The constant reality of, an attacking army is:  overtaking and overpowering the people of any society requires; you must make them fear/ to insist of hidden dangers everywhere/ to remove their job, friends, family, religion, work options, and then make them homeless or so far indebted now; ain’t never getting out.

While the range of symptoms for the two viruses is similar, the fraction with severe disease appears to be different. For COVID-19, data to date suggest that 80% of infections are mild or asymptomatic, 15% are severe infection, requiring oxygen and 5% are critical infections, requiring ventilation. These fractions of severe and critical infection would be higher than what is observed for influenza infection.

Removing hope, to make them beggars: so that some will erupt in violence. America is being changed/ being cursed:  by the violence, of fear: the assertion of a pandemic (the population is decreasing: 100 more are dying that expected. MOST OVER SIXTY) that does not exist as a pandemic; in a nation of over 327 million. Roughly 25,000 new infants  arrive, to take their place; in this USA per day. The rebel army {is it not an invasion of everything you think, do, say, work, family, friend, religion, organization, laws, rights, foundations of existence, homes, business, industry, and more?} intent upon crucifying democracy [YOU have no rights/ YOU have no say; just fear, or we make you believe; with endless propaganda] says “cry for your grandpa”/  I say:  cry for your children, as soon life ends for us all. We CANNOT survive, THE THREATS universities have made. Reality says, cry for yourselves “(not me); It is reasonable to expect soaring numbers of suicide victims when the stats finally come in. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Americans killed themselves over 48,000 times in 2018, or one victim every 11 minutes. At present, statistics for 2020 are not available, though trends tell us a huge spike in self-killing can be expected. Early data from the Disaster Distress Helpline reports a 338% increase in call volume in March 2020, when government mandates went into effect, compared to February.

Having investigated my share of suicides in Miami over 30 years (hundreds), I learned that the majority are brought about by enormous despair whether from medical illness, addiction or emotional distress. Losing jobs, self-support, loved ones, personal freedom and basics like food and shelter with no relief in sight are certain triggers. When the numbers are counted, I’m sure we will see a sharp spike in self-killings in 2020 — the ultimate escape.”

Comorbidities  cdc:

Table 4 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 7% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.5 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups. For data on comorbidity,  Click here to download.

Because then the clamor is: WE MUST TAKE AWAY THEIR WEAPONS seems necessary. Because without weapons “to pay you back”/ the powerful can massacre anyone they want; as is the constant of genocide, and more. Such is the reality of fears, and power taking control through covid 19. A nation lost, because you believe the solution is, as you are told with endless propaganda: to give the powerful complete control, and believe anything they say. Fortunately, as with all “blitzkrieg”; the preparations have already been made: endless amounts of american currency has been given away to foreigners/ and they will be more than happy enough, to completely own America; as you are forced out.its not really that those in charge of university hate you with absolute contempt; its much more, they are just EXTREMELY arrogant and selfish!” And what better way to prove that contempt, than to take your nation away. After all, they didn’t get everything they wanted in public schools.

So, before I go away; I leave you with the most likely scenario: the university elite all want to take over America, and have nearly succeeded/ what is left, is to remove “the white man” from all forms of power (NOW WE OWN IT); which is now by covid 19 an insurgency that will accomplish that as fact.  cdc  For example, in a population where the prevalence is 5%, a test with 90% sensitivity and 95% specificity will yield a positive predictive value of 49%. In other words, less than half of those testing positive will truly have antibodies. The university feeling safe; because “they are gods”. The white man then looks at his weapons, and falls into civil war, and the nation itself falls apart. The universities are attacked: and they know where all the toxic and terrifying chemicals are/ having endless biological weapons: the gods fight back. Having a nuclear arsenal: the white man fights back. And the world waits to plunder; but then finds itself without choice, because of all the damage that has been done/ and all the horror that has been done to the planet. And the only reality left as is extinction; if the people trying to ignite a nuclear fire do not achieve it first/ as is the prediction of Revelation. A “million mile long flame” as is on the sun (same energy source; igniting the moon)/ will evict the atmosphere/ kill everything with radiation above ground/ suck up the oceans for fuel as it burns the bond in atoms/ and the gravity released by the fire; will draw in the moon to collide with this planet. Gee, what else could go wrong? Oh well, at least there is the rapture: which by all accounts of reality will be, “they got sucked into the flame”. But don’t worry, the people who are “the university”; will surely save you from little things like that; cause “they’re gods”. Right!

As to my work, which follows: and reports the news that is important to society, to life and earth: NOT ONE single thing is intended to make you fear: “its just information you deserve to know”. Because if you panic and hide or run away: our world will be lost. We cannot run from reality: because truth cannot be dismissed, without creating fear. And fear, lets the predators run free. Fear is like cancer to the mind! But the cost of believing is: The politician discards constitutional law, injures declaration of independence intent, and assumes an authority not provided to our employees in democracy itself: each of those is a treasonable offense/ and can be prosecuted as such. The universities are not “nobility, as they believe (superior)”/ not gods (consequences exist, even for them)/ and not entitled to “yell fire” in a crowd (not king or queen): without consequences for being wrong, or the damage they create. Neither has media the right to assume: “the universities are god (believe don’t question)”/ and propagate that fear, without true understanding as presented to the public by facts; is as consistent with “news (you decide)”. The fact most prominent is: that one hundred thousand more than expected dead: out of 327+ million people. Is only one per 3270 people/ and that is NOT a pandemic. OR more correctly, it is not one hundred thousand dead, that matters (life requires death, or time ends). Instead:  it is only  0.00327 percent of the population, that experience lethal. Or more distinctly necessary, because just in this America: six months of time adds, roughly another 5,000,000 infants born/ water, food, etc is not a fantasy. Not even in the mind of a fool. What I report as news however is important: and does have every right to be propagated in stronger terms than covid 19. because it can be proven: life or death in fact/ for our world. Not because I say so: because the cost of being WRONG, literally proves the gamble being taken. The critical purpose: is then prove truth or lie/ not by believing what you are told: but by the evidence.

Throughout the last forty years or so; the cult worshipers of “university is god”/ have denied or feared the simple words: if the sun produces heat by turning hydrogen into helium/ THEN WHERE is the helium? Because if every sun made helium, “with every btu/ the universe would be full of helium; and It is one of the rarest elements known to exist. Important because the demand to ignite the same energy source as powers the sun (a nuclear fire) GAMBLES our entire planet, and every single life; on the assumption “the universities cannot be wrong.” once a single ignition has occurred; this earth can become a sun. Unless of course you believe they’re other “two big ideas”; that a fantasy element “graviton” is, fifteen times bigger than lead exists (equivalent too: a one inch marble/ becomes a fifteen inch beach ball OR, in another way, ten pounds of lead, is one hundred and fifty pounds of “graviton”)/ and all the entire sun can be “burning” from the inside out; and still remain on fire billions of years later. As is the summary of that assertion: “its not really burning anything for fuel”. That would of course mean “the sun is a perpetual motion machine”. OR, the radiation the sun releases doesn’t matter here; because they want “to play god” (worry about it later). That radiation proves it is burning fuel; and does have a definable lifespan: that is not billions of years.

The simple truth here is: no, you need not believe me; I only asked for forty years that you investigate and prove what is true/ BEFORE GAMBLING with all of nature, life, the future, and earth. With a resounding NO, you proved your truth. As to belief itself; you are free to believe anything you want; even the brainless cult religion called evolution cannot be turned away; just because it is less than worthless. After all, people who believe they can build a body of life, “just one piece at a time”; have no concept of reality; and without reality, they have no functioning brain. A religious zealot, “belief is all I need/ evidence and truth be damned”. What you cannot do, is gamble with all of nature/ all of earth/ all in the oceans/ all resources destroyed/ and basically everything the universities do: as that produces extinction, when every chain of life dies. Every threat of this will kill our world, comes true. Past the point of no return; truth/ belief/ or lie becomes completely irrelevant; as there will be no turning back.

OR, how about the truth that is provable: all atomic energy is found in its spin/ as there is no other possibility for containment of that energy known to be there. A spin so extreme as to create an atomic bomb; the instantaneous release of “4 million times more energy than chemical ignition”. A spin, that cannot be invaded to make a different element. A spin equivalent to electron speed, or greater: because an electron cannot go faster than the force which made it move. yes you can understand/ no, you cannot react or make any decision on your own: because the universities own your heart, and your soul.” thereby the world is lost/ you gave it away, to your belief; the university is god. The media, will NEVER let you forget; or search for life: as they are the priests of “university knows”.

Our earth, as in this planet: will soon be “Auschwitz”/ where the burning of humanity, and the waiting to die was made clear: a choice you did not have. The ignition of a nuclear fire will be that same thing for this world; only there will be just one ending; because our earth will become a sun. Yet not a single word asking for an investigation can be found in you: because the evidence, or what can be proven true or false; does not matter to a religious zealot. Cult leaders quash you;  They simply believe. They simply say: the university diploma is god, and cannot be that wrong. Even though their assertions are about the sun; and you should know, “they cannot actually study it/ without creating it here”. Nothing but theory, about a fire with proven solar flares that can erupt OFF THE SURFACE of that sun; spewing fire for about 12,000,000 miles. So, perfect knowledge, OR die; is true. Because there will clearly be NO second chances. While the constant propaganda teams, continually assault with “fear/ fear/ fear; believe only the university”; and all the nobility continually cry, “we are superior to you/ we are gods here; OBEY”. As they have done throughout all of history. To insure you do not think for yourself. “why worry”; you can only die once? Well, those who intentionally destroy an entire living world, because they believe in “false gods”: might not get off so easy, so says religion; is that not so!  And all the people lie to themselves, proclaiming “we believe”; in the universities (your former classmates, “as gods”) brave new world. As they run to hide in the closet of their own soon to be “burning house”; hero or coward. As is our, soon to be dead world. One single second too late; and all hope is gone. Whether you like that or not, it is true! Religion says, “the bible is god”; but even though Revelation can now be understood; they don’t want reality to be true; and hide like all the rest.

Oh wait, I know: you are certain “I DON’T have any right to make you afraid”! After all, “you just want what you want”. Not to worry, the final phase of construction on is all but over/ and they must soon “do the experiment”; because there is no choice; unless the people revolt. Other machines can ignite a nuclear fire; but that one is made, and intended; for excessive fuel inputs. A trillion dollars cannot be spent without “a try”; they will do it. So the truth by the evidence is: I DON’T make you afraid/ they do, and all the machines and more which universities do; are your core fear/ not me. I am simply “reporting the news”!

WHY, is this machine singled out? Because it is there “NO MORE EXCUSES”; this is going to be a major power plant; one way or the other. Not “just another experiment”; but the one they say, “no more fusion”; we will ignite this FIRE in plasma. And when more than 50 million megawatts of electrical energy is transferred into “4 million times more” as is their own statement. IT WILL BE a never ending plasma they create, WHICH WILL BE: SELF SUSTAINING; as is the sun. So, don’t worry; just a little longer/ and you’re world; your child; your life; is dead.

This is NOT “just a bomb”/ this is the intent to create the same fire as is on the sun; as is their own description. Here on earth! Take a look at your sun: and ask the question WILL THEY CONTROL IT? Because NO, is the end of this earth/ even a change in this solar system itself by adding another sun. The risk is simple: there is NO bigger abomination (satanic arrogance); humanity can do. Literal life or death to this world; in a single instant of choice! YOUR EVERYTHING: without exception, so what then will you do? No second chances for you either: now or never. Another critical question is: WHAT ABOUT ALL THE RADIATION, we know this type of energy will release/ more than enough to kill you without planetary protections; from 91+ million miles away. Right here on earth, and not even a lead shield. So, even if it works; it will be death, for a thousand miles around it/ and every other experimental reaction chamber built, or being built. But that doesn’t matter; cause you know, “they will fix it later”. A completely dead, uninhabitable city, and way beyond (as if an atomic bomb went off, that only killed life. Well unless you account for an instantaneous 4 million times expansion: “could that be a bomb”? No, surely not; they are gods) after one single ignition event. “small price to pay, right”? Hell don’t worry, your making lots of money right. So what if you can’t spend it.

IF YOU ASK: your university gods, will tell you they don’t need to worry about the “energy release”/ because there is not enough gravity here on earth to sustain the fire. So they made up fantasy elements (no proof) to make that work. I SAY: that when breaking the bond in an atom slowly burning the energy; just like a molecular fire here on earth. The release of that bond is kinetic (push) and dark energy (pull); as no energy can be sustained in an atom without balance. That fact proves a dark energy exists in the atom itself/ and thereby provides the gravity of the sun. if they are wrong/ YOU ARE DEAD. The laws of physics prove I am right: don’t do it!

