
It is, a treasury of heart and mind; to understand the values of life/ to conceive of the purpose that becomes the foundation of desire/ to accept and identify with respect, the wisdom that is proven by “miracles which surround us”.

VALUE, is the acceptance of truth, just as truth is the acceptance of a path that leads us into the laws which keep us alive. Every path is a journey, and every journey is a decision to participate in this Creation of existence, by choosing to acknowledge what is true. Thereby value is the acceptance of that truth, as the identified purpose of our time. Time grants our perception of value, only when we construct our own identity as what is true in “me/you”. The consequence of an identity is: we now own the desire, by which we then choose to remain alive, as a participant in Creation. Therefore desire is in and of itself, the foundation upon which we build/ or lack, as is to die. When we build, it is to love. Because love cherishes life, as the ability to share our existence within a living, that is more than self. To achieve love, we must choose to care; because in that care, the foundation of sharing does arise, as our contribution to each other becomes both respected, and cherished as my soul has come alive as well. To lack that desire, is to fall into hate; as the values of living end/ because only self remains: and that is not enough, to sustain life beyond want. Therefore want becomes a religion, and religion becomes the foundation of living within self: by choosing belief, allows “anything I want the future, or myself; to be”.

Respect however fails with belief/ because belief does not accept the price of truth is, an acceptance this must lead. Therefore lies erupt, to hide from the truth; by worshiping belief instead. Respect is the consequence of knowledge; as is the primary foundation of miracles: realized as a formation far beyond anything “life on this earth” can do. Only the insane lie to the extent, that life is an accident formed from chaos; as there is nothing of truth in that statement/ and it exists only to form belief, instead of faith. Faith constructs the destiny of truth, as the values we shape into our own future; beyond this time. Faith constructs the path, that is individual thought identifies truth. Not as a herd, walking down the road of “we can’t all be wrong”. But as a human alive in the knowledge, I can understand, the wisdom needed to do these things/ to build this life and this world; is so far beyond me or those I know: that only GOD (beyond comprehension) OUR CREATOR could have done it. Because the level of thought, forming these designs/ this balance/ these living experiences of expression with truth; are no small feat.

Some argue: “Created and left behind”/ but JESUS is our guarantor, that was not so. I accept HIS testimony.

Want argues: I don’t have to do/ or think, NOTHING. And that is true, because individually you do have the freedom to choose your fate/ rather than build your destiny. The herd wants, because the herd believes in “yes we can”/ but the foundation of every herd is to trample this life on earth underfoot; destroying to the point of renewal, by nature; must now occur, on everything it needs. Or, “yes you did”. The value of humanity can only be found in love. Love can only be found in heart. Heart can only be found in the grace of a life, that has chosen to follow truth; into the ascension called being ALIVE.

We then ask: what does it really mean to be ALIVE? The answer is: we must enter into soul! Because soul, is our participation in Creation itself, as a true “child of GOD”. Not by religion, as in its discipline of rules/ but by the acceptance, pure and simple: of life itself, is more than my body of time can be. Therefore we search, and in that search foundations will form. Primary to existence is then truth; because only truth will survive into eternity. Thereby we form our participation, in the purity of choices, that become our identity; our body of proof, “that my choice is GOD “/ let the universe call, I am here.

It is, a treasury of heart and mind; to understand the values of life/ to conceive of the purpose that becomes the foundation of desire/ to accept and identify with respect, the wisdom that is proven by “miracles which surround us”.

VALUE, is the acceptance of truth, just as truth is the acceptance of a path that leads us into the laws which keep us alive. Every path is a journey, and every journey is a decision to participate in this Creation of existence, by choosing to acknowledge what is true. Thereby value is the acceptance of that truth, as the identified purpose of our time. Time grants our perception of value, only when we construct our own identity as what is true in “me/you”. The consequence of an identity is: we now own the desire, by which we then choose to remain alive, as a participant in Creation. Therefore desire is in and of itself, the foundation upon which we build/ or lack, as is to die. When we build, it is to love. Because love cherishes life, as the ability to share our existence within a living, that is more than self. To achieve love, we must choose to care; because in that care, the foundation of sharing does arise, as our contribution to each other becomes both respected, and cherished as my soul has come alive as well. To lack that desire, is to fall into hate; as the values of living end/ because only self remains: and that is not enough, to sustain life beyond want. Therefore want becomes a religion, and religion becomes the foundation of living within self: by choosing belief, allows “anything I want the future, or myself; to be”.

