexity shapes us, with values interlaced among the miracles; by our association with thought/ not simple. Consequently whatever we...


In this “newspaper” of mine; the value of the work is in doing what I have established as: the evidence needed to prove “the death of this world”, is NOT far away. While people run and hide from that reality of evidence already proven true, by the consequences we have...


Of basic truths, are the realities which govern our lives and our societies. We must eat, drink, sleep, and live in a way that allows for us all to be “not entirely unhappy”. Past the edge of unhappy: insanity/ suicide/ violence/ and mental challenges without value arrive. Depression and the...

for you

In general: there is rarely nothing move vile than a leader (someone who “thinks” for you/ which of course includes nearly all of media). Little more vile than an animal; someone who lives only for want, pride, or power. The curse of evil (I will take it all/ I will...

all life

The destitute share a single sentiment: “this is hell”/ but they are wrong; as the invasion of “university knows/ university plays god” produces the real thing. The destruction of order/ balance/ and discipline; by the removal of all respect for life, planet, and GOD our CREATOR. In exchange for your...


Limits, boundaries, law and truth keep us alive; by reminding each participant: with respect and caring, we share our time together. With chaos and hate, the definition of "university plays god"/ there is only war: where men scream at each other, “THERE IS NO LAW, limit or boundaries to what...


In the constant of human existence; one of the most vile is gossip/ because it consists of a tiny bit of evidence, that is then blown into damages that cannot be repaired. Numerous examples of that, have been seen in my own experience; and it is a tragedy to and...


The elemental truth of our lives is: that with weapons, or lies, or theft, or betrayal, people can change or misdirect our own decisions, thereby altering our own fate or destiny: until we recognize our mistake. Weapons are used with rules, “we can select only you/ thereby causing you, great...