real world

real world

In the real world:

Hate seeks an enemy to prove: “power (yes I can) and pride (look at me/ listen to me)_ over you”. Hate wants to possess (shouting I own); thereby to achieve the trophy of being superior/ the trinkets for saying “you want me”/ and the toys, to shout; “play with me/ I am more”. The consequence of these things accumulate into war, (because you can’t stop me). But the battleground of human behaviors; is formed in the consequences of youth: where the tragedy of disgrace, disrespect, dishonor, violence, lies, cheating, stealing, rape, and ravaging life: by proving I won’t share. Creating gangs and leaders in schools, to divide and separate, as groups do/ destroying the confidence in society by its “truth, in justice”; by proving I won’t care. Does create the sewer which proves “I can’t trust you, hide/ or very few are not judged, or feared”. Changing these things: changes a world. War hides truth, hides leadership behind an army/ opening the door for predators (what fate demands), causes violence (what chaos demands); as “animals (we want what we want)”, take control. To steal what they want, or kill who they want, or rape as want arises;  because the law is removed.  LOVE SEEKS truth, kindness, justice, peace, harmony, value, respect, law, hope, courage, heart and soul: to discover a living with joy. Do you see the difference?

when 8 billion people focus on just one person, as leader of a nation. That person learns; that the law of life on earth, is governed by those who can enforce it on him or her/ or those who lead, as are the wealthy or universities. BY OUR LAW, we turn back tyrants; and force them into prison when needed. BUT THAT LAW MUST BE KNOWN; as the will of “the people”; against leaders/ NOT nations. So that no amount of threat can remove the truth: YOU, are the one who broke our law, as a world governing itself: for life and its human impact on this earth. The verdict is simple: OBEY THE LAW OF LIFE, or face the courtroom, that can declare you dead.

 OUR FOUNDATION VALUE, begins with life and world and future, as nothing exceeds these things.  That translates too: YOUR DUTY, is to protect life, world, and future first. Whether you are citizen, or soldier/ young or old/ woman or man.  When the command is: “risk life , future, and world”/ your only choice is: TO REFUSE.  AND THEN DEMAND TRIAL; to establish truth, by law; is first.

critical to the understanding of life or death for our planet; is the knowledge of how much life is needed, JUST to feed the humans. How much water is needed, JUST to keep the humans alive. And how many resources are required, to keep the humans from going to war. The summary of that is: humanity and earth, are at maximum capacity; and cannot tolerate “a single one more”. Yet all of humanity screams: WE WANT WHAT WE WANT/ BE DAMNED, to anyone who gets in our way. WE WILL TAKE WHAT WE WANT, BY WAR; if necessary.  “we will never change/ BE DAMNED to anyone that tries”. but truth finds you dead; and the evidence is not wrong/ so you will change, or you will be extinct. it is not a choice/ it is a fact of our reality;  proven by the cost of consequences surrounding us all.  REALITY knows;  humanity itself has chosen to believe there are no consequences; to what they want/ just like universities. But the evidence is severe, and life or death for our world hangs in the balance; proven by choices you will now make.

So, the intellectual crowd of university is superior; has tried to make space ships; so they could escape from the crisis of this planet, and survive somewhere else in this universe. But that failed; enough oxygen, cannot go along/ etcetera/ etcetera/ etcetera. So the next decision that the intellectual crowd chose was: “WE CAN” GET RID OF THEM, with biological weapons. IF, we can make a vaccine to protect ourselves. GIVE THEM ANYTHING/ THEY DON’T KNOW. Thereby the planet is ours, and they never new who to blame. Which is what they are doing, and preparing for, today.

But that is not considered to be enough; because biological weapons can easily get out of control; and attack their creators.

So the next step in a more determined method: is to create war/ and let them kill each other. In that way, we just step behind the curtain; and they are responsible for themselves. But to speed the process so there is something left for us. RULERS should propagate, the breakdown of respect/ and the fundamental curse that is, “this is all your fault”. Even to the point of looking back 150 years ago, and saying “this is all your fault”/ as any method of creating unrest and violence will do; to inflame the few, who then cause war to begin.

