no choice 2

Power, for good, means: the right to change what is being done/ because the consequences far outweigh your right to proceed. The ascension of values: gives to those who demand this change their authority, because the law of life and world; grant no one the power of hate to destroy it.

University claims to know “everything they need to know” about the sun. everything they need to know, in order to bring the same energy release here as is on the sun; an energy source which burns your skin in summer from 94 million miles away. Yet when researched for truth; all they provide is fantasies (they reduce the temperatures/ the radiation; so you don’t get scared and stop them), imagination (they hide behind fusion; which has already been proven wrong; so you don’t get scared and stop them), and delusion (they believe they can play god; even though they demand “elements which do not exist”/ and realities “don’t know what gravity is”; don’t matter. GAMBLING, this entire world: on their theory, “the fire they create, by burning atoms: will just extinguish itself”. But if it does not: EVERYTHING DIES. AS IS, the true cost of being WRONG. The cost of “their pride/ their power, to control leaders”; is worth more to them, than this world and all its life or living as a planet. And you let them gamble; because you have NO BRAIN!

All things for good, revolve around LOVE! All of history proves: no greater example of the differences that exist between love and hate, is JESUS, as Biblically told. To achieve the truth, distinction and identity; of your own direction in life. The value of this work has achieved its intended goal:  to give we the people of this earth, an opportunity for change, to save life and planet.

And all the people say: “we are gods, WE KNOW (as is the sign of your conviction)/ the universities are our savior; including religions”. But let’s review: being unable or unwilling to accept life is a miracle of such complexity/ only an identity so superior in thought to our own; was able to create it. Is an absolute certainty! Not a hair can you make/ not a drop of blood can you produce/ not a bone, eye, ear, hand, child, brain, skin, organ, base of internal knowledge “to run the machinery of body”/ absolutely nothing. And yet the universities have told you its all an accident/ built from chaos in charge; without so much as a brain. Shouting “this looks like that”/ to prove their lies. Which brings us to the consequence of that: you are animals, rather than humans, being alive. Because an animal cannot conceive of truth; it lives with want, pride, and power; as is the reality of your own lives. Or more simply: the universities stole your soul/ and you let them. So your gods of SATAN on earth; GAMBLE ALL LIFE on this world.

Let’s review: fusion has already been proven false by Lawrence Livermore Laboratories/ spending billions to do so. Yet the liars continue to use that claim; to hide what they are truly doing: which is to ignite atoms, to create a nuclear fire. Believing “not enough gravity here”/ so it will just extinguish itself! BUT IF THEY ARE WRONG; then the nuclear fire they ignite, establishing a 4 million times increase over chemical energy release: creates its own plasma, and this earth becomes another sun. NO going back; and that literally is, the only thing a tomak reactor can do. So your gods of SATAN on earth; GAMBLE this world.

So your gods of SATAN on earth; GAMBLE this world: releasing every mutilated organism back into nature/ so that it can infect and change the natural order of things. Altering disease/ mixing the framework and structures of genetics: to cross species lines, and create death by intention. The most vile of all that is hatred; to crucify and curse, every living thing: BY DESTROYING NATURE ITSELF. By “nailing you to the cross of biological war, inside your own body; destroying the sanctity of being human, by altering life itself.

So your gods of SATAN on earth; GAMBLE this world/ DELIBERATELY choosing to destroy every resource/ every chain of life/ poisoning every water supply/ altering governments, with the rancid cry of “debts don’t matter/ lets war”. And every other purpose imaginable; because the end result of universities is: UNLESS THEY TEAR DOWN what reality proves is true/ THEY CAN’T play god. So the indoctrination of every child/ the prostitution of every media effort/ the plague of all leadership/ the curse of religion agrees/ the failure of corrupt courts/ the predators who bait and trap humanity to keep them from the courtrooms; by using law to pillage, rape, ransack, and rob/ the horror of humans whose apathy, and failure to respect ANYTHING; is cause enough for this world to become extinct. As they worship, and maintain the cult of their bribes; hiding from the truth/ by sacrificing every child/ MURDERING THEIR FUTURE, to build your garbage mountains. To your shame.

The reality of our time is very simple: all the tragedies/ all the fantasies/ all the delusions and imaginations of “university knows”: are now becoming the consequences of their lies/ their misinformation/ their failures and foolishness and thievery and the horror of their ways.

Because the end result of it all: is truth WILL decide! The university contribution is: DISRESPECT/ DENIAL/ DEATH/ DESTRUCTION/ MUTILATION/ TERRORISM/ BETRAYAL/ WHORING (ONLY THE MONEY MATTERS)/ CULT, and its worship of SATAN; as is defined to be, the deliberate decision: “lets destroy this world”. And all the people; said, we don’t care/ give us what we want. So to satisfy the greed and absolute selfishness of humanity; your universities took control over government claiming we are the superior ones: to hide inflation, as is the claim of assets that don’t exist/ and the destruction of debts which cannot be paid “no matter what you do”.

The latest round of that in America is: Biden believes; and as all the recent decades of government has been; “give it all away”/ now begins to show up as this will not be turned back. Because you have literally endless numbers being used; like many nations around this earth; all of it lost, because there is a day when the numbers rule instead of the lies.

As will soon be: THE DEAD WEIGHT of universities play god/ becomes the end of our world. As reality proves: fantasy, delusion, lies, cheating, stealing, betrayal, terrorism, sacrificing the future, destroying every resource, crucifying every child/ mutilating every food source, plant, and life on earth; in worship of their delusions called evolution; AND ALL THE REST. That is the curse of this world, beyond hate: into EXTINCTION. Is more than you bargained for/ is more than truth will allow you to survive. Because you traded your soul; for trophies you threw in the trash. To your eternal, shame.         YOU, literally have only one choice left:

BY WORLD TRIAL; WE THE PEOPLE determine for ourselves, what the evidence can prove is true, for our lives/ your child, our world and our future. BY NATIONAL TRIAL; WE THE PEOPLE determine for ourselves, if those who lead have betrayed us. TO DEMAND we must make the laws which govern this society for ourselves. BY LESSER TRIALS; we the people determine if the judiciary are in fact working for us/ OR, are they working against the laws and purposes of what we demand our state or nation shall become. NOTHING can be determined by “imagination or what you believe is true”. ONLY REAL WORLD INVESTIGATION of the facts, which establish the evidence, and deny the expert: can define, the critical truth of what our choices are/ or what the cost of being wrong shall be.

And all the people scream: WE WANT WHAT WE WANT/ we hire leaders to make decisions, so that then we can say: THEY DID IT, not us! WE DON’T want to be responsible/ WE WANT what we want; and we want, the claim: NOT GUILTY! But reality proves you are guilty; you participated in everything we are threatened with/ and no amount of excuses will remove that fact from your own life. Truth is truth, simple as that. Just as deciding your fate, here and now; instead of collapsing into the abyss of destruction is NOW YOUR CHOICE; as well. Either choose your fate/ or the fate you chose by following “university is god” will make you extinct. And all the people scream: “they are gods”/ yet all the evidence does prove; “they are merely your former classmates”, hiding under the cover of an image that has no, or little; substance of value. YOU DO KNOW, this world is in trouble from human behaviors/ from human population growth; even an ant has that power of observation: so do you! SO NOW, YOU ARE GUILTY: of the reality you choose for the future of this world. Simple as that.

The foundation of love is truth. The foundation of law is truth. The foundation of peace and harmony is justice, based upon fair play to all. The foundation of change is knowing what is true. The foundation of democracy is being able to understand what is true/ the cost of being wrong. The foundation of life and survival is truth. The foundation of a future for life or world is truth. The foundation of eternal life is truth. TRUTH extends from RESPECT, and respect establishes TRUST. As a consequence to these things and more; the value of life and living is based upon truth. While the foundation of all “university expertise is imagination rules/ and respect is for fools/ deceive, deny, destroy as is the basis for chaos; so they don’t understand”. Steal, cheat, betray, terrorize; We, are gods. Therefore we the universities DON’T have to obey no damn rule or law/ no rights or reality; unless we make it ourselves. As spoiled brat; “two year old children” claim.

You need to remind: “your employees of government”/ that they serve at your discretion; not their own. Being bullied is a two way street; one forces/ the other submits. Take away the force: and let the law of our democracy decide. Which literally is, “we the people will vote”: on that fact as our authority to rule this nation. In addition: more than enough time, money, and reality has now pasted: TO PROVE WHAT IS TRUE, about covid or not/ as an entire world looking; for the result. As is their right.the common cold tests same as covid; both are corona virus s

“I wander if they could call flu covid instead?”

FEAR makes the enemy rich, powerful, and you poor. BELIEF builds the walls around a tyrant, so they can take control. OBEY identifies the cult, as is never question your leader; you have no right. The consequence of these things takes control over society, and democracy is destroyed/ courts are corrupted/ the conspiracy to manipulate and propagate through communication/ the collusion to invade and indoctrinate for cult worship within all forms of education/ the treason of counterfeiting currency, and destroying economic stability with debt/ the vile disease of terrorists who are blatantly trying to kill off nature itself, so as to make their god of evolution (CHAOS wins); and the horror of terrorists who believe they can play god with energy, planet, plant, ocean, water, the chains of life, destruction of habitat: and EVERY OTHER FORM of “cancer” that is “the university Satan”; as has come to pass. Fell upon this earth; by the defecation: called, weapons of mass destruction.reality knows: to enforce believe, fear, obey; healthcare added covid to everything they could claim

while the treatment of flu is largely “cheap”/ the cost of US covid is reported as much as 24 trillion dollars in one year. Ask WHO gets the money?

INSTEAD of that: going to court as a nation or world or even state provides in this USA; that under the authority called constitutional democracy as is “the government itself”. OUR RIGHT to call for trial, and investigate our employees; to assess and determine for ourselves if, “they did keep their sworn oath to us”: is valid, true, and real to the needs of this day. Because if not: we have the duty, and the authority by first amendment law; to take back control for ourselves; and establish as WE THE PEOPLE, by our vote on the issues themselves. The direction, and decisions, that our nation should go. That is democracy/ and every claim of “government”; is by constitutional law: OR, it is treason, as those employed are merely citizens just like you or me/ NOT “government/ employee”.

THOSE WHO MAKE THE LAWS, BY WHICH WE ALL MUST LIVE (including government employees): THEN, RULE THE NATION, STATE, OR WORLD. Remove those who stand in the way; as traitors to democracy. Let only what is important find a voice, so that every decision will matter to us all.

EVERYTHING, about life is based upon the miracles we have been given; “reality knows that is true”. The fantasy of university is: “they say they can do better/ and will use evolution (and more) to prove it is so.” So they inject chaos/ demand accidental consequences will be better/ and mutilate nature; throwing anything that survives; “out into the world” to infect anything it can; as is a biological weapon. And humanity says: “we DON’T care”. As will be your epitaph. Of critical importance in the table below is: “ESTIMATES”/ even though death is a fact, and burial, etc; occurs within 3 days later. MAKING death, the one composite of certainty/ that can be tabulated almost immediately. YET they hide it in estimates. WHY? to manipulate you/ because they want your fear, (power to control you) & your money (power to surge against you, and overthrow governments; stealing as raiding armies do). DON’T believe, find the evidence for yourselves: discarding experts as vile/ search for truth, as a nation.every aspect of covid MUST be examined in real world untainted evidence; so that we know/ not told, by experts

IS NOT THE YEAR 2020 “THE GREAT RELIEF”; we have a vaccine. safe now/ or was it just the collection of money, by raiding the nation with fear?

Everything, begins with water, and then expands with food and habitat; including you. Extreme over population has removed the habitat for what we eat/ reduced habitat to what has been plundered and ravaged/ poisoned the water, or endangered it greatly. For trophies in your Garbage mountains. For wealth/ that is nothing but numbers without reality; as you traded every child; for a fantasy. As is the purpose of “university knows”. University is god, “the cult monger of Satan on earth”:  screams, “there are no consequences for us”. They too, are wrong.

And the universities say: “we are gods/ you are nothing”; we own the power, and you will have none. As is the constant throughout history; by all who could generate fear/ belief/ or obey! Take a look around: EVERYTHING is being taken, control of business, industry, communication, schooling, jobs, banks: everything controlled by university rules. By what are; a very tiny few who then own it all/ control it all/ and will make you fear their decisions of apathy and disrespect, and disgrace. By university driven counterfeiting currency; fantasies and foolishness;  and debts don’t matter, it all imagination/ “to  those in governments”. Except of course for your debts: pay up. a one hour, out patient surgery for a small broken bone: $39,334.47 “pay up”! But hey who cares/ right? They got to eat too; right?world population increase is roughly one hundred million more mouths to feed per year/ resources remain the same

what shows an epidemic is the increase in death rate: but don’t forget immigration (look around)/ increase in population/ cost of spreading fear as is addiction, suicide, homelessness, future destroyed along with a lifetime of work; which produces GUN VIOLENCE; and more! As did spread because of media induced:  FEAR DAMN YOU FEAR.  And then remember; if nobody dies/ nobody gets to live.   BELIEVE YOU  damn BASTARDS; because university wants to play god. OBEY you fools;  as the insurgency against all who built the nation expands; to consume you with “endless trillions” now in the possession of your enemies/ as they steal it, with fear:  from you.

For basically fifty years, I have put my life on hold: doing whatever I could to say, STOP AND understand the consequences of this/ the terrors and tragedy of this. And throughout that time, only one reality occurred: you refused/ you hid/ you ran away/ you chose arrogance and ridicule/ you denied the evidence/ and you supported raping and ransacking your own children; destroying their future along with your own. Screaming instead: “not in my lifetime/ or, I won’t pay”. But you were wrong/ or you are dead. None stood up to say, “I am here too/ fighting for these realities of truth, that will not be denied”.

And the world of “university is god” replies: WE ARE THE SUPERIOR ONES/ nobody is more god like than us: we know everything! But let’s review: today, believe it or not our world is threatened by human population rise beyond all possibility of survival. EVERYTHING we eat is life/ and all life needs its chain of life, its habitat, its space and purpose and realities. Yet everything you do as human existence on earth; as led by university knows: IS COMPLETE DISRESPECT, for every living thing. The curse; “absolute greed”. The oceans are completely disrespected; and every life/ every living thing in those oceans, are literally on the edge of extinction: because of what humans do. Literally everything, because you don’t care; at all; just the “spewing sewage” of lies, liars, failures, and fools: a university led parade of “yes we can”. EVERY resource is under attack: led by “university education”/ the very ground, the air, the water, the earth itself; all of it, is under attack. The revolution of “university is god”. EVEN LIFE ITSELF is UNDER SEVERE ATTACK: as the university geneticist clamors for more freedom to make “evolution come true”/ and biological weapons are released to gain trillions of dollars, and force you: to the back of the cage. Where you wait “for the slaughter house doors to open”. And then we have physicists: who are intent upon destroying atomic laws that balance and keep this entire earth from collapsing into chaos. Their decision is: “YES WE CAN, play with the same fire as is on the sun”; cause they’re gods. But alas the only gods they can be is SATAN (destroyer of a world)/ and that alone is what they “love”/ while worshiping themselves. But hey don’t worry, “weapons of mass destruction” will save you; after all, who is insane enough to use them; “but a mouse who roars”. The human reality is apathy/ because the human condition is: you are indoctrinated into the religious cult of “university is god”; and threw away your brain/ as media replaced it “with puke and vomit” as is; “university knows”. Think not? This world faces extinction; and that is not a lie/ so, WHO led you to this precipice of nothing alive survives? ANSWER, THE DAMNED; question?

