
There really is NOTHING in the history of this world, more capable, and more deliberate in cursing all of life and planet itself; than is a university. As has been proven again and again and again.

Nothing else, could have or would have created weapons of mass destruction.

Nothing else, could have or would have destroyed so much diversity of life, that the very chains of our own existence can now be broken.

Nothing else, would have chosen to sterilize and mutilate nature itself; leading to the collapse of all that clearly is responsible for giving life to this planet itself.

Nothing else, would or could have chosen to gamble with our entire planet, by the decisions that they make.

Nothing else, could have achieved the creation of trillions of tons of poison, distributed all over this world.

Nothing else, could have established a level of pollution or resource destruction so massive; our world is nearly at the point of poisoning itself to death.

Nothing else, could have communicated lies/ destroyed sanity/ altered human existence/ attacked governments/ created pyramid schemes out of currency/ told stories, with no basis in fact/ destroyed religion/ or replaced the foundations of life knowledge as grown in miracles, with their own diarrhea, and caused the children to eat that like vomit spewed, and disguised as candy.

Nothing else, could be so blind and delusional; as to claim they can be gods, and recreate this world; by simply altering what is here.

To their shame, the universities have denied the realities of life and world need; to follow and choose only “toys and trinkets” for themselves. Spending lives and quadrillions of dollars, on what gives life and planet nothing more than a single grain of sand, on an endless beach, that they have completely discarded. Because their lives have been a gift, and their intellect has plotted and planned to create a life for themselves; that never had to grow up. Because they made the rest slaves with nothing but talk and fear of what happens if we don’t have weapons of mass destruction. As made by universities.

The simple truth of it is: NOTHING has proven itself so vile, and so destructive, and so outright descriptive of “life without a brain”; than has the university diploma.

Life is reduced to, being crucified with genetic mutilation.

The planet is reduced to, being gambled with as if it meant nothing.

Every resource is attacked and destroyed, because the children are being thrown into genocide.

Every poison, every pollution, every weapon, every tragedy; can be traced to those who altered the course of human existence; by proclaiming “yes we can”/ and yes they did.

While a tiny few actual benefits have risen; they are nothing, when compared with the damage done, and being done; as the evidence will prove.

Even the religion of universities as is evolution reeks with absolute stupidity and disgrace/ but they control media, governments, education, propaganda, courts, and all the rest like every religion (Just believe us) that gains a foothold since the beginning of time has done. The only change they made was: “we are the gods, you must believe in/ and NEVER question” as is the constant of all religion.

And then we have the rest of humanity, so willing to believe “these are our saviors”/ that you are dead between the ears. How else could it be explained: that the processes which make an infant child, as a human baby or any other creature of life. Could be so degraded and destroyed, that you are willing to let “your high school classmates” play god/ and mutilate all of nature itself; as is the genetic code of everything. Fully knowing: THEY CAN’T put back anything they destroy; because like any disease, “once out of pandora’s (the damned and the dead live here) box”; life is over for us all. Because nature has been lost, to your own ETERNAL SHAME and DESTRUCTION.

LITERALLY WILLING TO LET YOUR GODS OF UNIVERSITIES; IGNITE A FIRE “jUST LIKE THE SUN” HERE ON EARTH! Cause they promise, “they can’t be wrong”. When everything they claim: is an outright lie, easily proven to be false. How much more damned by your own arrogance, could you be?

FIGHT FOR YOUR WORLD/ YOUR CHILD/ YOUR OWN ETERNAL LIFE; OR DIE! Because you threw me away “like you throw away everything”; I will not be fighting for you, beyond this site. DO IT YOURSELF, OR BE LOST FOREVER. Get off your ass, and open your mouth, your wallet, and your life to something more than GREED.

To the religious, who are so DAMN SMUG, that they believe “we don’t have to do a damn thing to protect our world, or our children or anything for that matter: CAUSE GOD will do it for us”. Fail to understand: YOU CHOSE THIS, BY THE FREEDOMS GUARANTEED TO YOUR OWN HEART. You chose the cult worship/ you chose to pretend the universities are god/ you chose to gamble with all life, by believing in university/ and you chose your own death: by accepting that gamble, and letting them crucify life, and turn this planet into a fireball just like the sun. because both are coming, and far more than that: because you CHOSE, to CREATE A WAR WITH LIFE; which does make you an ENEMY OF GOD ! Just like all the rest, who believe the universities are their god; even if they won’t admit it/ just like you.


The one guarantee, proven true is: “You, will choose your own destiny”/ and every single religious person believes that true”. So, while media sucks out your soul, with this is so easy, “you don’t need to do a thing”. And the water you need to drink: continues to be poisoned, and lost forever/ so that an apocalypse is certain. A biology of life so absolutely intricate “even the universities admit” they cannot touch it; because it is too complex. SO THEY MURDER IT, in an effort to learn what their lack of a brain cannot. Crucifying every life they can touch! YOUR ENDING WILL SOON BE GUARANTEED; because it will be proven true, “you literally just didn’t care enough”/ so you let this world DIE. On purpose!