To insure unrest: is as simple as destroying every job/ destroying every resource/ destroying every water supply/ destroying every option/ taking away every home and business/ making them FEAR/ BELIEVE/ OBEY; with the need to believe “university is our savior”. Taking control over government, to destroy the currency, and create dependency, rather than independence. Allowing all forms of corruption and conspiracy to deny freedom and enslave with debt. Separating university from reality; as is a fantasy “in every pot”/ let reality be dead. And controlling media to insure: NOBODY gets to “find a brain”; as is the cost of cult worshiping, university is god.

And when that doesn’t work: the use of facial recognition, cell phone identification, social media, and more; all tie into: WHO SHALL WE KILL? Who shall we refuse food too; discard their electronic money? And with cameras everywhere; tiny little devices, can be used to “fog you with disease”, as you go through a door, or walk down a street, or curse each other; with tell us where he is, OR EVERYONE you know will die. As is “hitler, has come to town”. And the liberals say: “that ain’t nice/ stop it”. But reality reminds you: in this USA, the world is here, and history proves from around the world: those who want what they want/ are willing to kill, in order to take what they want. Who is more: I WANT WHAT I WANT/ than you? Answer: “university”/ after all they deserve more; cause they are superior, right?

So what to do; when the universities have claimed every form of WE ARE THE RULERS NOW? First step; open the borders to invasion, so that immigration takes control, and insures: there is no place to hide/ no place to find food or water or relief from the panic of humanity in trouble. Second step: burn down every resource, every hope, and refuse reality; by saying you can die instead. Third step open the door to “NAZI (the masses, discarded by the main stream); now have power”; as someone rises to lead them into chaos, and war. With the claim of better for us/ they OWE US, and we will TAKE IT NOW.

WHICH then leads to a “gun is our answer”/ and the slaughter begins.

But if one group stands out above the rest: genocide is the answer, and that requires a surprise. On the other side is: if the nation can form an army of size and power/ then let the other nations die, as we TAKE what we want or need by killing them all. And all the liberals say; “that ain’t nice/ stop it”; but alas, nobody cares.

So, we stand on the door of HELL; everything dissolves into chaos, “the universities elite; & there answer to life on earth”. While they wait inside their closets for the rest to kill enough; to keep them alive. Only then is law an answer; because somebody has to die/ or we all die instead. The planet: is overrun with humanity, and will not survive. Simple as that!

We then look to the other side; and find, “the planet is overrun with humanity/ and all will die, unless true change comes quickly. Simple as that”.

So, what is change; beyond YOUR WANT is dead?

Answer: PROTECT THE PLANET AND ALL ITS LIFE FIRST/ not last as is your way.

Answer: THE LAW IS THE RULER/ NOT the employees of government. Therefore whosoever makes the law, IS FUNCTIONALLY: the ruler. When that law is enforced. In this USA as a democracy: we the people are owners here, and we rule ourselves, by the laws we make. That in the past required “electing people to vote for me”/ but no more. Today WE CAN VOTE on the law that rules our nation and our lives; one person one vote, end of story; by the control called constitutional boundaries and limits decide; if this is our justice, and our fair play, equality, freedoms, and respect.

And the people say: we can’t do it/ everybody is wrong; but me. But reality replies: you will do it, or you will die; as the evidence of your truth and your world decides FOR EXTINCTION; by those who have made the choices for you. As is the “university diploma” rules/ NOT political parties, but the religion of university is god; as seen in everything government has become. LIARS, TRAITORS, THIEVES, CHEATS, WHORES, FAILURES, FOOLS, BASTARDS, TERRORISTS, MUTILATORS, THE CURSE OF OUR WORLD; AND MORE.

And all the money people scream: YOU WON’T TAKE OUR STUFF/ WE WILL GET OUR OWN ARMY; AND THEY WILL KILL ANYONE WE COMMAND. WE WILL BUY AN ARMY OF ROBOTS; and they won’t question ANYTHING. As history proves is a constant reality of men.

SO THE LAW: must be justified and fair, in order to remind any soldier of any army: that it is in their own best interest NOT to obey their leaders. And choose for life, by accepting the law rules us now/ not fools, traitors, and whores.