When humanity is pushed to survive, and few options exist; they fight, and kill. Which is a matter of policing. War exists, because leaders push, and power wants an excuse for why they failed: so they demand let the weapons talk for us/ and they kill (within borders or outside of borders); to prove, “don’t come here”. Power is controlled by money or death and destruction: so there are only three elements of war. The people are desperate, and somebody has to die: because there ain’t enough for us all. The leaders want to distract the people, and force them to look elsewhere; as is don’t blame us. And the rich see in war, an opportunity to be very rich/ as the price of war, cannot be dismissed or controlled: YOU MUST pay our price/ or you die.

And humanity replies: WE CAN’T DO NOTHING/ LEAVE US ALONE; WE WANT WHAT WE WANT; and be damned to anyone who gets in the way. “as we” are going to get EVERYTHING we can/ before life itself is over! But alas, life will truly be over, and without respect for that truth: you aid and abet its killers! You are the cult, who didn’t care; not even for your own child! The constant chant; for the last forty years: “NOT, in my lifetime”! Thereby discarding the future, and ALL its life: to fight for your trash (as that is where your prize will go/ your possessions, simply to HELL). Because even if you could fight back to save this world: it takes more than greed or want to save it. And the people say: YOU CAN’T MAKE US CARE/ or be ashamed: “we are gods; children of god; the real GOD will save us/ and you are nothing! But alas: your real god is university/ as you bow down, and cover your face; as they command; release trillions to their decision, as they command; discard life to their mutilation, as they command; even attempting to ignite this earth into a sun; as they lie and claim “we know”; BUT, BY THE EVIDENCE; what has only been SIMPLE: pure fantasy/ delusions/ and imagination. You, are “dead meat”/ and the curse of all that universities have accomplished: will soon make you cannibals, “what’s for dinner; APATHY, AND DISRESPECT”/ BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING ELSE LEFT; “here, have blood to drink”/ because the water is poisoned. To your eternal shame!

IT IS THE “ARMY: we are in this together”; that enforces authority to decide. Without those who will come to the aid of their “uniform”/ there are only criminals, separate from the herd; as mere predators. By creating the “army”/ and presenting weapons: the prey scatter, and the predators become rulers. In order to defeat them: the army of the damned (university on trial) must be removed. The weapon: ONLY TRUTH SHALL LEAD US/ ONLY LAW, shall become “the government”. NO PROPAGANDA OR EXPERT; ALLOWED, only the evidence; as best we can.

YOU WILL NOT ALLOW; “the cursed, the vile, and the vomit; of puke and misery that is; the intellectual traps” to take control. The primary example of that is “medical coding”: by which a very simple “its a broken bone”/ becomes a tirade of excuses to charge more, and take control over the argument: by creating the putrid maze; of confusion and misdirection, whose only purpose is to destroy knowledge. Thereby taking control for hate to rule.

THE INTELLECTUAL in charge of “administration”, SAYS: NO, it is not just a health issue “visible and plain”/ ITS ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY FOUR THOUSAND MEDICAL CODES; EACH OF WHICH WE CAN CHARGE YOU FOR. BECAUSE we count every single hair on your body, and then they start to include all the shit that falls from “their own anus”/ as part of the bill. And if that is not enough: “well obviously every breathe” is worth whatever we want; because greed lives, instead of life. AND THE ONLY WAY TO REMOVE the dead from their disease: REQUIRES JUSTICE to ascend beyond the corruption, and redefine life as what we are willing to respect; as society decides by our law, [THAT WE LITERALLY MAKE FOR OURSELVES]. In order, to protect us all, with disciplined fair play. NOT whatever the hell, YOU want.

Whenever, LOOKING AT THE MEDICAL PROFESSION:  you must turn first to the universities, to recognize: these few, limit the competition, by demanding endless drudgery/ and a half million dollar debt; for their diploma. OR, more simply; every failure of society, must turn back “to investigate: university is here”.

The foundation of American democracy was, “discontent”/ therefore the price was met; and the people divided/ or united as they desired. THE PROTECTION of democracy was met: with the term “redress of grievances”. Thereby setting into place: that when we the people are NOT satisfied, with our employees of government. Instead of war, “we choose to go to court”/ identifying the evidence, as best we can; and therefrom exercising our authority as owners here: to make changes as we the people see fit. That foundation: REQUIRES a courtroom to prove what is true/ and the cost of being WRONG. That change REQUIRES: a no less than 51% acceptance of change/ and the vote shall be taken again every two years: until a 70% acceptance by the people that this is, “the best we can do”. It is then fixed; unless a new trial reshapes our decision and our journey as a nation or world.

The powerful refuse that constitutional law; as is treason/ because it takes their power away. They use media to redirect you/ and the courts remain silent; as they are bought and paid for by pride and power! To get our constitutional democracy back: for ourselves, we must remind them, that the constitution is our government/ not our employees. That the courts have authority UNDER constitutional law; and do not have power over the constitution. That those who deny our authority as a nation is WE THE PEOPLE, in recognition of our decision/ not theirs: THE FINAL SAY, in where we go, and who we are as a nation, by what unites us; as is the constitution/ declaration of independence/ and “Virginia bill of rights”. The reality of law: WE CHOOSE THIS, FOR OURSELVES/ which made the sacrifice possible.

The reality of war, that is: when the competition is grim (I will take) or serious (I am hungry, for more); genocide is coming. Somebody has to die. In Ukraine it is pride and power demand attention. When leaders fail life and reality: someone has to take the blame, and it cannot be the proud; so the distraction is war. When the rich want more: they pick leaders who give them more/ and society fails; bringing war. Bankers bridge that gap, by allowing investors to believe “with less”/ I will get more. Causing decisions that wreck the future and the planet. “bankers/ as do survive”;  then plunder and steal. While a bank can be an asset/ it is equally able to be a curse; as is seen in America today.

The end result of that is: without population control, there is no future but war/ because this is a finite planet; and you have no other options. ONLY EXTINCTION OR CHANGE to accept balance/ discipline/ order/ and respect. Simple as that. Human existence is now a choice/ not a guarantee; your world hangs in the balance of life OR death; by what you do.

Leaders lead to war: because they don’t want nobody blaming them/ BUT WAR ENDS, when the leaders are dead. Leaders do NOT target leaders/ so they won’t target them: “its an unwritten rule”. However, WARS END, when the leaders are dead/ or taken into court; by the world. Targeting leaders who control the war: is elementally the decision for peace.

But make no mistake: while the ignorant/ fool/ failure/ young/ impoverished/ violent, and more; all believe “yes we can”; the reality is rarely true. NOTHING BUT TRUTH, can define a future for life. While NOTHING but peace and harmony, will make it come true; and that requires justice, fair play, and realistic equality among all participants. Or you fail, just like the leaders before you: who wanted; pride, and power and slaves.

The very rich die out/ and cease to exist, by removing their power to control society, media, government, more: with money, jobs, or resources. That cannot be done, UNLESS you choose “limited capitalism”; where we the people define the limits and boundaries of what ANY OTHER human being can obtain in either resource control/ or wealth. So that we all, have an opportunity to share the future. Limited capitalism; is a choice society makes for itself.

THE FUTURE IS: by truth leading us into laws which we decide as a world or nation of we the people chose. This is the best we will do for peace and harmony and life. OR, as is consistent with the evidence: you will die by want/ pride/ and power leading you to HELL. As the cursed (I hate), the damned (I won’t care), and the diseased (let them die) of brain; lead (with few exceptions) into chaos (nothing matters but me); as is the reality of this day.

Simple and plain: the choice is, “live with value and respect/ or die, as a world gone extinct”

When leaders are in trouble, and the nation begins to crumble under the weight of too many people, and a reality of want and pride; that has destroyed the future: very nearly all leaders turn to power. To remind the people; DON’T blame us/ we will, threaten or kill you. The current malaise of covid; represents the first thrust of power, into society/ to demand YOU CANNOT refuse us: YOU cannot threaten US. Thereby taking away the public decision: to enforce; NOBODY rules but us. That ends with discontent; and fear on all sides increases; as the threat against freedom rises, and the reality of revolt turns against leadership. As with Nazi: groups are then targeted, to remind all “this CAN happen to you too”.  JEWS were not targeted primarily for their religion, “they kept it to themselves”. THEY WERE, “the bankers”; and with the end of world war 1: they were in the position of foreclosing on massive amounts of property; so they could redistribute it to themselves. And did.

As proven by covid: when fear takes control, every form of power and pride or wealth in society, then cries out: ‘”YOU cannot threaten us, either”. AND THE DEMAND, for control takes over government; and the army formed by money; throws democracy out. NO YOU cannot decide: DO WHAT WE DEMAND. Because fear, is a predator; that lurks “just beyond your vision”. To combat fear: humanity turns to religion, and: the fantasy, but fanatical religion of “university is god”: demands “BELIEVE/ FEAR/ OBEY”, as is the constant of every cult. But alas: fear is not going to save you! The fantasies or religion of “University is god” is not going to save you: they brought you here to biological warfare, for MONEY! Instead, only truth provides the opportunities of choice; only the evidence untainted by belief; forms a path beyond where we are; into a future that is better than today. THOUGHT (life is more than want) is required; intellect (plotting and planning and traps and power) is cast aside. Thereby we are confronted with the law: of what we can choose, and what we cannot choose, as reality will define. And the people say: WE WANT WHAT WE WANT; just remove the threat, so we can take what we want. But alas, you have now invaded this earth; and will kill it; with apathy by want, pride, or power. UNLESS you accept the truth: the laws, that honestly benefit all life; is our only choice.

Every part, every piece, every shape of our destiny, is determined by the choices we make, and the decision to participate we accept, as our contribution to this life. Truth survives, nothing less will.

“cult worship” in america, assumes the universities; “our saviors/ our gods”! But, the only reason we don’t currently have “million dollar loafs of bread”; is because all the inflation stays under the control of a tiny few “university elite, and their governmental puppets”. As history proves: “just print more money” is the answer of every intellectual; claiming power with lies. Along with limited capitalism: there must be a currency count that is directly tied to the population count. So that the relationship of numbers to humans; remains constant. There must be currency traded for resources between nations: that is tied to “real world realities” as it used to be with gold. The curse of massive population increases is a need which cannot be matched with money/ therefore lies begin. The tragedy of war: ALWAYS consumes the economy, and destroys the securities of nearly every citizen. Making war, the greatest deflation of all/ which is why when inflation consumes the nation; leaders turn to war, in order to remove human expectations. UNFORTUNATELY, university led decisions/ threats of extinction, surround us all; and currency deaths around this world; are one of the least threats we face.

Reality proves: even though the curse of men and their wars, provided some degree of population control; to keep this earth alive. It was not until the “universities played god”; that we became surrounded by massive threats of our own extinction: as the evidence proves without a doubt true.

Evidence of that is: the people population of China: grew by one third over the last twenty years: one half a billion “mothers delivered a child”, just in China: the earth is crying now, with more human mouths to feed/ seeking water/ seeking resources/ wanting more; than can be delivered as you are doing. While the twentieth century grew human population by 6 times more over that one hundred years: the reality of zero population growth is overwhelming, and it is absolute. And unfortunately, that is only the beginning; of changes: that had consequences beyond your grasp of the situation. NO, you can’t is the future, for us all/ because reality doesn’t care. Truth doesn’t care. Making each decision: we better care/ or we die. And as groups claim, “them not us”/ the cost of war; will insure: “you too”. GO TO COURT AS A WORLD: AND PROVE THE TRUTH OF WHERE WE ARE IN TERMS OF THREAT/ AND PROVE WHAT THE COST OF BEING WRONG WILL BE; if humanity fails life and earth. NO GUESSING/ NO EXPERTS/ NO THEORIES/ NO UNIVERSITY LEADS; only reality and the truth decide: by facing the future which is, “without true and immediate change; earth is extinct”: IN YOUR LIFETIME.  “the living dead” if not completely gone.

Functionally, there is little about university that defines or defends life or planet; the disguise is, “a few care”/ but the reality is; most do not: same as society in general. The critical cost of university can be seen in this USA; as leadership; who believe they are saviors, “the great ones”/ but are in fact simply increasing the competition; and destroying the confidence of groups. Liars, who actually chose to make people believe; all life is nothing but chaos built by accidents: even a worm has a better brain that they. Greater fools do not exist/ until we get to physics, an the people who believe they can play with the same fire as on the sun; here on earth: all fantasy/ all delusional chaos; nothing from truth to support their call to be “Satan (lets destroy this world)”. While in a perfect world, everyone has enough/ and everyone is happy with who they are/ and everyone is tolerant of all. That world does not exist; and mixing races (groups) simply divides and causes betrayal in all forms and ways; as now the group trusts no one: making all the enemy.stop believing; because it is serious NOW, when confronted with the truth “we are in trouble”/ as is the cost throughout history: “not enough water/ not enough food/ not enough anything: MEANS SOMEONE, is going to die or move”. And reality says: this world is full/ no place to go, without exterminating all life and planet. So instead of wars as throughout history: we now face an Apocalypse (trust no one/ kill them all)/ because the groups have been “de-faced (like covid)”. INSTEAD OF REALITY; which is zero population rise/ and dealing effectively with the truth; which in part is: “if you are starving/ WE WILL NOT help you survive, UNLESS there is true and literal birth control for all”. As is the truth of survival: no one moves, unless birth control is real. UNFORTUNATELY, that is functionally just about women/ therefore: THEIR men MUST pay them “fairly”. The list is very long; with regard to survival/ the potential for extinction is very short and simple: keep doing what you are doing. As is letting “university lead”: means ALL life ends in a decade, or less.  PROVE, the evidence is wrong/ BELIEF, particularly in university (just like global warming)/ or media (just like covid; stealing your face);  it is NOT enough. When the cost of being wrong: is our world is dead.those who deliberately transmit life threatening disease; must be held accountable

The identity you create, is your truth; as all other constructions of time or purpose, will fail. Therefore, search for eternal life, in truth. Every miracle of life: (the universities, cannot build a single hair, they are simply thieves; but they can inject chaos, nature is genetics “the builder of bodies”), proves it is not surrender hope for life/ DO watch out for liars, traitors, and thieves

In the essence of things spiritual, comes the law; the construction of what can be proven true, by reality served with discipline, order, balance, and respect: these are the builders of life and planet and universe. Spiritual means: conceived by thought, to achieve the relationships called time: in order that life within thought, can find its home. The disciplines of law and truth provide a living. The balance between love and hate, conform to the question of “who, are you willing or wanting to be”? RESPECT, identifies “a child of GOD “/ or not. That question is not “gender related”/ but lives in the values conceived by love, as we share our experience, and express our trust in “where miracles come from”.

 constitution holds all authority over them; as we the people honor this, “our government”:  with our lives, our choice, and our future as a democracy guiding our place in life and world: with the dignity of ownership. The authority of constitutional law decides, not you.

