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The “scientific disguise” is: “how else can we learn”; which simply means, “they are destroying something/ measuring something/ or naming something”. While that held few catastrophe’s in the past: TODAY, their intent is to invade all of life, energy, planet, and everything else. Because the university graduate is many; and they must have a job, or they must quit! So, when the simple things have been done; they simply invade, where they never belong! We, the humanity of this earth CANNOT CREATE LIFE, or repair nature to any degree/ but the universities in particular today, CAN EASILY DESTROY LIFE AND EVEN PLANET; by what they do. We the people of this earth MUST understand: when the cost of being wrong, is life itself/ NOBODY gets to play.

Media propagates “the university knows; therefore we (the university controllers of media) should manipulate society in whatever way university wants”. Cause they are so smart! Yet they never fail according to media. None can question university knows: we ARE locked out, by courts/ government employees/ media/ and much more! Yet here we are facing our own extinction, with a future that is all but destroyed, by their leadership. A reality more in line with devil (we hate you)/ than it is with life, as is “blessed with opportunities of our own”. Reality says:  due to chemicals and crop genetics, there are literally no insects left here in agriculture country. No food for the birds, fish, reptiles, or anything else dependent upon insects; the birds who are left have been flying into the windows immediately after spraying occurred (repeatedly; never before). No small mammals other than coyotes, who feed on pets. “a silent spring, or very nearly so”. No fish ponds for the next generation. The water here used to be “excellent”/ chemicals changed that: and everybody says “the water isn’t dead yet”; but they know it can happen as chemicals continue to seep into this earth. “can’t be fixed”. Extreme drainage tiling, has made it impossible for water to seep down into the aquifer (which only claims one inch of water increase per fifty inches of rain). Extreme debt is everywhere in agriculture: no big new equipment, and nobody rents to you. From friendship in agriculture/ to what is now, “entirely about money”; things have changed. If you won’t save this world, you lose your home too. Yet media never tells you anything of life/ not even hidden inflation which we are drowning as a nation in.

The foundation of everything is: “nature, the essence of thought proven by reality” does it all. While people claim to produce food; the correct reality is they plant seed, or take some limited care of “livestock”; which grows through, little to do with their input. Medicine does no more than work with the body, or it will not heal: which means the body is our source of miracles/ at best, medicine can only help. Without the body first, and its life: there is nothing. Without life, to keep you “wanting to survive”; you will commit suicide: as in trapped on a rock, in the ocean guaranteed no other life will come; even if you could survive/ there is no cause. The universities claim “we did it all/ taking credit for absolutely everything they can”. Yet reality proves, that is a lie. While in contrast, their leadership/ their counterfeiting our money/ and playing games of extinction, with all life on earth; is indeed their contribution to our lives. Life comes first, a “first grader lesson” that literally MUST be taught to your “university elite”; because they absolutely don’t believe that is true. So proves the evidence.

Reality says:  due to chemicals and crop genetics, there are literally no insects left here in agriculture country. No food for the birds, fish, reptiles, or anything else dependent upon insects. No small mammals other than coyotes, who feed on pets. “a silent spring, or very nearly so”. No fish ponds for the next generation. The water here used to be “excellent”/ chemicals changed that: and everybody says “the water isn’t dead yet”; but they know it can happen as chemicals continue to seep into this earth. “can’t be fixed”. Extreme drainage tiling, has made it impossible for water to seep down into the aquifer (which only claims one inch of water increase per fifty inches of rain). Extreme debt is everywhere in agriculture: no big new equipment, and nobody rents to you. From friendship in agriculture/ to what is now, “entirely about money”; things have changed. If you won’t save this world, you lose your home too. At home, two years ago, a spraying plane went over this and the neighbor’s house; I have lost or badly damaged 5 broadleaf trees and 7 pines; the neighbor lost 13 if I remember correctly. There have always been barn swallow birds here in the spring; only two arrived this year, and they have left (no food); first time ever. {a few days after spraying, the barn swallows have come back} There were a few insects, until the sprayers came; there are extremely few insects left/ and the city dwellers generally use more chemicals per acre/ per person than do farmers; and that doesn’t include the fact “unless its perfect” you don’t want produce. Your fantasies won’t feed you much longer either. Our planet is in more trouble than you can even imagine.

With regard to that, the constant is as one man proved decades ago, when an answer was demanded: he said to me, I DON’T care about any of it/ I am making good money for the first time in my life; and don’t you do nothing to change that! An absolute recurring theme throughout my life; even if the rest didn’t say it. You fought for counterfeit money, and didn’t care. The second constant is, “I, can’t be right”/ where is my GREAT diploma, or as the religious say, “we don’t have to do nothing/ GOD will fix it all”. The third constant is, “you ain’t nobody; so I don’t have to listen”. The fourth constant is: “behind these closed doors, we do and we believe whatever we want”.

But truth does not care either; and the consequences of your decisions to discard the future and life/ the realities of spending your life on counterfeit money/ the destruction of everything needed for survival or peace: is not going away, just because you don’t want, what you don’t want. Numbers are only numbers/ reality keeps us alive, or makes us die. As to my own value, in terms of delivering the message: change this or die/ who among you cannot do the same? Truth decides what is important, and there is nothing more important or worthy of being called the news; than our own extinction. You run away to hide; insuring extermination. I contend the universities are wrong about fusion and more; and have proven it so. I contend there must be an opportunity called redress so the people themselves can decide if they will just let this world die; as universities do; and never lost a legal battle; although I lost every case, “by a frivolous excuse”.In the history of life on earth, there has RARELY been a time; when every human being mattered more. The evidence proves we stand on the edge of extinction/ and there is no going back. That means: our decision as one humanity united, to save this world, is literally our only option. Now or never is reality! ARE YOU, for life/ against life; or just don’t care? Not a game. The question has never been more serious:  DO YOU HAVE A DUTY TO YOUR WORLD? The critical truth: “nothing is more life threatening, than gambling with complete extinction itself”! NO, second chances. 

