
Of fundamental things, nothing is more simple than “love or hate”. They are as opposite as anything can be. Love searches for, and gives justice and fair play, always providing respect wherever it is due; always seeks balance in every relationship with life, except where true love is born within...


Let us examine presence, as the basic format of existence/ the elemental truth, “I am here”. Or more distinctly, the summary distance between what is life, and what is death. Presence is the assertion of a definable environment, contained by a singular element of energy, which shapes motion into definitions...


In the construction of life, truth and value reign as supreme; because without truth there is no life/ and without value there is no purpose to living, and suicide results; when hope is lost. Each of these are then highly important to a human being alive in time. Hope exists,...


The direction of your heart, is determined by the values you accept as your soul. Or more distinctly: critical movements/ critical choices; will be made, when you determine what life truly means to you. Soul constructs with respect: the truth, that defines and creates love/ as is the reality of...

elemental forces

THE ELEMENTAL FORCES Reality knows: that the foundation of our behaviors, is held within the values of our heart. Heart being: the place inside, where life and death have meaning, and the motion of where we lead ourselves to be; is defined by what we do desire/ or, what we...


THIS IS: MAKE DEMOCRACY WORK: WE THE PEOPLE DO HAVE LEGAL RIGHTS TO EXAMINE AND CONTROL OUR EMPLOYEES: THROUGH REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES/ a first amendment constitutional guaranteed LEGAL right of the people as is their source of power over their form of democracy. GO TO COURT, AND PROVE THAT TRUE....


At its core descent: humanity demands, “I want what I want/ GIVE ME, what I want”. Refusing to learn, thereby demanding of university people, “that you learn, so that I may benefit without cost to me”. Wanting to play, in the pride of gods (we know everything we want to...

reality strikes

I believe: “even though I cannot see inside, where this reality exists”; that based upon what I do know, that I will be ok. Even so; the realities of body, questions of death, and compositions changed all require a relationship assessment, that should be known. The summary of medicine is:...


the question is: “am I done”? The reality of that reference, to time no longer matters; is a heartbeat. For the last forty plus years, “both life and death, of me as well as this world” has been wrapped up in the very same purpose: to fight for this world....


There are lessons in life, some are subtle, some are simple; but they all point to the conclusion: life is about love, hate, or simply survival. Everything else is just a game. The constant of that is: life is about love, the building of values sufficient to accept the truth...