We cannot change this world, with wants/ you can only change this world with actions; YOU TAKE. The foundation of all peace and harmony is law/ anything else, will bring war. As is the result of “men in charge”, as history proves true. Women are not better: but if you join honestly with equal respect, each balances the other, and value will arise. IF justice is your purpose, and truth decides instead of want, pride or power: LIVING WILL CHANGE, and life renew.. if not threats will overwhelm you, and extinction will rise.

And “all the men” say: “they can’t cheat me/ I have a gun”. Alas they have an army/ so now you need an army; and civil war begins. OR, you are redirected to war with nations instead. And all the women say: “you can’t make me take a stand; men do terrible things to women”; so they hide. But life says: IF WE ENFORCE OUR LAW/ then we are the army, and the law decides even against a leader. So that justice may arise, instead of war. Therefore we stand with the law “in front”, as our weapon of choice. Life, society, and nation, “without mutilation or destruction”; by our own laws kept.     WHOSOEVER MAKES THE LAWS,      RULES THE NATION, STATE, OR WORLD.

A true democracy NEVER “hires an employee” to make the laws, we all then have to live by. A true democracy works to achieve an understanding, and thereby description so plain and simple and effective: that nobody can truly deny its purpose/ or undermine its decision. As with “the biblical ten commandments”: IF YOU DO IT correctly once, the words nor the purpose never need to be changed. Because we do understand, and agree: this should be so.REALITY finds thieves promising what they cannot in fact deliver which is health while universities, and their media scream hurrah/ reality says NO

Time is, “the value we give it”; and that means we decide for ourselves what time, as is the living of this life, worth. The vast majority decide: time is best spent searching for want/ pride/ and power; discarding all other things to the competition of getting more for “me”. Being alive in the essence of miracles are the truth of our existence, the foundation upon which we breathe, see, experience senses, move, talk; the face we have, the motions and sex we express, the very reality of truth; that is “living ALIVE” within respect. That honors and knows, “we trust only truth” to be alive/ not the fantasy, delusions, or imagination, as is the lies and betrayal, of people who want to play god. The animal of human existence, as universities demand: choose war, as they are animals. The reality of being alive in miracles, which create the understanding: “more than human, was here/ as only thought beyond ourselves, could conceive of this”: forms the discussion of law, and the value of truth by the reality of evidence, as our only choice. The human animals fight/ the humans who have encountered “I AM ALIVE”; choose thought, and conceive of truth, as it identifies the law we must accept to achieve peace. Animals cannot, but live within the cult of university is god; achieves what they want. Whereas human alive, searches the value and hope of love; simply accepting reality; will defeat the hate of fools, who trade their own eternity, for pride. Once the animals are tired of dying and mutilation. Unfortunately for them; and this world; time has run out. Your decision is required: “university led chaos, lies & cheating, endless thievery, mutilation and destruction of life and planet, betrayal and terrorism/ or MIRACLES respecting life, and all that GOD OUR CREATOR has provided without cost”? Choose.

In contrast, is the university god called “chaos (destroying complexity), without a brain (nothing exists), accidents (like mutilation of order, etc)”; as is a religious cult, worships this.

Covid represents the funding; when a large insurgent army becomes huge and ready to move against the rest. The act of rebellion against those who are the builders of a nation: cannot be direct, because after all, the demand is for a surprise. Hence the constant rhetoric of media against those who have attained some degree of power in the nation: “kill them, you have a right”. If you remember covid after “a tiny few in Asia” were said to have a pandemic/ and two weeks later its a pandemic for the world; and a month after that presto, “we have a vaccine”: that the people of this USA MUST pay, 5-6 trillion dollars for/ surrendering their lives, their business, their organizations, their friends, their religion/ their face/ and their child: because your university gods demand it. But lets review: 5 trillion dollars for covid, “is $50,000.00 PER SHOT, for one hundred million people: HOW IS THAT NECESSARY? Plus a booster/ plus a booster/ plus a booster/ plus a booster/ plus every child/ plus even more: all of which MUST be paid for by the people of this USA. So where did all the money go? Answer; primary to funding the army/ and inciting them to revolt into civil war: the traitor forms a plan to remove the power of those to be attacked. The terrorist, creates a means: to destroy everything the targeted people need or want to survive; as is the factory line, now used to mutilate the entire genetic code of nature itself. “don’t worry though”/ after all, your university gods, “wouldn’t hurt you”/ right! After all, those mean old people who got here first: DON’T deserve nothing/ right. They don’t give us what we want; so we don’t need them, right?

One trillion dollars is equal too= ten thousand dollars per each and every one of one hundred million people. So when your liars in US or state government claim to spend trillions/ as they have: that would be from tax dollars/ so ask yourself: JUST HOW MUCH MONEY do the people have to earn, in order to allow for this? The US GDP SAYS: IT generates 22.7 trillion dollars for 2022/ that would be, $227,000. per each of one hundred million people or just about one in three citizens (the basic entire workforce). They are liars; but claim its basically all from banking: which generates NO actual sell-able work, or usable work/ they simply loan money to those who do. Your hidden assets of inflation; are found here/ forced into the economy, where no one complains; such as the lies of wall street. Reagan sold you out; his only solution: sell all the gold, and spend it: because “debts don’t matter”/ UNLESS, YOU OWE ME/ OR I OWE YOU. Today however, since your government employees stole, and kept stealing from the nation itself: “who you going to call/ as they are the thieves”?  90% going straight to “university, or hidden in lies that give a tiny few control over us all: SOMEBODY SPENT IT, for whatever they wanted”! BANKRUPTING US!  Which means:  since the money has no merit in reality, we are not paid for our work; as the numbers can disappear from value in an instant:  which then turns to a governmental demand, is slavery. THEY KNOW, they aren’t paying you anything in reality: THE LIARS, traitors, and thieves; win. The media knew, because I told them/ refusing reality to scream “YES, we can make our children pay”. that has carried on throughout the decades; media still knows; and still continues to scream: “who gives a DAMN about a single child/ I WON’T PAY”. WHO LEADS? answer, “the university diploma (they all have one, they were all indoctrinated into the cult of university knows; OR you get no diploma”)/ not a political party; a cult: “never question your leader”. WHY? BECAUSE, if all the rest are getting rich; who would you rather be; someone demanding “life and planet come first”/ or a billionaire; as is selfish and greed fighting against the rest: just like the scourge of medicine; as in let the nation pay : one hour out patient surgery: $39,334.47/ as is plain and simple; extortion. HELL they all deserve to die, don’t they? and the public yells, yes/ just not me.they lie: identify the numbers and the workers who create wealth/ biggest claim is banking

Without order, the blight and plague of chaos takes control, and exhibits war. Without discipline, the curse and consequences of “accidental disasters” fight with you, to destroy everything you have built; as is university leads. But without balance, the fundamental drive of courage highlighted by the accents of hope and love, the desire to live dies as well. Therefore to establish all three; the elements of respect must be found in the foundations of law, that make life and world possible. Nothing less, can be sustained with value. Nothing less survives as justice or fair play. Law is life.          “but that does not include the corruption and scourge of failure; found in time; as men who fight for pennies, and claim the game is all that matters”.  Instead:  LAW TRUE TO LIFE AND WORLD, sustains us: as nothing less will do.

The university puke of a rotting parasitic corpse that is “satan (destroyer of a world); by all measure of reality”. Offers you “evolutionary chaos, and the accidental rise of life, without so much as a brain, a tool, a food source, or a recognition of life; their only acceptance of reality, “simply this looks like that”; as any two year old can do. And yet humanity grabs hold and worships their satans as god. It is not ignorance (you own a body)/ it is not stupidity (even a worm knows better)/ it is not insanity (you chose, you did not fall in): INSTEAD it is pure arrogance, screaming “we don’t need our Creator ANYMORE”. We are gods now, with absolute disrespect for life and world; so says the vast majority of humans on earth. Because you believe in healthcare (we don’t have to die/ until the body becomes worthless). Yet it is all but absolutely certain; autism and more, are the direct result of: university chemicals/ pharmaceuticals/ genetic mutilation/ cursing the “food supply, by playing god”/ radiation/ poisons/ and more. But as with everything on earth: nearly all, the old scream, “let the children be sacrificed, this earth destroyed/ I WANT what I want”. The university satan now invades life and humanity with the curse of genetic mutilation (lets force nature to be what we want)/ your covid vaccine in NO vaccine; which means in harmony with nature, as a direct participant in what we can do to aid ourselves. Their fake vaccine is to slice and dice and destroy all the laws which keep us alive; and the dysentery of society believe, obey, and fear; shouting ALL MUST obey. As fear consumes them, with belief in lies. Make no mistake: universities did release a biological weapon against you/ to collect trillions of dollars, and the power to even steal your face. Shame on you all.

I remind this world: your “university gods”, are deliberately injecting chaos into genetics, in order to worship their god of evolution; “the venom of death”. Your university gods are deliberately destroying: balance, order, disciplines, respect, and all that sustains life and earth: to prove they can be your gods. Your university gods; are in fact merely former classmates of yours/ whereas your government officials, including the judges; are merely former classmates, who are now your employees, by their own sworn oath of office. Which means: you are throwing away this world, to those who cannot even rise: to understand LIFE IS A MIRACLE/ instead of a damn fool who claims chaos built life and world. WITHOUT THOUGHT, nothing is possible but chaos. Chaos builds nothing, and can only be used to destroy anything complex; down into its most simple forms. University is not gods at work/ they are destroyers at work; even doing their best to wreck and ruin life and earth; just to prove they can/ by deluding you, with constant media propagation of “LETS MAKE HELL” instead: LYING CONSTANTLY; so you won’t stop them from igniting this world into a sun.  Discarding, all forms of reality to insist, all forms of security are dissolved. Such as in this USA; roughly 16 trillion dollars of “new asset” wealth claims have been documented in the last 6 months by “federal government” : one hundred and sixty thousand dollars, per each of one hundred million people. PROVING someone selected by “government insurgents”/ has been given the money to spend. in any way they please! YOU cannot compete, however you can become their slave, giving in to prostitution, addictions, suicides, and more; as the results of covid anarchy in government; proves, you have few to help you survive. “the university elite” want you dead/ destroyed and ruined; so they can rape, ravage, and make you extinct;  with all forms of propaganda hiding reality, produced by media and money that does not exist; in the world. EVERY SINGLE PENNY, is stolen from the future/ leaving every child sacrificed. The university elite simply want everything; “they want EVERYTHING”/ even the right to play god with life and earth”. Currently, the last attack to take away every title to property; and give it away to “someone/ anyone” else. So that the power this is; can be erased/ and civil war will come. To achieve that without the possibility you have any power to stop them: they steal, lie, cheat, betray, terrorize (as is covid), and in all ways seek to enslave you, and will then choose to destroy whoever does not obey. Just like every other marauding group of murdering thieves throughout history; “same/ same”. The only difference is: an intellectual hides, thereby presenting puppets for you to attack, instead of them. You already control nothing in this USA;  the university elite control government, education, religion, media, courts, elections (only a few decide who you will vote upon), currency and debt into complete destruction of your economy; and with covid the removal of organizing groups, even stealing your face to insure you comply. But don’t worry, they wouldn’t really threaten you with weapons of mass destruction, such as biological mutilation of diseases and nature and humanity:  OH WAIT, they already did, to collect TRILLIONS, and mutilate life without supervision of any kind. “now aren’t the universities great”? Practically gods; RIGHT?  OR, are they the creators of HELL, instead [as all the evidence suggests]?

BUT THEN: we do have to ask ourselves, “does anything truly matter”? In this world, the universities led us too? With water supplies depleted or poisoned/ all resources ending/ the atmosphere ready to detach from the earth (like on venus/ 700mph: yes the equator does turn at 1000mph). oxygen depletion/ ozone depletion/ CERN destroying magnetic and atomic balance within this earth/ chains of life destroyed/ mutilating genetic nature purely to establish chaos (let evolution live)/ human population exploding into we will all starve to death; turning into cannibals; or you die. And so much more;  cause you know, as humanity “you can have anything you want”/ without consequences. “just like the universities said”.

Your body, and your body alone heals you/ “making healthcare a trade work”. Your body builds you/ allows you to eat other life/ allows you the freedoms of thought: making it impossible to create “one piece at a time”. Your body experiences and expresses, touch, taste, hearing, voice, motion, sight, smell, ALL OF IT; automatically as designed by thought superior to our own. NO POSSIBILITY of truth can deny that is real! Yet the universities exist, with a singular intent to prove every truth doesn’t matter, because only they are gods. And you buy in, because like every generation throughout history, you want gods you can buy, tempt, talk too and more: safety in “we can’t all be wrong”/ as a herd. Reality however finds you stupid and dense: truth requires a brain, but alas like the religion of evolution; “you can’t have a brain”/ only the few get to decide; as is the constant of every cult. BEING HUMAN ALIVE, requires the journey into life, as a quest to learn what is true, acceptance of respect, a decision to participate. University tears that apart from you: requiring MIMICK AND MEMORIZE what we say, “fear/ believe/ obey”, and don’t question nothing in our books, or as our :”gods” talk. Believe the media priests/ and don’t fool with governmental supremacy: we are the army of your god, “the university”. Failing life and world. “wake up or die as a world”! Simple as that.

The crowning achievement of men is: WE ravaged, raped, ruined, depleted, destroyed, denied, defiled, mutilated or killed; ANYTHING that got in our way. Making life by the survival of a human animal, possible by our own design. The crowning achievement of women: WE created life from “supposedly nothing, but our bodies”; therefore we are the elemental truth of survival itself.

The curse of men/ the reality of women: WE ARE, now too many, to survive these ways, and MUST change to accept the new limits and boundaries of a life governed by truths which allow “humans to remain, being ALIVE”/ instead of wants as is the constant of animal; who simply believe whatever they want is true. They are not “the same”; as is so plainly evident; in a war, that threats the extinction of all/ or the cult of university plays god; which is an even greater threat, to the existence of this entire earth.

The puke and vomit of universities across this world; betraying life itself, discarding earth as nothing more than their toy, designing death in a thousand ways which will prove the end has come, the living dead who cheat/ steal/ corrupt/ disrespect/ and deny the value of life is more than their trinket or trophy or toy: participate only to exterminate life and earth. Their tiny contributions, are without substance or value. Instead of life and living as peace and harmony would provide: their cult offers only, even worse than men; the sacrifice of every child/ the end of earth itself/ and the curse of an eternity in Hades (unending terrors). As the proof of life, extends beyond your time. Just like the gift of life; is so far beyond your comprehension, as to make you fools; for listening to liars and thieves. THEIR CLAIM: its all an accident/ chaos built life/ didn’t need no damn brain, until humans were evolved. YET WHAT; can you do without a hand, or an eye or a mouth or anything you require to survive beyond “a glob of goo” . Because that is all you can be, without a brain; the recognition of life, and the purpose applied to movement! Shame on you for falling into their sewer of fools!