In terms of discipline, the fundamental of thought that allows me to conceive of: the uniformed army (we all got a diploma/ and you don’t belong unless you do) of university can be wrong! I offer this as a challenge to your brain.  Kinetic energy is formed from spin speed/ mass energy is formed from expansion/ and what holds it all together is structure contained by the opposite form of energy that is neither kinetic or potential (called a neutron). The neutron contains dark energy, it exists as the fundamental dark mass that constructs atomic  structure; as a lattice work.

My purpose here is only to produce the necessary elements, to insist “university theory” is NOT to be assumed as correct, just because they say it is. Which means: THEIR GAMBLING, WITH OUR ENTIRE PLANET AND ALL ITS NATURE/ must be stopped!

NEVER, in the history of humanity, has there been a time when fantasy ruled as it does today. I have proven false the theories of fusion. I have established: the reality of nature itself, is nothing less than presented to us by thought (how could it be otherwise)! I have proven true: that resource loss, chain of life destruction, is the annihilation of every child/ everything. I have submitted irrefutable evidence; your leaders operate only by counterfeiting money and debts which cannot be paid. Beyond question is: human overpopulation makes every horrifying biblical prophecy come true! The critical fact is:  ONLY TRUTH keeps us alive/ and university leadership (diploma required), is then proven to be based primarily in lies. Your worship of them, the key to our extinction! I have proven the importance of redress of grievances US AND STATE OF IL LAW. Your participation was never more important.

This court case is now set: it remains titled 2018 TR 005950: to be held in Champaign county courthouse; courtroom L (traffic court) at 4:00. June 7, 2018

The powerful take what they want/ the intellectual plots and plans and steals whatever they want; when they marry as is America today, the insurgency they create is literally to destroy democracy. By making illegitimate rules! Rules make a tyrant. Rules incarcerate a people, and steal their freedom. Rules corrupt a court by destroying the law; thereby removing justice through deception “the rule governs the law: IS NOT legal”. The demand to play god, as is the university plot: lives or dies based upon “the counterfeit money; as is hidden inflation”. Or more simply WE get to spend the inflated dollars/ YOU get to be our slave: because lies take more than money. Propaganda as is media:  abides by one simple rule, “the end justifies the means”/ so long as WE get what we want!

Nothing is more insane, than to believe you are god: as the universities all do! They claim no limits or boundaries for us: as DOES always becomes a curse for life! Nothing is less valuable, than those who will not “lift a finger/not utter a word” in defense of an entire living world! How is that not true, as we cannot bring anything of value back/ we cannot stop any disease they make, as can become a true pandemic in just a few days! We cannot stop the same fire as is on the sun, when ignited here on earth. WE HAVE A LEGAL RIGHT, TO DEMAND:  YOU SHALL NOT RISK OR GAMBLE WITH EVERYTHING WE NEED TO SURVIVE. UNLESS, we give you permission by our own understanding and then vote. Just because you can “fly a plane into a 50+ story building” doesn’t give you the right. Terrorists have no rights. The curse of a university game, their invasion of everything life or planet;  has no mind (zombie). It is, “the worst humanity can be”! Every horror predicted in biblical lore, is literally coming true; and with very little dissension religion says: “the university is our god”. Every foundation of life, is being evicted from our planet. Every possibility of our survival is being destroyed. THEREFORE THIS ONE LAST TEST IS SIMPLE AND PLAIN: either stand up for your world, and save it from destruction by demanding a trial to determine the truth; regarding what can or will go WRONG   from the tragedy of failure TO LIFE;  that is “a university diploma”. BY QUESTIONING WHAT IS TRUE/ AND PROVING WHAT, CAN GO WRONG. Then legally decide by vote: if you are or are not willing to accept the cost of being wrong for yourselves; because you don’t get a second vote. This is it: one time only/ a dead world does not come back to life or order! It goes UTTERLY insane. CHOOSE, is the university your god/ OR IS GOD, CREATOR of all that is LIFE ITSELF, and the natural world we live in; your GOD? Last chance forever. Make your decision now; there is no going back. Not even for the planet itself/ that is the price of a university diploma. The people who brought you “endless threats” which can easily make us all EXTINCT. 

Fair warning to all:  it is consistent with the truth of this reality; that fantasy and delusions “have run out of time”. Reality is itself, about to take over our lives, and it is by no means simply “merciful”: every decision has a cost. Every truth has a consequence, every lie is an opportunity to destroy. With even an elemental knowledge, that understanding is yours. So the question is: “what will you do”? Protect life and planet, demanding accountability as only truth can provide (a work)! Hide and run away, claiming GOD will do everything & you DON’T have to do NOTHING; consistent with lies (a curse)! Or just pretend you still don’t care, and prove you can play devil too (a judgment)?

  Value is a life worth living, it stems from the acceptance: we will never be “gods”/ life itself, through the beauty and grandeur of nature and planet, is enough. Finding respect, is then the best we can do. Fight for your world as nature and reality made it to be: or lose everything forever. That is the confrontation you face, and it will not be denied; no matter what you want.