Why can’t they learn: “because then the fun of playing god is over”/ and the reality, they are no better than you, and must actually do some work for their lives to be sustained: becomes clear. Playtime is over.

Throughout the forty plus years, I have worked for life and world/ in a wide variety of ways: YOU, have always had an escape plan/ every single one. Today at the end of that journey, facing the consequences of what you have been choosing, and doing. I now have an escape plan: either wake up, or we all die to this world. Because you didn’t care enough. As we both know, “I can’t fix that”. Because you, have free will choice. I still care, but that is simply not enough: in a world filled with 8 billion people who don’t. I am not your excuse/ YOU didn’t care because of me: YOU just didn’t care, because the evidence was enough to convince even a kindergarten child. That we cannot let this be WRONG.

While I am not religious, the bible does refer to one distinct reality; isolating this relationship we do not have. JESUS suggested, “if you have faith, you can move mountains”. I have faith in miracles and the evidence of life itself, and more! You, as humanity on earth, do in fact represent “a mountain” of indifference. So the question is: can you be moved?

NOW, we face a wide variety of truths; every single one of which must be dealt with correctly, or we all die/ because that is what you chose to do. To follow the curse and disease of “university knows”.

  1. You cannot survive the ignition of atoms on fire; as trillions of dollars have already been spent on making that happen/ it is no easy task, to remove “SATAN” from your lives. The result being: that you must take them to court, and prove the truth of what they are doing/ what exactly they claim to be their proof of facts/ and what the consequences are for being WRONG. This is their job/ their trillions of dollars spent/ their future; and they won’t come along to court without lies, or conspiracy. The welfare line (we will make them a job) for university graduates is long, and extremely expensive; and they won’t let their very easy lives be dismantled without a fight.
  2. You cannot survive the mutilation of nature: the curse of university as they try desperately to make life itself collapse into a pile of chaos. Because they believe chaos is their god; as is the lie called evolution. Which means with trillions of dollars spent/ and millions participating in the destruction of all biological integrity, and the death of our literal ability to survive/it is no easy task, to remove “SATAN” from your lives. The result being: that you must take them to court, and prove the truth of what they are doing/ what exactly they claim to be their proof of facts/ and what the consequences are for being WRONG. This is their job/ their trillions of dollars spent/ their future; and they won’t come along to court without lies, or conspiracy. The welfare line (we will make them a job) for university graduates is long, and extremely expensive; and they won’t let their very easy lives be dismantled without a fight.
  3. You cannot survive weapons of mass destruction: the plague of university, as military’s and political leaders around the world want desperately to retain these weapons; and every other plague of hell and damnation they created having spent trillions of dollars/ with millions participating in the task to make these weapons happen/it is no easy task, to remove “SATAN” from your lives. The result being: that you must take them to court, and prove the truth of what they are doing/ what exactly they claim to be their proof of facts/ and what the consequences are for being WRONG. This is their job/ their trillions of dollars spent/ their future; and they won’t come along to court without lies, or conspiracy. The intent to make you fear, is a constant throughout history; because if you fear enough, you will let the enemy go free; but if you do/ we go extinct! So says the evidence of our lives.
  4. You cannot survive the plague of people arriving on this planet all of which are demanding to be fed/ demanding everything they want, and taking everything they can: 365 days a year; every one expecting to live for a hundred years. Your world will die instead. The extreme failure to respect without death there is no life for the rest; is a reality you will now contend with. it is no easy task, to remove “SATAN” from your lives. The result being: that you must take yourselves to court, and prove the truth of what must or must not be done. What exactly can be tolerated, and what exactly can be done to rectify the truth: we CANNOT survive this. Discarding their claim to be “free”; with proof of facts, that are death for all life on earth. By recognizing the consequences, for being WRONG. This is their lives and yours/ this is quadrillions of dollars spent/ the future for every child; and none will come along to court without lies, or conspiracy or corruption. But unless you resolve the truth of what can or cannot keep this earth alive; we all die. And ain’t NOBODY going to be “happy”; unless they accept reality is no longer a game.
  5. You cannot survive, the extreme and excessive absolute failure that is university leadership, in at least 90% of everything they changed; to present us with HELL, ARMAGEDDON, AND THE APOCALYPSE; EVEN INCLUDING A WORLD DESTROYED BY FIRE as is the machines intended to ignite atoms on fire; just like the sun. It is no easy task, to remove “SATAN” from your lives. The result being: that you must take them to court, and prove the truth of what they are doing/ what exactly they claim to be their proof of facts/ and what the consequences are for being WRONG. This is their job/ their trillions of dollars spent/ their future; and they won’t come along to court without lies, or conspiracy or corruption of the facts. So you not only have to dig for the truth, you must think for yourselves.