The critical truth is: unless truth by the realities of thought, identified within the evidence of what can be done to sustain and protect both life and living, and planet in its entirety/ and then is done, in accordance with the respect due what gave us life, and sustains our living on this earth. We are extinct. Simple as that. No longer a game/ no longer want decides/ no longer room for power to destroy, what the future does need; every child requires. YOU WILL make your decision “for life or death of our world”/ because anything less, which includes running away from that decision is certain extermination of all life on earth. As is found in the truth of our own evidence; the reality of destruction; the threats so plainly evident! Your want, pride, and power is dead: OR you soon will be. Which means: only thought, truth, respect, love accepted, forgiveness found, and reality decides. A world as it was intended to be; by those alive in this “Creation of a world”. Let women try to write the laws that are needed: to be voted upon by all. NOT because they are better/ they are not. Simply because they are different/ we need different: and they do deserve “the very last try, to survive”; lest we all die.

The constant of human existence on this earth is very simple: you ALL scream, “I WANT WHAT I WANT,” and hide in the closet of your fears; whispering, “I don’t want what I don’t want”.

But you will not escape the truth of your own consequences: you chose death of a world, shouting “NOT in my lifetime”. But you were wrong, about everything; and now face the truth: you chose to kill the entire creation of this world; even your own child. YOU might have one last chance to change directions; not up to me/ I don’t know; but hope is required, so I say it is true. GO TO COURT, and prove what is and is not true of every threat; without allowing the dead of university and media to taint it with their destruction: FIND AND ACCEPT, WHATEVER IS TRUE. Then live accordingly; simple as that: search for your life, and rebuild a future for this earth. As to war: the military of every nation quickly learns; “they don’t want to die, for some damn ruler”; and if given the proper options to stop. They will stop, ending the reign of that ruler: because without a weapon, to use: the ruler is dead. CHOOSE a life path, discard the serpent of media tells you what you think/ and kill the disrespect of SATAN; as is “university plays god”. Or, I guarantee; the closet you will find burning; is going to consume you, without mercy! FINAL CHOICES come only once.

And the religious all say: GOD, WILL NEVER LET THAT HAPPEN; even though it is a prophecy it will. So they say: THEN, there is nothing we can do about it/ SO WE NEED NOT CARE; “Christian groups even go so far as to claim; “rapture”/ its all free! BUT nothing on earth supports that! HUMANITY IS FREE/ WORLD WARS EXIST/ THE NUCLEAR MATCH IS READY/ BIOLOGICAL MUTILATION OF NATURE ITSELF, HAS REACHED LIFE OR DEATH FOR THIS ENTIRE CREATION/ CHEMICALS POISON EVERYTHING, and will do more, AND THAT is only the beginning/ DISRESPECT IS EVERYWHERE; AND WORST OF ALL: YOU DON’T CARE, because you belong to the cult of university is god/ and have failed life and world; by your own choices. THINK for yourself/ you can’t come back from any of that. So mercy allows, for all the lives you had even a little value: is it not better they simply dissolve in the dust of nuclear weapons, and the cleanup of a nuclear fire? OR is it better to enter NATURE IN CHAOS/ STARVATION AND DEATH BY THIRST EVERYWHERE/ CHILDREN MURDERED/ LIFE RAPED; AND EVERYTHING PURE HATE CAN DO? As is the consequences, you chose; by shouting “LET THE CHILDREN PAY”.

The foundation of our existence is: that we must let truth decide; because it determines the reality we will then try to survive.  The fantasies, delusions, imagination, GREED & SELFISHNESS, endless failure and foolishness of “university knows/ the cult of the damned;  MUST be removed. Every single decision that you make, will confront you for a lifetime/ the consequence of that is: to carefully decide. The foundation of society is law: therefore that law is the ruler of society, and it will decide for us; instead of rulers. Whosoever makes the law, enforces the law, or fails the law: decides the realities of what our society and world shall become. “one hundred laws (short and as simple as possible)” are enough/ for a nation or world. Therefore as we the people of this earth: it is our duty to redefine government; as the laws we made to govern ourselves. The only value of “our governing employees” is then to enforce and identify if our laws, are being kept.

UNLIKE the disgrace of “science”; which has robbed this planet of its balance and harmony/ the cost of staying alive is the removal of predictions, and all that university does. TO DO, what nature itself needs for us to do; such as instead of studies and other vile insurgency against life and planet. SIMPLY help feed them, where they need it. STOP the endless destruction, instead of listening to experts. DO WHAT LIFE NEEDS/ instead of believing in a cult, whose only purpose is to delude you into blind obedience, while our planet and all its life dies. BASICALLY STOP, everything the universities do; and DO, what life and planet needs you to do; instead of finding excuses, or letting “universities play”. The game of fools is dead, “they led you to extinction”:  raise up for life and planet; or die with it.  And all the people say: WE WANT, WHAT WE WANT! Yet both life and planet by the evidence demands:  CHANGE OR DIE/ your want is dead as well. Let truth decide; because the price of knowing you are wrong; as is with “global warming”;  you are extinct/ you chose HELL.

WAR means: people are dying, mutilated, raped, families ruined, tragedy and lives forever changed. DISCARD the sewage of “university rules”; and at a minimum gather together all the useful pharmaceuticals currently being thrown away in this NATION and others. So they can at least find pain killers and other realities of value to that situation.  While I have not, tested the theory;  gangrene is common on the battlefield/ once cleaned; if the limb is placed in a plastic bag and sealed at the appropriate place: a slow injection of oxygen could kill the infections. ON the battlefield; pure oxygen to breathe will gain the most time before treatment:  simple “throwaway canisters the size of propane bottles” are already being filled with oxygen; and are light enough to be carried.

You should be aware: that the new method of military nuclear bombardment is, to drop a line of bombs so as to create the maximum destruction possible of life. What they don’t know: is when a series of nuclear bombs are dropped “a second apart or so”/ the result of that will be. The first explosion goes up/ the second explosion is affected by the first, causing the blast wave to tilt down/ the third explosion now sandwiches the second, and creates a tunneling effect/ and the fourth and more explosive event lays down horizontal with the ground; to create a blast wave 5 times more extreme than the first. ENDING WITH, a high probability of creating a nuclear fire “lets’ burn atoms just like the sun”. As is the means (closely impacting rocks, in rapid succession, and proximity, to each other) used to ignite the many stars in the sky you see. A nuclear fire burns atoms; as every sun does/ it is not the fantasy and delusion of fools, in the sewer called “university imagination”.       OH, lest we forget:  “don’t need no damn missile”; we can just carry nuclear bombs and place them wherever we want/ OR open chemicals/ OR release more biological agents;  after all millions were taught how!  Gee, what could go wrong;  as every life is sacrificed, every seed eaten; and the future destroyed, because there is no tomorrow for food or water or life to live on earth.      all hail the university, playing god!   

Even so; you should also understand, that covid is no accident: as “university” spent decades creating new diseases: “so they could find cures/ so they said”. They created disease with CRISPR; a method of sectioning out a specific piece of DNA, and then inserting that piece of new DNA into another separate strand of life or virus mimicking life. Their vaccine is then to isolate that specific section of strand that they inserted from one disease into another disease; so they know what and where it is. “hurrah we are gods”/ but in the process of changing human nature itself; and the BILLIONS OF INDIVIDUAL DECISIONS THAT GENETIC NATURE MAKES FOR YOU: the potential for Armageddon (nature in chaos) is extreme. EVERYTHING you love/ EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL AND ELEGANT AND WISE; destroyed. Because you are a cult, indoctrinated from a child; to believe the universities are more than simply former classmates, without respect for life or planet.

Reality says: “we can no longer shape our world/ we may only try to keep it alive”; as is the cost of so many people on earth. That fact cannot be remedied by war: “kill a billion people, and there are still 7 billion to go/ growing by as much as a quarter of a billion people per year”. War will simply destroy the resources none of us can afford to lose. OR, more simply the misinformation being fed to all through media; is soon to be a catastrophe. EXAMPLES of that are:  “all women should fear heart catastrophe/ and spend their money; fight for genetic mutilation of nature”; BUT IN REALITY, very few women die of heart complications before the age of 75. “not misinformation/ cause we do all die of something: RIGHT”?  So they say; as they advertise counterfeit coins, whose only purpose is to flood the market with fakes, to remove the value of what is real. INSTEAD of believing anything you are told: INVESTIGATE the truth of breast cancer (yes its real/ but in numbers, very few per 100,000; actually die from it: BUT do to media, they collect BILLIONS, and make you fear).  I broke the small bone in my lower leg:  price to date $39,334.47 (while the people may be your friend, the organization is not);  for an hour operation, couple casts and xrays. IN THIS America. a footnote to breast cancer is: of things women do, men do not; is finger nail polish/ to remove it acetone is used. BUT acetone is a very invasive chemical, that is absorbed by the body; extremely flammable as well. 

The current catastrophe, AMONG MANY;  is in Ukraine:  but if it expands into world war/ there will literally be nothing left of life or planet. AND THAT MEANS;  GET OFF YOUR ASS, AND DO, WHATEVER YOU CAN.  Which does begin with communications. ONE OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE MEANS OF COMMUNICATION IS:   ORGANIZE THE WOMEN OF RUSSIA AND UKRAINE, TO JOIN TOGETHER/   DEMANDING AN END TO WAR. BY USING WORLD LAWS,  “we the people make for ourselves”. AS THE RIGHT, of being human alive/ instead of dead men, fighting for pride and power.  WILL THESE WOMEN NOT JOIN WITH WOMEN THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, AS ONE FORCE AGAINST THE INSANITY OF MEN?    GIVE THEM THE OPTION TO CHOOSE THAT VERY THING.    fight for your world, as women do!  WITH LAW.    Your men think MORE OF  YOU/ than the damn dead weight of   “military fools”.   GIVE YOUR SOLDIERS AN OPTION;  remind your leaders, “NOBODY forgets”/ who you are!

The question, very simply is: HOW, can you believe and follow, and even worship the people who teach you: that life is merely an accident/ a matter of chaos building life, by endlessly destroying whatever that life didn’t like; without a brain, a tool, or a reality of existence; as is evolution? IF THESE ARE THE “EXPERTS”/ then you are a cult of fools, indoctrinated by the religious want to play god, and take anything you want. IN CONTRAST IS THE EVIDENCE OF LIFE ITSELF, the miracles so clearly in existence; that we KNOW, “we did not build this/ nor did anything else of this world”. Because, the element of thought is so extensive, the composition of design so extreme, the realities of movement and messages (sensation), freedoms and desires, purposes, loves or even hate (the tragedy of lost souls); are all fundamentally teaching you, that the function of life and living: is not only to be free, but to experience and choose to express what is most valuable to you. LOOK at your own body:  every organ is a true working piece of art, hung in place so that your life works, by a body that works for you. Each building itself/ each placing itself and hooking up all the facets of “this belongs here”, by itself/ each created by chemicals and processes so extreme; humanity has no clue/ each not only functioning independently and as a group, but growing from nothing, to be the perfect size for you. Each life identified, by face and form; unlike any herd [which unfortunately does mean; some are more and some are less; the price of an identity].  Your body building itself, as a mirrored image from side to side: so that each leg is the same length/ each arm/ a face with eyes and a mouth you can use. A reality of existence that not only grows inside another body, but escapes, and then begins again outside; in a completely different environment (like a moth becomes a butterfly). A brain, that can “become true to itself/ and recognize, I am ALIVE;  searching then, for what that honestly means by truth and evidence; as is human”.  All of it, and so much more:  destroyed by the experts of university who claim: chaos which means, “the destruction of everything down to its most simple form”/  accident: which means, “no thought, plan or purpose intended creates life” / and time, which means “all things new in time, decay into destruction”. and all of it according to evolution:  DONE WITHOUT THE SLIGHTEST INPUT OF A BRAIN; yet without a brain, you are nothing more than a robot, which cannot move or think or choose or recognize anything living or life. Their only “scientific discovery: this looks like that”. When confronted: “you cannot prove anything, didn’t happen; “a billion years ago”. YET the sun proves you wrong; as it does burn fuel/ and even worse is their extreme delusions about the sun: while trying to ignite this earth into a sun.  FOOLS IMAGINE, and fantasize they know/ FAILURES play god with life, and bring us all CHAOS, as universities do:  THESE you chose to put in charge of your children: TO INDOCTRINATE THEM WITH LIES!   instead of peace or harmony, as is identified by a living body of life.  YOU accepted them, because the university cult took over media (force feeding you “disinformation”), government (cursing you with treason through corruption, & stealing), schooling (altering life, by claiming “millionaires here”: but ONLY DEBT, and its slavery; for the vast majority), and more. As you joined in the disgrace of “we can’t all be wrong”/ as clearly YES YOU CAN!  Discarding the truth of global warming, through the media sewer that is the presentation “of expert liars”.  STILL not a clue, at the true level of extinction you face:  “like domino’s, when they begin to fall/ all is lost”; unless   GOD  steps in.

The reality of thieves, traitors, and terrorists; as constructed by “university”; is a cost we can no longer afford to allow: each catastrophe they have chosen is enough to cause our extinction/ one or all. The endless lies of failure, fantasy, delusion, and imagination as produced by university and promoted by media: is a curse that ends in absolute horrors. The constant of stealing from the children to proclaim yourselves “winners”/ is a death trap, to this entire world. Such is the life you have chosen for this world, by university leadership and the demand: GIVE US MORE/ DAMN YOU; we all want MORE. And leadership does, because that is what you want: raiding the future to ravage and ruin their (every child) time on earth. That is the gift of “university knows”/ the absolute terrors of LIFE CRUCIFIED, as will be the result of university genetics, “lets play god”; is an apathy by the rest of humanity that can no longer be tolerated. The endless chant for more, is a truth that can no longer be tolerated either: because over the last 60+ decades, all you have done is raid the children, to consume their lives by destroying their future to claim “WINNER”. Cursing each other, by screaming “LOSER”/ to make yourselves more. Shame is your reality/ extinction is your choice. Change beyond the conception of what you want; is your only truth to survive. Simple as that; because what you want, no longer matters. What keeps life, and earth from extinction: matters.  Not a choice/ a truth.

is a lesson in the realities of life as time: that value is only attainable by respect, and respect exists in the outline and consequence of trust. Time (an action or reaction; by law) will let none keep a single thing, death takes it away; no matter what time reveals, it will end. The realities of that extinguish the claim of eternity as defined by any existence in time. Therefore eternity is the existence of life beyond time. But truth allows: only where energy has been redefined by life itself, as an element shaped through the existence of thought. Therefore we know: the elemental dimension of life itself, is by thought. Therefore we know, the critical question of life is: how do we become an existence accepted by thought, to achieve the grace of time beyond self? The foundation of desire says, if you are not bound into the passionate grip of love, trusting GOD (the elemental rise of EVERYTHING_) which could include “you”: there is no home for you here.