Your university gods are wrong in many other ways as well: for instance, they claim to measure speed and distance in this universe by measuring the red shift of stars. But stars, in a galaxy are known to circle only their central black hole. Which means their circular pattern always stays within the galaxy; and there are no galaxies, that can be measured in this universe. Proving their claim of age is baseless.

I don’t ask you to believe anything; don’t believe me either, as I am irrelevant to the reality of our truth. That the evidence will prove, life on earth will soon come to an end; because of what people chose to do/ and what their leadership chose to believe. Only the evidence matters; nothing is so dramatic and clear within that statement; as is the intent to ignite what is clearly by, “ALL, the evidence of reality” a nuclear fire. What is clearly the source of gravity; as is an atom cannot contain itself in spin: unless another equal or greater opposing force (dark energy) holds it in balance. Nearly every claim of knowledge provided by universities; is pure fantasy: and they built trillion dollar machines to ignite a fire that cannot be extinguished; which makes the truth of ignition literally a one time event. No going back/ no learning from mistakes/ no life on earth; because it will be incinerated. Simple and plain: a fire as biblically predicted; that will end life on earth. Because arrogance, apathy, pride, and power refused to accept truth. On a planet where all the rest said: “we would rather be animals, than learn, investigate, ( NOT, even the clear risk of our planet dying) or change”.

Obviously, the universities which comprise one or a few people who make all the decisions in any specific field/ cannot be wrong or subject to question; “cause they are gods” you know. But consider this, women in particular are targeted “all dying of heart disease”; GIVE US YOUR MONEY. Yet they fail to mention, the common patient, who dies of heart disease, is over 70 years old/ and very few die of heart trouble at any time before. Alas they removed old age as a cause of death: but not to worry, so that you can protect your own interests, and make a wise decision with your money and your fears; “we all know that media, will inform you of any such truth”. Because you deserve to know, and “that is what they do/ right”? The courts would never choose to protect power. The politician would never choose to protect their benefactors. Actors wouldn’t choose themselves over truth; cause we all know “they can’t be greedy, or wrong/ they are the nobility”. Don’t worry, at least they are tracking animals and all creatures: so that when any little human distress comes, their extinction will follow.

And of course the university diploma is worth “an extra million dollars”; because they took over the banks, media, government, industry, all the hiring and firing of employees, and everything they could touch. Leaving us all, with a nation defined by debts that cannot be paid/ assets claimed at over 220 trillion dollars/ infrastructure abandoned; foreign nations well subsidized/ and trillions spent on every toy, trinket, or trophy they could think of. But who could ask for more; “let’s go to the moon; the university diploma needs a welfare check”. Well at least, they didn’t spend all our money on the military and war: right?

Well at least we can depend on media, because they would tell us what we need to know: like when newly marketed diabetes medicines were a thousand dollars a month/ the old medicines which people did use for over thirty years with no real troubles; only cost about $30 a month. Thank god they never choose the money; now ain’t that so? Or back when Reagan sold all the gold in Fort Knox: “they told you that, didn’t they”; cause they knew, I told the major news sources; no excuse.

Thank goodness: doctors are perfect, and never choose to be greedy/ universities never lie/ and women have no flaws”; or all these threats of extinction might be real! Wouldn’t that be a terrible surprise; “well at least, we don’t have to care”. Nothing bad can happen if we all agree: “WE DON’T want that”. After all: “some of us paid the damn insurance bill, called religion”/ and that is good enough for an entire world. Period, we demand it/ cause they paid; so we are OWED. “let god” pay the bill /now ain’t that right? After all religion promises, as in the Christian religion: “just say JESUS a few times” and your good/ eternity is owed to you too”/ wait or wait, don’t forget to pay the preacher: even so, its free! Or the Jews, who say we must have money; we pay for our “heaven”. Follow the rules, and you are owed.

Or how about another religion that promises men “they can have seventy virgins; just for playing along, if you sacrifice; then you get all the wealth & freedom, they can imagine: for an eternity of sloth and laziness; and all the things men hate about other men/ but want for themselves”. Apparently women remain slaves; since men own them; I wonder if that is fair/ well who gives a damn; right! Or another religion that promises you can come back as anything you earned. “Because life is mine, and even if the body has to be surrendered: YOU CAN’T steal my life, because its mine/ I own it”. I just have to come back as something else. Or another which demands: have a lot of children, so they can be your slaves, and make you fat, and lazy. Obviously, there is nothing to fear from reality or eternity; well unless you are a woman/ because the religions of men; belong to men, and you know what that means. Apparently women don’t have a GOD ? Which is odd, considering without women/ female of life: there is no life? I wonder if men could be wrong!

Well that, is just a stupid question: because obviously, the “heaven” men want; is going to be whatever they want; OR it can’t be “their heaven”. Nobody gets to argue with want; because whatever “I want, or don’t want”/ is my right; you can’t refuse me that! I AM OWED, cause I want it/ LIFE owes me that much; because someone else got something I wanted; or, I didn’t get everything I wanted: and that ain’t fair. So, “heaven means”; now I get to be god/ therefore I get what I want, forever. Because nobody can stop me now.

The true value of life, is not so simple as “animal wants”. The foundation of eternity is: that you must be something of value, in a world that will not rule over you. Or more simply: unless you can rule over yourself, in a way the presents truth, love, trust, thought, courage, honor, and respect; eternity has no place for you. It is not “simply safe”; as that has no responsibility demanded of you. When this fails, life gets lazy; and living becomes “the least” it can be. So, there is risk and reward: to keep you awake, and vital to the task of being whatever you can create your own life to be. Want is at its core, the fundamental failure of humanity/ because it drives all things that are not based upon truth. As for me: I have completed the work, given to me. Everything left, of life or death to this planet: is a work assigned to you!

Do you have a brain? Obviously not, or none of this would be true. As is: everything threatening is true;  but you have proven to be “a cult (only the leader, has a brain)”. So you can’t know what you know. that is blasphemy; “you don’t have a brain”. YOU must simply believe what you are told; by your gods at “university knows”. They own the knowledge/ you own “slave”; its perfect. Don’t bother to answer; you have no brain or rights or reality of solution. They own it all; cause compared to you: they are gods. After all, NOBODY could threaten an entire planet of life/ and even the solar system itself:  WITHOUT BEING gods! Even if it is god of DEATH/ “its still god, and you can’t do it”; so they win.  As proven losers, you have no say.

It is unfortunate but true; you seem to have chosen the perfect epitaph for humanity on earth; by believing in covid 19. Scared to death of your own shadow, discarding your own face, work, friends, life, home, job, future: “to be safe”. We won’t challenge anything; because we believe. Even when the reality of numbers proves by the evidence: this is not a pandemic; in a world of 8 billion people. A world growing at 3% per year; as it did throughout the twentieth century. Which is nearly a quarter of a billion new mouths to feed per year. “Just another reality, that threatens certain extinction”. But you don’t care: because the television didn’t tell you to think. They tell you to believe, “the universities got this”. Even though that is utterly untrue, unless their true intent is to destroy this whole world with chaos (their chosen, “evolutionary god”).

To RISE UP, MEANS: to rise up by using the law to demand an investigation/ by using democracy to create the laws that you need for society/ by describing justice, is a value; NOT a ruler. We have legal rights, and we have a well defined obligation to determine our own future: BY UNDERSTANDING the facts of this day. NOT simply believing whatever the cult, any media, or any leader simply tells us to believe. BY OUR VOTE AS WE THE PEOPLE, we are owners here. BY OUR DEMOCRACY, through law; we shape the society we then call to be “our own truth”. We own the right, to change our democracy through constitutional purposes; and cannot be denied that option, by our employees. No matter who they are, they are OUR employees.

NO, the television hasn’t told you, to question what you think on this: they can’t. Because the constant media religious zealot cult worshiper, who propagates anything the universities say; cannot question their gods. That, would be blasphemy; a zealot believes/ therefore they know; they are not allowed, nor do they want “to think, question, or investigate”. That ruins belief! And you as the cult of university is god; is as they say, “just a herd of animals(we can’t all be wrong, so long as we all do and believe the very same thing like other religions: the university is god)”. Anyone who says different, is a curse! Even though religion is “trickle down”; meaning from a tiny beginning it spreads “like a pandemic/ or by value”. So everyone; is just a tiny few; “who believe”! Making extinction certain. OR, TRUTH is obvious and accepted by the evidence. Alas, none of truth is the game the universities play; as the consequences of playing god, “we believe”/ without being GOD; are horrendous, as the evidence does prove. But as all children of the cult damned, demand: we want what we want, and nothing else. NO, I can’t fight with you; as your constant defense is simply “to ridicule me”; to use me for an excuse to avoid the evidence of what is already proven true. To deny the consequences of being WRONG; I am discarded by all forms of leadership; and the people fear, because they don’t want reality to be true. YOU hate change, unless it guarantees you MORE. Alas, the only thing that survives is truth. Lies do not, not even as a planet. Your population guarantees you less; and only a slight chance to survive;  unless you become true to life itself. NO small thing.

Nobody leads a true democracy! Democracy means CHOICE; and choice requires a commitment to being informed; to understanding the decision in all its conceptions; and to agree, we must accept what is true to our reality, and the decision we made as we the people to accept our duty: for liberty, which CANNOT be void of a future, or a gamble of any kind, which threatens extreme consequences for being WRONG. TO BE INFORMED MEANS; nobody gets to “tell us what we think”/ there are no experts! There is only the truth of evidence, by critical investigation without prejudice; and what we then choose for ourselves. To understand means: one hundred years and beyond is part of the acceptance: called our choice.

There is little room to doubt; a new disease has been found, after all “university knows” has been poisoning the water/ mutilating the food/ making biological weapons/ putting radiation everywhere/ shoving people full of dangerous chemical compounds with every pharmaceutical/ propagating the “universities are god”/ distributing “let’s all mutilate something”/ crucifying life, and all of nature with genetic research/ changing life, government, education, work, currency, courts, media, entertainment, children, and literally everything they can touch; for over fifty years “with vigor”. The fact something escaped the laboratory, or as with so many things; was simply put outside in the hopes of creating chaos in nature and in life; is not a surprise. Not to worry, now they get their funding/ now they replace you with robots (got to do it)/ now they remove all supervision/ and now they pretend “opening Pandora’s box of horrors” is just a game they deserve to play. As is the beginning of Armageddon; which does mean, “nature in chaos”. Not to worry cult worshipers will sacrifice; but alas, “cut your arm/ lose your face/ destroy your family/ curse your nation/ or cost an entire world its life in time”; will not bring LIFE OR PLANET back “to the living”. Because you chose, to throw it away; by letting the universities play god. To your shame, you are their slaves. Even so: no proof of a pandemic exists/ merely the introduction of another disease; that did not exist until the universities made it exist/ not to worry “its worth a few trillion dollars”. So its all good: right? After all: according to university religion, called evolution (chaos is your creator), everything complex: should be broken down to its simplest possible elements/ “so their god of destruction” can rule over life and planet. “what, could go wrong”/ all hail the university.

Don’t worry about reality: you can buy counterfeit US coin currency, right from the TV; even though that is constitutionally illegal. Because the university knows, “only fantasies need to rule; let’s all play god”. Reality ruins “the game”, when you must be fair. Don’t worry, the universities have already filled their pockets “with all the numbers, toys, trinkets, pensions, trophies, and anything else they wanted”. (just add another decimal). So they will be good; right? Even igniting the planet with a ten million degree fire/ with million mile long flames/ that burns your skin from 94 million miles away in summer/ with radiation even at that distance which kills without protection: can’t possible hurt “a university diploma”, cause they’re gods. Don’t do nothing; isn’t that right?