Those who hate will see this lawsuit as a demand to “take away their good life”/ and make them pay for what they believed had been escaped: even to the point of murdering me [it will change nothing]. I DID NOTHING, but establish “this is not a game”. This lawsuit is to save your lives, from the realities of what you chose: to believe lies and fantasy were enough, and the future did not matter to you; “because you found numbers”. Those are in fact worthless, by your own accounting! I did not do that, nor did I create any of the extreme experiments which threaten life on earth: I fought against them all, for a lifetime. Your university gods failed life on earth; and that is the truth. You chose, to let them gamble with all life, even every child; even earth, by following “their religion (we believe we are gods), as is university knows”. Alas, the evidence proves you will lose, not me! Or you will change! So, the extended summary is, because the religious separate themselves and declare “not us”. Read Hebrews 10: 15-17 and choose, “who are you”.

In the search for life, the fundamental core of discipline, resides in the critical truth of order, but without the soul of balance, nothing exists for long. Those diseased individuals who believe they can be god with just a few changes to genetic structure lack even the most  basic ingredients of what creates the elevation called life. Instead of playing god, the foundations which interweave among the critical parts of genetic identity to create freedom, the “software” of thinking, and the component revelations of what it takes to establish harmony among the pieces; will be destroyed. Making them SATAN, by fact! Change this course, or unleash terrors beyond imagination: there is NO going back. Find your brain, OR be CRUCIFIED, by those who believe they can be god! 

You have the equivalent of a “team of children” who declare we know how to change a lightbulb; therefore we will now “control the world”; because we can, “do one tiny thing”. They are: Operating as a disease, in life, that is certain to become an extermination plague. Genetic reality is an instruction platform, rather than a simple “Paint by the numbers” stupidity. That platform and how it interrelates throughout the building process of every living thing; determines in humanity if you live, walk, talk, think, see, hear, move, taste, eat, and much more;  but it also determines whether your arms and the same length/ shaped in corresponding pairs/ put in the right place/ got organs that are the right size, and hung in the right places/ with lubricated joints/ and bones that not only build themselves, but are uniquely defined as human or not; as they grow to achieve the human bodies you know. The sewer of university vomit, that is absolute arrogance; believes this can all be thrown away; because they worship their religion of chaos “let evolution bring back something else”: Instead of nature life. LIFE the reality, REQUIRES THOUGHT, AS DOES DESIGN AND BUILDING ANYTHING. Either that, or the university contends: that a diploma means, “these are descriptions, without a brain”/ because evolution commands “that is what causes life”. CREATION contends: a greater elevation of thought than we could ever achieve GAVE US our bodies and world, so that we could search for the possibilities of an eternity; and join “those who love us”.  So the question is: are you the sewage of fools, OR can you accept the ascension of discipline, that understands the achievements of order, to provide access, even beyond the world called time? 

It is, fair to construct: that genetic building processes use “chemical concentrations” of less than one billion to one/ heat generation that matters, at less than one degree/ timing of principles and processes that are diligently held to one millionth of a second/ and realities of chemical creation and conservation just to gather the materials and create the machinery so far beyond human comprehension: that ARROGANCE believes, “they can do”, and be like GOD. Which returns us to “the curse of SATAN”. Or more clearly the reality, “YOU CAN’T be like    GOD”!       YOU, can only destroy HIS work; turning your arrogance into OUR extinction.

       “in other news artificial intelligence” seeks to lock you out of everything; so the few, can then take over your world. You have the simple truth, that history proves throughout: “there are always those, who try to take over the world, with any new weapon they can find”. When did that ever turn out well for life? The robots are coming, and they have no mercy. Robotic soldiers are also coming; and one man or one artificial intelligence can command “Millions”. The vast majority of humanity, will be without a job; begging, pleading, cannibalizing, and war. Food gone/ water gone/ hope gone. Because once you are judged worthless; by the few “who made their money counterfeiting our currency”; YOU, will become a toy, “fit for the garbage quickly”.  As history proves true: the one unifying factor in every terror we face today is, “the university played god”. Every leader has a diploma; do they not.

“a wrinkle” has appeared in the fabric of my decision to quit fighting for you or this world. The consequence of “this ticket” is, A NEW TRIAL! That I have one final opportunity to demand OUR constitutional law, as is first amendment redress of grievances/ must be obeyed, by the court! ! EXHIBIT C “building time”; directly contends with the assertion: “we cannot question the university”/ about EXTREME ENERGY EXPERIMENTS!  It is illegal and treasonous for them to deny it; but they have in the past; so the reality of whether this goes forward, will be PUBLIC DRIVEN. THE QUESTION that is before this society is:  DO YOU DEMAND THE AUTHORITY OF DEMOCRACY ITSELF, or do you not? in addition is the facts of this case; which demands not only an accounting of what our employees have been doing/ but redress extends to the democratic decision to remove any threat we can agree on: including weapons of mass destruction with world law. WE ARE roughly 8 billion people, as a world of humanity/ our leaders throughout this world are a very few thousand. As America, we are 330 million with a few hundred leaders! BY LAW, We literally can tell them all:  what they are allowed to do! Even if there is risk involved. The choice is yours:  get off your ass, inform your community, do what you can LEGALLY DO/ and accept the consequences of your action is: OUR  REALITY, will be determined by our decisions now. EVERY aspect of trial is a definition of what other people have been doing. I MERELY DEMAND OBEDIENCE TO CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, by all governmental employees; including the courts. Both state and federal. I DISTINCTLY DEMAND: REALITY NOT FANTASY MUST RULE OUR LIVES; WHICH INCLUDES THE REMOVAL OF THREATS.