Of all the realities presented by time, the one that exceeds the question of existence itself, is the shape of motion. While motion is a distinct directional decision based upon an action or a reaction/ a disciplined and orderly function based upon the truth of what energy does do. The quest of understanding energy itself, is aligned by the consequences of a random essence, that is confronted by events less distinct. Since this line of questioning goes beyond the point of where I am willing to take you/ the discussion ends there. Law exists because of the random nature of an essence that escapes critical truth, to become an identity of its own. Therefore the elemental search for life, passes beyond truth to become the passage that belongs to thought. While this seems complex enough, “to hold you out”/ the reality is, I do not live alone; the spiritual woman in me has demanded more. We begin in the dimensional framework, that is: “time changes us, to adapt to our own decisions”. That fact isolates and removes the question of who we are, by demonstrating that fact, in the realities of who we have chosen to be. Nothing says that more, than the decisions you choose to make. Each dimension of truth enables us to complete the framework that becomes our own path inside. By creating that path, we may then search into Creation itself; as identified within ourselves. This enabling of purpose, by your own desire: transforms life into your own contribution of truth. Beyond truth is thought; where no fantasy, delusion, or “imagination” is allowed. Only foundations which serve to create the elemental message, “life can exist here”.

Truth exists, therefore your life arises from truth. A separated identity must be formed to establish an independent living existence; thereby allowing for the elemental rise of a decision. Even the most simple of living organisms MUST make decisions to live beyond an existence. Thought is so far beyond “mental development”; they cannot be compared. The brain exists to measure and express a decision; to prove time is owned by you. But time is only a participant in life or living; and they are not the same. Thought constructs life, and only thought can translate what living means to you. While the brain establishes want, and the basis of an animal: unless you begin to think, you shall not attain “human alive”. Which elementally starts, with the understanding of more than “simply chemistry/ simply body/ simply want” can express. As is the proof of miracles shape life on earth. The human body gives you dimensions in time. The spiritual truth of your decisions unveiled, as the foundation of your life, purpose, and desire: concentrate value, where it belongs in you. What is true survives/ but what is time can be changed. So the critical issues of gender express and sustain the common cause of “balance”, among the purposes of your desire, which do shape your heart as love. Love exhibits soul, and only soul can combine into a relationship with GOD.  As can be noted from this portion of the work:  “spiritual female, is willing to go farther to safe “woman”/ than I, to save male. She is the balance, and has become “the decision stops here”.

Reality reminds this nation, that democracy is established ENTIRELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF: limiting the power, the pride, and the wants of individual people or groups; from taking control over the rest. Everything about the demand for power, pride, and wants associated with “covid: a lie pandemic that does not exist”. Is an insurrection, dedicated to taking over government and declaring the universities as “King or queen”. Or in more simple terms: this is hitler again declaring that “these, the universities;  are the extra special people”/ and they deserve all the power, and rights to decide everything; because the rest are just worthless. Men are in charge, and nothing has changed since they came to be in charge. Always: Let’s take their stuff/ and make them our slaves.   NO LARGE INCREASE IN DEATHS HAS OCCURRED/ IN FACT THE POPULATION ON ALL CONTINENTS CONTINUES TO RISE AT THE SAME RATE AS BEFORE

. Curiously, according to state data, Holmes County has the lowest per capita rate of COVID in the state – 314 cases per 100,000 residents. That’s well below the statewide average.  “Amish October 2021”

which does literally mean:  THIS, biological weapon that universities did release into our world/ has NOT yet achieved its true potential for destruction. While we PAY THEM:  whatever they want, because they control the employees of government; who literally now threaten to kill our nation; and then hand the government over to this enemy; as their solution/ to all the destruction they caused.  To support their cult worship of the enemies; “who released their “genetically altered disease” as a weapon against us”.  for the distinct purpose of collecting money, by selling us “their vaccine/ another mutilation of nature itself”.  NECESSARY FOR ALL; SAYS THE PRESS;  who are paid billions:   SO THEY CAN COLLECT EVEN MORE TRILLIONS, AND THREATEN LIFE ITSELF, by mutilating human nature as well.   SO SAYS THE EVIDENCE, AND IT WILL BE PROVEN TRUE.  Which establishes the parameter for dealing with anarchists; those who aid and abet a true rebellion against our democracy; and the foundations of betrayal on all accounts; as is only one:  “The counterfeiting of assets to create an endless inflation; TO PAY THE UNIVERSITIES CLAIM”.   Used as a weapon against those who hold ownership in this nation.   THIS ARMY OF CULT WORSHIPERS, holding their “superior people” CANNOT BE QUESTIONED;  because they control the media propaganda of fear:    MUST BE BROUGHT TO TRIAL!   and punished in a REAL measure, AS  they have determined; for those whose only real crime in “shouting you cannot betray us all”.  AN  “insurrection” that did not exist; and was just stupid, because they did not know what else to do.  THE CULT WORSHIPERS OF “UNIVERSITY MUST RULE”;  knew and know, what they are doing;     and it is a pure insurrection against this democracy on all levels of reality.

The US supreme court has constitutional authority to rule over realities of society/ BUT THEY HAVE NO AUTHORITY over the constitution itself; which is our government. It is the government, because the true purpose of the constitution is to declare these are the laws of our land, and every employee in our government of we the people; shall swear to obey these laws, we the people have agreed: shall be the foundations and framework of our nation or state. Governors have NO authority over their state constitutions/ certainly NO authority over national constitution. But are instead FORCED UNDER LAW, by their own oath of office: TO OBEY the constitution or face penalties for treason against our government which is the constitution. Simple as that.

Redress trial: Docketed US Supreme Court 08-1339 

As to the powers of organizations formed by our employees: they have no power over the constitution for any cause/ and they certainly have no power for an unproven cause. And if they try; they MUST enforce every type and every form of that purpose as the same. Such as noise pollution/ chemical pollution/ global warming/ habitat protection/ and absolutely everything that could pose a threat; no matter how small. Just like they claim with this fraudulent vaccine; established by the people who are making TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS, because the propaganda instills fear/ by destroying the last remnants of a free press. A reality the US supreme court sold, to a tiny few; as part of their own treason, and betrayal of the nation itself.


Supreme Court Case Number 11-100

By this supreme court filing is
established by this case, for the purposes called democracy: as WE THE PEOPLE!
The plain and simple question presented to this court is: WILL THE EMPLOYEES OF THIS USA, Obey/ protect/ defend/ and provide the constitutional legal right called: 1st amendment, redress of grievances.
Which means:We, the people, ARE the owners here, we are the authority under the constitution. This is a legal demand: the employees shall give true account of our nation directly to us. let the law rule us all; as equals/ but let none misunderstand this is our democracy, we rule ourselves by law/ our employees do not rule us. The law rules them, just like us.

Writ of certiorari was filed June 10, 2011, and placed on the docket July 25, 2011 as No. 11-100
Due date, for a brief in opposition is Wednesday August 24, 2011

Defendants in US supreme court case 11-100 file/
US Supreme Court Denies

Employees are not “the government”/ they are just citizens who work for us; who swore to obey, protect, and defend the constitution and this nation. That is the only difference. The government is our constitution and founding documents: these are our agreement as a people/ that this is who we are as a nation! The preamble says it best: “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and to our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” Our employees, have failed. We are being attacked by a university pride so extreme: that they gamble with all life/ planet/ and the future of everything. That means: there are no excuses/ we must intervene. Not by violence, with truth and the substance called evidence in court; for the sake of our lives. This is not going to be given to you as a gift. This is what a united people does for itself. Your choice/ not theirs. Because we the people, are owners here! There are no second chances. Fail to understand: we cannot be wrong, about extreme experimentation/ and we all die. SUCH AS is trying to recreate the single most destructive event in the entire universe, here on earth. Or, more extreme experimentation. Or more extreme experimentation. Or just plain complete insanity. We tick down, to the final days of life on earth/ because you just didn’t care enough to understand: This world has changed, and science is now the most extreme terrorist we face. Time is no longer on your side. You don’t have to read this/ you don’t have to think for yourself/ you can want yourself to the grave: But you do have to live or die, by what is fundamentally true. Should you not search for that truth?

Gibberish removed To the People Documentation structural images

In 2020,  I James Frank Osterbur; did not file or pay IL state or US national taxes; demanding that I will not support an insurgency against this USA.  “they said we will get back to you/ but fail to provide that trial”. I will repeat that same demand:  THE US AND STATE OF IL:  BOTH ESTABLISH REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES, OUR FIRST AMENDMENT, GUARANTEED RIGHT/ 5TH AMENDMENT state of IL.  For we the people/ as our defense against employee uprising and takeover of government from us. as is the case and cause of this demand for trial. GIVE US OUR CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEED RIGHT OF AUTHORITY OVER OUR GOVERNMENT, AS WE THE PEOPLE SHALL NOW DECIDE.  by investigating the evidence/ demanding participation/ and punishing all who refuse or lie: in open, sanctioned, public trial “with all lights and sound fully on and under our own control”. The purpose; to bring forth our democracy as is WE THE PEOPLE OWN THIS NATION/  not our employees.   I do not refuse taxation/ I REFUSE, to support those who are surging in open rebellion to our constitution and its democracy!   DEMANDING:   I will not believe/ you MUST PROVE, the truth; by first amendment redress of grievances NOT as one citizen, although that is “guaranteed”/ but by this courtroom, and its jury selected from the public:  to decide if the state or nation, shall in fact make this decision in defense of ourselves.  one citizen/ one vote: WE ARE THE JUDGE/ and we the people shall NOW decide.  Because US SUPREME COURT included under constitutional law:  has no jurisdiction over the constitution, it is what it is/ until we the people change it.  THAT; because this guaranteed LEGAL RIGHT of our democracy, to WE THE PEOPLE/ has never been implemented before:  THIS THEN BECOME ORIGINAL JURISDICTION AS A CONSTITUTIONAL LAWSUIT; which then governs our state, and our nation.  Proving in fact; no jury is needed in this instance to decide:  ONLY THE FOUNDATION OF WHAT OUR DEMOCRACY WAS AND IS: INTENDED TO BE! A MATTER OF NATIONAL AND STATE:  LAW !   THIS IS NO TAKEOVER of government!  This is democracy claiming:  I NEED NOT believe you/ YOU need not believe me.  INSTEAD, WE WILL EXAMINE THE EVIDENCE, and use the laws of our democracy to prove: whether our constitution has been obeyed. Whether our future is conceived by this people; as “what we chose/ or will choose, it to be”.

The foundation charge of REDRESS: IS, the university diploma has been cannibalizing our democracy, our freedom of the press, our society, our liberty: our lives and even NATURE and WORLD;  with their experts, choosing for life and society; as if they were gods over us! Forcing failure, as is evolution into our education of every child, forcing our courtrooms to discard the constitution altogether, forcing our constitution out of government, forcing our elections with inflation they created for bribes and power over us, forcing our currency into bankruptcy, forcing our government as a democracy into decline, forcing our lives, our nature, our future, even our world INTO AN EXTREME GAMBLE WITH EXPERIMENTATION; ONLY FOOLS CONCEIVE. Forcing our business and industry, into “only a tiny few own it all”. FORCING our EVERYTHING, as a nation and world: into the threats now surrounding us all as EXTINCTION. By controlling the conversation with guile, the media propagation of “university knows”; while making the decisions that affect our lives; our future, our world: without the slightest regard, or the control of WE THE PEOPLE; BY THE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, WE THE PEOPLE CHOSE:  which governs all these things for us; as OUR ONLY, TRUE GOVERNMENT. Our decision, AS A STATE OR NATION: spelled out, to control what our employees can or are allowed to do, in compliance with getting their job. Which literally means: NOT YOUR decision: your compliance with our DECISION, by constitutional government; as is forms the democracy which then controls our lives, and yours. Or more distinctly: “our employees are NOT our government”/ they are merely our employees, who gave their own sworn oath of office; to guarantee to us all: they would not stray far, from constitutional demands.

Original jurisdiction (never legalized by courtroom trial, before) means: THIS TRIAL consecrated by constitutional law: is now to be used, to establish the foundations, realities, and purposes of the law that was denied to us, since its inception. The validity of law and purpose as a society demanding WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE OWNERS HERE. IS NOW, to be tried in a courtroom of OUR ownership of this democracy: as the legal foundation of constitutional authority. The declaration called, WE THE PEOPLE; over our state or nation, our future as a society defined by vote, the protection of our freedoms and liberty, and our governmental employees, by their oath of office. Each of these represents THE LAW of our democracy. That democracy is formed by constitutional compliance, and in connection with its two other distinct documents used for “nation building”: the Declaration of Independence; and “Virginia, bill of rights”.

One of the key elements to be: leadership in America, CANNOT induce or demand; that our citizenship/ our ownership of this nation or state be condemned to their decisions. Leadership has invoked “hitler”; to command that all businesses SHALL do whatever he says; or be reduced to rubble; with fines and punishments akin to prison or slavery. The business, government, and industry citizenship of America: is NOT their personal soldiers; and this nation, or state; is NOT their personal army. The citizenship itself is NOT SUBJECT to the whim or direction of leadership; but remains free in the liberty to choose for ourselves; by a legitimate citizen vote; which does require the education of evidence that is proven UN-corrupted by “experts” or media. NO PANDEMIC EXISTS; as is proven by an increasing population for the nation; every year. FEAR demanded: translates to trillions stolen from us. BELIEVE commanded; translates to we have no further rights or guarantees of democracy. OBEY is “hitler” succeeds in taking control over this nation; as it begins to tumble down the hill into this deliberate destruction of a nation. Or more distinctly: “the nazi curse (the mob organizes into an army of insurgents; to construct genocide on the others) has begun. That is treason, as well as anarchy for the intent of a complete and true rebellion against constitutional democracy: an invisible war, established by an enemy who hides and disguises itself with lies, constructed and insulated from view; by media subterfuge. NOT, just doing your job/ actively operating within the decision: to overthrow American democracy. That is betrayal, and it does assert traitor.