Throughout history, people have marched and protested and destroyed to prove they were upset; never to change anything, but access/ we listen, we care, no more! So war breaks out, “to change something”/ only it takes control over humanity, and tries to destroy everything, including self and society. The animal wants, and then it wants more, and then it takes more than environment can offer; and now the mobs arise to prove, “somebody has to die/ or move”; on both sides. Which is why there are groups (herds of people) identified by a trait that can be seen: to divide the war. Which then confronts those who don’t want war, and they become traitors to one group or the other: because they are superior/ why is irrelevant. The animal trainers of university decision: form an insurgency, as they are “the spoiled children” who never grew up; because universities are the land or training centers of, delusions are best. The demand is simple: “we must rule/ and be rulers, because we are gods (compared to them)”. A constant in all firmly established religions. These religious conceptions are then granted cult status by believers accepting delusions can work/ when in fact, a fantasy is just a “fancy lie”. And lies never work for life to achieve its best; only truth does that. The curse of religion/ the reality of university (same), is a herd: just believe, don’t question nothing/ do, think, say, what you are told. NEVER investigate “your gods”. Because if you do; as is university, they won’t be found “as gods of life (savior)/ but death (destroyers)”. And that causes the herd to be fallible and afraid of itself. So the herd says: NEVER question or investigate, “our gods”/ because the herd is more important than being “right/ truthful/ or fair”. Therefore whatever force is necessary to maintain the herd, is accepted by the majority voice in the herd; because failing that, war is being formed. The cost of life is competition/ the cost of competition is a dwindling resource base/ the cost of resource losses that are too high; will be war/ because we cannot all survive here, as we are. So protests form, and lines are drawn, and small amounts of violence erupt: and war looms large and inevitable. Because the end result is: WE WANT MORE, AND THERE IS NO MORE/ unless the others give back some of theirs. And they all figure “I WON IT FAIR AND SQUARE”; AND I WANT MORE TOO. Nonetheless, if you never even tried, or assumed anything other than “to do your best”/ you have no one to blame but yourself. But alas, far beyond that day:  we are at the breaking point on earth; as it applies to every single truth of reality; that keeps us all alive. Extreme human population growth means: YOU CANNOT fix this problem or dissolve this war, without TRUE population control. YOU CANNOT HAVE MORE, because the resources being used are finite/ and humanity is buried in its own trash, proving “the fool, cannot stop”. OR MORE SIMPLY; this earth is dead, and every life lost; because people chose that over life and happiness; “by being animals of time, instead of alive in truth called Creation”. Alive requires you to accept reality, and respect the truth of what evidence will reveal: thereby accepting the limits and boundaries of what can and cannot be done/ whether you like it, or not. As is the cost of life itself. Want is a coffin, your decision to discard the earth as universities have taught/ is the end of our existence; by a thousand different methods of failure and fantasy that the universities have provided. Including: the collapse of nature through genetic mutilation/ the release of nuclear fire, as turns this earth into a sun/ the loss of resource/ poisoning/ pollution/ disease explosions/ weapons of mass destruction/ ocean life lost/ every chain of living destroyed/ habitat failure/ global warming/ atmospheric disconnection from the planet/ oxygen depletion from fire/ food sourcing collapse/ world wide financial collapse/ the horror of “university can play god”; and more. To your own eternal shame, for allowing such disrespect and destruction to occur; as they all screamed, “no consequences, for us”. The consequence will be extinction; because that is what you chose, to let them do; by playing god, in a fantasy of lies and delusion.

Without an enemy, you cannot have a war/ and all things fall too, the truth: of what you can and did or did not do for yourselves or your world. With an enemy, the door opens to hate/ stealing/ lying/ cheating/ disrespect and ridicule/ “its all your fault, even though we are equal”/ and I don’t have to be responsible for myself, or the things I chose; because I can blame you. Without fear, there is NO excuse for power, and no one follows or believes; because freedom becomes important. Without power, there are no leaders; because no army, nor major enemy can be formed or found. With true law, the value of life, and living is written. With enforcement of that law: the creation of democracy exists, as the truth of what we can and will be. But without reality by its own truth leading the way; there is only fantasy to hide the cost of what is being done. Fantasy is a delusion hiding the lies of many, under an intentional blanket of confusion. Truth has no enemies, only liars. Liars have no friends, because they worship power over you more. The enemy of life, is a foundation that cannot be sustained; because the inevitable reality is: this becomes our road to extinction. And humanity says: “this is easy, so let’s travel it for awhile anyway”/ but being easy, they hide from truth, and pretend the universities are god, and will keep the foundations of living from being true, “for us”. As all liars do, they will fail; because truth cannot be defeated/ it will return, as if it never left. Only the price goes up.

Every liar is a judge, in his or her own heart. That ultimately means, you have claimed the right “to play god”. The cost of that decision, “is a piece of value in you, in life itself; is lost”/ the price of life for, someone else diminished [the question: is this worth fighting for]. Because there is no foundation for playing god, you measure and accept; “worthless or less, to me (claiming to then, be god over a life)”. That is a violence that leads beyond hate. REALITY then reminds you: Let the law decide, protect the law so that it is fair, choose justice where you can, be at peace within the law; because there is no other way for society to exist. Failure Excuses hate, and brings what war will do. Just like the refusal to accept what is true, brings war instead. Truth decides, or realities will die.

One hundred thousand people died; in a nation of 327 million plus undocumented people; equals not more than one per every 3,270 individuals. 80% or so being of extremely old age or sickness. Pushes your “healthy” chances of dying into the less than one in ten thousand area. In contrast a 3% birth rate; constant throughout the twentieth century equals 9,810,000 new births in this nation this year: wanting food, water, resources and more. And what do you know; people quit dying of flu, old age, food poisoning, etc. To achieve a pandemic status, more people must die than are being born: zero population growth. In this world today, that means ONE QUARTER OF A BILLION PEOPLE PER YEAR/ must die, to even consider it a pandemic. The difference between a traitor and those who make a mistake is: the traitor continues to insist you must believe. The difference between life or death for this planet and its future is: those who betray you, are focused on only “one little thing”.

The foundation of all wants, or don’t want: is an animal lives in or for this. As is: “nothing truly matters, but look or listen to me”/ life is nothing but what I want or don’t want; because everything is about me/ without wants, life has died; it has no value/ without want, I have no cause to live; I am lost. Because being human relies upon accepting truth will decide/ not want. An animal, is either predator or prey/ a human being, rises above the simplicity; to achieve thought. Where there is thought, love to build/ or hate to destroy; will exist. Love extends the decision to share because we care, to all life that will not destroy it. That is a courage, a value established beyond self. Whereas hate hides itself, until the moment of destruction; so as to damage even more. Love builds from hope/ hate chooses fear, and falls inside it; because they know what vengeance would do. Want forms depression, because this is all there is. Love discovers passion, and ascends within desire to achieve truth within the elemental passage that is your own soul. Nothing is so elementally true, as is the miracle of life itself. Where passion by the evidence of its love exists, the future of life remains “within that miracle”. Respect knows your truth itself, will remain “established, even beyond death; as love or hate, or animal”. Love is, the single greatest treasure (life is worth living) in this universe. Hate digs graves, including its own; because there is no true value in its survival.

The cost of policing is: failed university instructions/ too much, separation from society itself/ and fear. Fear and the failure of respect; gets people killed on both sides. None of which can be resolved by simply blaming a police department or its workers; because the decision to weaponize society, makes all aware of the cost to be wrong. “a two edged sword” cuts both ways.

Treason, is the intent to lie/ while doing grave harm: $3 trillion dollars=$30,000.00 per each of 100,000,000 people of new debt. The bribe is $1200.00 “to help you”/ while someone else gets, the other $28,800.00. Fantasy merely delays, and enlarges the destruction called: truth.

In America; the foundation of actual work produces between 3-4 trillion dollars/ all the rest that is claimed (search GDP) is a promise to pay, an illusion of work “only with numbers”; producing debts, that cannot be paid. As is true of many nations today; claims of ownership, by the numbers of money, as are an insurgency stealing from life. By allowing just a few, in charge of the counterfeiting currency by claiming an a rise in assets valuation. The reality occurs: To buy, and thereby will control everything; because property control is “the nation”. Like Israel did to Palestine; the numbers of money along with bribes that seemed better than reality: so Palestine laid back to enjoy the ride. Only to find: Israel had secretly, bought their nation back; one piece at a time. The plague of humanity is “yes we can”/ the cost being yes you did create war. The reality: you cannot survive the changes you have made: fail to correct your tragedies against life and planet or you will go extinct; soon! I am not your savior/ I am a messenger telling you; change NOW, or you will be extinct forever. Because what is true of the evidence, condemns you to inescapable catastrophe/ or dramatic change now. Get up, and do whatever you can do; because your “university worship”; has led you to this edge of extinction. CHANGE that too, and find truth!

The reality is simple: with men throughout the ages, they would destroy each other, because resources died, when the population increased: “its you or me”. The reality of today is: with universities, their intent is to play god, and in doing so they threaten all life on earth forever extinct. Because the cost of playing god is want; and all want leads to “animal”/ rather than human. Human requires your decision, to be more than an animal; as only truth, love, respect, hope, trust, discipline, balance, order, courage, thought, value and and the acceptance of limits and boundaries can prove. Instead of that universities have proven to be the outlet: for all things traitor/ liar/ thief/ terrorist/ hate/ destruction/ cheating, and more; by promising you things that are only fantasy; propagating delusions; discarding truth for what they want instead; as is to play god with life, planet, and energy. Wanting things, they cannot do; while screaming “there are NO consequences for us”. They could not be more wrong as the horror of their genetic mutilation takes hold; the countdown to incineration begins for our world; and the ending of all resources; overpopulation; asphyxiation; extinction in all chains of life; and more will prove true.

The constant of men is: “I want it all, and if you prove to be unable to defend; then I want yours’ too.” Beg me, or I take your everything, maybe your life & give you nothing. So society was born to defend the masses against their common enemy: “men with weapons”. Leaders to provide an instant response/ who then become rulers with tyranny. Women to complain: I want what I want too! Life and earth their chosen enemy: “you make me work, and accept limits”. So, the universities found their niche: let them believe, “anything they want”; life is free/ no consequences for us! But alas “consequences of extinction, everywhere”; for all other life, the planet, and every child. None have a future; because the universities hear only one song: “its MINE, ALL MINE”. And the world of men say; “give me some too; bribe me or it ends”/ as they discard, and destroy all respect for this earth. By digging their own graves; as the earth turns from nature provides; to this whole planet now dies. The consequence of 8 billion people all trained by universities: TO NEVER give a single penny of value; back to life itself. The compromise is simple: “its us or the earth/ and we don’t care”. Until death proves: not only, you were wrong/ but will be extinct.

A religious zealot hears only one voice; his or her own/ because no truth nor evidence matters more than “I want this to be true”; regardless of the risk or reality. The cost of destroying the future, the work, and the reality for so many is: “we must believe even more, that we cannot be wrong”. As is the constant of pride. Nothing causes people to “feel like nobody” more than taking their face away; as is the rule, HIDE YOUR FACE WITH A MASK, run away from life: CHOOSE FEAR. Leadership did a great deal of damage to millions of lives: The cause of anger is justified. The reality is not; and will escalate into searching “for Hitler” to lead/ then will come the guns, and more. As to the simple consequences of people and their employees called police: a bill of rights is written by the people themselves, along with the police/ NO leader is allowed. When you both agree, and accept the value and limits of what can be done: the value to each other will increase.

My job, is simply to warn, provide opportunities, establish YOU DID have your chance, with the information needed/ it is NOT to save you from yourselves. OR, your cult worship of university as god. They are “your Satan”/ an arrogance so extreme; their purpose has been to change everything that worked, so they could be in charge/ alter genetic nature, so they could play god/ and gamble with energy so extreme, as to be “just like the sun”; here on earth. As religious zealots of university worship, who have no regard for truth or evidence or the cost of being wrong: forty plus years of fighting with you is enough.

There is nothing else to be done, learned, etcetera: if you will not do this!

Democracy says: NO EMPLOYEE, or organization of members or workers; can claim to be “the government”/ only the constitution, and the laws we create through that constitution: are the government. “no king” exists; because no employee can make rules; demanding compliance; without that constitutional law of authority. NO assertion of need can be extended, without our consent. NO democracy exists, without the fair and justified appraisal of evidence; supported by documented truth; that is then OUR RIGHT to decide for ourselves: what this society should or should not be doing. To balance the essence of truth, and the elemental reality of human: public trial exists as “the least obnoxious method”; of understanding ourselves, or our situation, with reality guiding the way. NOT theory, university, political party, media, religion, or any other form of manipulation or control: WE DECIDE, one vote/ one citizen: this is our choice! Anything less than the discipline, order, and balance of constitutional law: suffers the fate of apathy, as laziness or greed, strangles your nation, your life, or your world.

There is only one means in democracy; of WE THE PEOPLE, are the owners here! That is through law. The law is: by the legal guarantee of first amendment US constitutional guaranteed rights for “….the people to peacefully assemble, and petition the government for redress of grievances”. SAME as “freedom of press/ freedom of religion, and free speech cannot be denied”. THE CURSE of university is the expert; the PLAGUE of government has become “life safety”; the COST of democracy is: TO BE INVOLVED, WHEN NEEDED. The reality of life safety is: “WHO gets to decide”? Because when our employees decide for us: it always becomes tyranny. Tyranny is: the power to take, or destroy, what you do not own; as is the constant of all thieves.