The problem: MEN CORRUPT their laws, to give themselves the edge, and conspire, to take what they want from anyone standing in their way. So behind closed doors they collude with universities to “make us something; to kill the rest”. And with covid, not only did that work: but they collected trillions, along with power and pride and the claim of “savior”; for themselves. As the curse of mutilating life goes into overdrive. Insuring ARMAGEDDON is here. Insuring by the poisoning of water, and other horrifying decisions; THE APOCALPYSE; WAR for water “is here”. Insuring complete chaos, as is HELL on earth. And with the attack on atomic discipline and order: THE DECISION TO UNLEASH HADES (TERRORS ETERNAL); stands ready to consume the earth itself.

The only solution: let women try to create the laws, which can be justified and fair. Let them do what they need to do, in order to achieve a new order to life on earth. Because if they don’t; men will war into extinction. Because contrary to what most think: THIS WORLD HAS CHANGED/ and the old ways of men in charge of war to resolve whatever dispute there is. IS DEAD.

CAN women do it? Probably not, as they too are too damn corrupt/ but you have no other solution. Simple as that. We stand on the edge of extinction by what men and their universities chose. Which means: WOMEN CANNOT DO WORSE. Force them to try.

And the universities along with their cult worshipers all scream: WE ARE gods/ YOU CAN’T TREAT US LIKE EQUALS/ we are more. We deserve to live; NOT like the rest. But alas, without universities leads; life and earth would not be facing extinction: even though, the masses of humanity wanted everything they got.

so what else is the truth?

The truth is: HUMANITY, today: IS GUILTY of being just like every other generation who has ever lived. They want what they want; let the rest go to HELL; I won’t pay/ you can’t catch me.

But of course that is not true; you will pay now, and the rest will only go to hell if you do too.

So now: turning back the clock, we see that humanity did not need “a billion things” the majority, take for granted today. Turning back the clock to China; we see, that killing off all the intellectuals is a curse, you will find hard to survive. Turning back the clock to world war; we see, NOTHING OF VALUE, comes from war/ only this time we know, it will kill us all. So the people found in that fear; “take everything you can get/ the future is dead”. Because the universities built weapons of mass destruction. Simple as that.

Turning back the clock: we know, only the law resolves and creates peace on earth. But that does not come, without clear controls by society itself, over the courtroom and its judiciary. That does not come; without the currency being governed by “so much per individual/ based upon a census count”. Nor does it come by letting others decide our debts; which is eliminated by transferring all tax collected is specific/ and thereby for specific purposes only; ;by, open bid work. Turning back the clock; we know that industry and others educated their own workers, and paid them to learn. Turning back the clock we know that an education of value: IS WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW TO SURVIVE, AND CREATE PEACE ON EARTH; BY PROTECTING THIS WORLD AND ITS LIFE. Turning back the clock; we know that evolution is strictly for fools, the curse of “there are LIARS among us”. And so much more. BEGIN OR DIE.

So, lets review: PEOPLE who believe that evolution exists, live as failures and fools, blinded by the cost of believing “the universities are god”. To their shame. Yet you believe “they know”; a far greater mystery, as is genetic realities of life, called THE NATURE WHICH GAVE US OUR BODIES OF LIFE. Allowing them to mutilate, inject chaos, alter, or anything else they want to do; because some tiny changes were made; and you said hurrah.

But reality interjects; “unlike the people who stick their hand in the witches soup/ pull it out and say I didn’t die; so its good”. As did many farmers now dead from cancer and the like. The cost and consequences, have merely not yet appeared, because the intricacy is immense. Instead as with corn seeds; what they did do, is remove all the structural defenses for the plant/ claiming they can do it. And what we now have is an entire species vulnerable to attack; and since it is a grass/ everything related to a grass species is vulnerable as well. Which of course leads too, the potential for: “a plant pandemic”.

But lets just evaluate the truth of their genetic chaos: “that’s how they learn/ change it, and wait for whatever the crucifixion of that, body of life becomes”. Then change it some more; a few million times around the world, and claim “WE KNOW”. But alas, they know not how anything works; because life is not so simple as a mathematical equation. They don’t know; how thought exists/ they don’t know how anything is formed/ they don’t know how food is separated/ or what process leads to life or body/ or how the timing works/ or what initiates life/ or how to build blood, or organs or anything that nature does for us all. Instead, as the cult of evolution demands: they inject chaos into nature genetics, and demand: “all we have to do to play god/ is destroy what exists”. And they intentionally do. To the shame of every person on this planet; who did not raise their voice and say NO.