The essence of everything, is built upon truth. That fact identifies the critical link, between life and energy, or even mass, energy, and time as life; through the existence of a spiritual boundary, that constructs an environment within which that identifiable fact of existence, can arise.

Life gains the freedom to express and experience the essence of truth itself, by assembling under the laws that grant those boundaries an identity within.

The inescapable definitions of thought, as the translation of all things in existence or beyond:  construct the values which become the expansion or contraction of what can or cannot be.

Spirit means, “passage”/ the elemental rise of what will become the connections between distinct truths of a particular value, or conception; by its own laws. The spiritual essence of life, connects those laws together in an environment, which becomes defended by the boundaries and values of what these specific truths will allow. Spirit then comes to mean, divided into the definitions of what can and will live together within peace and harmony.

Spirit is the laws, which then give to life its identity. The creation of freedom arises within thought, as the understanding presented by knowledge, which can then be translated into our own individual creation. Spirit creates an environment, defined by individual values, but controlled by definable and distinct laws which govern this particular environment. That law, is the boundary; and it will not be violated, unless truth in knowledge of existence requires it. True knowledge is a door, it leads to deeper understanding/ OR, out beyond the boundaries of this existence, to where the only critical link between life and death is you. Not a game! Today, human university violates the laws of existence in time; and threatens extinction. A reality so deprived of knowledge or thought, that it is an essence of Satan (destroyer of life and world).

The elemental essence of eternity, lives and breathes in the rhythms of a life with value; that value elevates love as the true relationship giving life its desire to live. While thought is essential to existence, love creates the passionate response which gives life hope. Hope that lives within the expressions and experience of love, present eternity as a purpose worth the price.

Our world is threatened with extinction, because humanity refuses to pay the price/ accept what is true/ understand the consequences of being wrong/ or fails simply because they do not believe love is enough for life; and desire to play games instead. Human population increases have altered the balance, disciplines, and order of this world. human disrespect has granted extreme experimentation, and literally no response for life comes first. Those facts will soon destroy this world, unless you change before “the point of no return”: as is truth now controls, by the reality of what you chose. These are decisions you have made/ realities only you can change.

My advice to you is very simple:  either fight for life, organize yourselves and demand “our law, as we the people” shall rule on earth, as best you can:  within the law that supports truth. OR, simply give up, and share the last moments of time with all the things you love, that will love you back. Remembering, your truth becomes, your eternity: through   GOD  .   Don’t discard reality; that only eliminates the possibility of a future. But don’t fight for a future that does not exist, that is worthless. Let truth decide what is true. It should be said, “that a less than one percent chance” of humanity surviving another twenty years does exist/ but first you have to get through the next couple of years just to have hope. The machine intending to ignite a nuclear fire WILL be in operation soon. Population explosion. Water or war, soon begins. The antibiotics that were your blessing/ will soon be you’re unending curse; as disease will come, and the factory farm will die; leaving you without livestock to eat. Mutilating nature itself, will end in absolute chaos and horror. Weapons of mass destruction are certain to be used; because people all want more, and will fight until they are. Ocean life will die; ending that food supply. The planet will overheat. Just to name a few. But hey, “you don’t care”, as plainly stated and repeated “with vigor”;  throughout the last forty years.

The rules of everything include:  RESPECT YOUR TRUTH, and discard all the lies, as is so clearly and plainly and without reservation remove: evolution/ extreme energy experiment/ resource devastation/ human population explosion/ and all the rest. Understand the cost of being WRONG, and choose: LIFE ON THIS PLANET MUST COME FIRST. The individual shall NOT endanger the whole, as is being done in medicine, and its monopoly. The children shall NOT pay for the parent, as is your counterfeiting of money. The world shall NOT be threatened with weapons of mass destruction: THERE MUST be world law, created and enforced by we the people. The correct form of government is: described by constitutional intent as this is our desire for our nation/ and enforced by the laws which govern our purpose within that constitutional intent. The critical measure of economic justice is found in “limited capitalism”; which requires all to try, and enforces YOU can’t take it all; we will set the limits of our nation, by vote. Whosoever makes the law, RULES the nation: which means we the people MUST make those laws for ourselves. But NOT by voting for someone to vote for me/ rather by their creation as a public right of passage: into a future we did choose for ourselves.

The author; assigns this value to my work:  that none should be lead, none should be tempted, none should be manipulated or controlled, none should be cheated out of making their own decision for life/ or “without care”. That means I teach, by “whispering, in the dark”. Your heart must hear it, and your soul must identify what is true. The values placed in your hand, represent life or death to our world. That makes your decision, for or against life and planet: more important, than any other generation before you. YOU are free to decide the fate of this world/ BUT, if you don’t care; THERE IS NO GOING BACK!

Truth teaches, without doubt or question: that the human body is engineered, architecturally designed, and technically so superior to anything a human being can do; that evolution is a complete impossibility. Accidents do not bring order/ particularly when it takes at least a quadrillion disciplined and balanced pieces, to make the human being. Or anything else in nature itself; other than what humanity raped, ruined, invaded, or simply chose to destroy. Thought participates as the means for life to begin/ and that does preclude any conception of brain. Thought then, conceives of eternity; because it can.  Did a car build itself? The universities say: life which includes the human body was built one piece at a time; by microscopic cells, “without a hand, a tool, motion or brain”/ not a single thought available; yet this creature of ignorance and sublime existence, created you.  WHERE IS YOUR brain? Answer the question.