The foundation of justice, is truth by evidence, that will not be denied: proven valid and without corruption. Therefore, the method of redress: which means to demand trial, and obtain that evidence by legal means through public dissemination of truth by evidence/ NOT “expert”. So that WE THE PEOPLE can form the decision, AND establish our vote. That vote: is democracy as owners: to the best we can choose to: fit our lives, our nation, our world, and our future. By understanding the acceptance of risk, and the cost of fear.

Anything less, than direct constitutional acceptance of their duty, as our employees: to provide REDRESS of GRIEVANCES: IS AN INSURGENCY against we the people, who DO, own this nation.

IF they take you to the end of their fantasy/ then all that will be left, IS REALITY; and reality doesn’t care. Not about a single one; it simply is, “what it is”. The consequence of that is: consider what the future is going to be!

In contrast; to the demand for democracy: is the constant human disgrace throughout all of history. Which is the few, try their best: to take complete control over all the rest/ BY USING FEAR. So, the critical truth here is: without absolute proof of a pandemic/ which they have not. THOSE WHO LEAD ARE THE ENEMY, and their army of attack, is by creating FEAR: of an unseen enemy; “the kind called deceit, manipulation, arrogance, temptation, corruption, lies, cheating, stealing, and hate”. They are a different kind of enemy: they have media, control education and language, endless wealth by counterfeiting the lie of inflation does not exist; and cult worship to keep all controversy away, by brainwashing the courts as well. The kind of enemy: who could and would send out a biological weapon; so long as they already had the vaccine in hand. The kind of enemy: who would and could, have another biological weapon or more, prepared; so that fear remains constant: and they can make a “trillion dollars” with the vaccine; or just “hate the world”. After all, the great “university, YES WE CAN” is just now, a functioning “Pandora’s box” waiting; like every super-villain comic book ever written, or action movie, war monger, etcetera: to be gods over you. What could go wrong; after all, “the universities are god” right! After all: they haven’t been creating & releasing biological mutations into nature for decades, “to throw it all away”. They have bigger plans: to destroy nature, and replace it with chaos, like their religion of evolution says: so they can instigate entirely new, forms of life; proving they are in fact “gods”. Why, who could blame them for that: isn’t proving you can be gods, “the ultimate game”? obviously, its just for university gods/ certainly not anyone outside the universities, or among those who worship them like a cult. Don’t worry, if they are feeling a little suicidal, or distressed, and don’t have a vaccine; “they can still play, puppet on a string” and watch you dance. So, “its all good”; right? After all, “the universities can’t be bad; they are all saviors”, media proved that: yes sir; every single one.

Well silly me, I forgot; NOBODY gets to question, or investigate; the gods of university, just ask your courts and leaders. “They are all angels of mercy/ come to take you away”; just ask your media. After all, when igniting a nuclear fire just like the sun soon; “your ride through the air, into a ten million degree uncontrollable fire; that burns atoms”; will be exhilarating, “rapturous”! Don’t worry, Noah’s flood was proven by fossil fuels; I’m sure it didn’t take too long, for all life to die; except a tiny few. And with fire even they cannot survive; not a single solitary point or life; on earth.

DON’T WORRY, you, have a guaranteed ride into your own “religious (I want this) heaven”; after all, didn’t you earn it? So, you are owed, right! Seriously how could that be wrong: EVERYBODY says so, in your religion; “everybody can’t be wrong”. Period, just because the freedom given to humanity: chose to destroy this world/ and you chose to do nothing; is no excuse/ you, are owed. Religion (we believe what we want) says so, it must be true; after all, “didn’t you pay the premium on that insurance plan”? You are owed, “ain’t that right”?

Reality however sees the fear as statistics; and recognizes the end of small businesses; IS THE CONSOLIDATION of all business into the hands of a tiny few large corporations; which are much easier to control/ from “government as kings”. As is “hitler/ stalin/ whatever the name; the course is the always the same. KILL THE OPTIONS, and make the masses slave, or beg, or die through fears; because then they have no choice. While in this america; the scream is WE HAVE GUNS. The truth is: your only option with a gun is the end of your nation, starvation, and the destruction of everything you depend upon or built; as is the constant of war. CHOOSE LAW, AND ENFORCE DEMOCRACY: BY GOING TO COURT, AND PROVING CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT (not ruled by the expert, or any claim of “life safety”) will survive. People die, check the statistics year to year: how many more then/ and what percentage of our population dies from a disease that did not exist before. Old age or bad health is: “irrelevant”. We do, all have to die.

Do not fear them: their power is money, and they counterfeited the currency into fantasy: which means “broke or billions” we are equal.

FEAR THIS INSTEAD: only truth can save us from ourselves, and what universities around this world have done/ the creation of threats that lead to extinction as is our current truth. CHANGE MEANS, CHANGE; nothing less will do, or your life, nation, world, child, and even eternity will be lost. Because reality says so, by the evidence which can be proven.

In the real world, where fantasy does not rule a nation: but facts assist us in determining what we should accept as truth/ so that we can make our own decision. In a courtroom: to stop or punish perjury: all those people, who have been diagnosed with covid 19. would now be followed up by the facts of their disease. So that we all know this disease as well as we can: by the truth of what it means to our nation and our world. Simple as that: how many died (how many old, or with health complications)/ how many suffered greatly (hospitalized, or with prolonged effects)/ how many had little or no consequences from this diagnosis (no significant injury)? In that way, with thousands to offer testimony; by the “gods of medicine” own count: we will know. And you will then decide, not only what constitutes a pandemic/ but what our employees are allowed to do, with our state or nation and lives. BY VOTE, of we the people for ourselves.

FIND A WAY, to prove what is true, to establish your own courtroom: DECLARE, your constitutional first amendment right for redress of grievances. And force the truth to be established/ this democracy enforced; by proven fact. It is literally within your power of WE THE PEOPLE, own this nation. IF you refuse, they will torment you for months if not years; claiming victory and money and power, and your lives will be lost to their greed. Those who have nothing to hide, “welcome the truth”.

THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF DEMOCRACY IS: WE THE PEOPLE DECIDE/ NOT YOU! WHENEVER, the reality of truth confronting our nation or world; must be dealt with by us all. OUR NATION has been affected and changed: PROVING WE NOW HAVE THE DUTY; to make these decisions for ourselves; as is democracy by vote. The format simply: BY producing clear distinct evidence, before the nation itself: that is absolutely untainted with manipulation, temptation, or any intent for controlling our decision. OUR NATION, OUR LIVES, OUR FUTURE, OUR CHOICE! Simple as that.

Tyranny starts with fear; once sufficient fear is in place: THEY MAKE RULES, so they can find practically anyone insufficient to their laws. And jail you, or make you beg: that is called power. Anarchy then begins; as power makes every life and living into a game.

DEMANDING COMPLIANCE from society itself; to control by your own decision/ or to the decisions of a tiny few; THEREBY discarding the rights, freedoms, and foundations of liberty: and asserting punishments, which include jail for any person NOT willing to accept “your decision”. IS A CRIME against the state or nation itself. We have passed by, “your assumed gate of hell; the reality of which failed the test of evidence: by its own truth”; not the decisions you have made. WE the people, require our own decision now. Finding the need is real: WE THE PEOPLE, require a law, THAT WE CHOOSE, BY our vote; to govern these decisions for ourselves. The very foundation of democracy itself is: LET THERE BE NO ONE, WHO HAS THE AUTHORITY, to do what you have already done. That is open REBELLION, and it lurks of the putrid smell that is, “we should be kings”.

Simplicity will prove: survival forces those who shout WE CAN’T live by these rules/ while extreme righteousness SCREAMS, “you WILL” live by these rules; because our lives are threatened, and we won’t share more. FEAR US, because, we control “government”. So the police become an enemy to those who cannot/ by becoming an army for those who say you will. With little choice, those who believe they cannot survive then SCREAM: fear our weapons: death is on your doorstep; and the horror of , “a Biblical Apocalypse” begins.

Did I forget to mention: the universities have a perfect solution, for this situation. YOU never need to come back to work, because they made robots to replace you; after all they don’t spread disease: and the diploma gets more power, pride, and money; it will be great. Well sure you get to have “bread crumbs”; but after awhile that will go away too. “its ok”; because they are the superior ones, and deserve more than you.  Don’t worry, if you can be held back long enough: business and industry will have no other choice. “its all good”.

Well, that is of course after the healthcare industry, whose entire job has always been to “work with disease” gets a big raise in their pay, because the fear mongers say so. Cause after all, they deserve everything they can get: at last count they only get 5 trillion dollars a year; which is literally: $50,000.00 from each of every single taxpayer; of one hundred million people, here in America.

Don’t worry”; after all that 3.4 trillion dollar bailout ($34,000.00 per each, and every; of one hundred million people), plus more; can’t all go to just the universities to do whatever they want; some of it is certain to pay for those robots, probably for free; after its declared that was necessary “due to covid 19”.  Oh wait: the universities get paid for robots too; so they need the jobs: I guess they have to do it, after all, children need to play too, and our sandbox is crowded now: “we don’t want, them in it”. [hidden prejudice].

The greatest curse of humanity is RIGHTEOUSNESS; because with “I am RIGHT; comes the inevitable demand for power, pride, and then want becomes the BELIEF, I cannot be wrong: therefore I am god, when compared to you. And that, gives me the right to enforce tyranny; and kill any life, I choose. As to all leadership: NOT A DAMN ONE, was elected to play or be god over the rest of us. Not one, democracy is specifically designed to remove that; and it has failed us all. Because NOBODY is god, and the university expert: fails life, nearly every time! People die everyday/ babies are born everyday: the end result of it is VERY MANY babies are born than people who die; and that means this earth itself, and all the nature, water, etc that keeps us all alive IS NOW DYING from human over-population. SO, SOMEBODY does have to die, or not be born: our world will die. “Crocodile tears” are not enough; reality exists. All hail the university diploma leadership, “they newly discovered, people die”; cause the rest of us, didn’t know. “aren’t they SO smart”? Ask them: HOW MANY people would now be here; without disease, etc; ask yourself as well? And ask reality: WHAT would you eat, drink, or live with as truth, by a reality that has no sympathy; for a single life! DEATH LITERALLY, keeps the rest of us alive! Whether you like it or not; that is true.

And the universities scream: “we are gods/ we have a diploma (to prove we memorized what we were told to believe)”. We will save everyone, by mutilating nature itself, as is constant around this world. We know everything; and their cult followers scream: WE BELIEVE. Yet reality proves: mutilating NATURE, IS WHAT YOU SHOULD FEAR. Playing with the same energy source as the SUN, is what you should FEAR; because these “gods & experts”; are gambling with every living thing on this planet, and even more: FOREVER. And their fantasies have already been proven to be completely without merit or value: PURE THREAT OF EXTINCTION, released voluntarily to destroy an entire living planet. BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE THEY CAN BE “gods”. When they cannot even take a breathe, without everything they are trying to destroy. AS IS FEAR THIS, the outright decision to ignite a ten million degree fire, that literally burns the bond holding an atom together: making atoms the fuel source; not just “a disease”, without clear threat; but death of a world. THE PRICE OF BEING WRONG; the death of YOUR world; if they are not “absolutely perfect and correct in their expertise” of which they literally proven: to have NONE.   Abundant energy: Fusing atoms together in a controlled way releases nearly four million times more energy than a chemical reaction such as the burning of coal, oil or gas and four times as much as nuclear fission reactions (at equal mass).  More simply understood:  a candle flame is about one inch high.  instantly becomes 4,000,000 times more is four million inches high. Divided by 5480 feet the distance in a mile times 12 inches per foot =63,360 inches. 63,360 inches per mile divided into 4,000,000 inches= a candle flame that is suddenly, 63.13 miles high. There are no second chances!  Who does not understand: an instantaneous expansion by 4 million times more, IS AN EXPLOSION; even greater than the atomic bomb?