  6. You cannot survive the extreme and excessive absolute failure that is university led poisoning, pollution, destruction of resources, and playing god with life that is SATAN IN OUR LIVES. The intentional mass genocide of every living child, every life on earth/ and even the very last possibility of living extinguished by planetary changes made. it is no easy task, to remove “SATAN” from your lives. The result being: that you must take them to court, and prove the truth of what they are doing/ what exactly they claim to be their proof of facts/ and what the consequences are for being WRONG. This is their job/ their trillions of dollars spent/ their future; and they won’t come along to court without lies, or conspiracy or denial. BECAUSE THEY WANT TO PLAY “THE RICH MAN” , and they cannot unless they deny truth.
  7. You cannot survive the extreme and excessive absolute failure that is university led counterfeiting of currency: the end of all reality in both economies and currency, by lies hidden in asset generation; that does not exist. [the cause of civil war] . The lies of debts don’t matter, “for the university elite” who took over everything; with plotting and planning and deceit and delusions and corruption of all things inherently government, education, media, court, and much more. The garbage dump of sewer infested rats, that American government has become: NEEDS TO BE EXAMINED IN DETAIL. And removed of all its plague. It is no easy task, to remove “SATAN” from your lives. The result being: that you must take them to court, and prove the truth of what they are doing/ what exactly they claim to be their proof of facts/ and what the consequences are for being WRONG. This is their job, and it is yours/ their trillions of dollars spent to play god, by destroying your securities/ their future, to remain “the nobility” claiming superiority; and their demand “you can’t take god to court”; cause they won’t come along to court; without lies, corruption, deceit, betrayal, terrorism, and a war on you to make you stop demanding truth; or a conspiracy, to plague the nation itself, with even more ruin, by inciting violence.
  8. And then there is all the rest! WHAT, is the final word of it all? SIMPLY THIS; that behind numerous closed doors, there is an incalculable amount of threat; that can only be known by opening ALL those doors/ and fully understanding what hides inside. WE DO KNOW ENOUGH, to be absolutely certain of threats, that can literally make us ALL, extinct. Therefore it is not a choice; for life/ it is only a choice for those who believe death, the end life on earth, doesn’t matter. And they are LIARS, even to themselves. The universities hold most of the intellectual people; and they all believe by plotting, planning, manipulation, propagation of lies, temptations, betrayal, threat and fears, delusions and deceit, counterfeiting and other means to take away your power to resist: that they will continue to enslave the rest, and make them obey. Because that, is what intellectuals do, and are certain they can get away with. The end result of which has already been established by China; in their communist revolution: OR, past the point of no return; THE MASSES will make you pay, even if the price is very high. Here the people will say, “I have a gun”/ and the intellectuals will respond: WE HAVE weapons of mass destruction, especially the biological ones, and we know where the chemical ones are. WE will kill you/ because we made an immunization shot for ourselves, and we made our own escape sanctuary. But alas: WHAT WILL BE LEFT, when either side explodes? What will be left, when the rest of the world realizes, “you killed them too”! Gee do you think a nuclear weapon could be coming? And if chemical, then every hidden sanctuary has utilities connected: and those lead right to you. Someone will come. While you continue to rape, ravage, and rampage against the planet and all its life; it won’t continue, because the damage done has already threatened extinction. The only thing left is the point of no return, where not the slightest bit of repentance is going to alter the fact: YOU CHOSE, TO DESTROY THIS WORLD. Because you didn’t care, and you let greed rule your life. You let fantasies shape your future.Still don’t care/ you got endless numbers/ or intend to get some, “to prove how rich you are”: so it don’t matter? Not to worry, you “don’t have to care”! You, just have to die; because reality doesn’t care whether you live or die. Reality and truth will win, even if the whole world dies!You can hide, in the closet of your burning house, if you want/ but having locked every door, and barred every window: what are the odds you get to escape? Where are you going to run from all these threats? Past the point of no return, and we are all “the living dead” for just a little while. From any one of the threats I have identified for you/ and there are more? The constant is: “like every mob leader does, MAKE HIM the enemy”. Yet I only bring you the message of these threats/ and ask of you just one single thing: INVESTIGATE THE COST OF BEING WRONG, and use your brain. The alternate reality is: I am not the enemy, instead your failures are going to consume me as well, and destroy my world too. How is that not cause for legitimate complaint/ or not worth a courtroom trial, to discover what is the truth; as best we can?

    One of the constant excuses is: “we can’t fight city hall/ government”. But there is no such thing as government beyond the constitution: everything else is the public/ the law/ or the employees. And the law is on my side; but corruption and closed doors, are on theirs. Which means it takes an audience, a public participation; or corruption and conspiracy wins. UNDERSTAND WHAT JUSTICE, RIGHTS, AND FAIR PLAY ACTUALLY MEANS; and prove it ain’t enough to hide behind that door. Read the constitution preamble; and know what your real government is intended to be! First amendment redress of grievances, IS YOUR LEGAL RIGHT TO TAKE YOUR GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS TO COURT; and determine for yourselves if they have kept their sworn oath of office. IT IS FIRST AMENDMENT LEGAL LAW, AND GUARANTEED RIGHT. And we cannot be threatened with anything other than enforcing democracy itself, by demanding that right. 2 US supreme court TRIALS, by me; PROVED they have no defense.

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Jim Osterbur

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