For those who still believe their “universities who fantasized about fusion; and still pretend to be working in that area”/ you are wrong. As the reality of every tokomak (running 12, 3; they hide the most horrific images) has absolutely NOTHING to do with trying to combine hydrogen into helium; as that is impossible by design. Instead the tokomak (coming)is entirely built, and designed for making the plasma inside so hot, it must erupt by their intent:  into a violent  sun like flame. Their fusion claim is: that extreme pressures must be applied to force hydrogen to become helium/ that is impossible in a tokomak.  In other words: their only purpose is clearly a nuclear fire. No if’s, no and’s or no but:  these are strictly designed to ignite a nuclear (burn atoms) flame. Which of course means ,you can’t simply “take the fuel source away”. EVERYTHING, is made of atoms! In further news concerning the www.iter.org   machine:  this was built to be a 1000 megawatt electrical power station. Their claim, “not enough fuel” to be dangerous; is entirely false (it takes a lot of fuel just to turn it on)! Their reality of purpose is then entirely a lie. The assertion of making fusion (with 180 million degrees & 500 million psi of pressure “their claim”) has also been disproven by Lawrence LIvermore Laboratories in San Francisco.  Alas, admission of these things removes their job/ their titles/ and their power. The reality of “iter” is particularly dramatic because of the massive amount of fuel they WILL be using. Consequently it loses the concept of gambling; and establishes the intent to destroy ALL life on earth. This book , building time;  will help you understand, why. 

I will add: that media has provided an occasional glimpse of what the explosive of a 20 ton nuclear bomb “looks like”. As such, visually it was given to be that the actual explosive inside is much like a rice cake: fits in the hand. Purpose being: consider that description when those who have prepared our extermination suggest “not enough fuel” to be dangerous. IT IS A LIE! Bringing the same fire here as is on the sun: reminds us, that without ozone, the radiation alone would kill us from 91 million miles away. How much more so, right here!

       The value of every life is, “its truth”. The value of every truth is: by the reality of evidence, the consequence of being wrong CAN be determined, and the definitions then, of what our choices can be are found. Every decision forms from the values inside your heart. Every heart lives or dies in the relationships we care to share with our world. The value of this work is: that you do have your chance to correct and identify the future, changing directions so that life may survive. OR, you may continue on, as the universities decree; and literally destroy all (including you) life on earth! The value of moments in time, is a freedom to choose. The value of your own individual choice is “eternal”, by one definition, and it’s direction, or the other. Love or hate: “your choice”!

For those who cannot accept the university could be wrong, consider this truth: that a solar flare is merely more fuel thrown into the fire (just like here on earth)/ a solar tornado is a hole in the fuel supply, where much less fuel is being vacuumed up/ so the fire sinks down and intensifies at the fuel source. Solar gravity is literally from the fire itself: as is proven by the fact we know than an atom has enormous amounts of energy inside/ therefore WE KNOW, that an equal or greater opposite force must exist to hold that energy in place, or it will escape; and the atom will then not exist. The opposite energy or neutron, is dark mass or its proven response which is negative or dark energy. When released from the atomic bond: heat energy as is consistent with proton escapes outward/ while its opposite or cold energy goes inward; as is consistent with solar gravity. Prove reality wrong! Consider the truth and consequences; of what letting “university knows” continue trying to ignite a nuclear fire on earth? When they don’t even know simple things as are these.

The constant of humanity is:  “we will wait and see/ having no use for being warned in advance”. Their claim is:  the perceived heaviest object in our solar system called the sun: is made almost entirely of the lightest known element in the solar system. Their claim of enormous amounts of helium being made, with every btu of heat: is blatantly, not true. The only known resource that can emit the energy released by the sun is  NUCLEAR. The reality of a nuclear fire, which we have no way of testing for composition; because of the ten million degree heat. Which is the burning of the bond which holds an atom together/ very similar to the burning of a molecular bond which gives us a chemical fire here on earth. Because you can’t stop the fire once it is ignited: the only method of survival is to stop the ignition of that flame (same fire as the sun= one million miles long)/ same result. If the core of the sun were on fire/ then all the fuel would be quickly used up: again, just fantasy delusions. REALITY is not a theory! Neither is igniting a fire on top of “everything is fuel”. The hydrogen emitted from a nuclear fire, is the ash cloud “pollutant” of the fire/ because it is smallest atom possible. Hydrogen is a gas, unless frozen: it has no stability on earth to remain on the surface once released, “it floats away”/ HOW is that the strongest gravity in this solar system? Answer the question: because your world is threatened with extinction; by the “university gods” you worship so much:  THEY GAMBLE with ALL life on earth, by their deceptions. READ the book I present called building time, and learn something real. REMEMBERING TO BE WRONG, IS TO IGNITE OUR WORLD ON FIRE JUST LIKE THE SUN. SAME ENERGY/ SAME RESULT! That fact means, “it doesn’t matter what you call it” we burn. Their solution “what is this goes wrong”? Answer:  not enough gravity here, it will just go poof into outer space! They bet your world on it. Their solution to genetic catastrophe is:  “NOT to worry”, evolution will fix it in a billion years or so. 

. In terms of humanity itself, the only true question that must be answered is:  WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU ARE WRONG? No playing/ no theories/ no conjectures/ no fantasy elements:  simply what happens if you release the same energy source as is on the sun here on earth/ and it gets out of control. “whoops you made a mistake”/ no going back! What happens when nature cannot remain the same as nature decreed it should be:  etcetera/ etcetera/ etcetera:  Simple as that. Not a game, life or death for this world.