Your leaders: are then SATAN’S helpers, whose only real purpose is to deny you access to understanding or assembly; while they finish the last tiny elements of KILLING THIS ENTIRE PLANET. BECAUSE you might decide you can think for yourselves; instead of just believe (which is, the end of a cult)! While you sleep in their cult induced trance. HIDE/ HIDE/ HIDE; fear everything; another human is DEATH. While in reality behind those doors who design this failure; are your “gods & experts”, preparing HORRORS you cannot even imagine. Because they KNOW everything; “cause they are gods”; and don’t you forget it, or they put you in jail. By corrupting and destroying the very democracy intended to protect: THE NATURE AND ENERGY which keeps us all alive. The democracy, that you and all the rest of us need: from people playing god, with our lives. FEAR WHAT THEY DON’T TELL YOU, about UNIVERSITY: because that is where the true threat lives.

oh wait: superman is going to save you, or the chaos coming from genetic mutilation of nature, or releasing an atomic fire just like the sun; HELL the options are practically endless”. All due to the greatest religious cult ever conceived: as is “Universities know”/ even though fantasy rules their lives. NOW DON’T YOU DARE, question anything they say; that would be blasphemy. A true cult follower CANNOT question any belief/ as that is the purpose of a cult: “we don’t need to know nothing”. We just believe, because that makes us “children of this god (the ones whose reality of work, is to end life on earth)”. Oops, what does that make you? Oh well; as always you will just change direction; and blame every bad decision on your CREATOR ; as human history has always done/ just before they face certain catastrophe; or just after, as the case may be. Alas: things like destroying nature itself, cannot be undone/ things like igniting atoms on fire, cannot be undone/ things like destroying all life in the sea, ending resources, poisoning the water; and all the rest your “superman” does every single day. Surely cannot have consequences; after all, “they got this far on just lies and delusions, and counterfeiting money.” TAKE A GOOD LOOK, at the price of your beliefs; and the cost of “university leads” in this covid 19 delusion of fantasies. You lost your job/ your money/ your future/ your economy/ and soon your nation as civil war breaks out; to end life on earth. But DON’T WORRY, as cult members, “you have no brain”. Alas you don’t care: because every cult worshiper knows, “you can’t be in the mob, with rules to make the rest obey or pay/ if the herd throws you out”. After all, you cannot even assemble together to test ideas or understanding; cause its not allowed. Now ain’t that right?

5/8/2020  In the course of threats, that can make our world, and all its life extinct: there really is only one question that needs to be answered. IS the university diploma perfect/ or can they be wrong? Because reality proves: wrong with igniting atoms on fire cannot be taken back/ wrong with mutilating all of biology, cannot be taken back/ wrong with resources, or water losses, or oxygen reduction, or extinction, or ocean life massacre, global warming, habitat losses, over population of humanity; and all the rest: SIMPLY CANNOT BE UNDONE, past the point of no return. If the universities were perfect, we would not be facing our own extinction; yet the believers, as is true of all religions; will not accept truth or evidence, or reality. That is the end result of my work: the reality of wrong, doesn’t care what you believe; because truth alone will decide. No second chances, means YOU must be perfect as well, in your own decision: as our world, fights for its future/ or lays down to die, because you just didn’t care. My only demand of you has been: LET THE INVESTIGATION PROVE WHAT IS TRUE. Your only response has been: we won’t care/ the universities are god.   Therefore: We leave you to your future.

Just so its clear; the cost of university is, “they made you all into human animals”/ nothing more or less, stealing from your hearts all that the miracle of life is; with nothing more than stories, fantasies, and a little medical hope. Reality proves you are religious zealots, in absolute worship of your “University gods”. And have no respect for truth, reality, consequences of being wrong, or any aspect of evidence that is critical to the survival of life, planet, and even not changing the solar system itself; as is true evidence of “Satan: an arrogance so extreme; it is, the destroyer of a world”. Zealots cannot hear/ animals cannot be more than want/ people without a heart fail to share or care: proving “we (the spiritual and physical presence of life) have no further need to work, teach, or fight for you”.

In the state of IL today; the criminal offense of discarding constitutional law takes effect: the claim of protecting life does not exist, without clear proof of a pandemic. THE EVIDENCE OF : Currently 1 in about 4800 residents die from this covid 19, to 5/1/2020/ most among them the old and sickly. Nationwide its said to be about 1-6500; with roughly 80% either in nursing homes or with underlying medical conditions. That does not constitute a pandemic/ nor does it vacate the legal demand of this democracy to adhere to the laws we created.

Pandemics are determined by how many healthy “below old age” people are dying; nothing less. Because these make society work or fail: SO THEY have the right of choice. And all those particularly vulnerable have the right to take extra precautions they see fit to accept. Leaders playing god are NOT governing.

Their directive for life in this nation is defined by the preamble to the US constitution: we the people in order to form a more perfect union (we share the values, we rule ourselves), establish justice (our law rules not the employee), insure domestic tranquility (fair play, equal rights), provide for the common defense (together we stand, for life, planet, world, and nation), promote the general welfare (your job, your life is no greater than mine), and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity (without freedom no happiness exists/ without values no future will exist/ without respect, there is no union to defend), do ordain and establish this constitution for the USA.”

The right to earn a living, is protected; in the 4th amendment, “as is the right to be secure in …against unreasonable seizures”. The right to peacefully assemble is protected in the 1st amendment. “…private property as is a business..shall not be taken for public use (you must; you are not allowed) without just compensation”; in the fifth amendment. The religious (university is god), shall not violate democracy itself; a precept of the right to decide for ourselves. Involuntary servitude (we will make you), shall not exist; amendment 13. No state shall deprive any citizen of life, liberty, or property without due process; amendment 14. The right of the citizens to vote; shall not be denied or abridged (you stepped on our lives, not your right); amendment 15. the power to lay and collect taxes as is constructed in amendment 16: RELIES entirely upon our employees obeying their constitutional duties.

When confronted with realities, such as covid 19 IS NOT a pandemic/ even though they insisted it was: and changed our lives without a right. THE LIES will then erupt; as is the constant of what people do. The only clear understanding will be to compare the number of deaths in this population per year/ over time. The spike is the proof/ who dies (90% old age) does not matter; nature knows best. Instead of listening to their “one tiny detail”/ ask: how many made homeless, lost everything, starving, begging, or prostituting, suicide, crime upheaval, and more. Living is more than what happens to one life/ it is measured by what happens to all lives involved.

This situation is again like: the incandescent bulb”. Our employees destroyed access, believing they can’t be wrong; so say the experts. However in the northern locations; an incandescent merely electrically heats the home, with the free gift of light; throughout the heating season. In southern locations; it should not be sold; in unheated areas, it should not be used. “Experts” fail reality nearly every time; information and the right of choice have more value.

Don’t worry, out of the 3.4 trillion dollars (eleven thousand+ dollars per citizen, babies and all) in new debt created “just for you”/ to get back on your feet: alas its also, for the american taxpayer to pay; “for their own incentive program”/ that someone else decides. That is only $34,000.00 per each taxpayer of new debt per one hundred million of us/ and you get roughly $2,000.00 dollars of that for all the money they cost you. SOMEBODY ELSE, gets the $32,000.00 paid, but not collected: per each of 100,000,000 taxpayers. Added to the roughly 180 trillion dollar in total american debt; already established for America. I wander who, gets it (not me or you)/ cause I already know who got taken to bankruptcy? Even if counterfeiting assets, hides it in the bookkeeping records. HELL, nobody is going to pay/ except you; cause our government employees already told you in the past, “debts don’t matter”/ until they themselves, want to be paid. In which case they just add a couple more zero’s to American currency; and take all the resources, property, everything they want, to buy all toys and trophies we cannot afford. Every fantasy is funded, but not a single reality of life or living/ because they have sold you to extinction; so it won’t be needed. Not to worry though; cause foreign governments, trade for our real estate and jobs and resources and rights; so the few can play god.

Even as bad as all the other endless threats formulated and enacted through “university knows religion”: the clear winner of FAILURE and FANTASY and TERRORISM and TRAITOR is the intent to ignite the same energy source here as is on the sun. Their stories of how the sun works, are without any basis in reality. Their delusions about how they can ignite a ten million degree fire, with million mile long flames (just like the sun)/ AND NOT need to worry about what happens then: because according to them “not enough gravity here to sustain the fire”; is all they need. WRONG means the earth becomes a sun. and THERE IS NO GOING BACK. Ignition decides in one single instant, of what they claim will be a 4 million times more expansion of energy: will literally decide the future of all life, earth, and even this solar system itself. Because it will be a nuclear self sustaining fire, that burns atoms for fuel. They cannot prove me wrong/ and they certainly have not, nor can they prove themselves right. So the gamble is: “if fairy tale pigs can fly/ then we live”; but if not our whole world dies. That is literal, and true; and will soon be decided forever on this planet called earth: because that is what men, and their universities decided to do. STOP THEM/ PROVE, WHAT IS TRUE; or join their fate.

No one argues; fifty thousand have not died/ however the legal democratic authority to alter, control, manipulate, and change the lives of the other three hundred, twenty six millionm, nine hundred and fifty thousand residents: because nature is in charge, NEEDS to be REVIEWED/ AND SUBSTANTIATED BY PUBLIC VOTE. Not an employee! WE, are the owners here.

Truth and reality demand: In America, “if one million people died in this year from a disease”/ that would be one in every 327 humans in America: and the earth would barely notice. In America; at the constant 3% growth rate over the twentieth century: that would leave; about 8 million more babies to be fed this year than people dying. If a million people died from this disease over the planet: that would be one in every 8,000 people. And it would not even touch the roughly 240,000,000 babies being born in this year; all wanting to be fed/ needing water/ resources, etc. Which proves life is telling you, either people die: or decisions are made and enforced: NO BIRTHS as is necessary for zero population growth or less. REQUIRED for keeping this entire planet alive. Or your fantasies, and university failures; finish the job of making ALL life on earth extinct. YOUR REALITY IS, that you will accept your true need to feed the ocean life with food or it will die and leave you at world war, because then you starve. WHICH MEANS: you must use dead human bodies for that ocean life food source, as you have nothing else to spare. A dead body, has no life left in it: therefore it does not matter.

And humanity all shout: WE WANT WHAT WE WANT/ AND WE DON’T WANT NOTHING, you have said; even though it is truth, and the consequences end life and planet called earth. But alas the herd of humans cannot think; because they are true believers in: the universities are god. Already proven wrong, but cult worshipers have no brain; as is true of all religious zealots. Even so, reality does not care; it is, what it is. The march into extinction is nearly complete; as the cost of finding human compliance with that reality, does not exist. A pandemic exists: when one percent of the population, has died or become infected in a disabling way, for more than two days; in the period of a year. That would require 3.27 million people in America today; in need of true physical, medical assistance or burial.

LIFE SAFETY, “is the magic word” by which nobody gets to argue or change the directive of a tiny few tyrants: IT IS THEIR WEAPON OF CHOICE, to incarcerate America; into its own prison. The curse of fools, believes they own your soul; because they studied you/ surveyed you/ tempted you/ threatened you/ took control over your illegal courts/ and banished democracy from politics by counterfeiting our money, controlling media, and using marketing techniques to hide the truth from reality. Because they believe you are too stupid, to stop them from controlling the world. Or more correctly “hitler, and his nazi’s”; hiding in the bushes, and pulling your strings.

Think not: then consider this, more than one million university educated people have now been educated in how to create a disease; by constantly attacking DNA (the blueprint of nature itself) in an effort to make it break apart; and establish how they can then put it back together; so they can be gods over life. Add in poisons, of all kinds that alter DNA; and the “common let’s all mutilate DNA” so we can change biology through evolution chaos; add in money, power, and pride: and you get a vile group out of every million people who learn how to make you cry. Don’t worry, genetic chaos (which literally means to reduce all complexity into its most simple form) isn’t just for people, “plants, animals, insects, food sources; and the entire world of biology can be included too”. HELL, what could possibly go wrong. Never fear, “your saviors in the universities around this world, are here”.

Don’t worry, they just want to be gods; and create an entirely different world, by destroying this one: with insect men, and fish women, and reptile cows, and flying zebras and “whatever gods want to do”. After all, nothing is more worthless; than something without their name on it; their claim to be superior to you. You don’t mind; after all, you are worthless; you aren’t allowed an opinion.  A tiny few, have a brain; but not many!

Don’t worry; after all, media hasn’t told you what you think yet; “and its a brave new world” that allows their entire biology of a planet; be transformed, by those who worship CHAOS. Soon, with “CRISPR” NOW; Armageddon (which literally means nature in chaos) will be complete. After all, those who can’t do always destroy; its the human way, and you participate with every dollar you give to medical research or universities or government, etc.

Currently 1 in about 4800 residents die from this covid 19/ most among them the old and sickly. Nationwide its 327 million people divided by 50,000 deaths IS about 1- per every 6500 people; with roughly 80% either old, in nursing homes, or with underlying medical conditions.  That does not constitute a pandemic/ nor does it vacate the legal demand of this democracy to adhere to the laws we created. And the cult of university shouts “fear/ fear/ fear/ hide/ hide/ hide/ run away/ run away/ run away in panic; as we your saviors & gods are the hero’s who now take control, because “we have too”: society is sacred. Too scared to make their own decisions.