So, lets review: of all the things media did not tell you/ or led you to believe as a failure to yourselves. One of the worst was evolution “this looks like that”/ is their only great “scientific discovery”; and as always, it is wrong. The university experts banded together to create fraud; they know their lie exists. Only thought creates life; it is that simple, so says every miracle of life ever born. Another; that Noah’s flood did not exist: when the evidence is absolute, it did in fact exist; with the strongest evidence being fossil fuels. Which prove a massive flood by the burial of, “all that life”; that does exist in the historical record: thereby discarding all their other predictions, as fantasy. The university experts banded together to deny reality; and force “we want to play god with life”/ chaos rules. Their claim of knowledge regarding the sun: is pure imagination, without any supporting facts/ and yet they gamble our entire world on their delusions. The cost of being wrong: ignition of a nuclear fire here, “just like the sun” on earth. The university experts banded together to create HORRORS; the most egregious act of terrorism ever conceived. Or more simply media merely removed those who did not fully cooperate; and hired professional liars instead; because they will say anything, or hide it as well. Media thereby becoming a tool of traitors, liars, and terrorists deliberately trying to instigate HELL on earth. Let the evidence speak for itself; “not what you are led to believe”/ what reality does show true.  The people “making trillions of dollars, on your fears”;  make you believe and obey, with media influences, “shouting 24/7” (DON’T THINK/ just believe what you are told) never once letting you decide for yourselves. “think about that, and demand evidence; because a pandemic does not truly exist; but has been laundered, and marketed; strictly, to make you believe, and obey”! AS is, the current: “you have no choice/ you will obey”; with regard to covid:  this is the predator stalking you/ the animal ‘hitler, and his storm troopers” surging to declare war. By suffocating the resistance, who are demanding their proven legal rights/ threatening them, “just like the Jews”. Using media, to destroy constitutional government, and demand NO ONE has legal rights/ no one has true business ownership, or the rights guaranteed by our democracy anymore; except of course those who are the new “hitler elite”.

The people lie to themselves and say “we know”; but they only believe; “what media tells them to believe”/ they obey, because media tells them to obey/ and they fear, because media tells them to fear. Enticing the herd into compliance with deliberate mass hypnosis “we must/ because we believe”. In contrast to that: are the biological experiments which mirror the worst of Nazi, Japanese, and every other army of chaos throughout history. As is true of men “nothing changes”. And the people say “we believe”; yet are deliberately led away from the price of being WRONG; into the delusions, of we can play god; to their shame, a failure that ends with our own extinction. Because you personally; did not care.

I AM legally pursuing: the clear and plain truth, without corruption; of the threats which confront us, as WE THE PEOPLE. BUT MORE DISTINCTLY AS A WORLD: WE ALL NEED TO KNOW: WHAT IS TRUE! Therefore trial that represents an entire world belongs here, to testify and resolve; to prove the evidence: whichever way that goes. Both those which are destructive to our nature, our planet, our lives, and every child; every living thing. I am PURSUING: THE CLEAR and plain truth; without the corruption of expert: BY THE EVIDENCE, PROVEN TRUE BY OUR OWN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS. Whether or not covid is a pandemic/ whether our currency holds any value/ the entire corruption of our government, news, courtrooms, elections, education, and every possibility of our extinction as a nation or as a world. By the failure or foolishness which is NOT ACCEPTING THE COST OF BEING WRONG. The complete arrogance and disrespect, that is intimately tied to “universities are playing god with life and world”. BECAUSE EXTINCTION HAS NO SECOND CHANCES; and a nation dissolving into lies, fantasy, delusion, and imagination; will not survive that truth. One trial, one time: for life or death of this world, and our nation; by the evidence without corruption. That is this purpose, and its plain desire. It is not, more!

The foundation of redress by constitutional law and democratic demand as a citizen born here: HAS already been created and docketed in US SUPREME COURT cases 08-1339 plus 11-100 . which was illegally discarded by the secretary of the court; so the judiciary could hide. That consists of treason: the constitution was discarded/ the employees refused it/ and rebelled.  IT REMAINS A DOCKETED; “LEGALLY PREPARED” CASE; on first amendment law; which the court cannot discard: without a judicial decision. Because it is a constitutional case. Which is our government! Refusal is treason. Even so, as best we can: REDRESS IS THE LAW! The us supreme court is not; it is an employee of our government. Our constitution.

look closely at this; to reveal covid    Supposedly one death per every 955 people; but also reported; 75% of those deaths over the age of 75/ with many more having other medical complications. and tests: which do not distinguish between the common cold or flu/ and covid (all the same).  Consider the reality our population count continues to grow, both as a nation and a world:  CERTAINLY NOT, any indication of a pandemic. Because a pandemic is a SIGNIFICANT reduction in population count.   “THEY LIE” TO YOU/ in order to take control; and destroy the nation called America. in order to destroy world peace and stability; by focusing you on irrelevant matters/ that only benefit “the university elite”. The curse of lies and liars; is a very simple thing:  they want you to believe/ they want you to fear/ they want you to obey: so they have control over you/ and you, become their slave until they tire of the game; and use you to prove “what violence is for”.  GO TO COURT; AND PROVE WHAT IS TRUE;  BECAUSE THE CURSE IS; they control all media communication, and all information that you are allowed to find.  as is the constant, or intent:  of all insurgency forces throughout history. “lets control their mind”/ and buy a mob with bribes, to enforce our will!

The largest criminal syndicate of terrorists in the history of this world; lies directly behind the door of american leadership/ none is worse, because the reality of trust made it possible to ingrain, suppress, control, and corrupt; all those who wanted power. Once the door is opened, what is vile steps out: the critical moment of life or death follows. Just so its clear, the FBI has my fingerprint, and a sample of my blood; making it so very easy to frame up a crime. Because DNA can easily be used to contaminant the evidence; and lie.

You will start unraveling “the spiders web”; by searching into who determined what the price we would pay for “a covid vaccine” would be/ and untangle, who and where, the people who started yelling “pandemic” would be found. Once you find an end: DON’T let go, until the entire web is known.

WITH law, truth, and understanding BEYOND “university imagination, fantasies, delusions, terrorism, and theft”; WE THE PEOPLE DO, have the power to change our world, and accept the duties required to  keep this earth alive. That is not a game, nor is it cult worship of any religion including “university is god”. IT IS THE DECISION; that life is sacred, this planet itself deserves our respect, MIRACLES cannot be explained/ nor can life itself without thought present in that Creation of possibilities. The examination of threats, that will cause our extinction; is inherently ours to demand. The investigation of realities too extreme to allow; because the cost of being WRONG/ is the end of life itself: CANNOT be hidden or confronted, after it is too late to change. The elevation of law, instead of power: is a foundation upon which we build “a new world”. The failure to accept the values and duties, placed within our hands: is an assassination of the future. NONE gets to escape, the cost of a dying world; as is our own. An intelligent person, would NOT simply believe the arrogance and disrespect for life; that is “university knows”. But understand wisdom begins: “with knowing what you MUST NOT DO”/ prior, to doing anything at all. Because if you fail this one simple thing: the damage done, can easily be UNREPAIRABLE. Therefore WE THE PEOPLE, MUST KNOW; what media hides from us, in the propaganda wars, to manipulate and control our mind/ rather than inform by the evidence of what is true. The difference is: “an expert” is NOT enough: to risk our world WILL DIE/ if they are wrong. An expert, IS NOT “god” as they pretend to be with media delusions forcing; “bow down to god”. As humans being alive, instead of animals being herded: only the evidence, and its examination, and foundations for truth; as best we can/ decides the difference.

The curse of failure/ the death of life and earth: is clouded under the disguise of media, shouting “university is god”. The parasitic invasion of everything you trust; is all but complete; as the money you depend upon has been counterfeited by claiming assets which do not exist/ and debts that can never be paid. They stole your face, and are constantly confronting you with “masks to delude you” into believing; not really human/ therefore we can kill them without concern. As is preparation for genocide and war. The fraud of a vaccine which is not a vaccine is the insurgency of an enemy taking control. A vaccine of the twentieth century was “nature made/ with very little human involvement apart from observations”. The fraud of a vaccine in this time: is entirely genetic mutilation of both the disease, and the false vaccine; to steal your money/ and reduce you to slaves; as it has done for so many. They attack you: and media keeps you quiet, and distracted; so that the end will be a surprise/ that leaves you without any defenses. Just like: they don’t report 2015 ended with 6.5 billion humans on earth/ and 2021 will end with 8 billion people on earth= a population increase of 1.5 billion humans/ which covers an additional area of ground “with new humans”: 486 miles long, by 81 miles wide; each standing in a space formed by 3 feet by 3 feet for each: of “solid humanity” all needing resources/ and all expecting to live “for a hundred years”. ENOUGH, all by itself to prove our extinction is inevitable without TRUE FOUNDATION CHANGES; in humanity itself. “kill a billion people/ still another 7 billion left; making babies all the time.” another billion in 4 years. PROVEN TRUE, in the last 6 years, by their own “university run government: count.” WAKE UP, OR BE DEAD! KILLED, by the insanity of believing anything you are told/ refusing to believe the evidence that is PROVEN true.

In america, and others: YOU WILL wake up to find those who built the nation are removed by the counterfeiting of money, and the fraud of covid: to understand, YOUR LEADERS/ YOUR MEDIA; the use of disguises; the traitors among you, and the cult worshipers of university:  have instituted the decision to replace you with foreign ownership/ by using that same counterfeited money: TO BUY YOUR PROPERTY/ IN EXCHANGE, for what is now worthless. Thereby EVICTING YOU, by your fears, and your GREED. Or more distinctly: if there is no reality to the numbers/ then there is no wealth existing. THE NUMBERS, were made to LIE; as is the reality of every pyramid scheme ever devised.  the criminal laundering, and intent to HIDE; the reality of inflation;  is especially flagrant, IN THE US STOCK MARKET.  MEDIA KNOWS; I told them just prior to the 2008 “what do we do now”: reality.  ANSWER: MORE inflation; hidden of course/ SELL the nation; pay nothing; and the people cheered.

GO AHEAD; add another trillion dollars to your bank account; “just like the employees of government”. The only difference is: NOBODY, is checking to see if “government currency is real”! Because media HIDES the inflation, and the american public in particular SHOUTS: LIE TO US, we won’t pay! But they do; because treason; “sells them out; no manufacturing left, no true trade skills, no jobs, robotic competition, an invasion of competition for everything. Throw you in the street debts; nothing left, but weapons of mass destruction; NOW, in the hands of an army, “that doesn’t look like you anymore”. A WORLD IN CRISIS of EXTINCTION; hidden by media propagation of lies, as is the cult worship of “universities know”.  media knows: ONLY the university expert can decide:  “literally anything”/ as is the evidence of chaos growls at the door of our own extinction, BOTH, as a nation and a world.  As extreme experimentation INVADES life and earth, in one final push:  TO DESTROY US ALL.  “think not”? MUTILATING NATURE, as is genetic stability itself/ will be extinction. EXTREME ENERGY as in trying to ignite atoms on fire; claiming not enough gravity here; SO a NUCLEAR FIRE; will just extinguish itself; and MORE!    prove the gates of HELL are here, IN A UNIVERSITY DISGUISE/ CREATED, by media propaganda of never question your university; “they are gods”!   WAKE UP FOOL;   investigate to find the truth for yourselves/ DON’T believe;  “check them out”; for real world evidence as the cost for being WRONG;  is your extinction too!  Regardless of how powerful or proud you may be/ extinction is for all.

No need to worry, “university is god”? When questioned: the university geneticists reply: DON’T WORRY ABOUT GENETIC CHAOS, if everything goes wrong, evolution will just create something else/ “in a billion years or so”. You WANT that? ALL THE WATER IS POISONED; don’t worry, no consequences for us, nature will take care of any disaster we create. After all: the university diploma is, “just a curtain to hide; your former classmates; with guile”/ and the disease of ARROGANCE, as is proven by true DISRESPECT “for everything, life needs to survive”/ the mutilation of life itself. Or more distinctly, THE DEAD SOUL, of traitors and fools/ terrorists without an equal.


It is the constant of humanity to want, having filled that, they turn to pride, and having filled that many will seek power; to prove their pride is greater than yours. Because the end result is: humans seek to play a game with life/ and since the best games pit one human life against another human life: most games revolve around this, in one form or another.

The universities have dissolved responsibility for your decisions into sewage/ and the sewage leaks into every life, as a plague of disrespect for everything, both life and world. They will offer “we are gods/ the great ones”; but reality will prove it is by their expertise; that our world shall go extinct. By media the last days of changing that, will soon disappear; because their experts defile truth, and exchange reality with “fantasy, imagination, and delusions”.

So, NOW: having no other choice; the foundations upon which life might rise again from the catastrophe of human university cult worship; are very simple/ but highly undesired. The cost of being YOU; while following THEM.

NO small steps will matter; life or death of our planet is now or never.

We start with the short list; because the mob will rise/ and must be defeated or you die.