Before there were factories; there was no garbage. Before there was air conditioning; extreme climate change did not exist. Before people were allowed to “sit and drive”/ there were resources for all. Before the universities came to be; there were no extreme weapons of mass destruction; or tyrants who could damage an entire world. Before there was healthcare; the population increases were far less. Before there was intervention; environments and their creatures, mostly survived. Before there was currency counterfeiting; reality made a difference. Before there was poisons everywhere; people were mostly, happy. Before the universities indoctrinated every child; they learned about life. Before there were massive trawlers and endless pollution; the oceans were teeming with life. Before there was 8 billion people; extinction of species was minimal. Before there was “A CONSUMER society”; there was a planet not faced with extinction. “and a billion more”; because you chose want over life or world. To your shame. CHANGE OR DIE, this is no game.  INCORPORATE; a guiding tube from the river,  through the water behind a dam; a fast flowing stream; going through one flood gate in that dam: to release the salmon small fry beneath the dam and its turbines. if you say “too much”/ then incorporate a water wheel “bucket style” power supply that will gently put those small fish in the stream below; while generating nearly the same amount of electricity.

And then of course is the pure fantasy of “physics”; and their claim: WE CAN PROVE, we are gods/ by bringing the same fire here, as is on the sun. but they cannot, and will create “HADES” instead. To incinerate you.  “with the insanity that is, utter arrogance”; and their belief, “we can play god”.

So, lets review: PEOPLE who believe that evolution exists, live as failures and fools, blinded by the cost of believing “the universities are god”. To their shame. Yet you believe “they know”; a far greater mystery, as is genetic realities of life, called THE NATURE WHICH GAVE US OUR BODIES OF LIFE. Allowing them to mutilate, inject chaos, alter, or anything else they want to do; because some tiny changes were made; and you said hurrah.

But reality interjects; “unlike the people who stick their hand in the witches soup/ pull it out and say I didn’t die; so its good”. As did many farmers now dead from cancer and the like. The cost and consequences, have merely not yet appeared, because the intricacy is immense. Instead as with corn seeds; what they did do, is remove all the structural defenses for the plant/ claiming they can do it. And what we now have is an entire species vulnerable to attack; and since it is a grass/ everything related to a grass species is vulnerable as well. Which of course leads too, the potential for: “a plant pandemic”.

But lets just evaluate the truth of their genetic chaos: “that’s how they learn/ change it, and wait for whatever the crucifixion of that, body of life becomes”. Then change it some more; a few million times around the world, and claim “WE KNOW”. But alas, they know not how anything works; because life is not so simple as a mathematical equation. They don’t know; how thought exists/ they don’t know how anything is formed/ they don’t know how food is separated/ or what process leads to life or body/ or how the timing works/ or what initiates life/ or how to build blood, or organs or anything that nature does for us all. Instead, as the cult of evolution demands: they inject chaos into nature genetics, and demand: “all we have to do to play god/ is destroy what exists”. And they intentionally do. To the shame of every person on this planet; who did not raise their voice and say NO.

Before there were factories; there was no garbage. Before there was air conditioning; extreme climate change did not exist. Before people were allowed to “sit and drive”/ there were resources for all. Before the universities came to be; there were no extreme weapons of mass destruction; or tyrants who could damage an entire world. Before there was healthcare; the population increases were far less. Before there was intervention; environments and their creatures, mostly survived. Before there was currency counterfeiting; reality made a difference. Before there was poisons everywhere; people were mostly, happy. Before the universities indoctrinated every child; they learned about life. Before there were massive trawlers and endless pollution; the oceans were teeming with life. Before there was 8 billion people; extinction of species was minimal. Before there was “A CONSUMER society”; there was a planet not faced with extinction. “and a billion more”; because you chose want over life or world. To your shame. CHANGE OR DIE, this is no game.

And then of course is the pure fantasy of “physics”; and their claim: WE CAN PROVE, we are gods/ by bringing the same fire here, as is on the sun. but they cannot, and will create “HADES” instead. To incinerate you.