WHY: because the “people yelling FIRE”;  get money (trillions, for you to pay/ even if you don’t, they will spend it anyway; by “cooking the books”), pride (saviors, nobody is allowed to question or confront they OWN our lives, by their opinion), power (enough to throw you out of your job/ potentially your house/ decide everything for you; and change government here, forever). And nobody tells them NO, because a believer cannot challenge “his university gods”/ AS THEY MUTILATE ALL OF NATURE ITSELF, as is the foundation of it, called DNA. As is, trying to ignite the same fire here, as on the sun; and more!

Since business and everything else has been devastated. SO BEG US, OR STARVE, AND BE HOMELESS. So again we, the leaders; have to be “your saviors”/ and create MUCH MORE debt for you to pay;  giving to whomever we wish; whatever we want: in the name of this USA, OR STATE. the current 3.4 trillion equals $34,000.00 of new debt per each and every: of one hundred million taxpayers.

  • Hospitalization rates for COVID-19 in adults (18-64 years) are higher than hospitalization rates for influenza at comparable time points* during the past 5 influenza seasons.

  • For people 65 years and older, current COVID-19 hospitalization rates are similar to those observed during comparable time points* during recent high severity influenza seasons.

  • For children (0-17 years), COVID-19 hospitalization rates are much lower than influenza hospitalization rates during recent influenza seasons.

    The overall cumulative COVID-19 associated hospitalization rate (all people combined) is 40.4 per 100,000.  With the highest rates in people 65 years and older (131.6 per 100,000) and 50-64 years (63.7 per 100,000).  CDC  found slightly down page.

    Don’t worry, its just mutilation, of life and child and plant and world forever/ ending in absolute HORROR. But hey, “you’re brave, (the brain washing: MEMORIZE and BELIEVE worked)”/ as all good UNIVERSITY cult worshipers should be. Just a little longer, and the world will be dead: then, you can PANIC.

As is: NO unreasonable searches or seizures(pay attention to the fatalities by sex chart) /(which are being done in abundance: jobs, business, public education, etc/ to the detriment of society). There shall be NO “soldier quartered in any house”: the demand that a face mask shall be worn by every citizen: is at its core essence, “an enforcer formed from and by, the government official/ to take over, and control the house that is my body”. Without significant cause. NO citizen shall be compelled, to do what they would not otherwise do…nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. Abridging the freedom, The legal right to peacefully assemble; “shall not be abridged or denied; first amendment law”: both a fundamental of free democratic government & liberty. That cannot be reshaped by our employees. Public Trial and participation must exist; before any confiscation of individual freedoms or rights can be imposed for temporary purposes; by our own public vote. NO CHANGE in constitutional law can erupt, without the ratification of states by vote. While freedom of religion is allowed as an individual right/ it is NOT allowed to rule us as a nation: first amendment. The cult worship of “universities cannot be questioned” regardless of their claims (proven in court, by James Frank Osterbur): IS THAT “religious” INFRINGEMENT upon our democracy. Our employees DO NOT attain the right: to change our constitution/ our government: simply by accepting a job. Amendment 5 “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, (includes jobs, business, the means of sustaining an income)…against unreasonable searches or seizures shall not be violated; putting their lives in jeopardy. DUE PROCESS is required/ as is just compensation. You cannot force servitude, and slavery (we are forced) over the many, for the sake of a few.

Don’t worry, after all: when your skin begins to die, and your organs are no longer attached, causing the body to fall down, and your mouth fails to work, or your eyes grow three times to large, or your muscles fight against you; and you either become “a zombie”, or completely insane. You can still look forward to the deterioration of life itself into sewage, sludge, or slime. Not to worry, those few intact enough to witness it till extinction; will know, “their terrors” have only just begun. But wait; mercy might save you: because those trying to ignite a nuclear fire (atoms burning), are very likely to succeed now; one day soon! BRINGING THE SAME FIRE HERE, AS IS ON THE SUN! But don’t worry, if not for them, then overpopulation, and weapons of mass destruction, and resource loss, and ocean life massacred, and more are all waiting “for you”. It will be great; “cause the universities are god, and they worship chaos”; so they made it happen, to prove how superior they are. HOW ARROGANT, YOU let them become; worshiping them as gods/ or just sitting on your ass, shouting: “we won’t care”.

Reality starts here: BEFORE any person assumes the right to invade the lives and liberties of all the rest/ discarding democracy itself: THEY MUST PROVE, “this war/ this assertion of purpose, & probable cause; requires due process”. A pandemic that is no pandemic: is akin to yelling “FIRE” in a crowded theater; to watch the people panic, and do each other harm; or cause death. There are criminal charges associated with that: and the very people yelling FIRE, are those collecting over a trillion dollars, and the power to do whatever they please/ while the people demanding obedience; are claiming to be HERO’S.

The right to be informed is paramount to justice/ the right to bring witnesses: to verify and contend with the evidence: with regard to any confiscation of rights or realities that can do us harm, or impinges our own freedoms: is law. US constitutional amendment article 7 demands that legal right, shall be applied.

There is no claim of “public health” NO, compulsory process/ UNLESS, reality defines it as true, and significant enough for the people to accept the price. Every disease takes lives, that is its purpose/ as is dying of old age or sickness, to make room for the children: whether you like it, or not. To make the public fear a disease that takes less lives than the flu, or food poisoning, or murders or other: is tyranny bordering on terrorism. PROVE what is true: and let the people vote/ as is democracy in action, unless the threat is absolutely clear and immediate. These are “cruel and unusual punishments”/ as you have denied law and equity; demanding slavery or involuntary servitude, to a public official, or group; suggesting a crime if we the people do not comply. A reality far beyond the limits of your jobs or rights as our employee! A usurpation of our basic values as we the people; without our proven consent; determined by democracy rules here/ NOT you, our employee.

The basis and foundation of government is: that no man nor set of men shall have the right to play “the almighty king”. The enjoyment of life and liberty shall not be infringed/ nor the right to work impeded, for less than justice. The common benefit, security, and protection of the people: is determined by their own vote: we DO have rights. The evidence MUST prove a true pandemic/ and society must agree: or, there is an insurgency against us, for the clear purpose of doing our nation, and our society, and ourselves harm. The universities are not god, as is proven by countless medical and pharmaceutical lawsuits. Endless TV advertised side effects; proving their cure is or can easily be: WORSE than the disease or trouble. TRUE THREATS, against our world HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED, and proven by the evidence, on this site and more. Making this claim of pandemic, nothing more than a grab for power against us all.

We the people are being sacrificed; so the few can play god, with extreme arrogance; and pretend they know it all: without proving truth. Our inalienable right is: WE ARE equal/ we are the government through our constitution; which you swore to obey. The principle here is: you have instituted despotism by claiming “to save a life”/ when in fact the vast majority of lives and property have been damaged; because you are only proving tyranny. Which is the constant of rebellion, an attack on our soil; by employees, who believe they are so superior, as to be “the nobility”. History knows them well.

Don’t worry; this is america, where we live in a sea of university fantasy (we can have anything we want; without consequences for us), the plague of university arrogance, and failure; the disease of university theft, and cheating; the insurgency of university is god and deserves to rule this nation, and this world with revenge. By sending all these things around the world. And all you have to do, as human animals, IS BE “A HERD”. Believing in “if we all think the same, and we all act the same, and we all demand everyone else must be the same; as our leaders demand”/ then fear won’t overtake us, and the predators will stay away. Alas, the religious cult of university is god; leads, and reality did not stay away, leaving only horrors are left. And humanity shouts: “they are gods”/ they did what we wanted them to do! But lets review: the few, did in fact recognize “plants need to be fed”. The few did recognize: breeding does matter to the outcome. The few did recognize, machines have potential. The few did recognize antibiotics can be made out of things our body can tolerate. The few did recognize, weapons can have massive impacts, and hate will pay. The few did recognize; if media can be used to distract the public/ then the few can take control over everything. The few did recognize; we can build our armies, by counterfeiting currency. The few did recognize, people are lazy; and they will believe anything they conceive as: “THIS will give me what I want”.

Alas, they then wanted to be gods; and began lying/ cheating/ stealing/ and whatever it took to gain power, pride, and anything they wanted. Not gods, mostly just greedy and selfish; and as history knows; constantly trying to enslave the rest, by training students to be “a religious cult”/ DON’T think, simply memorize, believe, and never question what you are told. By one means or another; no matter how insane it could be: OR, you don’t get the diploma of a religious zealot/ and we reject your offer to work. Proving now you are indebted forever. “mission accomplished”.

The freedom of the press: means to inform & to educate by the evidence, and nothing else; it is elementally the need “for fair play”/ in all communication. It is not a license to religiously accept the university is god; NOT a license to decide for us/ NOT a license to believe you are making the right choices for us/ NOT a license to make us fear/ NOT a beginning or an ending for society as we built it to be for ourselves; rather your job is to aid in the construction of truth; and that begins with the greater value of “all of us”/ rather than just a few of us shall be protected. Delusions, assumptions, and saving a few by sacrificing all the rest, are decisions made by cults: nature knows best. The curse of media is: they believe they are superior to all the rest as well; playing god with society, by manipulating/ tempting/ controlling/ corrupting/ and distributing “their version” of who we ought to be. For the singular purpose of to throw away our government/ our rights/ our ways; and substitute their own. A reality of substance, as is seen in their work: of violence, a gun is the answer/ endless fantasies and delusions/ disrespect of all life and work, but their own/ ridicule of every existence but “University”/ and a blind subservience to the cult which stole all our money, and wrecked the very foundations of this nation: a defined by, “university diploma”.

The warning is this: as we all know, when forced into a corner and surrounded by enemies with weapons we do not have/ the end result of that will not be in our favor. The end result of this covid 19 progression into social and economic collapse: will cause this society to believe their guns are the answer. Take another look at Syria/ Iraq/ Afghanistan/ and more: to learn the reality of what that choice will mean. YOUR housing gone/ YOUR food supply ended/ YOUR WATER supplies broken/ and YOUR chance to live a decent and peaceful life forever gone; particularly because this earth no longer has the resources for you to rebuild/ what your enemies want you to destroy.

That means: the war (they will kill you if they can) must turn in a different direction, and the weapons to be used/ NOT a gun, etc. When the leadership, takes away your job, your options, remove the basic realities of your society, and reduce you to survival by begging; by making you fear/ it is a war. Return to life, means democracy must rule now. Democracy means: WE THE PEOPLE will rule from this moment forward/ by our own vote, and our own laws, to govern and determine the future by ourselves. Refusing to let “a vote for someone else, to then vote for me”; by accomplishing that vote as an individual in this society determined to rule ourselves, by one citizen vote, in our own election; one law, at a time. To remove this plague of fools, failures, tyrants, and traitors: we begin with: if the leadership has removed me from my job/ THEN the leadership has removed from the landlord, the banks, property taxation, the medical profession, and all the rest their opportunity to collect as well: until this veil of corruption has been lifted for an appropriate amount of time. Those debts for that period, are canceled; and cannot be collected later/ just as the salaries you stole, without a right have been lost. This turns the tide back into the lap of the rich; whose only purpose is a trophy. Which means: this plague of fear works for them, as they sit like vultures waiting to collect your life work, for a penny; as your economic stability fails.

When the government employees shutdown the workers, and all independent business; claiming for the public good. THEN EVERYBODY SHARES the burden, which includes the wealthy, the universities, medical facilities, school districts, and so on. Nobody collects from those who aren’t, but only those still working will be compensated accordingly. Because anything less: is in fact tyranny, YOU took my income/ but left them, to charge me anyway. All executive power: IS FOR EQUAL, AND SAME to all sectors of society.

Democracy does mean: we the people legally own, & have the right by vote; to decide: the final say of who we are, and what will be done with our lives, our nation, our economy, and our world.