  1. Truly insulate everything, and stop all air conditioning: it is the primary cause of global warming. Because heat release is the cause most distinct. Things like Niagra falls will stop entertaining; and be used for electrical generation only; because you must.
  2. The ocean life will die, unless you intervene and feed them now; with dead human bodies; prepared for that purpose as well as with other creatures. No more cremation/ no more cemeteries; feed the ocean or it dies/ and then so do you. Clean up the pollution with your trawlers. Fight back to keep the corals alive (pump up cooler water from below; feed them); and do all that it takes to keep hope alive.
  3. Independent transportation dies, and railroads take back control. Air travel ends, in all but a minimum of ways. International trade plummets massively, and every nation works for itself. Basically everything the universities taught you to do over the last one hundred years is to be discarded; and reality returned instead.
  4. No more independent housing/ high-rise apartments only. Unless business demands require it. Recycle/ reuse/ rebuild/ don’t destroy/ and so on. NO more, personal swimming pools; heating irrelevant things, unnecessary lighting; AND MORE.
  5. No more cutting trees, or clearing habitat; what remains/ remains. Which includes replanting everything you can to bring nature back.
  6. No more poisoning the water supplies, or putting them at risk; which includes the end of ethanol for fuels. Instead all forms of incorporating water is precious will be used, and the reality of PROTECT your own water supplies will return/ ENDING water by bottle.
  7. World law/ NOT world armies; the end of weapons of mass destruction by governing leaders with WE THE PEOPLE LAWS, they must obey. Or be tried in world court for potential punishment. That ends the massive destruction of resources the military’s, around this world are responsible for.
  8. Protect life, all of it in every way. Humanity itself, being nearly last on that list. NO further genetic mutilation of seed, or other: it ends and life WILL BE SACRED; or we die. No exception.
  9. Investigate all the evidence, and never believe anything; as the reality of truth is all that stands between our survival, or extinction. No more games; as best we can/ no more experts: they may only participate, within limits and boundaries/ they may not decide. WE THE PEOPLE, MUST RISE! ABSOLUTELY NO EXTREME EXPERIMENTATION.
  10. YES, all that does mean your economies will collapse/ but they already have; because you run on counterfeit money, and nothing but fantasy pyramid schemes now. Discarding the future; assassinating every child, and every life on earth: because YOU DIDN’T want to pay your debts/ or accept responsibility for what you did do. All that unemployment shifts, to become a true world wide army; that will REBUILD ALL THAT HAS BEEN DESTROYED; by human arrogance and lack of respect instead. Accepting {limited capitalism (we, by society vote) shall decide the minimum and maximum any individual or corporation or other shall be entitled to earn; per year}; shall in fact govern the economies now: so that power remains under control/ and pride is limited to what we the people decide. Want is minimized: by distributing the food supply, through the use of “a separate money”. A money that is distributed equally among all workers; strictly for food/ and a different money, is used for everything else. The shout: we are equal/ even if not the same, sharing the food and water. And the people say: “we will never/ we want what we want; to hell with you”! But reality replies: EVERY form of food you eat, is a living thing, that also requires its own space, water, habitat, chain of life, global balance, and more. YOU are already eating the foundations of life that provide all these things; destroying every single one: to build your own HELL instead of earth. The single worst form of terrorism ever conceived; is a university diploma/ the people who said yes we can, and did; and now our entire earth faces extinction; even the globe itself, from all the damage these groups have done. Every biblical prediction is coming true; and you will soon be cannibals; because there is nothing else. You will soon be warring for water, because there is nothing else. You will soon be releasing even  FAR worse biological weapons of mass destruction than covid; as all it takes, is a single human animal to release them; “thanks to university knows”. You are already slaves to the university cult, pretending to be gods. You are fools, liars, traitors, terrorists, thieves, whores, tragedies, and worse/ discarding your own children, along with this entire living world; in sacrifice to your wants, pride, and thirst for power. A vile concoction of sewage, bowing down to the parasites of media manipulation and control. Because YOU are sacrificing this whole world; for nothing more than “trinkets, trophies, and toys”. Pretending as the universities taught you: “no consequences for us”; but truth will prove you wrong, and if we have not yet past the point of no return; you soon will. But hey don’t worry, “eternity won’t let you die”; after all, should you not reap the rewards for what you chose to do? Indeed you shall. And the people say: “YOU, are nobody”/ you can’t scare us into doing anything; we are like gods; the greatest who have ever been”; as the universities taught you to believe. The cult of the dead, standing in their own graveyard, digging holes for your heart and soul; by terrorizing time. The clock ticks down to its stopping point; and eternity rises to get you. As for me; its true, “I am nobody”; just a messenger/ delivering the final warning: CHANGE OR DIE, as an entire world you turned into extinction/ all lost forever. Discarded for lack of value, the result of your disrespect. I am not your savior/ not your judge or prosecutor/ not your guru or religious anything: I am simply the messenger, who did, delivering this message or change or die; to prove YOU CHOSE, knowing the cost of being wrong/ yet refusing to investigate the evidence, and accept ONLY TRUTH SURVIVES. As for me: NOT YOUR LEADER. Not even certain whether male or female; as I lost control over me; its complicated. Because the spiritual world participates in my life; and time has proven “men cannot save this world”; because this is the best they did do/ and we do face our own extinction. Which seeks female to try, because male cannot. Both genders shouting; NEVER! But both genders failing in this time on earth; a crisis beyond your imagination; because you don’t care enough, for life or earth. ONLY WANT, and its cost of disrespect/ pride and its cost of arrogance/ power, and its violence to prove “yes I/we, can”. You don’t get to choose anymore; you have past by that door. Humanity all as one; must live for and too: REBUILD THIS WORLD/ or you will be extinct. Simple as that, because the universities betrayed you all; by playing god; “yes they did”. Media will shout: HE IS NOTHING, KILL HIM (with words he cannot escape), he is a contaminant ; a disease, to our world. Because they don’t want to lose their power over you. If you have any life left inside at all. Universities will shout: HE IS NOTHING, KILL HIM (destroy his claim of knowledge) because : IF, they can make you focus on me/ THEN you won’t focus on the reality of the evidence, or who led them to extinction.  They won’t surrender their pride or arrogance; and will never turn away from extreme experimentation, or manipulation of you: UNTIL you force them, and never let them free again. Every POLITICIAN; shouts whatever the public wants him or her to shout: therefore WHAT IS YOUR VERDICT; because we all know, few among you don’t; want to be judge. Yet none, want to be responsible for the realities of being proven wrong; including a politician.: they all just want what they want! Which in this case results in:  our entire living world, is LOST!  NO SECOND CHANCES; ENDED/ EXTINCT! But I will tell you: “I am nobody”, and killing me; focusing on me; will gain you nothing. Truth decides, not you or me! YOUR truth is failure; CHANGE that or die.  DO NOT, Assume I have anything to do with your choices for extinction; are all a lie. I do not/ they are all YOU: because now you do get to play god, for one decision: LIFE OR DEATH to this world. YOUR CHOICE NOW. This message proves you have a chance; as we the people of this world. And that removes your claim of “a leader” did this. YOU CHOOSE; end of world (do nothing else)/ or you change yourselves into RESPECT FOR LIFE AND PLANET. By accepting the cost, without complaint. THE FOUNDATION BEING: WE THE PEOPLE, WILL RULE OURSELVES, AND OUR LEADERS;    BY THE LAWS WE CREATE.    The reality of world participation: TO ENFORCE OUR LAWS (WE CHOSE), on this world. NO, more excuses! Life or death, is in our own hands.And all the people say: “we don’t want this/ we want to play, and be free of all consequences”; just like the universities and their command over religion says! But alas: truth demands, every choice has a consequence, which cannot be undone. So the only question is: do you believe what can be proven, by the evidence is true? OR, do you believe whatever you want to believe, because that is what you want, and want is all you need to survive? Because both cannot be correct; even if media says to you they are. I say: your want is irrelevant/ and only truth itself, can keep this earth alive. NOT because GOD cannot simply rescue life on earth/ but because you were made free to choose. Among those choices are: we could release the super volcano under Yellowstone/ to combat global warming, and kill billions of people along with, a massive amount, of all other living things. But that probably would not save those left. OR, you could choose better, and limit yourselves to what truth will allow? IT IS, A CHOICE. SEE, how that works: truth has a consequence/ but life has a choice; even if it is not “free”. Same is true of me: I searched for the spiritual world of female/ because male had no answers, that would keep this world alive. Men are, who they are; and after thousands of years: we do know what they will choose. War, as a majority; is their solution to every hard problem [kill them/ take their stuff]. But, that had consequences, I did not foresee; even so, the result is better than the consequences of not accepting that search. NO, women cannot simply be in charge as men have been in charge; they are not “better”. But they do have a different solution than men to every hard problem. Not being female, I can’t really tell you what that is/ I can only tell you what it isn’t. THEY like humanity on earth; MUST choose to create the laws (we all vote upon) that are justified, and fair for ALL life and planet; seeking their enforcement of law; as the means of their control. Simple as that; one person/ one vote; as a world choosing the future for ourselves.
  11. the list of change; is long!  you will not like being told NO YOU CAN’T/ or even yes you will!  BUT, you will be dead soon, if you refuse/ even as a world now extinct.  so says the evidence; easily proven true.    GO TO COURT, and prove the evidence says less. IS NOT YOUR WORLD, worth that price?    So, what does that world look like, if you save it? Basically: you WILL stop using each other as toys/ you WILL stop throwing the future away, and live recognizing the future has rights too/ you WILL, stop playing with each other for trophies/ and you WILL remove the power from living on earth together; by enforcing the laws we create, and need to survive. as is “limited capitalism”! YOU WILL LEARN TO BE JUSTIFIED AND FAIR; LOVING AND RESPECTFUL;  equal, but not the same!  Separating hate from among you; into their own “area of fools”. Because unless BILLIONS are suddenly killed, to remove that resource cost; basically nothing universities built “to play god/ we know everything”; will remain without cost. That is the consequence of your numbers. They, “your gods”: proved to be “Satan on earth”. WE DO FACE  [more correctly you HIDE from]  OUR OWN EXTINCTION! And that means: you WILL lock their freedoms to choose, up: never to allow that again. And the majority of men will say: WAR, will fix this instead. But reality knows: kill a billion people/ and there are still 7 BILLION more to go. Weapons of mass destruction will be used/ biological terrorism will be released/ all resources and chains of life will vanish/ and there will be nothing left to eat but people; and nothing left to drink but their blood. Proving men are wrong.       But knowing: women want what they want too; women fall into the abyss of pride too; and women want power.  So the question is:  CAN they choose life instead?   I do not know? And the world says to me; as my sister says to me, with regards to her child dying from a brain tumor/ when hospital mistakes were made: “even if you could not have stopped the tragedy”. YOU could have raced down to the emergency room to save his life; as best you could/ that is the LEAST anyone, with a conscious would have done. YOU LET HIM DIE. But I remain the same: his diagnosis was the tumor had invaded “the human parts” of the brain/ and he would die of pain, and by starvation or thirst; in the next three weeks. Therefore to attempt a rescue, was only to return him to torture; and it was true: I could not have stopped the damage done; even if I had raced him to the emergency room. So it is true; I turned around, to see if he would die; and be done; as I would have chosen for myself. He was not 2-3 hours later; and I intervened then/ he died in roughly 3 weeks with medicines that would have knocked down an elephant; to keep the pain away. It is, “my belief”; that this child survived a little longer, simply so that both parents had their chance to survive; by saying goodbye/ even though it was very hard, on each; child as well. Just as hard for the 3 year old sister left behind ;and more. Death teaches: the value of love! But it also teaches the cost of love as well; and why entry into “the eternal kingdom of love” is reserved for those who earn it. Unfortunate but true, “loneliness is the gate”, that changes our dimension in this world. The essence of loneliness provides the intensity, to experience and express; the passions necessary to enter an environment beyond what we call self. Without that essence of discovery, you do remain locked within yourself; hiding from love. When confronted with loneliness as is the cost of love lost; some then fear love/ turning to belief instead, because it can be “anything you want it to be”. But that is not life, and without dimensions to expand existence; you will dissipate into space. Each must learn, and choose: “to prepare, for life beyond self”.  The tears of a flood, are worse, than the tears of a  simple storm. As for me: life is a gift; we are not owed!  Love will never be easy or simple to lose. This child “accepted a piece of me”; for his journey into eternity, and I do believe we will see each other again. For clarity: belief is applied only when you know, it is a companion to hope, and may or may not be true. As anything more relies entirely upon want; and want is a lie embedded in your hope. The same is true of this world: UNLESS YOU find a way to change yourselves/ there is nothing I could have done, that I did not do; nothing I was allowed to do: to save your lives/ stop the destruction! As is proven so clearly by your choices to let the universities play: by mutilating nature/ even trying to ignite this world on fire; just like the sun; here on earth. These are your choices, and they are your consequences; under the disguise of “university is god/ media tells you everything”:  as you did choose. Not me, I said stop: investigate the evidence, and learn; the cost of being WRONG! AND FOR FORTY+ YEARS; you called me fool. Not, “your savior”/ not your enemy/ not your judge: “just a messenger”. CHANGE, or you will die as a world.
  12. I consider it fair to say, “my sister would have given her life for that child”/ but it would have done no good. Because reality proved the evidence was true. in fact my ears are damaged, because people were still sad; 5 months later. Or more simply “my WANT”, interfered with truth/ and that never ends well. Don’t sacrifice/ choose, and accept the price if you fail truth. “there are; always consequences”. Truth builds life, with our choices for love/ want tears it down, by adding pride, power, and then hate.
    1. JESUS gave his life for this world; to prove the difference, “between love and hate!  And over time, that decision/ the evidence it created:  built consequences that produced love and a value to this earth. But you have no such luxury of time/ YOU stand on the edge of extinction; and only YOU, can step back into life; rather than death.  YOU have been given options, and information that allows for at least the possibility you could survive; if you change. But nothing in this world can stop the reality of proven evidence, if you do not.  Your CHOICE.  but truth, will always remain truth. You stand on that same edge, “many; a beautiful child/ invaded by a brain tumor”; the university is your god/ media, the snake around your throat, to keep you from talking or thinking for yourselves. In contrast YOU can remove it; but I cannot. YOU can save this earth from yourselves, but I cannot; it is your choice.   I have none; because the end result is:  if you fail to do everything you can/ nothing will save you from yourselves.  Your life/ your truth/ your consequences;  simple as that; because it is your own freedom that decides. unlike the child/ YOU have a choice.
    2. Your universities, and their cult: are literally KILLING YOU, and this entire living world; as fast as they can! NOT a game, your reality: The list is long, & THEY WILL succeed, if you don’t stop them now/ time runs out, for both life and world. MAKE YOUR DECISION/ but know, you can never go back, “to playing god” with life or planet. That day is DEAD. I have now had my say [message delivered to you]/ it is time for humanity on earth; to have “your say”!      LIFE OR DEATH? CHOOSE.      No, excuse will be accepted: after forty years, enough know/ enough have been introduced to your own information of threats/ enough have their chance to “work for life and planet” or not. You DO, “have your chance to survive”/ this final warning exists: change or all, will be extinct. And eternity will demand: you pay for every tear, for every living thing that is, or would have been alive/ because you didn’t care/ because you would not share, the existence of life.    believe it or not; it will come true. 
    3. IF YOU JUST WON’T CARE/ as always, the masses refuse to share.         A FINAL:   choose/ because you will die, so says the evidence:   even if you don’t do anything else!   CHOOSE LIFE INSTEAD, and accept the price:  STAND UP, “SIGN YOUR NAME”/ SAY TO THE WORLD:  we cannot let these people be WRONG, anymore!   LIFE IS SACRED, THIS PLANET IS OUR ONLY HOME;   nobody gambles with it anymore.      WE MUST HAVE A TRUE PUBLIC WORLD TRIAL: TO EXAMINE THE PROVE, THE THREATS WE FACE IN OUR FUTURE/ AND THE COST OF BEING WRONG, FOR THE FAILURE TO RESPECT LIFE AND PLANET; AS A WORLD!    We must choose to error on the side of:  NOTHING BAD will happen now/ as best we can.  No, I did not win/ I did not lose; this is not a game; because it is real. Yes, I have found a “touch of sadness”; because I am watching you die as a world, “it reminds me of watching my nephew die: no choice”/  and now even the cost of a future world of life, not yet born. But, “eternity knows me; flaws and all”; and truth will allow, that I survive/ even if you don’t. That too, is not a game, not a wish, but the distinction of choices. We are miracles; only a complete fool argues we are not. As a miracle of living existence; fully aware, “no human built this life/ no accident allowed all that is what thought did do: even a worm knows chaos is simply a sewage called evolution. JESUS, believe it or not; is the guarantor: we were not simply created, and then left behind. HIS message to this earth was LOVE identifies, those who will achieve eternity of life/ while hate identifies those who follow an entirely different direction. Giving to each one: their own decisions to make/ as is the price of freedom. Religion asserts: “belief is enough”/ but belief can be anything you want it to be; and that is not a foundation for life. Truth is. Truth forms the foundation of faith, and faith is the acceptance: GOD IS “real”. Therefore, with faith; I will also accept the respect, and the realities of my decision as a value searching: “for life, beyond self”. The consequence of entering within the spiritual realm of female however; “is a world apart”/ and cannot be explained beyond: “it was predicted in Revelation 12, and 17; and maybe even more”. I DON’T know; an entire identity turned upside down; but whatever it is, “I CHOSE”; to do what I can, out of respect for this living world, and OUR CREATOR’S work! It really is, the least I can do; for this gift of life. You are what you are/ as am I. 