And the whole world says: WE DON’T WANT YOU/ we want what we want. So I reply: YOU DON’T get me. Instead you get the evidence of your choices and the truth that is a consequence you will not ignore. Because extinction will come if you do. I am IRRELEVANT to your future! YOU WILL CHOOSE/ AND YOU WILL ACCEPT THE COST OF YOUR DECISION; BECAUSE YOU, are the threats that make extinction your reality of choice. Or your decision to change.    “not me”. I am NOT your excuse/ I remain merely a messenger telling you “truly change”, or you will go extinct.

And the people say; “YOU can’t make us scared/ we want what we want”. So, I simply say; YOU do not know anything about your water supplies/ where the trillions of tons of poison have been put/ state of oceans or world or climate or atmospheric detachment from the planet/ cost of being wrong/ corruption in the courts/ rebellion in government/ media propagation of whatever power wants/ whether world war 3 breaks out, because one arrogant man; is insane; or a billion other realities of life and world. Because YOUR EXCUSE IS: “the tv, or video screen; tells us everything we need to know, or think”. Besides nobody listens to us; so we don’t care. WE CAN’T make a difference!

But that is untrue. What you cannot do, is believe/ YOU need to know. What you can do, particularly in this USA; is to take ownership over government; under constitutional law/ which gives you the right of redress of grievances. Wherein we the people: take our employees to court/ and determine if we need to take control over this nation, and all that means; or not. EVEN YOU can demand the law SHALL BE UPHELD/ as the constitution has provided. EVEN YOU can understand the premise of constitutional law, article 3; 2 the judicial power shall extend………..under the constitution: OR THEY HAVE NO POWER over it. However the people as is democracy enforced itself: DO. But not by force or war/ only by law, and that law is: “we are the owners here”/ we shall decide what our constitution means. It is OUR PROPERTY, our nation, our lives and world. IT DOES NOT “belong to our employees, as rulers over us all”. WE THE PEOPLE shall decide..


Thereby, an absolute, irrevocable LEGAL RIGHT.

DO NOT; let them make you wait/ or put together an excuse.

I James Frank Osterbur did file: two US SUPREME COURT DOCKETED CASES. Which literally means they cannot be excused without a judicial signature 08-1339 and 11-100 which were discarded by the secretary of the court; a literal act of treason, in connection with a constitutional requirement to OBEY THE LAW.

Even so; they remain in force today; because of that treason; and can be brought to force the court; if they stand in your way.

But make no mistake: judicial corruption is far too severe for any small group or individual (unless they use this as a diversion) to demand constitutional law. THIS DOES REQUIRE, people who want their nation back.

Which brings us to the biblical truth, “of JESUS, as was murdered on a cross weapon; deliberately to torture him”. Armies do not play nice/ their job is murder or defense; no matter “how nice” you are.

So the reality of life on earth is: “weapons matter”/ because if you won’t defend yourselves; they will murder you; because if they don’t, their leaders will murder the soldier who refused; maybe more, because they didn’t kill the one who refused. The critical truth is then, MEN FAIL LIFE; because leaders fail them; and refuse value, in favor of power, pride, and possession. Genocide exists: because one group could not defend itself from the other group; who surprised them.

JUSTICE AND FAIR PLAY, are realities NOT found in a military; because with war, they cannot afford to be nice either. Which leaves us with: IF WE PROVIDE LAW with value; AND “A SOLDIERS BILL OF RIGHTS (YOUR job is to defend the nation/ NOT support a leader: but we, your people). The value of that is: as a nation we can do better, than let the power of money control us all. OR, cause our own people to murder: THE LAW, changes that.

By law in a democracy; WE THE PEOPLE CAN LITERALLY CHOOSE; to enforce “limited capitalism”. Whereby we the people decide by our vote; just how much ANY PERSON can earn in a year/ or possess as a property in OUR LAND. Which means we can dictate, just how equal we will all be. [you CANNOT go below 3 times more, for those who earn it; or you fail]. That reality is NOT so simple as; the curse of war. This reality is the law of freedom, which grants the legal right: as owners here, we are free to choose a different path, within constitutional alignments; that does enhance and protect our democracy as the literal truth of WE THE PEOPLE; have chosen.

IT IS NOT MONEY THAT RULES/ it is the law that rules life and what you can or cannot do on earth. WHEN WE THE PEOPLE MAKE THAT LAW, and enforce it: we are, “our own rulers”. As is the true purpose of democracy itself.