LAW AND DEMOCRACY are the tools that confront weapons; with reality. WE THE PEOPLE are the military, policing, resource makers, and every aspect of society that works; making us the most powerful people in this nation; because we make it move/ or we make it stop; as any true resource will do. Therefore the question of what is fair and justified, cannot be found in a gun/ but it can be found with a democracy. Media has been used to infect and isolate the nation into fears; with all manner of temptation and manipulation presented by “university knows”; as they have been studying you in all ways, simply for control over you. To reverse this intent and purpose for university over democracy; the value of our lives must accept, we the people SHALL in fact depend upon our constitution which is our government/ NOT AN EMPLOYEE, but the constitution itself is our government, and the first amendment redress of grievances is the law: which gives the people their right to demand. WE WILL take any traitor assumed, into court; and define for ourselves whether their work, their laws, their intent was within the concepts and purposes of our democracy as written by constitutional intent and directive; and further assigned and established through the declaration of independence and Virginia bill of rights. BY REMOVING the stench of university knows better/ the reality of being human returns as the rights we require, to keep the traitor, the failure, the fool, the terrorists, the enemy, and the whore away from life. By legally separating them with redress of grievances. ANY OTHER METHOD, ends with complete destruction of America/ and then if anything is left, a completed genocide as the rest of this world comes to take your land. YOU, have become “the american Indian (their weapons are stronger)”; you just don’t know it yet. To defeat them and turn back the tide of horrors coming “from your guns, and their manipulation”: democracy stands as a weapon to take back this nation and reform its purpose without the threat of numbers; by justice; and as life/ rather than death. It is a choice. But make NO MISTAKE; you do stand at the door of hungry, homeless, enslaved, because all your options have been taken away. The rich will confiscate everything; because they do have endless counterfeit numbers, and control over everything; do to “the university elite did this”. Which means they need not give you anything, and that turns society to the gun, fire, and more; as reality proves: YOU FAILED YOURSELVES. While society yells, WE HAD NO CHOICE. The choice is democracy, and the organizing of that is by truth. Every number is a promise of work/ NOT a resource. Which means you can revoke their numbers and control this bankruptcy as a nation which now decides what will be our future. LIMITED CAPITALISM is the method to remove an enemy; and return to democracy first. Because by our vote: we change this nation/ and we even influence the possibility of changing this world. Because democracy is a powerful tool: when we create the laws we then live by, for ourselves. ONE VOTE, PER CITIZEN DECIDES. Not a politician/ the law we write, for ourselves: within constitutional intent! Do not believe you can do better/ believe with a clear and certain truth acknowledged by society: we will shape a life to come, that is our own choices, as a nation and world.

The elemental truth of our reality includes, as history proves it always has: that any form of extreme competition will divide all groups by their “uniform (your face/ your color/ your wardrobe)”. Because when there is simply not enough for us all/ hate will form, and realities of law will break down; and what is frivolous fantasies will fall. Immigration tops the list when confronted by too few resources, and too few opportunities. So the critical question will be: TRUTH ALONE SURVIVES, by sharing the load/ when reality proves the best we can do, is in fact being done. You have endless real decisions to make: because your gods at “university knows”/ sold you to hell, so they could have MORE.

Download this site, or copy and paste it into your own computer writing program: so it cannot be taken away.

Are they not trying to prove to you: they are your only hope/ nature is your enemy? Indeed they are/ because the curse of university knows is; they want your fear (so you never question them)/ they want your soul (to own your life, as hate constantly tries). CHOOSE, “nature or university”as they are enemies to each other. NATURE gives you life, and universities “lack of a brain”, threaten to take this entire world away. SO THEY NEED YOU TO FEAR, lest they fail to destroy our world, by your intervention.

THINK NOT? Well they  (all university led leadership, with full media knowledge) chose to inflate your currency into complete delusion, and they sold you into debts that absolutely cannot be paid: both proven facts [summary table L.5 page 11, this pdf file; last available June 2015]! To buy their toys, and play with their trinkets, and demand homage to their trophies; none of which pay back to this earth or life, one single penny worth of real life value.

By the element of taxation, it is proven true: that in democracy we the people own the legal right to decide “who really does own our soil, resources, and more”. Taxation is NOT for the rich or the employees of our government: it is the identity, that we own this portion of the world, and we the people being the owners of this nation shall then decide WHAT IS FAIR, and consistent with honest and true capitalism. As is: YOU cannot claim it all; WE HAVE LEGAL RIGHTS, AND THE AUTHORITY OF OUR DEMOCRACY. And we ARE the military; and your courtrooms for the rich, are not enough to hold us all back. By no means is that the right to take what does not belong to you: but it is the right to LIMIT capitalism to fair and deliberately: our choice for life and nation shall rule, by constitutional intent; as is all people are inherently “free and equal”.

FAILURE MEANS; that you took your life, and you took your opportunities, and you threw them away for lies/ fantasies/ or fear, that was not properly founded; such as is the claim of covid 19. The university mind of leadership, is as an arrogant disrespectful child; who has no claim to reality, because they live in a world without consequences, in their mind. The devastation caused by proclaiming a pandemic that is no pandemic: can end in our extinction, as the fears of humanity turn into the needs of humanity, and society becomes a civil war, that expands into a world. All because you believed, in fools.

3.4 trillion dollars, which will not be enough to stop the landslide: is equal too $34,000.00 of new debt/ per each and everyone of one hundred million people; and only workers pay; and that is debt without taxation added in; another 50% plus: after you add all the tax together. Making this bailout: YOUR $70,000.00 debt, so far; for their demand “TO PANIC”!  just, for federal governing expense.

Taking every threat of extinction into a public, world courtroom: is the only way, to remove the theory, assumptions, belief’s, idiocy, greed, failure, power, and more from reality. NOT because the courtroom works for us, as it does not: they protect the powerful, and the powerful DON’T want change unless it benefits them. HOWEVER, the law is a reality that serves those who defend it: the law serves humanity and life, and it is the ONLY WAY TO SAVE THIS PLANET! Which means, even the slightest evidence of courage; where people are not allowed to hide, or run away from the evidence: is the only chance we have. A thread of truth, can turn into a reality of evidence supported by true undeniable decisions: to establish honest foundations we must have, for life and earth. Or more distinctly: the real courtroom means, LET THE VERDICT BE, WHAT THE VERDICT WILL BE; BY A VOTE AMONG ALL THE PEOPLE. SO THAT NONE OF “politics, religion, theory, assertions, assumptions, university or any other aspect of denial: can take away the decision WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS WHOLE EARTH have made. OUR CHOICE/ OUR DECISION/ OUR WORLD/ OUR FUTURE/ no more politics, no more “university knows”, no more media influence, either life or death by our own choice as a world of humanity, that knows the cost of being WRONG. That begins, “with a seed” that will then grow, because we did care as a world. WHO among you, cannot plant a seed? The most powerful words ever written: give power to the people, to rule their own lives/ to choose their own fate or destiny, by individual choice. The most powerful moment in history: are the days LIFE OR DEATH FOR OUR PLANET, cannot be avoided anymore. That is now, because past the point of no return: you have no say, no rights, no mercy, and no life or future to live!

The greatest treachery ever devised: More simply understood:  a candle flame is about one inch high. According to university calculations: instantly becomes 4,000,000 times  MORE, once ignition is achieved 

HOW IS THAT NOT A BOMB: WHAT ABOUT THE RADIATION? {In terms of sheer scale, the energy potential of the fusion reaction is superior to all other energy sources that we know on Earth. Fusing atoms together in a controlled way releases nearly four million times more energy than a chemical reaction such as the burning of coal, oil or gas and four times more than nuclear fission. }  their words not mine. 

There is no such thing as fusion (combining hydrogen into helium). IF that were true, the sun would produce massive amounts of helium. HELIUM is one of the rarest elements known.

THIS DEMAND IS; LET THE UNIVERSITIES PROVE, WHAT THEY SAY IS TRUE; by the evidence and nothing less: WE DECIDE YES OR NO. LET THIS WORLD KNOW: if that is enough, by our own choice: to risk our world!    Because  IF, THEY ARE WRONG: THEN THEY KILL US ALL.  Nothing represents that so literally as: experimental  “fusion: let’s play with the sun, here on earth”. 

 Go ahead ask them:   WHY!     Ask them: just how big a flame would fifty million watts  their stated plant input;  of electrical energy times 4,000,000 be? 

Ask them, if this is the same energy source as the sun, and the sun produces 10 million degrees of heat F:   then just how big, would the “plasma ball” that releases all the 4 million times more heat;   that would be produced, in their own words? 

Ask them, with all the fuel (which are atoms) and all the plasma; these reactions could possibly release/ EXACTLY HOW is the atomic flame they produce, going to extinguish itself? 

you should be aware, they no longer try to fuse atoms together; but focus on igniting plasma instead. Their assertion of a fantasy “graviton” element that makes the sun work; is literally absurd, and holds no reality at all; pure fiction. Their element is in size comparison:  equal to a basketball, whereas lead would be a marble size. “see the problem?= can’t be held together”.

EVEN A TINY BIT WRONG, MEANS THIS EARTH WILL DIE, BY FIRE; just like on the sun!  Are you willing to accept this price:  NO SECOND CHANCE, period. Ignition is the decision of life or death for our world.  Ignition: is a radiation released, that will cause your body to explode.

For forty years, humanity with one voice said: ABSOLUTELY NOT, we won’t care about anything “but me, as is greed and selfishness”. Today, even you can see the evidence of a world that is heading into extinction; because of overpopulation/ weapons of mass destruction/ extreme experimentation with life and planet/ ocean devastation/ water crisis/ catastrophic resource loss/ pollution and poisoning/ genetic mutilation/ counterfeiting, traitors, and terrorism; and many more. All due to you didn’t care, about anything “except you”. The children are dead; unless true change comes now! A reality neither you, nor they will escape; unless truth leads to life. Your truth has led you to death; change or die. Every chain of life, which means, the survival of this world; is under attack, and will soon be extinct: YOU, will follow. Let truth decide/ not your want, lies, or university fantasies.

To belong to life, means you must accept the conclusion called death; as there truly is no other method to receive eternity. It is not living that makes you feel alive, it is the essence of truth, that values the distance we achieve through understanding. Being alive is: the search for eternity, as it builds a purpose completed by desire, in the essence of love itself. Where there is love, there is truth/ where there is truth, eternity will follow. Death is the destruction of want; so that reality can prove the life chosen, in you. Love is, the elemental choice: my desire lives, because of you.

The critical truth of this day is: that humanity desired want, more than life/ and stole its treasures from each and every child; by destroying their future: the consequence, “assassination/ by extinction”. Without resources, there is no future, “the child is dead”/ and the garbage mountains this time has created, passes judgment on you: “you didn’t care, about anything but you”. Your Truth is a destiny, created by the decisions you made/ or the reality of its consequences, as is fate.

I will remind you of this: passion is the intensity we share with life/ not body, mind, sex, or other elements of time. Instead the value we seek within ourselves as a participation beyond self, recognizes the truth: we/I have accepted that destiny does not exist “as only me”. Therefore critical to discovery of a path beyond time, is the distinction called “the power of peace”. Where there is truth, there is the power to control direction. There is only one direction in harmony, “to aid and cherish life”. Chaos is the end of power/ although hatred believes chaos is power, because it takes away peace: “NOW, you are like me”. But without law, and justice; harmony will fail. Without peace and the power it represents to establish time and life for happiness, there is no future. Without a future, as is currently the description of this earth: there will be no life, the child is dead. “If this is a man’s world; then extinction; as evidence will prove, again and again”/ stands at the door. The greatest distance you can get from those decisions; is to be what woman was intended to be. Let women try, it is their right “to save themselves; and if possible their children”.

In contrast to that, science claims it will be your savior. But truth demands, their science crosses genetic boundaries/ mixes species distinction/ alters DNA, and in all ways produces the very experiments which endanger this world the most. The decision of biological science is in fact: the deliberate intent to cause genetic chaos, in NATURE!  An effort to identify something, “that will allow them to play god”; because they believe no consequences for us.  Pandemics, throughout history;  are nearly always caused by species boundaries crossed. “Science” does that, on purpose;  every single day, around this world. Alas, as believers you are not allowed to think! It is forbidden in every cult. “Don’t worry” those responsible for building every man-made poison/ every nuclear weapon, biological horror story; and nearly all the threats we face:  “will save you, with science”/ cause they believe; they are YOUR gods. What could go wrong? After all, is not covid 19 the perfect disease; it has removed all supervision and restraint from genetic experimentation/ opening the door to any “medical experiment”; with a minimum of death, they now get it all. Just enough damage to get trillions of dollars in funding as well. Do you suppose they have something already waiting to prove:  “they are gods/ your saviors”; and wouldn’t that be “perfect”. Or as biblical prophecy goes: the door comes open to Armageddon (which literally means nature in chaos). Science is: “focus on just one thing; discarding all the rest”/ while life is “understand ten thousand things must all work together to create, just one thing”. Do you see the difference? The same reality exists with a university education, “its all about me/ nothing is important but me”; or more distinctly, the mind of a child, which never grew up; and always wants to play.