    4. Even so, ultimately this is a very simple decision: “physical had its day/ religion had its day/ and now mental has had its day, in time on earth”. Each failed both life and planet, because wanting is not enough. That leaves you with: NOW, YOU MUST BECOME HUMAN, instead of animal. The difference is respect comes first/ truth and the laws it creates come second/ love and the values of life beyond self; form the basis of survival. Each is a choice.You have the means: to challenge “death stalks you”. The internet allows, for billions of views; for a song you like/ 20 years ago; millions of views for a cat video; in three or four days. Few don’t have access, in most countries. YOU CAN change this world, without media: because those facts identify a reality they do not yet fully control. Person to person; “I think you should know this”. That does not mean believe this/ NOR DOES IT MEAN; BELIEVE UNIVERSITY, MEDIA OR OTHER! BUT IT DOES MEAN: SHOULD WE NOT INVESTIGATE, AND DEMAND FULLY OPEN OUTRIGHT PUBLIC WORLD TRIAL; to examine and prove the reality OF THREATS, and what it means to be WRONG. For life, and world, and child.    I can do no more/ ITS NOT MY JOB! LIFE OR DEATH FOR OUR WORLD; IS UP TO YOU.       MAKE your decision true.And the herd says: “WE, cannot all be wrong/ media is our friend/ university is our savior, our gods/ we got what we need, and don’t need you to remove that.” but the evidence says; “YOU don’t even know the truth, THAT IS PROVEN; humanity is adding another 250 million people over deaths PER YEAR”/ and that all by itself, is enough to make you extinct. Because even the herd, knows that; so media, universities, governments, etc: DON’T tell you. Because the end result: IS CHANGE OR DIE! And that points directly to leaders, who have failed both life and planet. “alas, just the tip of the iceberg”; and you [ALL HUMAN LIFE ON EARTH] have become “the titanic, at full speed ahead”. With NO possibility of rescue. SO, do you want to die as a herd, blinded because you have your face in the university ass of the one in front: or the media serpent clamped around your throat; or the governmental zealot, who demands “OBEY the universities”?  OR, will you search to prove what is true, as if a human being alive, and in need of “in-corrupt-able truth”. To make a decision capable: to let us survive!   LIARS, TRAITORS, TERRORISTS, THIEVES, THE CORRUPTED, THE VILE, HATE, AND ALL THAT DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW WHAT IS TRUE.   STAND UP SCREAMING:  TO PROVE YOU CANNOT KNOW THE TRUTH.   cowards, then run away!     CHOOSE.
    5. I am irrelevant, NOT your excuse: LET THE EVIDENCE DECIDE; YOU OWE IT, to life and world and GOD . Believe it, or not. Find your brain; it got lost in the sewage of fools, that is “university cult worship”; and governmental bribes/ which media disguises to avoid: HELL is coming!Reality states: that to fix anything in life, you must understand the cause of what is wrong. But unfortunately most people do not want that; because they want what they want/ instead of what is true. Only truth survives, which makes want an abyss of failure, waiting to drown you, when reality takes time away. And that makes “believing, whatever you want to believe” ; a cause for very serious concerns. Truth consistently warns us, that every decision or lack of a decision comes with consequences; based upon the laws you are interacting with. Eternity warns us: that our decision for love or hate as the basis and foundation of our lives; is directional, and cannot be reversed; once time is past. Miracles of life and planet tell us: there are realities of truth and law; FAR BEYOND what we comprehend. So the quest of time, is to search for truth, and identify self, by the decisions that we do make, and intend to enforce; even if we cannot; it is still your decision to try. The quest of life itself, is to accept the journey, and understand; it is personal to you, “as equal, but not the same” with all of them. Therefore do not judge, as that assumes more than you in fact are. Today our world and all its life, stands on the brink of extinction; so says sufficient evidence to warrant a true and complete as possible search of the facts; so that we do not simply die, because of lies. But want is want, and the curse of “university knows is strong”; and I cannot predict if enough still live inside, to create a trial for life and earth? That is your choice, it is not mine; as I have already done my job, for life and earth. I do wish you well, proven true; by the fact I spent my life in time; for the purpose of keeping this world alive. The truth of consequences; is about you, not me; as reality knows, it is the journey we take, that presents itself as our life. What we did, or did not do; with time!As for me, I have begun my search into “WHAT, is female”; and how or why does that change life, and living, in both; time or eternity? Your decisions are not included in that; it is an alteration, or question presented; in my life, not yours. I have no clue, how it turns out; either in time or eternity. However I do know; there has never been a second in my life; where the question of female existed. Man is man, and I searched only for male. But more important than me, is life and earth alive. Therefore duty aligns with: “search”.  Reality suggests; perhaps this is as simple as :“ finding balance” for me (male balances female/ female balances male; both with respect, achieve value in each other), that, in a world that worships; “university lies”; rather than truth or love. As for you: life or death for this earth, and its future; are entirely in your hands. It is humanity that is responsible for all the threats of extinction we face; which makes it humanity that must realign itself, and search for truth to survive. YOUR JOB, not mine. I feel done. But, you are believers (wanting, what you want)/ I am not; I accept only truth decides. You want, which drives your lives/ I do not, love shapes our decision, or you choose hate; want does not decide for me. You live for pride; to shape your games with life and time; which turns into power, and the violence of I lost; not fair to me/ I do not, respect decides, and the desire to search for truth, by studying laws. We are simply not the same; even though we are equals. It is a choice. You live within the fantasy, delusions, and imaginations of “university knows”/ I know every truth has a consequence, as does every decision you enforce or don’t. You believe the universities are “your saviors”; keeping you alive/ I do not, understanding life is far more complex, than throwing chemicals at it, or cutting something out. And so on.As your reality will prove: not only will you lose your right to make any choice (or you can starve, etc)/ the lynch mob is coming, those who cannot see the future they want, UNLESS they take it by force/ the ammunition will disappear, as will your ability to resist; and the robots will mop up those who do not comply. Because you chose, to believe in university is god. That along with nature in chaos, and a world experiencing what atomic balance in chaos will be as well. So then we simply wait; “for Yellowstone” to erupt; as extinction proves real. But hey, “you were too smart” to question “the university gods; even though, they are just your former classmates”. Too bad, life is done. Like an invading horde, throughout history; once the forces against you, have achieved true violence/ it is very hard, to turn them back. Unlike history, the universities horde, plans for “forever”.And the people say: “never, not here; we are superior”. Because the herd is righteous, and the righteous make rules, and the rulers want power; so they believe as judge it is their right to kill, or punish whomever disobeys their rules. Whereas those without power, join the army of those attempting to take power; because they want power too; and as such judge for themselves; those who wanted to rule; “because we know/ as every believer proclaims”. History repeats this over, and over, and over, and over: because humanity never learns, it is “your want”; that is your primary enemy of life and eternity. Without want, there is only truth left; and truth rules by law; which affect all equally, and does not separate individuals beyond the law; that is necessary to sustain life. Whereas rules separate individuals, so they can be made into an example, “OF FEAR THIS”; because we can! So, wars erupt, and pride demands power; which ends in violence. But the universities play god with life and planet, and their violence is extinction for all. Because wanting to be god; does not make you a god, unless you believe destruction makes you so. It does not, but true violence, against life, planet, energy, and nature can kill a world. EVEN YOU; KNOW THAT IS SO. Whether you admit it or not. So, I am done; you are what you are/ and will be what you choose to be; because every truth has a consequence.  Such as, you don’t know:  many times, if their medicine did you more harm than good; and the body simply healed itself. NOR do you know if the medicine healed you, with complications “down the road”. like all things “university”;  media only shouts, “hurrah”.  While americans say: “we are doing great, our healthcare is great”/ we don’t need to know nothing else. in contrast to that:  last time I looked,  America spends 5 trillion dollars per year: which is $50,000.00 per individual, per one hundred million citizens. Which literally means:  either you are the most unhealthy nation in the world/ or being cheated.My job, has been to educate you beyond what a university can do; because they do live “within imagination”/ rather than facts. Fantasies rather than truth. And delusions instead of realities based upon law. One such definition of that is, the common human delusion: “nothing personal, its just business”. Which simply means, instead of barbarian war/ this is civilized war: where instead of killing you, to take your stuff; to discard what you need. I can simply take your stuff, by other means, and leave you without, because I choose not to care. In contrast to that, is the reality of disciplines that shape the order of society; by understanding: business is simply what we do to survive, one and all; therefore what is fair is justified, and what is not, is unbalanced, and untrue to the needs of us all. Which does include the future of all life and planet. Nothing about your leadership agrees with that; because in one way or another; men continue to war, for more stuff. The value of a life, “is more than stuff/ a trophy, simply thrown away”. Life is more than a game. It is the essence, of what the words, living miracle; means. In the constant of lies, that is “american led university knows”/ the reality of what is trued, is always hidden. Because their design is: that you do not question anything, until they are done, and expect to say “hurrah”/ with all the gambles they take in life, energy, nature, everything; because the universities believe they are gods; and will prove that true. Unfortunately for life and planet; they have already proven to be gods of death, destruction, chaos, failure, cheat, thief, and fool. Even so: there are things humanity can do to quantify what is to be believed, and what is to be investigated; because we cannot let them be wrong. The price of that is extinction/ and YOU owe it to life, child, and planet, to stop that before it is too late. One of the simply things is: a 3% population rise is the same as saying for every random 100 people surveyed in a village/ or as a city/ family to family/ or organization: there will be three infants born in a year, that survive/ more than the people; who die in that year. Or, if one person dies out of a hundred/ and four infants are born in that year, it equals a three percent population rise. So, if you are realistic with your survey and fair with the details of it; you can construct a reasonable accounting of what the population rise is for your own area. If you then compare with others, a more definitive answer results. Important because at 8 billion people, which nobody argues is here on earth/ and probably many more: a 3% increase per year is 240,000,000 babies added each year. Which does matter. In the same way; you can take it upon yourselves to investigate covid somewhat: by interviewing those declared to have it for yourselves, to determine is this simply a cold/ the flu/ asthma/ allergies/ pneumonia or other? Remembering in the last couple of years: NOBODY is reported to have had any of these diseases including a cold; “its all just covid”. Nor has it been reported what the real symptoms are; ONLY the demand “FEAR, damn you FEAR/ believe/ and obey”; as they rip and tear the basic fabric of this nation into pieces intended for war. By stripping the foundation owners out, and replacing them with foreigners now rule us all. So it does matter. The claim of a pandemic does matter ; because if it is not a pandemic/ then spending and the overthrow of our democracy is An insurgency against us; and functionally amounts to a rebellion, shoving anarchy, designed within insanity (a fake vaccine) down your throat. TO BE A PANDEMIC: THE POPULATION OF A NATION OR WORLD MUST BE IN DECLINE! It is not; the population is growing! That failure to meet the definition of the term being used: points to LIAR/ THIEF/ TRAITOR/ TERRORISTS; As the meaning of the word, and if that does not fit the definition. Then outfitted with its a lie, and true intent for organized theft exists. Both of government and currency; by those rebel criminals intent upon extorting us, and overthrowing the nation itself; from the inside. By causing “university grown inflation/ debt disgrace”; to destroy the securities, and the owners so as to replace them. Even aiding and abetting the decision to create war; by using mass hypnosis to infect the masses of people; with “mob insurrection”, against those who own here. Just a different form of WAR/ but it is a university war, with traps, including a biological weapon, along with mind control through media saturation “shouting fear/ believe/ obey”; controlling the devastation; so they can hide from weapons. But when reality searches: what we find is a nation of “elders”/ who have discarded life, child, and world; by claiming WE DON’T CARE/ so long as we die of old age, first. TO HELL with this world; and as such you earn the title “devils workers”/ bowed down to satan; as life and planet are destroyed in your presence. All saying: “death is the end”/ but none owning the truth of what life, or an eternity; truly means. Fear not: YOU will not be forgotten, for what you chose. “to kill an entire living world”; because you didn’t care for anything beyond self. To your shame….. the true curse of media is: “their reporting” makes anything they report marketed as if the whole world “should believe/ or does believe this”. Which forces the curse of being a human animal into mass hypnosis; as the demand “we can’t all be wrong” intensifies, and becomes true acceptance. Because the foundation of animal is: we want, to be part of the herd/ NOT isolated outside the herd, where the predators lurk. The cost of that is: “sheep” (the reason religion sold out)/ or more distinctly, the vast majority do not make up their mind in any conceivable way; except to go along with the crowd. Because of media; that crowd can be a tiny few people; expanded out through mass hypnosis; into a mob, of the insane as they form into lynch mobs all screaming “you can’t kill me”; with your disease. Wherein reality proves: media is your enemy/ the curse of university knows; a blatant traitor and terrorists rolled into one. In America; the belief is: “we have money we are safe”! But you only have numbers, and with hundreds of trillions of dollars being used/ and debts beyond comprehension/ and property being stolen. What you really have is a war against you; where the thieves are hidden by their claim of a pandemic.To collect trillions of dollars; EVERYONE needs a vaccine; because there is so much money to make; enough to destroy the entire US economy. ADD IT UP/ look for the facts/ and examine truth by its own true reality as proven by incorruptible evidence. one US death per one thousand people; current.  NOT getting paid “hundreds of billions”: as is media. Not reported in this news is:  the reason a tiny few more individuals die per year/ is because millions are added to the population: given that fact, the real numbers are less. while the reality is: we cannot survive the population increase: Particularly, because the life we eat/ needs things too. So, their claim of a pandemic:  is strictly FOR THE MONEY (kill the nation, and we take control) AND POWER (mutilate nature/ play god), they the university elite;  collect from us.You have failed life and nation and world; and the coming soon stock market crash; because it is only a pyramid scheme/ will end your hope of riches forever. Their takeover of your jobs, your lives, your business and industry, the vast monopoly controlling all the hiring “is at university discretion”. Taking control of your lives with healthcare; to curse you with debts/ to confine you with fears; so as to make you their slaves. All if it foresees the complete collapse of America; which could easily end in a foreign takeover. With a last ditch effort that is “all weapons of mass destruction will be used”. But then, what “elder” did not say: “it won’t end in my lifetime/ I won’t pay”; let all the children we chose to damn and curse and sacrifice PAY FOR US. ALAS, unless you die soon: you will have gambled, and lost/ more than you can imagine; will be true. And the wealthy all say: YOU can’t scarce us/ WE ARE RICH! But reality says: by the evidence, the universities have stolen everything/ and the only reason you won’t investigate them and the realities of government that are destroying you all is: YOU KNOW it is true. So you choose: TO FORCE EXTINCTION, in a futile attempt to keep what you stole [using counterfeited money is NOT fair], and the american dollar is counterfeit/ as is american government; the disgrace of lies, governed by traitors. Then comes the people who believe in their property, or gold and such? But reality says: in this world overburdened with people; facing the truth “Kill a billion/ still 7 billion more to go”; with all habitat under attack. Waters poisoned. Every chain of life being evicted. All resources destroyed. The ocean life nearly extinct. Global warming and more: means YOU ARE extinct too/ and will escape nothing, as the curse of what universities have done becomes the crisis of catastrophe throughout this earth. Change or die, because your escape hatch is sealed. Your numbers are dead, and have no meaning other than to declare you “fool”.
    6. MORE:
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Jim Osterbur

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