The constant is: that I the author here, can be ridiculed, discarded, or whatever it is/ how is that not true. The constant is: not one single reality of my life is relevant;  to, for, or against the fact our world is threatened with extermination. Whether you hate me, love me, discard or disrespect me the foundation of our reality is: enemy or friend we all die together in a nuclear fire. We all face (every single one) horrifying mutilation, cannibalism, war, and more because this world is finite, nature is irreplaceable, and we cannot replace or fix anything they destroy. Because a few people in control, believe they can play  GOD.  One hundred million more mouths to feed over deaths per year, is enough all by itself, to make us extinct!

      History proves: war is not an answer/ unless there is literally no other way. Syria and more deliberately prove: the LOSS, IS NOT worth the price. ONLY THE LAW, incorporated into constitutional enforcement, is an answer. Whosoever makes the laws/ rules the nation or world. That fact proves:  WE THE PEOPLE MUST, make our own laws. Not more than one hundred short and direct laws to control the truth of what we chose: so that we can defend ourselves/ teach ourselves/ and defend our world as well. NOT by begging leaders to do what they promised to do/ but by controlling the courts, and establishing enforcement, by making those leaders personally responsible for NOT obeying “sworn constitutional demands”. That law exists (therefore it can be enforced) in America, as 1st amendment, redress of grievances.

it is forever true, from this point on that the reality of our lives as 8 billion or so, people means:  no element of war can fix the reality of what has already been done.  ANY major war, of any kind; will end with our extinction. Because the damage done will be so severe/ no chance to rebuild anything will occur. The food/ the water/ the resource for doing anything will disappear, and nothing will bring it back. Even if you kill a billion people/ they will literally reappear, within ten years. Or more distinctly, UNLESS you kill or find birth control to eliminate one hundred million people per year: today. The population will rise, and be completely unsustainable, IF we have not already crossed the line to extinction is coming. The ways of men (war will fix it) are dead! That leaves us all with the ways of women, which history describes as;  basically “anything but war”.

Quote:  first look into the future/ then decide for the day!  “James Frank Osterbur”. 

Humanity must change quickly, or this entire earth will die/ is a reality that proves, “these are the most powerful words ever written”. But they do not compete with “all truths eternal, as did JESUS bring”, a reality of conception, that can never be defeated. I am not your question: whether the evidence of threat is true, is! I am not your savior or friend or enemy, in this reality of information: I am merely the messenger/ apparently no one else wanted the job. What I am is simple:  a human being, who gave up a lifetime; because the threat of literal world extinction, by the evidence;  cannot be dismissed. Nothing more or less than that!

When only the truth matters, when only the truth gets to decide today, so that the future itself can be identified as best we can. Then people are not given to following like a herd/ but learn to investigate, examine, and decide as individuals, for themselves!

for sale. exhibit C;  from Amazon kindle books; by james osterbur:     “Building Time. SECRETS OF THE ATOM”, a developmental journey; plain language, without the math to distract. Foundations:  Examining truth for its relationship to the existence of atoms, electricity, solar gravity, gravity, black holes, revealing an extreme threat against all life one earth: and more. If you truly desire to learn how the essence of time begins, you will.

The illustration for this book; is a conception intended to create a “5% definition” of what the 7 various plateaus of energy can be comprehended or developed as existing. Not intended to be perfect/ simply instructional.

  1. It doesn’t take a big brain to recognize the same heat source as is the sun, here on earth can destroy us! It does however take a very diseased “big brain”; to design a fraud, and insist a fire that is 91 million miles away, and can burn your skin in summer: is something the universities can play with. Because we KNOW, if out of control FOR EVEN A SECOND; that NUCLEAR FIRE, WILL IN FACT KILL THE ENTIRE PLANET.    in the literal instant ignition of that fire, or whatever the university calls it, ignites:  life or death for the planet is fixed forever.  We cannot extinguish a ten million degree fire, that burns atoms:  which means “THEY cannot be WRONG”! Who among your high school students, neighbors, etc;  is so great; so damn smart,  they can gamble YOUR whole life/ our whole world?  YOU CAN, AND MUST SAY:  STOP!    NO MORE OF THIS!
  2. YOU can be afraid, and hide from this reality/ you can be arrogant or religious and absolutely certain the university “will save you”/ you can be afraid of ridicule, and keep your mouth shut/ you can fight for your world/ or whatever it is that YOU choose.  WHAT YOU CANNOT DO, is evade a nuclear fire once it ignites!  So, the choice of letting these experiments continue until ignition occurs:  LETTING THIS ENTIRE WORLD be gambled with; [absolutely everything]!  OR, choosing that you can communicate with others to stop the madness and defend life on earth!  IS YOUR CHOICE/ AND ITS YOU, AND YOUR CHILD’S / ALL LIFE INCINERATED, even a planet lost, a solar system changed:      to be wrong.        make your decision, there are NO second chances; you can’t stop the fire once it ignites.       others continue to try:  THE REALITY today 12, 3; 4 IS THAT SIMPLE!