Respect however fails with belief/ because belief does not accept the price of truth is, an acceptance this must lead. Therefore lies erupt, to hide from the truth; by worshiping belief instead. Respect is the consequence of knowledge; as is the primary foundation of miracles: realized as a formation far beyond anything “life on this earth” can do. Only the insane lie to the extent, that life is an accident formed from chaos; as there is nothing of truth in that statement/ and it exists only to form belief, instead of faith. Faith constructs the destiny of truth, as the values we shape into our own future; beyond this time. Faith constructs the path, that is individual thought identifies truth. Not as a herd, walking down the road of “we can’t all be wrong”. But as a human alive in the knowledge, I can understand, the wisdom needed to do these things/ to build this life and this world; is so far beyond me or those I know: that only GOD (beyond comprehension) OUR CREATOR could have done it. Because the level of thought, forming these designs/ this balance/ these living experiences of expression with truth; are no small feat.

Some argue: “Created and left behind”/ but JESUS is our guarantor, that was not so. I accept HIS testimony.

Want argues: I don’t have to do/ or think, NOTHING. And that is true, because individually you do have the freedom to choose your fate/ rather than build your destiny. The herd wants, because the herd believes in “yes we can”/ but the foundation of every herd is to trample this life on earth underfoot; destroying to the point of renewal, by nature; must now occur, on everything it needs. Or, “yes you did”. The value of humanity can only be found in love. Love can only be found in heart. Heart can only be found in the grace of a life, that has chosen to follow truth; into the ascension called being ALIVE.

We then ask: what does it really mean to be ALIVE? The answer is: we must enter into soul! Because soul, is our participation in Creation itself, as a true “child of GOD”. Not by religion, as in its discipline of rules/ but by the acceptance, pure and simple: of life itself, is more than my body of time can be. Therefore we search, and in that search foundations will form. Primary to existence is then truth; because only truth will survive into eternity. Thereby we form our participation, in the purity of choices, that become our identity; our body of proof, “that my choice is GOD “/ let the universe call, I am here.

in contrast to that, are the endless claims of those who want to manipulate you/ steal your money/ change your life, to prove they are superior/ alter the world to prove they are gods/ judge your life/ and claim they know, even though they only believe. Among them are these; which examine the reality of numbers associated with a nation describing itself as 330 million people+. Remembering, death is what gives life to the rest. Remembering; there has always been disease/ some will be lost; as is the reality of balancing a planet so that all the rest, can survive. 20 women die for every 100,000 which includes 100 years old, and down

In the tyranny of healthcare; the foundation is, “we don’t want to die/ THEREFORE the doctor cannot be questioned; because we want him to be more than human”. In contrast to that, is the truth: these are your former classmates, and they are not gods; and they do succumb to greed, selfishness, mistakes “like us all”, the criminal disaster of “a university in charge of extortion, mayhem, and cursed life on earth”.

cancer stats by age

Under the age of fifty about 180 are declared to have the disease per one hundred thousand women, ten percent will not live beyond five years: which means per one hundred thousand women under the age of fifty; 18 per every one hundred thousand women will die this year of breast cancer. “LETS ALL CRY”; right! Or more distinctly it is “an older woman disease, that would be higher with each year that goes by; but women die with age; so the numbers decrease. And since the prevalence of breast cancer is new; either the claims of breast cancer are wrong or inflated for money. OR, there are new chemicals involved that are forming different genetic mutilations in breast tissue. I had my gall bladder and pancreas attacked: over an eight hour period of using a new type of glue: NEW CHEMICALS are a threat.

cancer stats

The claim is about 250,000 new cases in this USA per year; ten percent will not survive 5 years longer: making the death count 25,000 women in a nation claiming 330 million people/ half of which are women 165 million women. 25,000 divided into 165 million= one woman dies out of every 6600 women per year do to breast cancer; and roughly half of them are over the age of sixty five. LETS ALL CRY; right.

things you should know before medical treatment

Women are told to have a mastectomy: even though it does not statistically improve their chances for survival. BECAUSE IT PROTECTS THE DOCTOR AND HOSPITAL IN COURT. The doctor says: “I am not god/ what more could I have done; than to take it all”. Thereby the case is dismissed; and the money is protected. BUT HEY, who cares: right? After all, if you can make women fear enough: they will beg you to take their money, and their chest; as believers do.