And the cursed say: NOBODY can run this nation without the power of money. But the truth says: when you choose the law, for justice, fair play, freedom, and peace on earth. Those who can will learn, and the rest shall follow. UNLESS YOUR WANT consumes what is true/ WITH LIES, DECEPTION, FRAUD, INTENTIONAL FAILURE, FOOLS, TRAITORS, TERRORISTS, and so on.

Which means: life or death of our world, and our nation is dependent upon TRUTH. FIND YOUR TRUTH, AND KEEP IT; as pure as you can.

Within that truth, is the certainty: “limited capitalism” IS NOT a plunder the rich game/ IS NOT, a welfare takes it all war/ IS NOT, a value without work reality. Instead, limited capitalism is: the end of billionaires/ because life does not need them. It is; defined by people who have decided they no longer want to be rich; or they will leave that gap between those who drive the economy and those who don’t. It is; a value shaped by respect for each other, based upon contributions. Which means: not only do we separate hate from those who do better/ but we separate the lazy, from those who do the work, and take the risks. BUT WE STOP; everyone: from assembling an army to take it all from the rest; by using money or weapons against us. YOU WILL EARN what you get/ or you won’t get anything but pushed out. The difference is: instead of welfare/ you will have a guarantee opportunity, for a “list of jobs” available; with a realistic pay. If you don’t take that opportunity to participate; you will be pushed out. It does mean: those who try to take it all, WILL be pushed out/ and reality will provide whatever opportunity is available in the tragedy of what you chose; to those who can and do.

There is an endless amount of change needed; but none of that is important unless you do the basic realities of what it takes to keep this earth alive. And part of that list is BIRTH CONTROL; no exceptions/ because it is a finite world, and you cannot survive more humans with more needs; than does already exist. And that means: separating groups into their own “states”/ so they can control themselves; OR NOT be allowed beyond their own borders. YOU made the problem/ YOU fix the problem; NO BRINGING your chosen problems to us. Period. Etcetera/ etcetera/ etcetera; and so much more its ridiculous, and pathetic.

in the real world; lead is not the critical issue of water in this USA. rather until about 20 years ago:  food cans were sealed with solder. It was a common practice, particularly among the poor and overworked:  to simply heat the can on a burner to fix food for a child or themselves. “eat it or you have nothing”. The end result of that was the solder melted and became part of the food to be eaten. Today with solder removed; the cans are not as tolerant to a safety seal; but good enough. a footnote:  if you want to heat your food without doing dishes/ THEN (peel the label) and HEAT the can in a pot of water; so that there are no issues of contamination.

IN THE REAL WORLD; in this usa, the dust bowl is about to return as the aquifer which ended that, is nearly dry; and humanity did absolutely nothing to change their behavior. which did cause the dust bowl of the 1930’s.

IN THE REAL WORLD;  you will soon lose the ice shelf from antartica;  “a rising tide floats all boats”/ which translated means the higher the sea rises; the more push is transmitted onto that ice in order to lift it/ causing it to break.  As a consequence water must be showered onto that ice shelf in order to counterbalance that effect. OR you lose the base food source that grows under the ice flow; and consequently most all the life which depends upon that food. Supposedly, there is water under the continent/ and wind turbine will power the pump.

The foundation of “a university cult” decides everything; has proven to be: I will let you die, rather than fight to keep you alive. Not even little things, such as methods and ways to improve your odds of survival have been given: because greed and selfishness do not deserve it. Cult worship, allowing extreme experimentation: NO BRAIN HERE; as is universities play god; are to be abandoned, rather than helped. As “helping the cult”; would be the result of anything I might contribute otherwise. To your shame, the nightmare you chose “with your cult of no consequences for us”; continues to grow into horrors, of every kind; coming soon. The reality of throwing life and earth away. CHANGE YOURSELVES, HUMAN animals; ARETHE ENEMY.

It takes REAL WORLD signs of change; not gibberish provided by media; to make a difference. EVEN IF media now tried to save this world “from their experts”; it is all of humanity working for the same: OR none of it works to save this world. That takes a courtroom: to remove every excuse. WAKE UP OR DIE.

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Jim Osterbur

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