CREATION IS:  the value and technical realities clearly defined by every body of life/ every aspect of our environment, as a planet and its relationship to our survival: even the ability to love. Without question, the critical aspects of a living body, ARE SO ENORMOUSLY beyond our level of thinking; there are no words to describe that truth. Therefore we simply acknowledge:  “MIRACLES, BY   GOD”!  Only the most foolish/ the people without a “brain”; could concoct anything less; because the evidence of truth, proves absolutely “not an accident/ and certainly not “by ourselves”. Destroying themselves/ destroying you, for nothing more than pride! The value of every life is incomprehensible: show respect. Evolution (university religion) says; “chaos built life by accident/ one piece at a time”.  Reality says:  the adult human body is comprised of several trillion microscopic cellular creatures, all of who must get along/ stay where they are put/ live, eat, grow, and be exactly what the body needs or: “all the trillions of them”, won’t survive as an individual human life. Made out of a quadrillion “individual cellular pieces” or so, of living materials: which literally builds itself, in a very exactly, disciplined, ordered, balanced, engineered, technical beyond belief: way!  NOT an accident:  only a complete fool, would assume it is!  To violate the genetic instructions of nature, and risk the entire world of life: is terrorism.

    global warming!  

  1. So ask them: if they aren’t trying to ignite a nuclear fire, what exactly are they trying to do, “to these atoms”?  answer:  we want the nuclear energy released, with less initial force than an explosion! Which literally means, “they want fire to erupt”! Don’t worry though, your scientists have it all worked out:  their fantasy element graviton, “makes this fire safe”. Reality states:  it is the nuclear fire that produces solar gravity. Proven false by the periodic table; gravitons don’t exist. The endless fraud of fusion, is “we aren’t really trying to ignite atoms on fire/ the sun really isn’t burning/ all the fuel is on fire, starting at the core/ fantasy gravity, with an atomic element 15 times heavier than lead: without the slightest proof: is worth gambling all life on earth! Etcetera/ etcetera/ etcetera, except for the fact that they truly are trying to ignite atoms on fire, on a planet where everything is then in fact, fuel! And that means once ignition occurs our planet, this earth; does in fact become another sun. Not to worry though, your geneticists are mutilating all life beyond recognition:  cause they are gods, to you;  and the university knows everything.  Graviton is a lie, your gods at university are betting our entire planet and your life on/ “that is just going to put the nuclear fire out”;  cause we don’t have gravitons here! So the atomic fire releasing the energy contained by the bond in an atom: will just go “poof” and rise out into space all by itself/ taking the fire with it.  Alas, if that don’t happen, and fantasies don’t rule reality: then our world ends, and you are incinerated. Not to worry though:  your courts/ your politicians/ your policing agencies/ your military/ your media/ your religions/ your extra special smart people in university/ your cult following: is absolutely sure,  “that fool, can’t be right”. “We, have a book”!  However, if your gods of university are wrong/ YOU ARE DEAD. No second chances/ no we will get this right the next time: because a ten million degree fire, that burns atoms for fuel: IS NOT going away.  “just like the sun”/ which they do proclaim is exactly the fire they want to ignite here on earth. “Hurrah, what could possibly go wrong? Answer the question/ because you will die from the truth!


215 trillion divided by 8 billion people=$26,875 dollars per human face on the planet; babies and all. And it is a low estimate.  one quadrillion is equal to one million, BILLIONARIES: or more distinctly, divided equally it is $125,000.00 per human face on the planet (when divided by 8 billion people). This is, the insurgency of an intellectual; they do not attack with murder/ they attack with games and traps which they intend to win. This is, the reality of “electronic money”; where only numbers represent work and resources instead of realities such as gold. Or more distinctly you can have ANY number/ but you cannot have an unlimited amount of gold, as it is real. This is: the evidence that proves, the counterfeiters have taken over our world; and turned us all into their slaves; because someone has been spending our future/ by presenting numbers, as money;  without ANY reality attached. While the intellectual will tell you “this has been great, it keeps the world going”:  REALITY SAYS, “your bank account is filled with lies, that have no meaning in truth” (just like a slave). While your children have lost most of the resources their future demands:  which means, the intellectual chose “to assassinate them”; for their own greed, and selfish pride or power! WHO, do you believe is supposed to PAY for all those numbers; on this very finite planet. NO resources/ no life; “just like a desert”. BUT PLENTY of anger & hate! The reality of an intellectual war, against life.

U.S. Stock Market Tops $25 Trillion – Up $1.9 Trillion Since Election …

https://seekingalpha.com › Macro View › Market Outlook  Jan 27, 2017

derivative is a security with a price that is dependent upon or derived from one or more underlying assets. The derivative itself is a contract between two or more parties based upon the asset or assets. Its value is determined by fluctuations in the underlying asset.

Derivative – Investopedia

I have not looked for years: but it WAS entirely possible if you had the credit to buy $50 dollars worth of stock/ for a one dollar actual investment. One trillion dollars is again: $10,000.00 per each of one hundred million people.     Consider the consequences? Consider, the fastest computers can now initiate and complete a stock transaction in one millionth of a second. “YOU, can’t compete”.

 25 trillion dollars invested in the nyse a number from January of last year 2017; identifies that one hundred million people divided equally would each have $250,000.00 invested in JUST the stock market; after taxes. That is slightly less than one in three Americans; babies and all. Ask: is this currency inflated/ are these numbers real/ or like GM/ CHRYSLER/ FANNIE MAE/ and more; is it just numbers without reality attached? Only a tiny few own the numbers:  but every single other one of us, gets to pay the debt, because it’s called “money”.

Can’t believe it? Consider this, the “iter.org” machine cost roughly one trillion dollars/ and its only true purpose is to ignite the same fire as is on the sun. Once ignition of that fire occurs, there is no going back. “You can run/ you can hide/ you can excuse yourself by not caring”; but ignition of a ten million degree fire means, that does NOT extinguish itself, means our planet is going to be: another sun!