While media NEWS stands in the forefront of all propaganda SCREAMING: FEAR, damn you fear/ BELIEVE, damn you believe/ OBEY, damn you obey; because the gods of university have spoken. “do them all; STEAL their lives; FORCE them into the slaughter house pen: as, they are only slaves”!

be careful what you believe

In the quest, for a life beyond time: the constant is, that if we believe what we are told to believe, by religion/ then the door is open, and our lives will be saved. But alas, only truth survives; so unless what you believe is true, there can be no salvation for you. The critical test is then: “what, is true”? The answer is: only truth is true/ and only the acceptance of what is true, opens the door into eternity. Therefore religion is questioned, for what do you know, to be true? The consequence of that is; by investigation of the facts: that most of religion is about understanding the disciplines of what does not destroy us; by accepting there are rules to life. Those rules then lead us, to order; and describe a balance for those who accept the life described. While truth lives in discipline, balance, and order; the foundations for respect, are even more important than life itself. Because without respect, there is no relationship “with the living, or the laws”.

As to the value of religion: most do benefit, because when realities have invaded by the cost of hate; which does include want, pride, and power/ the consequence is, we must begin again; and learn not to fall into the traps which deceived us the first time. That is the value of rules; but rules do not judge a life, or prepare it for an eternity. We must enter into truth, to understand the concepts of destiny; the value of love.

Truth says: that every miracle of this earth, and all its life; is a relationship proven with thought, that is beyond our comprehension. Therefore respect is mandatory, and our expression of that respect is called “{GOD; CREATOR}”. LIARS say: all these miracles, order, balance, discipline, freedom, value, courage, hope, and more; is nothing but chaos, which accidentally created “quadrillion times quadrillion times quadrillion measures of genetic information” to produce a living body of life. EVEN the most deliberate fool, knows better: than a university corpse of delusion and excrement that is evolution. To your shame, the masses “we can’t all be wrong”; fell into the sewer, and ate the sewage; of delusion, fantasy, failure, and “imagination”.

In contrast to the most basic of all knowledge that can exist; is the university expert. The LIAR most defined by failure/ the curse most defined by SATAN/ the extinction sweeping across this earth; because as they taught you to shout, “yes we can”. Is a reality of death, rather than playing god. The delusion of university is god; as is the cult of a herd lost in the abyss of what they want. Rather than alive in what is real, and supported by truth.

Unfortunately people want what they want; and since every want is the foundation for every lie ever told: the cost of that want is death by extinction. Both a world, and an eternity lost to the liars.

Of my own life: my mom, believed in the church; and was certain “that she was saved” because she followed the rules/ therefore earned my spot. When she asked “where did she fit into the bible sayings”: I told her, not quite where she expected; and then she decided instead of a minor change; she would disavow the entire religion, because pride consumed her. We never talked again; as I was shut out; fear took control. BUT I DO believe she entered into eternity as life in love; even so, not my decision to make.

My dad: believed in the church itself, and was certain so long as he belonged to the church, “we are right”; everything would be eternally great for him. Until my nephew died of a brain tumor (that entered into mom’s world too), and all things changed. I made the error of believing my ears would heal/ they did not: that changed life for each of us. Dad then had other friends; but when they died/ he searched for replacements, and believed “if he was like them” then they would accept him as one of them. But hate knows hate; just as love knows love; and it would not be so. Which left him feeling lonely, and betrayed; establishing pride as “his hiding place”/ and power as his revenge. I pushed him into the abyss he had created for himself; to recognize what was true: and he came back into life. And I do accept what love was left survived beyond the grave.

So I remind all: life is not simple/ love is not guaranteed in this world/ truth is the only thing that survives, but only if you accept its value as your own decision to follow what is true, letting truth alone decide: NOT want. Religion will not save you: so remember this, “only truth survives”. Let that, be your way; and begin the journey that is your destiny in truth.

A footnote: unfortunately family is not what you desire them to be/ they are what they are. Accept them, because it is their truth, and that truth is their eternity: it is not yours, and nothing is more important than that. Unfortunately, I advised a gay person, to go ahead and tell his family “GOD knows”; but they were righteous, and could not survive truth. My own family siblings found me to be less; because my claim to a big income does not exist: I never desired it/ but they did. Consequently it is true, and fundamentally accurate for humanity; that the US army had the most appropriate conclusion: which is “don’t ask/ don’t tell”; because the others will fail. Not your authority to judge/ only the law of life, not man can be judge.beware what you believe; as history proves true: LIARS, AND THIEVES are everywhere



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Jim Osterbur

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