Here’s a quick reality study for you: “you want, an artificial heart/ or the one nature provides; you want a stomach and intestine nature provides/ or a colostomy bag; you want blood/ you want lungs/ you want bones/ you want eyes/ you want a brain, and a billion more. Well then the university provides you with nothing; except the certainty of extinction, by mutilating nature itself through genetics”. So what is your choice: the university is god, and their evolution which says “a damn germ built life”. OR do you accept reality, and respect the value of reality given to you; by nothing less than thought, energy, order, balance, discipline, courage, and love. As are the evidence proved of GOD by JESUS. Make up your mind, because death ends that choice.

Or instead: just go ahead and believe your universities, and more; are not exactly like the Nazi concentration camps, and many others throughout history. The only difference in their experiments is: they crucify nature, and horrify all life “except human”. But alas, when nature dies; so will you! After all, you can believe anything you want, or not.  Don’t worry, “they will get to you too, as life becomes cheap”, and cannibalism takes control.

If you had a brain: you would evaluate what “university and media” did to you (make them fear/ as every enemy does), with just this simple disease; less than flu/ murder & crime/ others. Destroying ten years of work for most; ending “easy times”/ & threatening with extinction, in so many ways. The cost: certain to bring, reality now. But don’t worry, “you have a billion guns”.



BECAUSE   It is not always good, “to simply believe”. DO, read this!

` I remind you again: with covid 19, US infections at this time; several weeks in; is about 330,000 in a nation of over 350 million; which equals not yet one per one thousand individuals infected. Roughly one in sixty individuals infected dies: but they leave out “old/ sick/ infant/ etc”; the flu takes more. While it is true measures taken have limited infections/ it is also true world infection rates are roughly one in ten thousand. Yet “there must be panic in the streets”; because you cannot question “the universities” or media. No thinking for yourself is allowed. A world upset/ yet they have no concept of what true threats: follow here, because the university is god? THINK. Are they not targeting Christian religion/ but hey “cult worshipers cannot think”; their leader is god? In more distinct terms: if life were to offer you a gamble, lets call it one dice with one thousand sides/ only one of which requires you to lose. Every other side that could be rolled in one thousand times wins you “a dollar”/ while the one loser will cost you ten dollars: how many of you would not play? Even then the loser one gets to roll again, with a sixty to one chance of “this will cost you your life: IF you are not otherwise healthy or old”/ how many of you would not play? Remember the numbers involved: 8 billion people around the world; and they all must eat other living organisms:for food/ they all need water, on an increasingly finite earth.  If nobody dies/ then everybody dies; including the planet: what then is more fair, TO LIFE; than the weak and sickly and old go first/ as is “nature’s plan”. So then what are the odds of getting covid 19? some will lose, because life is like that/ but certainly, not everyone! We all face risks: those who hide, get trampled by life. Reality decides, by the evidence not fear.  Remember, what fear has cost you, by the numbers:  or believing in; “university knows”. OR, in contrast; the essence of value in “university knows” is: we will save every one/ by sacrificing them all. OR,  more simply: economic devastation for all/  “saved a few”; till later. the vast majority of death is “over 70 years old”. Remember as well, “just how effective, media and marketing have been (a trillion dollar business, to make you believe whatever they want you to believe)”/ and then consider what wrong means; as you read below.

In case your mind is blank “university educated”/ without species balance/ all of nature goes into chaos, because one group is overwhelming all the rest. Even your “university professors” can tell you that; if they had a brain/ not to worry though, with electronic tracking: now they can tell you, “how to make them all extinct”.

The essence here is EXTINCTION: the weapon: the law serves us all equally, if its true/ democracy means: you must each think, choose, and pay the price of your own decision/ reality is not want, it is truth. Believing is not enough: verifiable facts must support your decision. When confronted with WRONG, is a price we cannot survive: EACH life, GETS A VOTE!  Public trial is mandatory, to examine the evidence.

Yes, you really will be incinerated; and the earth really will become a sun: once ignition of plasma is created. Because that as is our sun, really is a nuclear fire. Unless you stop university worship, and make them prove “their trillion dollar investment”; can actually work in any other way. Yes, they have invested so much, they cannot turn away; and will try by any method to succeed. Because the alternate is:  “complete failure, and loss of job, etc”. By the evidence they cannot succeed/ by the reality, NOT their theory; they can destroy us all. Disconnect the electricity.

No place to hide/ no way to run away: this is an all or nothing gamble with our entire planet. Once ignition is achieved, there is no going back. EITHER, a nuclear fire that burns the bond in atoms; will extinguish itself/ or we die, as a world. Even you, can understand that! Your soul, knows it is true/ your heart, knows; it has no right to gamble with every life on earth, forever.

The critical truth of our reality is: like a pandemic that invades our world, the cost of “playing god”; is now life or death for this entire world. Mutilating biology/ species mixing/ crucifying (forced to endure and fight horrifying things) any life, that survives DNA manipulation. Genetically altering anything the universities can touch; as if life or death, were their own game to play. While reality insists, “as confronted with asbestos; it takes thirty years or more, for consequences to arise”. The consequences are here: sitting in judgment against humanity. Trillions of tons of poison dumped per year. Chains of life itself, going extinct. Habitat loss, end species survival. Over population of humans. Ocean life in jeopardy of extinction. Intentional Resource depletion. Global warming, and more than you can imagine. Because humanity just didn’t care enough; as animals, they only live for want, power, or pride. As is evident with weapons of mass destruction, and economic chaos (counterfeiting money). As is seen below: there is even worse, and it has a time line, that can literally end our world instantaneously. Because one second too late, and only death by incineration, or the curse of fools, is left:   for us all. That is the price of extreme arrogance/ total disrespect for reality/ the quest to play god, and even the intent to reduce biology to chaos; “in the universities; true effort to make life itself change”. They don’t care how, they just want to prove they can. The result is “Satan; destroyer of a world: religious word or not, it fits”. CHANGE THIS, is now or never, as all options of choice will disappear. After over forty years of fighting with you: I can guarantee, it is not “simply the universities that present this trouble”/ it is humanity itself, as you choose to play the games; instead of face real life. Real life now says: survival is no longer a game, you took that away.

The question is: WHY, does a fool, demand to wait until it is proven, WE CANNOT survive this change in our reality; as a world/ nature/ resource/ or all the rest? The answer is: because they are not only a fool; “they want to be SATAN”, by proving they can destroy us all. How is that not true?

The question is: WHAT, is more important, than life or death of a world? The physical, literal truth of what we chose as humanity, to DO; in this time? The answer: ONLY eternity itself, because you, like me; cannot save a world/ we can only do the best we can, as duty, honesty, and respect, requires us to do. Everything else, is beyond our grasp. But make no mistake: OUR CREATOR can do, whatever HE chooses to do/ to deny/ or allow. However, In this america, and more: the universities are your god/ that lack of respect: leaves the question up to you, “are you worth saving”? That applies the question: will you continue to destroy life in the future, or stop? Because assassins, will not be saved.

the energy level at this facility (one of many) is big enough to create a self sustaining plasma ball; which then simply keeps burning atoms as fuel.  “just like the sun”! THE ENERGY OF AN ATOM: COMES FROM ITS SPIN! Which literally means it cannot be combined with another atom. if the sun creates helium with every BTU it releases: WHERE IS THE HELIUM?   IF, their primary theories are wrong/ THEN ignition means: DEATH OF THIS PLANET, BY FIRE!      SOLAR GRAVITY,  comes from taking apart the atom/ thereby releasing the kinetic energy of push/ from the dark energy of pull.  Every atom contains a maximum amount of kinetic energy; which we know by an atomic bomb. All that energy would NOT “stay in one place (fly away); atom”/ unless an opposite and even stronger (dark) energy in the opposite direction kept it in balance. That is simple physics; and you know it is true.

Machines are running/ trying; and soon will be running. A trillion dollar investment, built to be a minimum 500 megawatt electrical generating power plant: NO excuses. And by their own statements, they no longer try to “fuse atoms”/ they intend to ignite plasma. INTO A NUCLEAR FIRE. Which makes this whole earth fuel. Claiming they DON’T have to worry about the fire: “because there is not enough gravity on earth to sustain it”. WRONG means the earth becomes just like the sun.  “with ten million mile long flames”.  LIFE OR DEATH; NO EXCEPTIONS

  It should be noted: that they have taken the 4 million times out of their site in response to this work: but make no mistake the difference between an atomic fire and a chemical fire is that great. As you read their words above: you should note, that in this introduction for the public: they are going to input 50 megawatts of power (enough for fifty million homes), and ONLY get a ten fold increase in the energy release!BUT for their science page “at the top of this page here”: they are going to get a 4 million times increase out of a fusion ignition.NOW WHY do you suppose there is a difference? Because obviously, they cannot both be correct!  “the greatest fusion minds in existence couldn’t be lying”?  OR, is it fantasy OR, it is the desire to kill a world?  
A one inch tall/ half inch wide candle flame, times four million=  instantly 63 miles high- 32 miles wide, at ten million degrees.

While we can debate, what causes the energy release/ NO ONE can argue “sun fire” does not exist: which means, it can be created here. NO ONE can argue: with the reality of energy involved, or what happens if they cannot control it! Which means: your decision is either “YES/ OR NO” they cannot.

Think you can just “wait and see”? THIS MACHINE, was built BIG; to push in as much energy as it takes: TO GET THE RESULT of ignition. Do you really want to know if the energy it releases can be controlled: when their true claim is “a 4 million times” instantaneous energy increase? Which is literally a nuclear bomb; only worse, “because IT IS, a nuclear fire!  “to  burn the bond that holds the forces in an atom together; releasing both.” A chemical fire burns the molecular  bond holding elements together. VERY similar, except for the energy release.

The curse of universities is a failure of all things associated with thought. They rely upon what they want, and destroy the rest without conception of truth. Evolution being only one part of their insanity. As is proven by: a human baby is a creation that relies upon a very wide array of specific chemicals delivered in just the right way, at just the right times, and with “the factory” which builds and delivers each of these things as needed. The reality required for that building; is then deliberately assigned by an endless conception of decisions, timing, communications, and much more: or life, and its completion of the project called a body; does not emerge intact, or at all. The interference of just one thing, at just the wrong time; and all of it dies. And that is only one tiny part of the process or elemental construction of what you did receive, as a body, in the search to become alive.

YOU WANTED, “to be important”/ well here it is: life or death of this world! Even eternity is watching, because our whole world hangs in the balance. EVERY SINGLE ONE:  so CHOOSE!  But remember this: I, am NOT on trial; what I believe or don’t, is NOT on trial; because I am NOT a threat to this world. ONLY THE PEOPLE WHO THREATEN ALL LIFE ON EARTH, are, on trial! The people who aid and abet “the potential enemy”; In this version of democracy: the truth, of who owns this nation or world.

Yet the universities, in their subjection of humanity for the purpose of playing god with life, assume life is so small, “something changed” and presto magic occurred; adaption is all there is. Without the slightest thought, order, balance, discipline, truth or any structure of life or earth of reality, needed at all. To their eternal shame; and you worship them; thereby you too. Consider how many million or billion lines of coding (how damn smart you think you are to accomplish that after thousands of years, humanity has been here). You require how much reality; for your phone, or television to work; is that adaption/ and if it is, is that all there is to it? And you consider vision; and even an entire body to be less: DAMN FOOL.

When they say to you: “we are not a threat”! Point to the sun, and say:from over 90 million miles away, that energy source, burns our skin in summer: and YOU CLAIM, YOU WILL release that energy here on earth: WITH RADIATION that shall destroy us, same as heat will. PROVING, beyond any doubt: YOU, ARE THREATENING this EARTH ITSELF.   The constant university solution is:  we will just continue doing what we do, a “few million times” or more, until someone finds a solution. ignition of a nuclear fire, does NOT allow for any such thing:  this earth dies, upon ignition/ because the sun itself proves that can and potentially will happen. We know its a nuclear fire on the sun/ because we know, that kind of energy is being released; as well as the radiation that would be released; it has all the markings of fire. A solar flare is excess fuel/ a solar tornado, is a lack of fuel; coming from the surface (the fire pulls down). Which points directly, to the fact:  we do know where the energy comes from. It is not a fantasy, (just look at the sun)/   unlike “university knows”.

Every muscle has to be tied to structure, and ordered in a very specific way/ every joint has to be lubricated or it fails/ every organ has to be placed and hung/ every valve is specific to its job/ every bone is individually manufactured and delivered and grown in a body that shapes itself as an equal but opposite sides joined as one. Just how many sensors does it take, to know where someone else touches your body? How much must a brain literally do, for you to function at all? And everything MUST “get along”. According to universities: that is nothing, but adaption/ and adaption has no thought (just didn’t need it) assigned at all: “its just magic”. Or more correctly its just sewage, as universities everywhere are merely the latest version of another religion; trying to remove reality so as to play god themselves. Find a brain!