THE WORLD CHANGED           the reality of your shame.

I DO recommend, you download this site; and use it however you wish/ so that it cannot be taken away.    your warning is complete.

Some say we need a war to resolve some of our population problems! The reality however is absolutely clear: the birth increase rate is roughly between 3 & 4 children  over deaths “demanding to be fed”; every second. So that is how many people must be killed continuously to remain at the same current population. Or even more distinctly: to reduce the size of the human population by the same amount it grows: it would be necessary to kill 6-8 human beings every second;  continuously over the next forty years to return to a reality that would allow people to believe they did not need to consider the consequences again/ and that of course would cause the population to again explode. There is of course the reality:  after killing a large number of people disease and pandemics occur, so as to reduce the number of bullets you would need.  There are 86,400 seconds in a 24 hour day, a billion more humans every decade now. Perhaps you believe, igniting the earth on fire with the same realities of energy which make the sun burn:  “is the best way to die” );  everybody, at once? Because after all:  “ain’t nobody going to change/ that is THEIR job”, not yours;  now ain’t that right.  After all, the gamble is: if they ignite it and can’t control a ten million degree fire, that clearly burns atoms for fuel: earth becomes a sun! 

      Just so its clear, the reality of our existence as facing extinction is:  because “you want what you want/ and absolutely DON’T want to know the cost or consequences of that decision. Therefore people are preparing,   to “make you fry”!  the list is very long of threats, this is a small one  “crash”

The reality is:  although numerous extreme threats exist, any one of which can cause our extermination from this planet. The most clearly critical at this moment in time is:   WWW.ITER.ORG  BECAUSE their machine is beyond the scope of all the rest. WRONG is a dead earth/ even a destroyed solar system; because the earth is then another sun/ until it explodes. No second chances.

The university delusion is: “we can take the same fire as is on the sun/ and control it here on earth”. Or, even if we can’t; the fire will extinguish itself, because there is not enough gravity here on earth to sustain the fire. So say your “great men of science”.

WRONG means, this earth becomes a sun! NO, second chances; because a ten million degree fire that obviously burns atoms for fuel/ CANNOT be extinguished. The atmosphere will be ejected, by a fire like on the sun, HERE;  declared to be “one million miles long”. Even the solar system itself, will be lost, because humanity did not care enough: to stop the insane.

Biblical prophecy puts our time to find sanity, and save our world, ending:  as of July 9, 2019.  The machine called ITER is now the most likely ignition point, for nuclear fire!  Where there is an energy release/ there is fuel. The fuel for an atomic bomb is the destruction of an atomic bond thereby releasing that energy. the fuel for a nuclear fire as is on the sun:  is the burning of an atomic bond/ thereby the release of energy over a much longer period of time than in an explosion. Solar gravity is the release of dark energy/ as does keep the kinetic energies we know in check.

Your “university gods” say:  we must, burning fossil fuels;  is killing us! They promise clean energy/ but they forget: the sun also produces such extreme radiation with that energy, that without ozone we the life on earth would be “microwaved”. From 91 million miles away! HOW will they separate that? no answer.

  1. Every theory the “university elite” have presented in terms of the sun; and its heat generation: is an unproven/ unsubstantiated/ guess. Without any support from reality, other than “it’s a ten million degree F. heat source with up to 12 million mile long solar flares of heat energy.  in contrast to that:  every reality, regarding the sun, as is proven by the evidence that I have supported, can be considered true! “Challenge them both”!

The solution is:  8 BILLION PEOPLE, CAN TELL A FEW HUNDRED OR THOUSAND PEOPLE, what they will or will not be allowed to do.  By creating the laws ourselves! The critical truth is:  we own that right/ we own that responsibility! It is the price, and the power of being human.  The reality, a very simple: “legal and governmental moratorium” on all extreme experimentation, INCLUDING geneitcs:  UNTIL WE THE PEOPLE give our permission for this to “STOP/ be dismantled/ start/ continue/ or resume in ANY facet, as we allow;  whatsoever.” To insure that, electrical service without exception: shall be discontinued and disconnected/ along with everything else required to insure STOP! With severe consequences for the failure to comply!

The clear, true, legal right to protect our lives, our nature, our environment, our children, our future; as the humanity/ as life of this earth:  IS ABSOLUTE!

LIFE TALK #1   #2     #3     #4   #5   #6    #7                                                         the living talk     #1   #2     #3    #4   #5    #6    #7    #8   #9   #10   #11

AND HUMANITY SAYS:  these people have armies, weapons, and prison. While reality says:  to ignite atoms on fire (as is what happens on the sun) means our entire world dies in fire! To mutilate nature means HORROR IS COMING FOREVER. To destroy every resource we need for our very survival is:  cannibalism, and worse. To let the environment and chains of life which give us time:  COLLAPSE/ is HELL.!  so, CHOOSE, your worst enemy, and demand we CANNOT LET THEM BE WRONG;  because there is no  escape without TRUE, DISCIPLINED, change.  WE, the people are the army/ we provide the weapons/ and we close or open the jails; by the decisions that we make.  All of that means:  “our leaders, and their university education” have been a disease, and worse; to everything life is or can be.  Simple, and true!  EXTREME Arrogance, pride, greed, power, liar, cheat, thief, traitor, and terrorist are proven by the evidence, of our reality. Truth decides what can or cannot stay.

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Jim Osterbur

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